My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 832 Chengdu Mansion is rotten to the core!

Li Yanran took out a handkerchief and wiped Li Hong's mouth, but the other person shook his head and ran straight ahead.

"what is this?"

Li Hong took a bite of Jiao Xi Zhui and asked the store owner.

"This is called Pansi Cake. It's crispy and delicious. It's only a penny for two. Do you want two of them?"

The store owner glanced at Li Hong and introduced his goods enthusiastically.

"Two of them!"

Li Hong smiled, grabbed a Pansi Pancake and started eating it.

It's exactly what the store said, it's crunchy and delicious after one bite.

"You haven't paid for this doll, how can you eat it?"

The store owner was depressed and grabbed Li Hong's arm.

You see, this kid doesn't look like a fool. Why is he eating his own food without paying for it?

"Let go, I'll give you the money!"

Li Yanran rushed over and when she saw Li Hong was arrested, she quickly took out a penny.

"I've offended you so much, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Looking at the copper coins in hand, the vendor immediately let go of Li Hong and apologized to Li Yanran with a smile.

"Brother, this pancake is so delicious."

However, Li Hong looked unconcerned. This thing is really a place where the soil and water support a person, but it is different from the one in Chang'an.

"If it tastes good, just eat more."

Li Yanran was also depressed. She only knew how to eat all day long. What else do you know besides eating?

"Then it's necessary that I suffered so much on the road this time. Wasn't it just for now?"

Li Hong looked like I deserved it.

"Yes, the hardships you endure are all caused by me!"

Li Yanran just slapped her.

"Brother, what are you doing? I've lost all my Jiao Yi Zhui!"

Seeing Jiao Yi Zhui fall to the ground, Li Hong gave up immediately.

You can hit me, but you can't hit me away.

Tolerable or unbearable.

"Why don't you just buy it after you drop it? See how you look like that?"

After glaring at Li Hong, Li Yanran also became depressed.

"Hmph, I want to eat that!"

Li Hong also snorted and ran towards the next stall.

"This guy!"

Li Yanran shook her head and hurriedly followed.

A few people walked around the street for a long time, and Li Hong and Ma Hou's hands were full of all kinds of snacks.

"Xiao Langjun, it's time to get down to business!"

Di Renjie looked at a few people and felt a little depressed.

Didn’t you say you were here to get information?

You are here to go shopping.

"Well, Cheng Chubi, you and Di Renjie go do some business, and meet up at the restaurant where Li Feng keeps his carriage later!"

Li Yanran glared at Di Renjie, "Can't you go to do business?"

Do you have to ask me to follow you?


Di Renjie had no choice but to take Cheng Chubi to inquire for information.

Li Yanran and Li Hong continued to wander on the street.

"Did you see it? It's those two, try to tie them up!"

While Li Yanran was wandering around, several gangsters gathered together and pointed at them.

"Xiao Langjun, something is wrong!"

Li Feng glanced behind him and frowned.

"What's wrong!"

Li Yanran was stunned for a moment, wondering what happened to Li Feng.

"Someone is following us!"

Li Feng glanced sideways at the man on the right.

"Several people?"

"At least four or five people!"

Li Feng took another look and directly reported the number of enemies.

"Can you handle it? But you can't cause any trouble!"

Li Yanran also frowned.

It seems like I didn’t do anything, so why am I being targeted?

What the hell?

"Can handle it."

"Go to the side alley!"

Since Li Feng could handle it, Li Yanran also sneered and took the lead to turn to the side alley.

Seeing several people running towards the alley, the gangster following them also ran over quickly.

"You guys, what do you want to do after following us for so long?"

Li Yanran looked at the people following her and couldn't help but frown.

"What don't you want to do? I just want to take you to eat and drink delicious food!"

One of the burly gangsters glanced at his companions and let out a sinister laugh.


"That's it, I'll take you to eat and drink delicious food!"

"Yes, come with me!"

Several gangsters also laughed wildly together. A half-grown boy with three children, isn't this God's gift of food?

It's up to them to make money.

"How presumptuous. Do you know that this is the realm of the Tang Dynasty? If you kidnap people on the street, aren't you afraid of the government?"

Li Yanran was also depressed. He originally thought that he was being targeted, but he never imagined that such a thing would happen in a wealthy place like Chengdu Prefecture.

This is too ungrateful.

"Wangfa? Government? You are probably not from other places, right? Don't you know that if you are walking on the street like this, even if we don't look for you, others will find you, come on!"

The leader also smiled, Wang Fa, the government?

If they were afraid of this, would they still come?

Several gangsters rushed towards them, but Li Feng rushed straight into the group of people like a dragon, knocking them to the ground with punches and kicks.

The leader was startled when he saw this, he pulled out a dagger and stabbed Li Feng.

Li Feng glared fiercely, kicked the man's dagger away, and then kicked the man to the ground with a sweeping kick.

Then he stepped directly on the man's face, and two big teeth flew out in an instant. Looking at the people wailing on the ground, Li Yanran also grabbed the dagger on the ground and came to the side of the leader.

