My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 837 Awareness

Zhou Min smiled ferociously and led his team to kill him.

Dozens of Qiang cavalry galloped from a distance on the yellow sand, followed by hundreds of Qiang soldiers.

"The enemy is attacking, form a formation!"

Seeing the enemies coming from a distance, Wu Liang did not panic at all and directly ordered the carriages to form a formation.

For a moment, all the private soldiers retreated backwards, and large carts were pushed forward to form a formation.

"Go around on both sides!"

Zhou Min sneered and directly ordered the Qiang cavalry to bypass the car formation from the left and right sides.

The cavalry was in front, and the infantry behind them also came one after another and began to attack these people.

The scene instantly became chaotic. Just when the caravan guards were overwhelmed, the boxes on the carriage flew up one after another, and the private soldiers who had been hiding inside came out directly.

"No, there's an ambush! Escape quickly."

Seeing this scene, the Zhou people were also horrified and immediately ordered the soldiers to retreat.


At this moment, the Qiang soldiers who were ambushing on both sides jumped out, and dozens of cavalry crossed the mountains and forests to fight directly with Zhou Min's cavalry.

"Don't be obsessed with fighting, let's go!"

Zhou Min didn't care about anything else, he found the direction and ran away.

As soon as the Zhou people fled, the Qiang soldiers lost all will to fight. They dropped the enemies around them and began to flee in all directions.

"Don't let anyone go!"


What followed was a bloody pursuit. Qiang people were constantly being chased and killed. Of course, some people knelt on the ground and surrendered to the opponent.

After the pursuit was completed, these Qiang prisoners were also taken to the Wu family's stronghold outside the city.

The situation of an ambush outside the city was immediately reported to the Chengdu mansion. After receiving the news, Zhou Da rushed directly to Ma Lanshan's mansion.

"What? Was he ambushed? Why were you so careless? Has any key person been arrested?"

After hearing Zhou Da's words, Ma Lanshan also stood up suddenly.

He is really a pig teammate among pig teammates. When he ambushed others, he didn't even catch up with them.

You guys are so lucky, you were picked up by the whole bunch.

"No, those who were arrested were just Qiang people. My people took advantage of the chaos and escaped."

Zhou Da swallowed his saliva and slowly replied to Ma Lanshan.

"That's okay. You immediately send someone to the Qiang tribe that borrowed troops and ask them to bring people over."

Ma Lanshan also breathed a sigh of relief and asked Zhou Da to find the Qiang people.

"Why do you want them to bring people here?"

Zhou Da was confused and didn't know what Ma Lanshan meant.

"Why bring people here? Of course we need people. If those people are in the hands of the Wu family and the Sun family, there's no telling what they will concoct.

Instead of waiting passively to take action, it is better to take the lead and make things worse.

In this case, the robbery will become a conflict between the two clans, and even the observers will not dare to deal with it easily, so they can only let people go this way. "

Ma Lanshan gave Zhou Da a cold look. If he did nothing now, he would just sit back and wait for death.

He is not one to sit still and wait for death.

"I see!"

Upon hearing Ma Lanshan's words, Zhou Da immediately understood, turned around and walked out.

"Caught, caught!"

Wu Li rushed over, his eyes full of excitement.

"Where is the person now?"

Hearing this, Wu Yong was also excited and stood up directly.

"In our manor outside the city."

"Let's go, follow me!"

Wu Yong went directly to find Sun Qing, and the two of them went out of the city to the Wu family's manor outside the city.

Looking at the tied Qiang people in front of them, Wu Yong and Sun Qing also smiled.

Now the ground rat finally couldn't hide anymore.

But after interrogation, they discovered that these were just some trash fish, and the real mastermind had not been caught at all.

"What should I do?"

Sun Qing glanced at Wu Yong and was also a little depressed.

"What should we do? These people are enough for us to do something.

These people first asked them to sign and sign. After all this was completed, I went to the observer with their accusations. "

Wu Yong looked indifferent.

There is no main criminal, and the minions are not useless.

"Okay, then leave everything to Lang Jun!"

Sun Qing nodded and immediately arranged for people to sign and deposit.

After they got the charges, Wu Yong hurried towards Chengdu Mansion.

"Envoy, Wu Yong wants to see you."

"Wu Yong? Why is he here now?"

Lin Hao was still teasing his parrot.

"According to the information received, they seem to have set up an ambush and captured a lot of Qiang bandits. This should be why they came."

Li Ming smiled and guessed Wu Yong's purpose.

"These two guys are really good. They captured someone so quickly?"

Hearing what Li Ming said, Lin Hao was stunned for a moment.

He originally thought he could just sit back and watch those aristocratic dogs bite dogs, but he didn't expect it to be over so quickly?

I really underestimated them.

"The specific situation is not clear yet, but it should be close to ten!"

Li Ming saluted Lin Hao again. "Okay, let him wait in the side hall, and I will go see him after I finish feeding my baby!"

