My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 836 Chaos breaks out!

Ma Zhen cursed, he was a step too late after all.

"Captain, what should I do?"

"Follow me and I must find them all!"


Hundreds of Chengdu garrison soldiers followed the traces directly, but in the end found nothing.

"Lang Jun."

Bai Yu rushed over and rushed directly into the box where Ma Lanshan was.

"what happened?"

Ma Lanshan glanced at Bai Yu, his eyes full of displeasure.

"Something happened, our caravan was intercepted again."

"Then what? Did Ma Zhen lead his men to take down those bandits?"

When he heard that the caravan was robbed, Ma Lanshan also smiled.

"No, when Captain Ma Zhen arrived with his people, those bandits were already missing!"


Ma Lanshan immediately threw the table in front of him away, and the trap he set was easily resolved by the other party.

"Don't be angry, doesn't this also prove the strength of your opponent.

After all, that caravan was guarded by hundreds of people. I'm afraid no one else but the Sun family could do this. "

Ling He shook his head. This was not without any effect.

At least this person can be sure.

"But we have no evidence!"

Ma Lanshan also sat down and looked at Ling He aside.

"Do we need any evidence? They did it in the first grade, so don't blame us for doing it in the fifteenth grade."

Ling He sneered, since you are playing like this, then don't blame yourself for fighting with you.

"Do you want to intercept the Sun family's caravan?"

Ma Lanshan glanced at Ling He and guessed what he meant.

"Who said I was going to intercept the Sun family's caravan? What I wanted to rob was the caravan of the Wu family and other merchants in Chengdu Prefecture!"

A flash of light flashed in Ling He's eyes, and he slowly replied to Ma Lanshan.

"You want to provoke hatred between the Sun family and the entire Chengdu Prefecture merchants. are quite insidious!"

Ma Lanshan was stunned for a moment, and a hint of a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's just so so. The Zhou family has long wanted to step on the Sun family and get the upper hand, and they have a good relationship with the Qiang people. Letting them take action can be regarded as a vote of trust.

As long as the Sun family can be completely driven out of Chengdu, it is not a problem to give part of the Sun family's share to the Zhou family. "

Ling He nodded.

"Okay, let's do this. I'll contact Zhou Da right away."


After Ma Lanshan contacted Zhou Da, the two hit it off.

The Zhou family immediately hired hundreds of Qiang people from among the Qiang people they were friendly with, and began to intercept and kill caravans outside Chengdu Prefecture, except of course the Sun family's caravan.

At the same time, rumors were flying in the Chengdu mansion. Everyone had different opinions, but they were all pointed at the Sun family.

"Wu Yong, do you also think that I did these things?"

Sun Qing glanced at Wu Yong in front of him, his eyes full of depression.

He really understood what it means to sit at home and have a pot come from the sky.

He obviously didn't do anything, but now he has become a public enemy of Chengdu Prefecture.

He was completely depressed.

"Of course I don't think it was you who did this. After all, our two families have already decided on an offensive and defensive alliance. No matter how stupid you are, you can't do anything to attack the Wu family caravan."

Wu Yong waved his hand towards Sun Qing and motioned for him to sit down and talk.

"Then who did these things?"

Sun Qing was also relieved. It was the best thing for Wu Yong to understand him.

At least the Wu family is standing with him, and he can have someone to discuss anything.

"Who else could it be? Don't you know who in Chengdu Mansion has such great energy?"

Wu Yong sneered, his eyes full of coldness.

"You mean these things are all caused by the Ling family and the Ma family?"

Sun Qing frowned and instantly understood what the other party meant.

"I haven't decided whether they did it or not, but apart from your Sun family, the only ones who can hire Qiang people to do things are the Zhou family."

Wu Yong nodded. Although he couldn't see anyone from the Ling family or the Ma family, the Zhou family was certainly involved.

"You bastard, I'm going to find Zhou Da right now."

Sun Qing stood up directly, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"and many more!"

Wu Yong immediately called Sun Qing down.

"what happened?"

Sun Qing turned around, a little confused.

"What's the use of going to Zhou Da now? We don't have any evidence. Are we just going to fight with him based on a guess?

How do you know this is not a ploy by the other party to make you lose your mind? "

Wu Yong is depressed. When will you change your hot temper?

"Then what do you think I should do now? The Sun family has become the public enemy of Chengdu Prefecture. If this continues, it will be over."

Sun Qing is depressed. Now the Sun family has been pushed into the fire. If he doesn't think of a way, he will really be kicked out of Chengdu.

"This is not easy. You arrange the people, and I will arrange the caravan. Let's catch the turtle in the jar.

As long as I catch the Zhou family, I will immediately report it to the observer and ask him to eradicate the Zhou family in one fell swoop! ” ˆ ˆ Wu Yong also clenched his fists and stood up slowly.

The Sun family and the Wu family had secretly established an offensive and defensive alliance long ago in order to resist the increasingly domineering Lingma family.

