My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 835 Provocation!

After Li Hong finished speaking, he also tilted his mouth and looked directly at Li Yanran.

It seems to mean that Sister, I didn't embarrass you this time.

"What you said this time is pretty much the same, but is that all?"

Li Yanran smiled. This child has really improved. At least he is better than the two idiots Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan.


Li Hong was stunned. If he could think of this, wouldn't it count?

besides? what else?

"This alone is not enough. The four major families are not pure fools. This is just the first step.

After things started to stir up here, we gave up attacking the caravan of the Lingma family and attacked the Sun and Wu family instead. "

Li Yanran smiled and spoke directly to Li Hong.

"Sister, I understand, I understand.

When you attack the Sun and Wu caravans, they will naturally think that this is a revenge move by the Ling and Ma families.

As long as we fan the flames again, it will be impossible for them not to start a fight. "

Li Hong's mind was spinning very quickly, and he immediately understood what Li Yanran meant.

"That's the right answer. Sister, I do what I say, and I'm free of half a month's homework!"

Li Yanran nodded at Li Hong. It is said that those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are black. Li Hong has learned to use his brain under his influence.

"Yeah, long live my sister!"

"Mahou, go out and play!"

After hearing this, Li Hong took his younger brother Ma Hou and ran out.

"This kid! Let's continue discussing."

Li Yanran shook her head and started discussing with Di Renjie and the others again.

After everything was ready, Di Renjie personally went to Changsun Yan's place to take charge of sowing discord.

Soon all four families had a relationship with Changsun Yan, and he began to do the work of sowing discord under Di Renjie's instructions.

Although the four major families don't say it openly, they are competing against each other behind the scenes.

The most important thing is that Changsun Yanyu said that he would only cooperate with one family, so there is absolutely no possibility of them joining forces.

When the time was almost right, Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan also started to take action.

"I opened this mountain and planted this tree. If you want to go this way, leave money to buy the way!"

Cheng Chubi was dressed in a powerful attire, wrapped in a hood, holding a mace upside down, and under his crotch was a small mule.

The same goes for the Longmen escorts behind him. They all wore hoods and looked like ruthless gangsters.

"Where did the thieves come from? Do you know whose caravan this is? Are you desperate for your life?"

The leader, Ma Qian, glanced at Cheng Chubi with disdain, took out the steel knife from his waist and shouted at him.

"I don't care whose caravan you belong to. If you leave the goods behind, I can still let you leave. Otherwise, don't blame grandpa for his big stick!"

Cheng Chubi slammed the mace on the ground, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Hahahaha, let me tell you, this is the Ma family's caravan. If you dare to touch a hair of ours, you will disappear completely."

There was a wild laugh in front of the horse, and the more than a hundred Ma's private soldiers beside him also put down their trucks and each drew out their steel knives.


Cheng Chubi has stopped writing. He has performed everything that needs to be done, and now it is time to take action.

The mule was in pain and charged forward directly with Cheng Chubi. Not to be outdone, the horse galloped towards Cheng Chubi.


When the mules and horses were intertwined, the mace in Cheng Chubi's hand directly knocked away the sword in front of the horse, and then the front of the horse was also smashed out.

He fell to the ground in front of the horse, shivered and then fell into a pool of blood, completely lifeless.

Seeing Ma Qian being killed with one move, the private soldiers of the Ma family were all dumbfounded, but before they could react, the Longmen bodyguards attacked and killed them.

After a battle, those people also suffered heavy casualties and fled in panic.


After looking at the battlefield, Cheng Chubi also gave an order and left directly with the Ma family's goods.

Of course, when he left at the end, Cheng Chubi also ordered people to leave some clues about the Qiang people.

Cheng Chubi finished his work, and Yuchi Huan's side also succeeded smoothly. They all returned to their base with the collected goods.

"Second Young Master, something happened."

The manager Bai Yu quickly ran to Ma Lanshan's side, frowned and spoke slowly.

"what happened?"

Ma Lanshan is the general manager of the Ma family's trading firm and the chief steward of the Ma family. It can be said that he is half the head of the Ma family.

"Our caravans have been robbed frequently in the past few days, and three batches of goods disappeared."

Bai Yu glanced at Ma Lanshan and directly told the information he had just received.

"Three batches of goods? There has been some unrest around Chengdu Mansion recently. It's time for my third brother to send troops to clear them out."

Ma Lanshan frowned. Three batches of goods were nothing to the Ma family, but this was not a good sign.

"Second Young Master, it seems that things are not that simple."

Seeing that Ma Lanshan didn't care, Bai Yu gritted his teeth and spoke again.

"what for?"

Ma Lanshan was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Bai Yu meant.

"After the caravan was robbed, I immediately contacted other trading houses, and the final result was that except for our family and the Ling family, all other caravans were able to travel smoothly.

The most important thing is that someone saw Qiang objects at the scene, I doubt it."

Bai Yu did not continue speaking. He believed that Ma Lanshan must have understood what he wanted to say.

"You mean this was done by the Sun family and the Qiang people?"

Ma Lanshan glanced at Bai Yu and said what he meant.

"Yes, it's very possible!"

