My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 828: Defeat Tibet

Seeing that the enemy was in chaos, Su Dingfang thrust out a spear and killed a Tibetan soldier. Then he swept his spear horizontally and sent two more Tibetan soldiers flying backwards.

"What's going on? Where's Akima?"

Fortunately, Dayan Mangbu's bike was in the middle and rear of the team. Otherwise, he might have been finished by now. Even so, he was shocked.

"Chief Achima is in the former army. I don't know what the situation is now."

A soldier commander came close to Dayan Mangbu's carriage, his eyes filled with horror.

"Immediately send someone to ask Amuaqi to lead the rear army, and at the same time order the Chinese soldiers to retreat slowly."

After hearing that Aqima didn't know whether he was alive or dead, Dayan Mangbu also directly gave the order.

Although I don't know what happened just now, it is obvious that they were ambushed. No one in this place except Tang Dynasty dared to come and fight against the Tibetan troops.


The commander hurried to give Dayan Mangbu's order.



Hearing the shouts of killing from the front, Chen Hu and Liu Qi on the left and right wings each led two thousand cavalry to kill together.

The Tibetan soldiers, who were already frightened, collapsed even more when they saw the cavalry rushing out from the left and right wings.

Having just experienced the Thunder Formation, Su Dingfang, the beast in the human world, came face to face, and now it was even more powerful, with both wings flying together to attack from the left and right.

This is not a war, it is simply beating up primitive people.

That's right, in front of the Jingqi of the Tang Dynasty, they were no different from primitive people.

"Deputy Prime Minister, I will protect you and retreat quickly!"

Amuaqi from the rear army rushed to Dayan Mangbu, with no other color except fear in his eyes.

"Retreat? Do you want me to be a deserter? Give up the Tibetan troops and leave alone?"

After hearing Amuaqi's words, Dayan Mangbu was also very angry. Although he didn't know how many enemies there were, it was obvious that the enemy was definitely not as strong as himself.

Otherwise, they would definitely not have thought of such a surprise attack, and they could have simply come over.

As long as they can hold on to this wave, the enemy will definitely be defeated.

But now that he retreats, these 80,000 people may be doomed.

So he must not retreat.

"Deputy Prime Minister, you have a noble status. If there is a problem here, it will be an act that will make your loved ones angry and your enemies happy.

Tubo lost a wise deputy prime minister, and the Tang Dynasty also lost a powerful opponent.

Think twice! "

Amuaqi was horrified. If Dayan Mangbu didn't leave, he couldn't leave either.

But if we don’t leave, everyone may be finished.

"Stop talking, it is impossible to retreat. Fight with all your strength, fight with all your strength!"

Dayan Mangbu took out the sword from his waist, stood on the carriage and shouted loudly to all the Tibetan soldiers.

After hearing Dayan Mangbu's words, the surrounding Tubo soldiers also clenched their swords and tightly protected the carriage.


Su Dingfang was extremely powerful and extremely skilled in martial arts. No one in the Tibetan army, from the commander to the common soldiers, could be his enemy.

Su Dingfang was brave, and the Tang Dynasty Jingqi behind him was also a demon king from hell. They killed the Tibetan soldiers one by one, and no one could resist their steps.

"Dayan Mangbu."

Su Dingfang led the team to tear through the front army's defense line and went straight to the position of the Chinese army. Looking at Dayan Mangbu standing on the carriage, he also shouted loudly.

"Huh? Su Su Dingfang!"

Hearing this roar, Dayan Mangbu was also stunned for a moment. After recognizing Su Dingfang, he was instantly frightened.

This is the Mesozoic God of War of the Tang Dynasty. He almost destroyed the country by fighting the Turks, but he didn't expect to appear here.

"Come and die!"

Before Dayan Mangbu could react, he saw a sharp arrow passing through the vast sea of ​​people and shooting into his chest.

"The Deputy Prime Minister is dead, run!"

Seeing Dayan Mangbu being nailed to the carriage, Amuaqi also shouted and galloped back on his horse.


"Retreat quickly!"


Dayan Mangbu was shot down by an arrow, which became the last straw to overwhelm the tens of thousands of Tibetan troops. In an instant, there was a great rout.

Countless Tibetan soldiers fled in all directions, without any desire to fight.


At the last moment, Su Lin also arrived with a thousand cavalry. In this way, the 80,000 Tibetan army was perfectly wrapped by Su Dingfang with 10,000 cavalry.

In the end, 13,000 people were killed, 25,000 were captured, and nearly 40,000 Tibetan soldiers fled.

"General, great victory, great victory!"

Chen Hu came to Su Dingfang excitedly and saluted the general.

"These old men have expected this!"

Su Dingfang sneered. Although he was also excited about such great results, these were really within his expectations.

"General, what should we do next?"

Liu Qi also approached Su Dingfang and asked him.

He was more concerned about Su Dingfang's next thoughts than those results.

"Next, I ordered Li Mingqi to immediately lead his troops to Jishi Mountain.

The remaining people will continue to move forward with me, chasing the remnants of the Tibetan soldiers! Be sure to wipe them all out. "

Su Dingfang thought for a moment and directly issued his military order. “General, what should we do with these prisoners?”

"Kill them all, leaving no one behind!"

Su Dingfang's eyes were bloodshot and he issued an order that surprised everyone.

Kill prisoners?

How could he kill prisoners?

You must know that although the Tang Dynasty dominated the world, it still did very few things like killing prisoners.

Moreover, they were facing Tubo, a country that could compete with the Tang Dynasty for supremacy.

If you kill one of his prisoners, he will dare to slaughter ten hundred people of the Tang Dynasty.

On the contrary, if these captives stayed, they could exchange food and money from Tibet.