"Tell me, where are you going to sell us to? And who is the person behind you?"

After holding the dagger and shaking it on the man for a while, Li Yanran also asked slowly.

"Little baby, I admit defeat Ma Liu, I will kill or chop him into pieces as I please!"

Ma Liu was quite a man. Even if he was beaten down by Li Feng, he still gritted his teeth and showed no intention of giving in.

"is it?"

The dagger in Li Yanran's hand also slid down his stomach, and finally touched his thigh.

"What do you want to do?"

Ma Liu shuddered and shouted to Li Yanran tremblingly.

"What don't I want to do? Don't you want to eat well and drink spicy food?

I'll help you and then send you to the palace, where there are delicacies every day. "

Li Yanran smiled evilly and pretended to be a hero with me? Then I want to see if you have the courage to be a hero.

"Don't do it, I said, I said!"

Now Ma Liu couldn't hold it anymore and shouted directly for Li Yanran to stop.


Li Yanran inserted the dagger directly into his thigh, scaring Ma Liu to the point of peeing.

"I'm from the Ma family, and I'm going to sell you to Qinxiang Hall."

Ma Liu also cried while answering Li Yanran's questions.

"Qinxiangtang, Ma Family!"

Li Yanran frowned. She didn't expect that the background of the random minions who popped up were from those aristocratic families.

This shows that the hands of those aristocratic families have reached the lowest level of Chengdu Mansion.

The situation in Chengdu is really difficult.

"That's right, it's the Ma family, and Qinxiangtang is a place where they provide special habits for those dignitaries and wealthy businessmen.

You are so handsome, going to Qinxiangtang will definitely bring you a lot of profits! "

Having said it all, Ma Liu also told everything about Qinxiangtang.


Li Yanran slapped Ma Liu directly on the face.

"Which official does the Ma family rely on in Chengdu, or who among them is serving in the government."

Now that he has caught such a trash fish, Li Yanran will definitely not let him go easily.

"The third son, Ma Bohao, is serving as Sima of the Chengdu Governor's Office. He also has a close relationship with Chief Shi Lingsu and is the Ma family's support."

Ma Liu gritted his teeth and told all the Ma family's sources of support in Chengdu Mansion.

"Does that mean the Ling family is also involved in Qinxiang Hall?"

Li Yanran also frowned when she heard that Ma Bohao was actually Sima from the Chengdu Governor's Office and was related to the Ling family.

"The Ling family of Qinxiang Hall has no share. They have their own hall called Tianxiangyuan."

"Oh, I see!"

Li Yanran stood up directly after speaking, and then gave Li Feng a wink.

Li Feng sneered and kicked Ma Liu again, knocking him unconscious.

"Knock them all out!"


Li Feng said that he also kicked them one by one, and took care of all the remaining gangsters.

"Now how to do?"

Li Feng came to Li Yanran. The situation in Chengdu Mansion was far more complicated than he imagined.

As Ma Liu said, Li Yanran and the others are too eye-catching here.

"Tear off all their clothes, tie them up and throw them into the garbage!"

Li Yanran glanced at a few people and gave her order with a sneer.

"Then please Xiaolangjun turn around!"

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Li Feng also scratched his head in embarrassment.


Li Yanran nodded and turned around. Li Feng also followed the instructions and tied up several people and threw them into the garbage.

"We can't stay here anymore, go back to the restaurant!"


Several people hurriedly left the alley and ran towards the restaurant.

When they arrived at the restaurant, they left Ma Hou there to wait for Di Renjie's return, while Li Yanran and Li Hong got into the carriage and ran towards the outside of Chengdu Mansion.

When Di Renjie returned in the evening, he was stunned when he saw the empty carriage.

The carriage is not here. Could it be that it was stolen?

"Langjun, Langjun!"

Just when Di Renjie was confused, Ma Hou also rushed out.

"Where's the young man?"

Seeing that Ma Hou was alone, Di Renjie and Cheng Chubi hurried over to greet him.

"The young master has left. He sent me here to wait for you when you come back."

Ma Hou directly told what happened during the day.

"Is there such a thing?"

Hearing Ma Hou's words, Di Renjie and Cheng Chubi were startled and broke into a cold sweat.

If Li Yanran and Li Hong were really held hostage by gangsters, they would never dare to think about the consequences.

If the emperor found out, he would probably kill everyone in Chengdu and lay down millions of corpses.

"Don't talk about this now, make up your mind whether to stay or leave!"

Cheng Chubi glanced at Di Renjie and directly asked him what his next thoughts were.

"We haven't investigated clearly here yet, let's wait for two days!"

Di Renjie shook his head and immediately opened an upper room and all three of them moved in.

"Sister, this Chengdu mansion is so bad, it scares me to death!"

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran beside him with lingering fears.

Like Li Yanran, he didn't expect that Chengdu Mansion would be so chaotic. It really scared him to death.

"I didn't expect it. It seems that Chengdu Mansion is rotten from the root."

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