My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 827 Battle of Wuhai

The partial general Chen Qi also saluted Su Dingfang and expressed his worries.

This is a war between countries. A war cannot determine the direction of the two countries.

Only by defeating the opponent through a victory and subsequent troops and horses can the final victory be achieved.

It is completely unnecessary to start a war with the Tubo people in such a hurry.

"Do you think that I, the prince, have given you this for free? Of course I know these things, and I don't expect to defeat Tubo in this battle.

Where are the follow-up troops and horses now? It has been so long, they should have crossed the Tuhun Valley! "

Su Dingfang smiled, how could he not consider these things.

Although the follow-up troops and horses have not yet arrived, the fighter opportunity is fleeting.

If the army really gets ready to confront Tubo head-on, Tubo will definitely be more vigilant, and it will not be so easy to take down the opponent by then.

"According to the intelligence, General Li Qiming has led 30,000 elite troops to join the soldiers and horses on the border. The total number is about 50,000 and has been stationed in the Tuhun Valley."

Chen Hu directly stated the information he received.

"Immediately send someone to give an order to Li Qiming and ask him to prepare to set off in coordination with the soldiers and horses in Tuhun Valley.

Once I defeat the main force of Tibet in Wuhai, I will immediately follow my footsteps. This time I will fight in one battle so that Tibet will not dare to covet the Tang Dynasty for decades. "

Su Dingfang glanced at the blue sky, his eyes full of vicious killing intent.

"General, think twice!"

Chen Hu was also depressed. Are you so sure that you can defeat the Tubo people?

If you fail to capture the enemy, and Li Qiming leads his troops out again, it will become an opportunity for the opponent to encircle and annihilate you.

If something goes wrong with these tens of thousands of people, not only will Tuhun Valley be unable to defend it, but problems will also arise in Hezhou, Minzhou, and even Lanzhou, which are adjacent to Tuhun Valley.

This is no longer a battle, but a gamble.

If you win, you may gain a certain advantage, but if you lose, the losses may be far greater than the benefits you gain.

It's clear that it's a thankless business.

"Think twice, go and deliver the order right away."

Su Dingfang frowned. He didn't believe that he would lose, nor did he believe that Datang Jingqi would lose.

You must know that he has a trump card in his hand now. Li Yanran's explosives are used properly, let alone 80,000 people. Even if he has 180,000 people, he is still confident that he can defeat them.


Chen Hu sighed and could only send an order to Pegasus to find Li Qiming and follow the order.

After Pegasus left, Su Dingfang also took the time to formulate a battle strategy.

Li Mingqi received Su Dingfang's order. Although he was confused, he took action immediately.

After all, the other party is a newly promoted prince and the commander-in-chief appointed by the emperor this time.

A soldier's first priority is to obey orders, and he has no reason to refuse.

The Tang army took action, and Tuhun Valley also gathered 30,000 cavalry to join the Tang army and began to march towards the front line.

"Deputy Prime Minister, after winter we can directly attack the hinterland of the Tuhun Valley. Once we capture the Tuhun Valley, you will be a great hero of Tubo."

Wing Commander Akima looked at the Tubo Deputy Prime Minister Dayan Mangbu in front of him, his eyes full of flattery.

"Don't underestimate the enemy. This time the Prime Minister returns, the Tang Dynasty has decided to support the Tuhun Valley and officially start a war with us Tubo.

If they really encountered the elite soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, this battle would not be as easy as imagined. "

Dayan Mangbo shook his head. He also wanted to completely occupy Tuhun Valley smoothly, and then his prestige would be at its peak. Even compared with Lu Dongzan, there would not be much difference.

But now the Tang Dynasty is shameless and wants to send troops to help Tuhun Valley, and even wants to start a war with Tubo.

This adds a lot of variables.

"What's so difficult about this? If we can capture the Tuhun Valley, we can take it. If we can't capture it, we'll withdraw to Tubo.

That is our world, no matter how elite the soldiers and horses of the Tang Dynasty are, it will not help! "

Akima smiled. He admitted that Datang was very powerful, but what could he do if he was powerful?

Tubo has a natural chasm and plateau. No matter how powerful the Tang Dynasty is, it is impossible to kill Tubo itself.

Therefore, the Tang Dynasty was always on the defensive during the war with Tubo. If it wanted to attack itself, there was no way.

"You are right. It is impossible for the Tang Dynasty to kill Tubo. Even so, we cannot take it lightly.

The soldiers were ordered to seize the opportunity to bypass Yuan Dongri Tsona Lake and be sure to completely capture the Tuhun Valley before the reinforcements of the Tang Dynasty arrived. "

Dayan Mangbo looked at Aqima again. The reason why Tubo and Tang Dynasty could persist for such a long time was due to natural geographical factors.

Otherwise, with the strength of the Tang army, Tubo would have been wiped out in one fell swoop just like Tuhun Valley.

But there is nothing you can do. Who told you not to do it?


Akima saluted and directly ordered the army to speed up around the Winter Tsona Lake and march towards the hinterland of the Tuhun Valley.

"General, the Tibetans are moving. They have begun to circle around Wuhai! They are now marching towards Ansar Road."

The Tubo people took action, and the scouts arranged by Su Dingfang came over immediately to report the intelligence.

"Now that we're here, let's get started."

