My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 840 Take the initiative to expose your identity!

Li Ming stopped talking and just rode his horse to follow the carriage.

The group of people moved forward and arrived directly at the center.

Lin Hao got out of the car and frowned as he looked at the heavily guarded Longmen escorts in front of him.

"This must be Lin Shiling!"

Di Renjie smiled at Lin Hao and greeted him directly.

"I am Lin Hao, who are you? Why are you here?"

Lin Hao also glanced at Di Renjie and felt that this person was extraordinary and not like an ordinary person.

"Commander Lin, please, there is someone waiting for you inside!"

After confirming his identity, Di Renjie also saluted the other party and let him enter the account.

"I want to see who you are!"

Lin Hao was not afraid at all. He raised his legs and followed Di Renjie towards the tent.

"You can't come in!"

Lin Cheng stood up directly and stopped Li Ming who wanted to follow him in.


Li Ming was confused. Who was inside? He was not allowed in because of such a big deal.

"This is my confidant, let him come in together!"

Lin Hao frowned and spoke directly to Di Renjie.

"He'd better stay outside, please!"

Di Renjie shook his head slightly and continued to lead Lin Hao forward.

After entering the tent and looking at Li Yanran sitting in the main seat, Lin Hao couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

I don’t know what the identity of the other party is, that he can have a subordinate like Di Renjie.

"Are you Lin Hao?"

Li Yanran glanced at Lin Hao and asked him directly.

"Baby, don't you know you should protect your own home before asking others?"

Lin Hao is also true to Li Yanran. You must know that he is the observer of Jiannan Road and the real official of the border.

"Report your family name? Haha, my surname is Li!"

Li Yanran smiled and said her last name.

"Your surname is Li? don't know how."

Lin Hao was really frightened now. What was Li's surname? It was Huang.

He couldn't think of any explanation for such a pompous and powerful person other than the current prince.

"Yes, I am Li Yanran, Princess Lishan of the Tang Dynasty!"

Li Yanran nodded.

"Lin Linhao has met Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Now that the opponent had shown his cards, Lin Hao also hurriedly saluted.

"Don't you need to confirm? What if I am fake?"

Li Yanran smiled and joked towards Lin Hao.

"Fake? Does anyone dare to pretend to be a princess? Besides, there is still this battle. If Lin Hao can't see it anymore, I won't be able to be the observer of Jiannan Road."

Lin Hao shook his head. There are people who can impersonate everything, but no one dares to impersonate this royal family member.

If this is discovered, the Nine Clans will be punished.

Besides, he is still the observer of Jiannan Road. Even if Li Gui really exists, he would not dare to do this in front of him.

"sit down!"

Li Yanran gave Li Feng a look, and the other party immediately brought a chair and placed it next to Lin Hao.

"I still won't sit down. There is no place for me to sit in front of the princess."

"Sit down if I ask you to, there's so much nonsense!"

Li Yanran's eyes widened, and Lin Hao also hurriedly sat down in the precinct.

After all, Li Yanran's evil reputation has now spread throughout the Tang Dynasty. Anyone who dares to offend him is asking for trouble.

"Do you know why I came to you?"

Seeing Lin Hao take his seat, Li Yanran asked again.

"Lin Hao doesn't know, please let Her Royal Highness the Princess know for sure!"

Even if Lin Hao knew, he wouldn't dare to talk nonsense. After all, now that Li Yanran is here, who knows what she wants to do here.

"Haha, you are a smart man, let's not beat around the bush, let's talk about it, what do you think of Chengdu Mansion?"

Li Yanran also cut to the chase and directly asked the other party what they thought of Chengdu Mansion.

"Your Highness, are you really here because of Chengdu Mansion's affairs?"

Hearing this, Lin Hao was stunned for a moment.

Although Chengdu Mansion is important, there is no need for the other party to come in person.

"What do you think? Chengdu Mansion is my lifeblood, and the four major families bully me.

