My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 825 Lightning and thunder, crackling!

Li Yanran also glared at Li Hong, and she still had the nerve to cry?

Don’t you know how much trouble you have caused?

Isn't it just a matter of two punches, and that's all I feel aggrieved about?

"Sister, my legs hurt!"

Li Hong covered his legs and cried miserably to Li Yanran.

"Deserve it!"

Li Yanran was also so angry that she had nothing to say. Now she knew her legs were hurting.

If someone hadn't come to report to you, your leg might have been useless all the way to Chengdu.


Li Hong originally thought that since he was like this, his sister would sympathize with him, but he didn't expect that he turned out to be such a hard-hearted person.

I'm your biological brother, how could you do this?

"You're still crying. Why didn't you cry when we came out? I really want to kill you!"

Li Yanran had no choice but to squat next to Li Hong and began to massage his legs.

"Your Highness, now that we have found your Highness, we should immediately send someone to take him back to Lishan Mountain!"

Di Renjie also came over and directly suggested to Li Yanran.

This Li Hong is the prince, so there must be no problems.

"Sister, I don't want to go back, I don't want to go back!"

After giving Di Renjie a hard look, Li Hong quickly begged Li Yanran for mercy.

"shut up!"

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head again. Everyone here is qualified to speak, except you, the loser.

"Di Renjie, come here!"

After accepting Li Hong, Li Yanran also called Di Renjie aside.

"Your Highness, what's wrong?"

Di Renjie looked at Li Yanran in front of him, wondering why he called him over.

"Do you think you can still send him back to Lishan fiefdom now?"

Li Yanran sighed and said to Di Renjie.

"Your Highness, are you afraid of danger if you send His Highness back?"

Di Renjie instantly understood what Li Yanran meant.

It would be okay if we didn't know that Li Hong was in the car, but if we send Li Hong back like this, if something goes wrong, we will really be in big trouble.

"Well, Xiao Li Hong has posed a big problem for me. Can you feel relieved to send him back now?"

Li Yanran nodded, this is what he was afraid of.

Li Hong, Li Hong, she doesn’t know what to do either.

"Then what does Your Highness mean? Do you want to take His Highness to Chengdu Mansion with you? This is absolutely not allowed!"

Di Renjie was horrified, his eyes full of disbelief.

If you don't send Li Hong back to Lishan, you can only take him to Chengdu.

However, taking the prince to the southwestern part of the empire and the chaotic Chengdu Mansion, if there was even the slightest problem, it would be a disaster for Datang.

"There is no other way. If I had known I would have brought more people with me this time, it seems like this is the only way we can do it now."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong depressedly. This kid really made him want to stop.

"But, if His Majesty or the civil and military forces of the DPRK find out about this, it will be in trouble!"

Di Renjie shook his head, feeling a little empty.

"I can only hide it for one day. I hope dad won't summon Li Hong during this time."

Li Yanran had no choice but to take Di Renjie back to Li Hong.

"Come here, prepare to send His Highness back to the fiefdom!"

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Li Hong burst into tears instantly.

I have endured so much suffering, and I even took Bigu Pills for it, and now you want to send me back again.

"Sister, just take me to Chengdu Mansion."

Li Hong hugged his elder sister's thigh, wiping his nose on his clothes while crying.

"No way, I know how annoying you are.

If you go to Chengdu Mansion, you will cause trouble for me again.

How can I be worthy of my father and the country of the Tang Dynasty? "

Li Yanran shook her head and shouted coldly at Li Hong.

"I promise to listen to Sister's words and never cause trouble. Sister, just take me to Chengdu Mansion!"

Li Hong also held on to Li Yanran's thigh. This was his only hope.

If the elder sister disagrees, he really doesn't know what to do.

"Are you willing to obey what you said?"

Li Yanran sneered and asked Li Hong.

"I must be obedient. If you ask me to go east, I will never go west. If you ask me to catch a dog, I will never catch a chicken.

In short, I will do whatever you ask me to do. If I say no, you will send me back to Chang'an immediately.

This should finally work! "

Li Hong raised his head and glanced at Li Yanran, and he agreed to whatever he said.

"Then can you complete all your previous homework before arriving in Chengdu?"

"Yes, I can. Even if I don't eat or sleep, I have to finish all my homework before arriving in Chengdu!"

Li Hong was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth and assured his elder sister.

"Okay, then let's make it a deal and take you to Chengdu Mansion for the time being.

When you get there, finish your homework and I won’t rush you back. If you can’t finish it, I’ll send you back right away! "

Hearing Li Hong's words, Li Yanran also tilted her mouth.

"Okay, it's a deal!"

"Then it depends on your ability!"

After speaking, Li Yanran turned and left.

"Sister Aa!"

"what happened?"

Li Yanran turned around and looked at Li Hong again.

"Can you make me something to eat? After eating so many Tianhu cakes, I have already caused a big fuss in the Five Zang Temple here."

Li Hong scratched his head in embarrassment.

Now that he has been exposed, there is no need to eat those biscuits. It is time to feed his belly with something good.

"Besides eating, what else do you know? You really don't know what to say!"

Li Yanran was so angry that she didn't know what to eat all day long.