"Chen Hu!"


"I order you to lead 2,000 cavalry to ambush on the left side of Ansal Road. Once the battle begins, immediately attack the enemy from the left!"


"Liu Qi!"


"I order you to lead two thousand cavalry to ambush on the right side of Ansar Road. Once the battle begins, immediately attack the enemy from the right side!"


"Su Ming!"


"I order you to lead a thousand cavalry around to the enemy's rear, and attack the enemy from the rear once the battle begins!"

"Here!" "There are five thousand fine cavalry left, and this general wants to defeat them from the front!"

"The Tang Dynasty is victorious!"

After arranging the deployment, Su Dingfang also punched the armor on his chest.

"The Tang Dynasty is victorious!"

"The Tang Dynasty is victorious!"

"The Tang Dynasty is victorious!"

All the generals and soldiers also punched their chests with their right hands and shouted along with Su Dingfang.

"set off!"

Suddenly there was a roar of people and horses, and the ten thousand cavalry immediately divided into four groups and started running towards their respective positions.

"My lord, is it too risky to attack the enemy's 80,000-strong army with five thousand elite cavalry?"

Guard Su Lin rode his horse to Su Dingfang's side, his eyes full of worry.

"Are you taking risks? Have you forgotten the thing Her Royal Highness Princess Lishan gave you before departure?"

"You plan to use that explosive to disrupt the enemy's military formation and then make a surprise attack?"

Su Lin was relieved now. If that thing was as invincible as Su Dingfang said, then it would be difficult to fight the Tibetans.

"That's right, so we have to rush there as soon as possible to arrange it."


Su Dingfang's army also rushed to the scheduled battle location and began to dig holes in the ground to bury the explosives in wooden barrels.

In order to pursue the killing effect, Su Dingfang also ordered people to get some iron pieces and put them in the barrel. This way, when the explosive barrel exploded, it would definitely give the Tibetan people a big surprise.

After all the explosive barrels were buried, Su Dingfang also arranged for several death squads to hide in the dug hole to hide soldiers, ready to detonate at any time.

Everything was ready, and Su Dingfang's five thousand cavalry also ambush two miles away.

After Su Dingfang's troops were in place, the 80,000 Tibetan army also formed a long queue and strolled on the Ansar Road.

"Chief Yi, after entering Tuhun Valley this time, can you let me lead troops to plunder the mainland of Datang?"

A soldier commander looked at Akima, his eyes shining with ferocious light like a hungry wolf.

"If we can really capture the Tuhun Valley this time, I don't need to tell you that I will lead you into the Tang Dynasty and let you plunder at will."

A ferocious smile also lit up Akima's face.

The Tang Dynasty was too wealthy compared to Tubo, and every Tubo wanted to take the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty as their own.

Just like a soldier, so is his wing commander.

Looting the Tang Dynasty, what a wonderful thing it was!

"So I'll thank the Wing Commander first!"

After hearing Akima's confirmed answer, the soldier commander also hurriedly left.

There was also a burst of cheers from the Tibetan soldiers in front. It was obvious that they already knew the news of the upcoming plunder of Datang.

"These wolf cubs are really...!"

Listening to the cheers, Akima also smiled, patted the horse on his crotch and said, "You must also want to go and ride in the Tang Dynasty!"


The war horse also snorted and responded to Akima's words.

The Tubo army marched slowly, and the front row troops quickly crossed the minefield arranged by Su Dingfang. Soon, the Chinese army also slowly entered the scope of the explosion.

"General, their forward has passed the explosive minefield, and now their central army is also within the explosion range."

Soon a scout also rushed in front of Su Dingfang.

"Pass my military order, the whole army is dispatched! Horses trample the Tibetan army."

The five thousand cavalrymen who were ambushing in the front went out directly with their guns.

"what sound?"

Hearing the strange noise and feeling the vibration of the earth, Akima was stunned for a moment.

"Line up to meet the enemy! Scout, scout!"

The so-called darkness under the lamp is like this. Their scouts can still detect it if they are farther away. On the contrary, there is no trace of Su Dingfang who is close at hand.

Several scouts also jumped out of the formation and ran towards the front.

The Tibetan soldiers in the front row also panicked and began to transform into fighting form.

"Run! Tang Jun, it's Tang Jun."

Several scouts also shuddered, turned their horses and retreated backwards.

"Kill it!"

When Su Dingfang saw the enemy scout in front of him, he bent his bow and shot an arrow to pin one of them to the ground. Then he changed into a long spear and charged ahead.

"No, prepare quickly, shield bearers, archers, spearmen!"

Seeing the cavalry appearing in the field of vision, Akima's heart rose directly to his throat.

While commanding the soldiers to prepare to meet the enemy, they retreated backwards.

If the front army cannot stop the enemy's attack, then give up. At least it can buy some time for the Chinese army.




Following Su Dingfang's attack, the soldiers hiding in the Tibetan Soldier Cave directly ignited the fuses that had been arranged long ago, and then thunder rolled.

There were explosive barrels exploding everywhere, and there were bombed torn corpses and soldiers lying in pools of blood.

Under this explosion, Tubo's military morale and formation were instantly torn to pieces, especially those unlucky ones in the front row.

Now that they have a strong enemy in front of them and an explosion behind them, no one will resist Su Dingfang's attack.


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