My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 839 You idiot, you were fooled!

Seeing Zhao Wu's approach, Li Feng rushed out and stopped him.

"Brother Li, it's me. I have something to ask for to see His Highness."

Zhao Wu jumped off his horse and saluted Li Feng in front of him.

"You masters and servants are all of the same character. You always like to come over in the middle of the night. Don't you know that this will delay the lady's rest?"

Li Feng was depressed, as was Changsun Yan, and so was Zhao Wu.

This pair of master and servant is really interesting.

"Brother Li, I have something important to do, please be accommodating!"

Zhao Wu was also told by Li Feng that he had no temper at all, but isn't this impossible!

If possible, he wouldn't want to come out in the middle of the night. It was almost dawn when he got here.


Li Feng could also tell that Zhao Wu must be in trouble, so he didn't dare to delay and walked in without any delay.


Hearing Li Feng's voice, Li Yanran also jumped up from the bed in a smart move.

"what's up?"

"Zhao Wu is here, saying he has something to ask for!"

"Let him come here!"


Soon Zhao Wu was taken to Li Yanran's tent.

"Zhao Wu has met Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Seeing Li Yanran, Zhao Wu quickly saluted him.

"what happened?"

"This is a letter from my husband to you."

Not daring to neglect, Zhao Wu directly handed the letter in his arms to Li Yanran's hand.

After reading Chang Sun Yan's letter, Li Yanran also frowned.

"Li Feng, go and call Di Renjie right away!"


Di Renjie was also woken up from his sleep, and then followed Li Feng to Li Yanran's tent.

"Your Highness, what's the matter?"

Looking at the frowning Li Yanran, Di Renjie was also a little confused.

I woke up in the middle of the night. Could it be that something happened in Chengdu Mansion?

"Look at it!"

Li Yanran didn't say anything and directly handed over Chang Sun Yan's letter.

"This Lin Hao is born in the year of the dog, right?"

Di Renjie woke up instantly, holding the letter in his hand in disbelief.

"No matter what he is, what do you think now?"

Li Yanran shook her head. She was also quite surprised. This Lin Hao was really a dog.

There was nothing, how did he know that he had done it.

"This Lin Hao is not an easy character to deal with. He was known for his wisdom and layout before. His Majesty sent him to Jiannan Road for a reason.

I think he was just suspicious, but now it's definitely confirmed. "

Di Renjie thought for a moment and slowly replied to Li Yanran.

"What do you mean?"

Li Yanran was stunned and didn't know why Di Renjie said that.

"If I were that Li Ming, after testing Chang Sun Yan, I would definitely send people to stay outside the manor. Zhao Wu would expose our situation when he comes out."

Di Renjie sighed, he had already guessed what the other party would do.

"Why do you think Lin Hao sent someone to discuss cooperation with Changsun Yan, instead of directly taking action to knead the four major families together again? After all, the Wu family still has a very good relationship with him."

Li Yanran looked at Di Renjie, and she knew that what he said made sense, but the key now was what Lin Hao meant.

"I guess the reason why he did this may be the same as ours. The Wu family is just a pawn of his.

What he really wants is the entire Chengdu Mansion, and even the entire Jiannan Road. "

Di Renjie smiled slightly, as if he had guessed what Lin Hao meant.

"You mean that the reason he went to find Changsun Yan is because he wants us to become their pawns and help them deal with the four major families. Then he can completely control this place."

Li Yanran also understood Di Renjie's thoughts. Lin Hao was really not an easy character to deal with.

He even dares to use it himself, that's really awesome.

"It should be."

"Being a chess piece, haha, I have always played chess, and no one has dared to use me as a chess piece.

To be honest, I really want to meet this Lin Hao now and see who he is! "

Li Yanran glanced at the night in the distance, her eyes full of curiosity.

“Your Highness, is it too risky to meet this Lin Hao now?

After all, the jury is still out on whether he is a traitor or a loyal person. It would be bad if something goes wrong if you rush to see him.

Instead of doing this, it is better to take out the imperial edict, prove it to Changsun Yan, and let him meet Lin Hao as a special envoy. "

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Di Renjie was stunned.

You don’t know anything yet, so you’re going to take the risk to meet Lin Hao?

You are a princess of the Tang Dynasty, not a peasant girl. If the other party is deliberately testing me, everything will be over.

"Do you think Changsun Yan can beat Lin Hao? People's minds are like coals. Changsun Yan comes there just to deliver food.

Moreover, Lin Hao is a smart man. If I come forward, he will only be more cooperative and will definitely not do anything detrimental to us. "

Li Yanran touched the coffee table, her eyes full of confidence.

This Lin Hao is much stronger than Liu Gu in Luoyang, and no one can suppress him at all.

If he wants to ensure the situation in Chengdu Prefecture, Lin Hao must win over him.

"But it's too early to be exposed now. Although the other party may have discovered us, they don't know our identities.

Let’s first see which side Lin Hao is on! "

Di Renjie still thought it was risky and spoke again to make Li Yanran think twice.

