My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 833 Eat the inside out!

Li Yanran's face turned cold. He was protected by Li Feng. He couldn't even imagine what the consequences would be if others encountered such a situation.

Specifically picking children to target, this Ma family is a hundred times more vicious than the original Lian family.

"Sister, we must not spare them. If we don't uproot them, we may not know how many children will suffer in the future!"

Li Hong also gritted his teeth. This was the first time in his life that he had such murderous intention towards someone.

If the Ma family is not eliminated, he will really be ashamed of his status as the prince of the Tang Dynasty.

"Don't worry, no one can escape."

Li Yanran nodded, naturally she would not let these people go.

Not killing is not enough to make the people angry.

Not killing is not enough to rectify the law.

"Brother Li, why are you the only ones back? Where are Di Renjie and Cheng Chubi?"

Looking at Li Yanran getting out of the car, Yu Chihuan went over to greet him.

"Fuck off!"

Li Yanran was angry when she saw Yu Chihuan's stupidity and kicked him.

"That's right, get out!"

Li Hong also kicked Yuchi Huan behind Li Yanran.


Although his feet didn't hurt, Yuchi Huan was completely confused.

what's the situation? Can anyone tell me what is going on.

He didn't do anything, why is this happening?

"Brother Li?"

Glancing at Li Feng behind them, Yuchi Huan's eyes were full of doubts.

Li Feng sighed, shook his head, said goodbye to Yuchi Huan, and followed Li Yanran away.

"What the hell is this!"

Yuchi Huan was really stupid. How come this man had eaten explosives after a trip to Chengdu?

What the hell.

Changsun Yan couldn't sit still when he returned to the manor. He wandered around the yard all day, waiting for news about Li Yanran.

"Xiao Langjun, someone is looking for you."

A Buqu came to Changsun Yan and saluted him.

"Who's looking for me?"

"Ling He, the second young master of the Ling family."

"Tell him to get out of here, I'm too lazy to talk to him!"

Changsun Yan was also depressed when he heard that he was from the Ling family.

It's time now, so don't make trouble for yourself.

I have told you so many times that it is impossible to cooperate with me.

Perfume is Brother Li's bottom line, and he hasn't been scolded enough for being so cute.

"But he said he wanted to see him for something, do you want to see him?"

Bu Qu frowned and said to Chang Sun Yan.

"How many times have I told him to get out! It doesn't matter whether it's important or not!"

Changsun Yan slapped the table with a look of impatience in his eyes.


The man shuddered and hurriedly withdrew.

"and many more!"

"Xiao Langjun!"

"Ask him to wait for me in the side hall!"

Changsun Yan thought for a moment and decided to meet him.

Now that Li Yanran is here, maybe she can get some information.


Ling He was soon taken to the side hall, and Zhang Sun Yan came over not long after.

"Xiao Langjun, it's really hard to meet you. This is the third time Ling He has come!"

Seeing Chang Sun Yan's figure, Ling He quickly stood up and saluted.

"Okay, I heard that you have something important to discuss. What's the matter?"

Changsun Yan nodded and sat directly on the chair.

"Xiao Langjun, you should know the purpose of my visit. It's for the perfume!"

Ling He smiled and explained his purpose.

“Ling He, I’ve said it many times, it’s not that I don’t want to agree, it’s that I simply can’t make the decision.

I am just an errand boy, the real owner is Princess Lishan.

If you really want to cooperate, send someone to Chang'an to discuss with Her Highness the Princess, and don't embarrass me again. "

Upon hearing this, Chang Sun Yan's face fell instantly.

He also said that he had something important to do, you big watermelon.

"Xiao Langjun, I came here not to cooperate with Her Highness the Princess, but to cooperate with you!"

Ling He smiled and spoke again.

"Ask me to cooperate? What do you mean?"

Changsun Yan was stunned. What did you mean? Why couldn't he understand it?

Ling He glanced at Changsun Yan, who also directly waved the waiters to get out.

"Yes, the situation here is like this anyway. It is definitely impossible to grow flowers from here.

But Princess Lishan’s perfume is also urgent, so what I mean is that we will grow flowers and sell them to you.

We will add the profits we earn by then to make five. How do you feel? "

Ling He came close to Changsun Yan and spoke his thoughts gently.

"You want me to buy flowers from you at a high price and then make the difference?"

Changsun Yan also understood what Ling He meant. He wanted to cheat on himself and work together to steal Li Yanran's money.

"If you don't serve yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth. How much money can you make by working under Princess Lishan?

Besides, is this also to help Princess Lishan?

By then everyone will have made money, and Princess Lishan’s secret recipe will not be lost, so why not? "

Ling He nodded and continued to explain. "You know that Her Royal Highness the Princess is the shrewdest. If you do this, if he gets involved, I won't be the only one who is unlucky!"

Changsun Yan raised his eyebrows and looked at Ling He beside him.

"There won't be any big problems with this thing. Chengdu is so far away from Chang'an, and he doesn't know the prices here.

Besides, as long as the perfume can be sold, Princess Lishan will earn much more than us.