Now he will never sit back and watch the Sun family be kicked out like this.

If the Zhou family takes the place of the Sun family, then it may be his turn next.

Lin Hao is just an outsider. Now he has a certain ability to protect the Wu family here. Once Lin Hao is transferred out, the Wu family will be completely destroyed.

"Okay, I'll call someone over right now, Zhou Da, I will never let you go!"

Sun Qing left a harsh word and turned to leave.

"Ling He, Ma Lanshan, you want to play like this, right? I'll accompany you."

Wu Yong drank the wine in front of him in one gulp, then walked away.

"Your Majesty, something happened!"

Secretary Li Ming came to Lin Hao and saluted him slowly.

"what happened?"

Lin Hao was teasing the birds in front of him and glanced at Li Ming, who was also a little confused.

"Envoy, outside Chengdu Prefecture."

Li Ming immediately told the information he received.

"These aristocratic families are really annoying. Isn't it good to guard your own one-third of an acre of land?

We must do these messy things at this time.

What did the Wu family say? "

Lin Hao gently took off the birdcage and teased the parrot in the cage again.

"There is no news about the Wu family yet. I guess they want to solve it themselves. After all, this time the spearhead is directed at the Sun family.

The relationship between the Wu family and the Sun family is extraordinary, and they will definitely not sit back and watch each other behave like this. "

Li Ming shook his head and told the Wu family's movements.

"Then let them make trouble. I want to see what the best result they can achieve."

After Lin Hao finished speaking, he also carried the bird cage and walked towards the house, leaving only Li Ming behind.

Li Ming was distracted for a while while looking at Lin Hao's back, and finally turned around and left to arrange for people to continue monitoring the situation outside the city.

"Brother Li, something happened!"

Cheng Chubi quickly rushed to Li Yanran's side, his eyes full of excitement.

"what happened?"

Li Yanran put down the book in her hand and looked at Cheng Chubi.

"There are people outside Chengdu who are doing the same thing as us, intercepting and killing caravans, and they don't seem to be Tang people, but serious Qiang people!"

Cheng Chubi smiled and directly told everything he had seen.

"That's not right. If the Ling family and the Ma family really wanted revenge, they wouldn't pretend to be Qiang people!"

Hearing Cheng Chubi's words, Li Yanran was also stunned for a moment.

"Brother Li, is it possible that those Qiang people want to fish in troubled waters? Take the opportunity to plunder?"

Yuchi Huan also frowned and expressed his thoughts.

"It can't be what the Qiang people mean. They don't have such a brain."

Li Yanran shook her head. She thought so at first, but she immediately rejected it.

The Qiang people are all foreigners, and there are not many people with real brains, so there must be other people behind this incident.

"This matter should be done by the Ling family and the Ma family."

Di Renjie glanced at a few people and spoke slowly.

"Tell me about it!"

Li Yanran glanced at Di Renjie and motioned for him to continue talking.

"In addition to the four major families, there is also the Zhou family in Chengdu. They also have a deep connection with the Qiang people, but they have always been suppressed by the Sun family.

If I were the Ling family and the Ma family, instead of intercepting the Sun and Wu caravans, I would rather use the Zhou family to pretend to be members of the Sun family and intercept all the merchants in Chengdu Prefecture.

In this way, they can arouse the entire Chengdu Prefecture's hostility towards the Sun family. Then they can use some random means, such as asking people to pretend to be members of the Sun family and admit these things, and they can drive the Sun family out of Chengdu Prefecture. "

After speaking, Di Renjie stood aside and waited for Li Yanran to reply.

"Haha, it seems that there are capable people among these big families!"

Li Yanran smiled, Di Renjie's analysis made sense.

It seems that I have underestimated those people. If I can come up with such a vicious plan, it is at least much more powerful than the four major aristocratic families in Luoyang.

"Brother Li, do we want to take action next?"

Cheng Chubi was depressed, hearing all these twists and turns gave him a headache.

He doesn't want to think about anything else. He just wants to know whether there will be another tribulation next.

"Getting started with a watermelon, isn't that exactly what we want, and if I were the Sun family, I would definitely fight back next.

Sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight, let's take a good look at how dog bites dog between them! "

After glaring at Cheng Chubi, Li Yanran was also depressed. This fool really had no brains at all.

You've already achieved your goal, so why bother messing around, idiot, idiot.

"I'm going to tell the soldiers to withdraw, sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers!"

Cheng Chubi turned around and headed towards the layman.

Sun Qing quickly borrowed five hundred Qiang elites from Yelibunle, and at the same time gathered private soldiers from the two families, totaling a thousand people.

Then the troops were divided into two groups, one group was escorted by two hundred private soldiers, escorting dozens of carts to leave Chengdu Mansion.

The rest of the way are all Qiang people, lurking in places where they may be ambushed in advance, waiting for big fish to take the bait.

"The caravan was discovered. It is from the Wu family. It was escorted by dozens of large vehicles and more than 200 private soldiers!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Go ahead!"

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