The most important thing is that these are Chi Guoguo's military exploits. Killing him is far less beneficial than being escorted back to the Tang Dynasty alive.

"General, you must not kill the Tibetan prisoners. Once they take revenge, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Chen Hu frowned, the Tubo people were cruel by nature, and they often made sneak attacks on the Tang Dynasty by taking advantage of their geographical advantages.

It is really difficult to predict what kind of disaster it would bring to the Tang Dynasty if these Tubo people were really massacred.

"I know what you mean, but since I dare to do it, I have never been afraid of the Tubo people.

If he dares to retaliate, don't blame me for beating him back.

Let’s talk about how many people there were in Tubo and how many people there were in the Tang Dynasty.

The 80,000-strong army would be distressing for the Tang Dynasty, let alone Tubo.

If all these Tibetan soldiers could be killed, it would be equivalent to cutting off an arm of Tubo, which would be enough to make them feel distressed for a while. "

Su Dingfang is known as the God of Destruction of Kingdoms. He has captured all the powerful Turks. If Tubo did not occupy a geographical advantage, it would still be far behind the Turks.

"General, how are you going to face the natural chasm in Tubo? Our people will become unwell when they arrive in Tubo, which will greatly reduce their combat effectiveness."

Liu Qi is also depressed. He knows that you can go to heaven and earth, but they really can't kill Tubo.

Otherwise, Taizong's temper would have wiped out Tubo a long time ago, so why marry Princess Wencheng?

"Tubo is like a sword, and it can strike at the Tang Dynasty at any time.

If they attack Longyou, they can cut off the connection between the Tang Dynasty and the Western Regions. If they attack Jiannan Road, the Tang Dynasty will lose a large source of grain taxes.

It was precisely after seeing this that Your Majesty declared war with the Tibetan Prime Minister in Chang'an and sent me over to supervise the war.

This general has decided that this time we must make it happen once and for all. "

Su Dingfang glanced at the scenery in the distance and slowly said to the soldiers beside him.

"General, how can we do it once and for all?"

Chen Hu glanced at Su Dingfang, wondering what he meant.

Once and for all? Can you still kill Tubo and destroy them?

“The reason why Tubo is so unscrupulous is that we are not adapted to their climate.

Now we only need to pursue them all the way, occupy favorable terrain, take a defensive position, and then station troops here for training.

It only takes half a year, not a year, for the soldier's body to fully adapt.

When the combat effectiveness of the soldiers and horses is restored, they can drive straight in, directly attack Luosuo, and completely destroy Tubo. "

Su Dingfang had long been prepared for a long-term war. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was no better than other places. Soldiers from the Tang Dynasty would be dizzy if they entered, and they would die if they entered.

Some people once said that this was the Tibetan God's protection for Tubo and a curse for outsiders, but Su Dingfang did not believe in ghosts and gods.

And Li Yanran once said that as long as the soldiers adapt to the situation for a certain period of time, they can regain their combat effectiveness.

He believed that the other party would never lie to him about this matter, and businessmen who had been traveling in Tubo for many years also confirmed this from the side.

"General, is this reliable? Tubo will definitely not sit back and watch us train troops in their country.

When their army comes to kill them, how can we resist them? "

Chen Hu was stunned. He didn't expect that Su Dingfang had such an idea.

But after such a long time, the Tubo people will definitely not give up, so what should they do then?

"That's why we have to pursue them all the way across Jishi Mountain, and then set up defenses there, so that we can gain a chance."

Su Dingfang smiled. He had naturally thought about this, so he had to find a way to occupy a favorable terrain.

Jishi Mountain is an excellent place, and he will win it no matter what.


"The general has orders to kill the prisoners and pursue the enemy!"

Now that Su Dingfang had a complete combat strategy, Chen Hu had nothing to say and directly ordered the execution of the Tibetan prisoners.

The sky and the earth suddenly darkened, and more than 20,000 Tibetan prisoners were beheaded in horror and silence. They did not know until their death why the usually kind and gentle Tang army became so cruel.

In the past, even if someone was captured, he could be redeemed with money. Why was he given a ticket to reincarnation this time?

After the prisoners were beheaded, Su Dingfang also ordered all the corpses to be burned, all the armor and weapons to be loaded into the vehicles, and then left a thousand men behind, while he led more than 8,000 cavalry to continue to pursue the retreating Tibetan soldiers and horses.

Su Dingfang pursued them all the way. Thousands of the more than 40,000 Tubo soldiers who escaped were killed, and nearly 10,000 were captured. Only more than 20,000 enemies were left who fled into Jishi Pass in embarrassment.

Amuaqi was shocked, but he immediately set up defenses. If this place was captured by the enemy, he would really have to retreat all the way back to the Tibetan mainland.

Su Dingfang marched like the wind, and after killing the Tubo troops along the way, he also pointed his troops directly at Jishi Pass defended by Amuaqi.

The broken troops brought back by Amuaqi, together with the garrison troops and horses from Jishi Town, numbered almost thousands. Su Dingfang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he looked at the city.

He has the advantage of the city, but it is not easy for Su Dingfang to capture him with his few troops.

"People in the city, listen, if you surrender to the city now, I will spare your lives, otherwise after the city is broken, all the officers and soldiers in the city will be killed."

Su Dingfang raised his horse to the sky and shouted at the Tibetan soldiers on the city wall.

"Tang Jun, you dare to attack Tubo secretly, just wait, Tubo will never let you go.

The two countries are at war, and countless people of the Tang Dynasty will die in the war. You are the sinners of the Tang Dynasty.

If you are wise, please bring back my Tibetan soldiers as soon as possible. Maybe I can intercede with my Zanpu on your behalf! "

Amuaqi also relied on the critical moment to threaten and intimidate Su Dingfang below.

"I'll beat you up like a big watermelon and prepare to attack the city!"

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