The lowest price for a bottle is a hundred dollars, so the cost of ten dollars is not excessive! "

Ling He glanced at Changsun Yan again and spoke to persuade again.

"Ten Guan is indeed not many, but do you know that your Ling family is not the only one in charge of this Chengdu Mansion? What should we do if other families also come here?"

Changsun Yan was already cursing his mother in his heart.

It's just a few broken flowers, but you dare to ask for a bottle of ten pieces. Do you really think that Brother Li is just like those dandy boys?

But now that Brother Li is here, there is no need for him to refuse in a hurry. Let's see what they think next.

"How many others? Young Master, I'm afraid you don't know the power of my Ling family in Chengdu Mansion. My eldest brother is the chief historian of the Chengdu Governor's Mansion.

In the entire Chengdu, except for Jiannan Road Observer Lin Hao, we don't take anyone else seriously.

The other families have to rely on my Ling family's influence. As long as you agree, we can go out and negotiate with them on this matter. How about it? "

Linghe also sneered when Changsun Yan said this. The other companies were just a bunch of stinking shit in front of them.

If it weren't for the fact that several of them were allies, they would have been unable to survive in Chengdu Prefecture.

"That's not necessarily true. I heard that the Wu family has a very good relationship with the Jiannan Road Observer. Don't shoot yourself in the foot again!"

Changsun Yan smiled slightly, it turns out that your family is not the same.

"Don't worry, the Jiannan Road Observer is not a problem, and our Ling family has a very good relationship with him.

At worst, if more gold and silver are used to go out, he will definitely stay out of the matter. "

Ling He shook his head. In the final analysis, the Jiannan Road Observer was just an outsider. Although he had some tactics, he did not dare to offend the local aristocratic families.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to stay here.

Moreover, he pursues the strategy of balance and wishes to see the discord between the aristocratic families, so that he will have stronger control over Jiannan Road or Chengdu Mansion.

So it's easy to keep him out of it.

"This matter is too big. I need to think about it before I can give you an answer."

Changsun Yan shook his head. Although he was not as smart as Li Yanran, he still knew what it meant to wait for a price.

He believed that since the Ling family was here, the remaining families would also come.

He might be able to do something by then.

"That's very good. The young man will think about it carefully and Ling He will leave!"

Ling He was overjoyed when he heard Chang Sun Yan's reply, and stood up to say goodbye to him.

"Well, let me give it to you."

Changsun Yan also stood up and sent Li Hong out.

"Young gentleman, please stay. I've prepared some small gifts in the car. I hope you'll accept them!"

All the way to the gate, Ling He also saluted Chang Sun Yan, got on the carriage and left straight away.

"A small gift?"

Changsun Yan was also stunned for a moment and walked directly to the remaining carriage.

Opening the car curtain, Changsun Yan was instantly stunned.

There were five women in wedding clothes sitting upright in the middle of the car, with a wooden box in the middle.


Changsun Yan was also a little at a loss. He had seen people giving money and things, but this was the first time he had seen people giving things away.

He also gave away five of them at once. These aristocratic families simply left him speechless.

"You tell me where your family is and I will send you back!"

Changsun Yan sighed and directly asked the identities of the five people.

"We are all poor homeless people. If you send us back, Xiaolangjun, you might as well kill us now!"

The person in the middle, who was also lonely, replied to Chang Sun Yan.

"This is a thought."

After hearing this, Chang Sun Yan was also depressed and could only shout outside.

"Lang Jun! This?"

Zhang Si came over and looked at the people in the car in confusion.

What kind of battle is this? Could it be that the young man is going to be the groom’s official?

Never heard of it!

"What are you thinking about? Bring them in and place them properly."

Changsun Yan slapped him directly.

Don’t you know who Te Miao’s father is? Although I also drink flower wine, I never do anything harmful to nature.

What are you thinking about?


Zhang Si was honest after being slapped, and hurriedly got out of the carriage with the five girls.

After a few people got out of the car, Changsun Yan also opened the wooden box and saw that it was filled with yellow gold cakes.

The box was closed with a "Peng" sound, and Changsun Yan also leaned on the carriage, wondering what he was thinking.

"Zhao Wu, Zhao Wu!"

"Mr. Lang! What's the matter?"

"Get a pen and paper!"

He wrote a letter and gave it to Zhao Wu, asking him to send it to Li Yanran immediately.

That night, Li Yanran received a handwritten letter from Chang Sun Yan. After reading it, she fell into deep thought.

This aristocratic family is really pervasive. It's only thanks to Changsun Yan that he could think of such a loophole. If it had been someone else, who knows what would have happened.

"Your Highness, do you have anything to reply to Mr. Lang?"

After looking at Li Yanran, Zhao Wu directly asked her what she thought.

"You tell Changsun Yan to let him whet the appetites of those people first, without agreeing or refusing. Do you understand?"


Zhao Wu saluted and left directly, mounted his war horse and ran towards Chang Sun Yan's residence.

"Sister, what did Chang Sun Yan write in his letter?"

Li Hong came over, his eyes full of doubts.

"See for yourself!"

Li Yanran waved her hand and handed over the letter.

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