Lin Hao waved his hand, and Li Ming also bowed and slowly retreated.

Soon Wu Yong was taken to the side hall, and not long after, Lin Hao also walked over slowly.

"I've seen the envoy!"

Seeing Lin Hao's figure, Wu Yong quickly saluted him.

"I heard that you have something to do with me? What's the matter?"

Lin Hao sat on the chair and waved to Wu Yong to signal him to sit down and talk.

"Your Majesty, a group of bandits appeared outside the city, specializing in plundering business travelers out of Chengdu Prefecture.

Now that I have captured him, the man behind it turned out to be Zhou Da from the Zhou family.

Please also ask the envoy to take action to punish, to rectify the country's laws, and to calm the people's hearts. "

Wu Yong directly sent the prepared charges to Lin Hao.

"Although the Zhou family is not as good as you, they are still a wealthy family. This alone seems not enough!"

Lin Hao glanced at the confession and then looked at Wu Yong aside.

It's too far-fetched to make you take action against the Zhou family based on these alone.

Besides, I am not ready to go to war now. Doing so would not be in line with my own interests.

What he wants is for the four major families to consume each other, so that he can completely control Chengdu Mansion.

"Your Majesty, it's easy for you to ask people from the Zhou family to come out. I have a few acquaintances in the Zhou family. If necessary, they will definitely come forward!"

Wu Yong frowned, not knowing what Lin Hao meant.

"It won't work for just a little guy. Although I am an observer, the Chengdu Governor's Office is not a vegetarian.

Without sufficient evidence, I would be impeached if I tried to overstep my authority. "

Lin Hao frowned and refused again.

"Forgot, I brought you some gifts when I came here today."

Wu Yong became depressed and waved his hands, and immediately two servants came over with boxes.

"This is one thousand taels of gold. As long as the envoy takes action, after taking down the Zhou family, there will be one thousand taels of gold left in return!"

After opening the box, Wu Yong also smiled at Lin Hao.

"If that's the case, let's put the box down first. I'll have to think about it some more!"

Lin Hao nodded and signaled Wu Yong to leave the box and get out.

"Wu Yong resigns!"

Wu Yong was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then immediately withdrew.

"Shi Ling, are you really planning to take action?"

Li Ming also walked to Lin Hao and looked at the box in front of him in a daze.

"Take action? This matter won't be settled that easily.

Just watch, something else will happen, let’s talk about it then! "

Lin Hao sneered and replied to Li Ming.

"Something happened? You mean the Qiang people will come to ask for someone?"

Li Ming was not a fool, and he immediately understood what Lin Hao meant.

“The Ma family and the Ling family are not fools, and they will definitely not sit still and wait for death.

The only thing they can rely on now is the identity of the arrested person. Just watch, their people will come today or tomorrow! "

Lin Hao nodded and told the other party's response.

"If that's the case, you can justifiably intervene."

Li Ming smiled. His envoy was really an extraordinary person. No wonder he was able to take root in Jiannan Road in such a short period of time.

"Well, the key now is not this, but I don't want things to stop like this. It's so easy for such a change to happen, so I have to make good use of it."

Lin Hao frowned. Although this matter was an opportunity for him to intervene, it was not what he wanted to see.

In his opinion, the four major families have been entrenched in Chengdu for too long, and if they don't want to find a way to weaken them.

If something goes wrong, Chengdu Prefecture will be in danger.

His Majesty entrusted Jiannan Road to him. He must not betray the emperor's trust. The four major families must be weakened.

"Your Majesty, haven't you noticed that there is something strange about this incident?"

Li Ming glanced at Lin Hao and expressed his concerns.

"Weird? You feel it too?"

"Well, I feel like this time things are not that simple. There is a promoter behind it that we don't know about, but I still can't find out who this person is.

For example, the first time the Ma family and Ling family's caravans were robbed, there was no trace of those people. "

Hearing this, Lin Hao suddenly laughed.

"Your Majesty? Why are you laughing? Did I say something wrong?"

Seeing Lin Hao's appearance, Li Ming was also stunned for a moment, not knowing what the other party meant.

"Youhuan, we seem to have forgotten someone!"

Lin Hao patted Li Ming on the shoulder, looking serious.


Li Ming was stunned for a moment, wondering what Lin Hao meant.

"What's the precursor to this?"

"Omen? Are you saying these were all done by Chang Sun Yan? This is impossible!"

Li Ming understood Lin Hao's thoughts immediately, but Chang Sun Yan?

That dandy boy has been surrounded and suppressed by the four major families since he arrived in Chengdu, and he has never done anything.

After all, this is Chengdu Prefecture, not Chang'an.

Even if Changsun Wuji is powerful, he is beyond his reach here.

"Don't underestimate anyone. After all, Changsun Yan is the heir of Changsun Wuji, and he is also a member of Princess Lishan.

Do you think he could be pushed around so easily? "

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