"Sister, please!"

Li Hong also clasped his hands together and begged Li Yanran.


Li Yanran left without even looking at Li Hong.

"Master, His Highness is gone, please stop hitting me!"

Ma Hou, who had been beaten with a bruised nose and face, saw Li Yanran leaving and hurriedly rushed to the master who had done the dirty trick and spoke. “Mahou, you really disappoint me!”

Li Feng glanced at Li Yanran's back and kicked Ma Hou again, looking like he hated iron.

"Master, please stop talking about me. Haven't you always taught me to put loyalty first?

What would you do if the one who came out this time was not the boss but the princess? "

Ma Hou's eyes also turned red. He didn't think he had done anything wrong.

I have always followed your instructions.

If this person were Li Yanran, you would definitely do the same thing as yourself.

Think about what others want and reach out for others, this is what a good boy should do.

"I, I, you have become more capable, you dare to challenge me, master!"

Hearing Ma Hou's words, Li Feng was stunned for a moment, and immediately slapped him again.

"Master! It hurts!"

"It's okay if it hurts. Think twice before doing something next time!"

After leaving a word, Li Feng also chased after Li Yanran.

"came back?"

Li Yanran glanced at Li Feng who was chasing him, and also asked him.

"Miss, Ma Hou did go too far this time. I have already punished him!"

Li Feng also said to Li Yanran a little embarrassed.

"Mahou is not to blame for what happened this time. It was all Li Hong's idea. You just need to punish him!"

Li Yanran didn't say anything, and she didn't think about what to do.

After all, he is just a younger brother. What does Li Hong want to do? What else can he do?

"Thank you, Miss!"

Li Feng also smiled at Li Yanran, and then followed her obediently.

"By the way, you can arrange for Fan Ze to bring some delicious food to that silly boy Li Hong later."


Ma Hou limped to Li Hong's side.

"Boss, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, what about you, how are you?"

Li Hong looked at Ma Hou, who had a bruised nose and swollen face, and said it was impossible not to feel guilty.

After all, it was all his fault that the other party received this beating.

"Boss, I'm fine. Although the master hit hard, he was still very measured in his attacks."

Ma Hou forced out a smile, but when he curled his lips, his face instantly twisted together.

"You said it's okay, just take a rest!"

Li Hong was depressed. Seeing you like this, you are still pretending to be a big-tailed wolf.

"Hey, I'm so hungry!"

Ma Hou also lay next to Li Hong, touching his belly with a distressed look.

"I'm hungry too! There are still Hu biscuits, why don't you have some?"

"Forget it, I'm about to vomit after eating biscuits these days. Instead of eating those, I might as well eat grass!"

Ma Hou shook his head, grabbed a handful of grass, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Are you stupid?"

Seeing Ma Hou's actions, Li Hong was stunned for a moment, and slapped him out of the grass he put in his mouth.

"Boss, I don't want to eat Hu Biscuits anymore. I really can't eat them anymore!"

Ma Hou was also about to cry. He had really eaten enough Hu cakes and couldn't eat any more.

"Then you can't eat grass either, you are a human, not a horse.

Wait, I'll find you something to eat. "

Li Hong's eyes flashed with determination. This was his little brother, and he, the eldest brother, could never do this.

"Boss, what does it smell like?"

Ma Hou sniffed and then looked over following the smell.

"Your Highness, Your Highness asked me to bring you some chicken soup!"

Fan Ze held a casserole and placed it directly in front of the two of them.

"chicken soup?"


Fan Ze nodded and directly opened the lid of the kill, and the strong fragrance instantly filled the sky.

"It's delicious!"

Smelling the tempting smell, Li Hong couldn't help it anymore and reached out his hand to grab the casserole.

Not to be outdone, Ma Hou put his hand into the casserole.


"Hot, hot, hot!"

The two of them immediately retracted their hands due to the burning.

"Your Highness, although this chicken soup has been stewed a long time ago, you still have to be careful because it will be hot!"

Fan Ze smiled, picked up a spoon, scooped out two bowls of soup and brought them to the two of them.

After taking the soup bowl, the two of them still looked at the pheasant in the casserole, and then put it to their mouths together.

"Hot, hot, hot!"

"It burned me to death!"

As soon as the chicken soup entered their mouth, the two of them started wailing.

"Your Highness, drink slowly!"

Fan Ze really couldn't hold himself any longer and smiled at the two of them.


After Li Hong breathed out for a while, he slowly took a sip of soup into his throat.


It was nothing more than a mouthful of soup that could enchant the soul. After taking this mouthful of soup, he could feel that his five internal organs were already beating gongs and drums.


After finishing a bowl of soup, Li Hong's stomach suddenly growled.

"No, it's time to feel it!"

Li Hong looked grim, put down the soup bowl in his hand, covered his stomach and ran towards a deserted place.


Looking at Li Hong's figure, Ma Hou was also stunned for a moment, and then his stomach growled.

When the feeling came, Ma Hou instantly became stupid. He threw the soup bowl on the ground, covered his butt and ran out after Li Hong.



Listening to the thunderous sound in the distance, everyone was stunned, especially Fan Ze.

What's happening here? Could it be that my chicken soup is poisonous?

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