Bai Yu nodded.

"You go down first!"

Ma Lanshan waved his hand, and Bai Yu saluted and left.

"Sun family, you are so brave!"

After Bai Yu left, Ma Lanshan swept the tea cups off the table.

After calming down for a while, Ma Lanshan also ordered someone to find Ling He and made an appointment to meet at Qinxiang Hall.

"Ma Lao Er, what do you want from me?" Ling He looked at Ma Lanshan with doubts in his eyes.

"What's the matter? Don't you know?"

Ma Lanshan glanced at Ling He and frowned.

"What's wrong? So angry?"

Ma Lanshan's behavior made Ling He a little confused.

"My caravan has been intercepted three times outside the city, how many of you have been intercepted!"

Ma Lanshan was depressed, what the hell is going on with this guy?

Even now, he still looks very indifferent.

"You were intercepted too? I thought only my Ling family was intercepted, so it seems we are brothers in distress!

But don't be afraid, my brother has sent people to investigate the situation, and that group of bandits will be captured soon. "

Ling He sat next to Ma Lanshan, tore off a chicken drumstick and started to chew on it.

"Take it down? Do you know that in the entire Chengdu Prefecture, only our two companies were robbed, and nothing happened to the others."

Ma Lanshan slapped himself on the forehead, he was really depressed.

Check people? You said it lightly.

"You mean the bandits this time are coming for us?"

Ling He was stunned, and his eyes instantly turned cold.

"see this!"

As soon as Ma Lanshan clapped his hands, someone naturally sent them the Qiang items they collected.

"I thought it was a coincidence at first, but now it seems that it was someone from the Sun family who did it!"

Looking at the objects on the table, Ling He also frowned.

He didn't take it seriously at first. It didn't matter that the Ling family's great business was robbed of a few batches of goods.

At first he just thought it was the Qiang people who came to fight against the autumn wind, but now he also felt the seriousness of the matter.

"That's right, that's what I think too. Think about when it is now and something like this happened. I can't think of anyone who could do such a thing!"

Ma Lanshan nodded, this Linghe was not stupid enough to breathe.

"So what do you want to do when you come to me? It's impossible to start a fight with the Sun family based on this."

Ling He looked at Ma Lanshan again and asked what he thought.

"So I wanted to set up a trap."

"How to set up a trap?"

"Let's do this."

After the two discussed it for a while, they left separately.

On the same day, another group of caravans left Chengdu Mansion and headed outside.

At the same time, Ma Bohao also summoned soldiers from Chengdu Prefecture, asked them to change into plain clothes, pretend to be a caravan and followed the caravan from a distance.

"Do you think they will be fooled?"

Ling He and Ma Lanshan met again in Qinxiang Hall.

"If it is really the Ma family who did it, then they will never let our caravan leave. Just watch, we must catch them all this time.

When I get the evidence, if I don’t let the Sun family call me daddy, I won’t be Ma Lanshan! "

Ma Lanshan glanced at Ling He, his eyes full of coldness.

"I hope so, then let's drink!"

"Come on, drink!"

The two of them also spent time together and started drinking.

"Another caravan has come out, and it's still the Ma family's caravan, but there seems to be a tail behind them!"

The scout rushed over and directly told the situation he had just received.

"They are trying to set a trap for us!"

Cheng Chubi sneered and started to play tactics in front of me?

Do you really think you are a human being?

"Then let's see who is the fish and who is the bait!"

Yuchi Huan was also carrying a mace, his eyes full of coldness.

"No, they will definitely not send private soldiers this time. If they are the Chengdu Prefecture's garrison, things will be a big deal if we take action."

Cheng Chubi naturally knew what Yu Chihuan was thinking, but he couldn't do this in this matter.

If trouble does occur, things may develop into places you don't want.

"Then what do you mean!"

Yuchi Huan frowned, wondering what Cheng Chubi wanted to do.

“They want to bait and fish, so let’s be the fish that bites the hook, but we just want the bait.

This time we will go out together and eat the caravan before the tails arrive, without giving them any chance. "

Cheng Chubi patted Yuchi Huan on the shoulder, his eyes full of smiles.

"That's it! Move out!"

Yuchi Huan also bumped into Cheng Chubi and agreed with his idea.

"Move out!"

More than 300 Longmen escort troops were divided into two groups. Cheng Chubitong was in front to block them all the way, while Yuchi Huan and his men ambush behind them.

After the caravan fell into the encirclement, they were dispatched at the same time. Without even talking nonsense, they just charged and captured all the people.

"These shipments are empty!"

After doing all this, the escort also opened the box on the truck, but it was empty and there was nothing inside.

"Burn all these trucks and retreat!"

Bi and Yuchi Huan looked at each other and immediately led their men to evacuate at lightning speed.

"Captain, the caravan in front was ambushed, ambushed!"

A scout galloped over on horseback and said to Ma Zhen with fear in his eyes.

"Let's go and provide support immediately. We must not let them escape!"

After Ma Zhen heard this, he also reined in his war horse and ran wildly forward.

When they arrived, there was no sign of the bandits except for the burning truck and corpses on the ground.


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