"Didn't you just say that Lin Hao's goal is to control the entire Chengdu Prefecture and the entire Jiannan Road?

This does not conflict with our ideas at all. Cooperation will benefit both parties, and separation will harm both parties. Can't you see this? Li Yanran glanced at Di Renjie, have you forgotten what you just said?


Li Yanran used her own spear to attack the enemy's shield, which really left Di Renjie speechless.

Using his own words to excuse himself, this is only Li Yanran who can do this.

"Okay, don't say anything anymore, just do it!

Besides, Lin Hao has been here for so long. With his help, it will be easier to get rid of the four major families. "

Li Yanran also leaned back as she spoke, looking extremely relaxed.


Di Renjie sighed. Since Li Yanran insisted, he had no choice but to do this.

"Brother Li, Zhao Wu brought the tail when he came back."

Li Feng immediately told the situation outside after entering the account.

"Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here! Just enough for them to go back and bring news to Lin Hao, so that Lin Hao can come and meet."

Li Yanran and Di Renjie looked at each other. As expected by Di Renjie, the tail was coming.

"I'll make arrangements!"

Di Renjie saluted and left directly.

"Who are you?"

Di Renjie came outside, looked at the men who were pinned to the ground, and asked them.

"We are the ones you can't mess with."

The person who was arrested was very stubborn and glared at Di Renjie, full of hostility.

"A person you can't afford to offend? Take him out and bury him."

Di Renjie sneered and waved his hand to his men to drag him out and bury him.

"Etc., etc."

"We have no malicious intent, we are members of the Jiannan Road Observer."

Several people were dumbfounded and shouted loudly at Di Renjie.

"Jiannan Road Observer? Wait first!"

Di Renjie waved his hand, and the Longmen bodyguard immediately pulled him back.

"You are the observers of Jiannan Road, but we don't seem to have any issues with the envoy. Why did we send people here?"

"We were ordered by Secretary Li Ming to observe the situation in Changsun Yan Manor, and we followed him here!"

"Haha, I know what your order means. You want to find out what we are about, right?

Let him come here on his own, there is someone here who wants to see him! "

Seeing that the other party was still obedient, Di Renjie also signaled the other party to go back and tell Lin Hao to have someone come over to see Li Yanran.

"Do you want our messenger to come here?"

The scouts were all stunned when they heard this. What a big deal this man was.

That was the Jiannan Dao Observer, and Jiannan Dao deserved to be in charge.

If you let him come to see you in this quiet place, are you the King of Heaven?

"Yes, I told your envoys that if you want to cooperate with Changsun Yan, come here. I guarantee that he will not be disappointed."

Di Renjie waved his hand, and the Longmen escort also untied the rope from the opponent's body.

"Then let's go!"

Although they don’t know what caused this person to go crazy, this is exactly what they should do.

Moreover, the situation here was like a wolf's den, and the way those Longmen escorts looked at them made them feel uncomfortable all over.

Leave early and escape early.

"Let's go!"

Di Renjie smiled, and the others ran away, mounted their horses and ran towards Chengdu Mansion.

When they arrived at Chengdu Mansion, they happened to catch up with the city gate, and several people also rode their horses back to the Observation Envoy Yamen.

"Your Majesty, the person responsible for monitoring Chang Sun Yan is back."

Li Ming came to Lin Hao's side and directly told the situation there.

"If you want to cooperate, just let me come over. Who is this person? Such a big name?"

Hearing Li Ming's words, Lin Hao was also stunned for a moment.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this person has a high status, otherwise he wouldn't have the confidence to say such things.

And since they said this, it proves that all our previous thoughts are correct, and their purpose is the same as ours.

Provoking a fight between the four major families, and then profiting from it by fishing in troubled waters. "

Li Ming glanced at Lin Hao and expressed his opinion.

"You mean you want me to go see them?"

"It's okay to meet him. Just think of it as going out to relax."

Li Ming nodded and expressed his thoughts.

"Let's meet then, prepare the carriage and horses and let's go out of the city!"

Lin Hao nodded, followed the other party directly into the carriage, and ran towards the outside of the city.

As soon as they arrived at the perimeter of Li Yanran's station, they were surrounded by Longmen escorts.

Seeing the situation in front of him, the soldiers beside Lin Hao drew their swords instantly, their eyes filled with nervousness.

These people are not easy to deal with at first glance. Could it be that he has entered a den of thieves?

"Who is it? Tell me your identity!"

Lin Cheng glanced at the driver in front of him, his eyes filled with cold murderous intent.

"We are the drivers of the Jiannan Road Observation Envoy. Who are you? How dare you set up a roadblock here to stop people!"

Li Ming rode forward and directly reported his identity.

"Jiannan Road Observer? Let them in!"

Upon hearing the other party's identity, Lin Cheng waved his hand directly, signaling for the scout to let him go!

"Your Majesty, these people don't look like ordinary people!"

Li Ming looked at the scouts who were getting out of the way and couldn't help but frown.

"As you come, take care of yourself. Don't panic."

Lin Hao's voice came from inside, accompanied by the crisp chirping of birds.


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