If I don't find my way back, how can I get around in Datang in the future? "

"But Your Highness, you left the fiefdom privately. If word spreads about this, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Lin Hao was really stupid now, His Highness was really a lunatic.

He actually rushed from Chang'an to Chengdu because of this trivial matter. If anyone found out, those officials wouldn't bother him to death.

"What are you afraid of? I came here with a request. My father has long noticed the situation in Chengdu Mansion, so he specially appointed Chang Sun Yan as the special imperial envoy to oversee the situation here."

Li Yanran's face was full of indifference. Can't I think of what you can think of?

We came here on an edict to clear out the Chengdu Prefecture.

"Your Majesty's decree, Lin Hao will not dare to disobey His Majesty's instructions!"

After looking at Li Yanran, Lin Hao was really scared to death. It turned out that the emperor knew about the situation in Chengdu Mansion.

"No need to do this, let's talk about the situation in Chengdu Prefecture first!"

Li Yanran was depressed. Don't dare to disobey anyone who wants you. I want your information.


Lin Hao immediately told all the information he had collected in the past two years.

"Don't the Wu family have a close relationship with your family? Are you not even going to let them go?" Li Yanran also sneered after hearing Lin Hao's information. This guy was just as Di Renjie thought, the Wu family was indeed his pawn.

"The Wu family, like the other three families, are all worthy of death. The reason why we chose the Wu family is just because we happen to be related.

A chess piece must have its destiny, and no one should be killed. "

Lin Hao didn't care at all. Choosing the Wu family was just a matter of both sides getting what they needed.

When you are done with it, you still have to clear out what needs to be removed.

"The situation has become like this, so what are you going to do next?"

Li Yanran nodded, this guy is really a ruthless person, he won't even let his own people go.

Lin Hao also hurriedly told all his plans.

"Then why didn't you do it earlier?"

Cheng Chubi glanced at Lin Hao, why were he talking about these things now?

“Although the four major families occasionally fought, they were an alliance.

The reason why I made friends with the Wu family was just to use them as a breakthrough point and slowly disintegrate them.

Moreover, this place is under the jurisdiction of the Chengdu Governor's Office. Although I have a higher status, I cannot overstep my command without any reason.

The most important thing is that they are inextricably linked to the Qiang people. If they are touched, I am afraid that the situation in Jiannan Road will be unstable. "

Lin Hao also became depressed after hearing Cheng Chubi's words.

Do you think I don't want to take action? There really is nothing I can do.

If possible, these offal would have been taken out and chopped up long ago.

"Okay, I understand, now that I have the Holy Purpose at hand, I don't have to worry about anything.

As for those Qiang people, I will order the surrounding military towns to send troops to support them.

If the Qiang people dare to cause trouble, they will be killed. "

Li Yanran understood Lin Hao's difficulties. As a foreign official, he needed the support of local aristocratic families.

Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult for him to do something. The most important thing was that the Qiang people were involved, so he had to be more careful.

If something goes wrong, no matter what he does, he will be impeached in the court.

"Your Highness, don't be so aggressive!"

Li Yanran's words really scared Lin Hao.

Although the treatment of the Qiang people before the Tang Dynasty was mainly killing, in recent years, with the surrender of the Qiang people, it has become more gentle.

If we suppress it forcefully now, there will be big problems later.

"Don't worry, this is also what the emperor means. Foreigners must have different thoughts. The Tang Dynasty has been good enough to them in these years.

If these people are still not satisfied and want to jump out to look for trouble, then they cannot be tolerated.

Beat a stick and give a sweet date, and these Qiang people will only become more docile. "

Li Yanran, however, has no scruples and dares to think that she is making money for herself, let alone a Qiang person. Even if the king of heaven comes, she dares to pluck out his beard.

"Lin Hao understands!"

After looking at Li Yanran, Lin Hao couldn't help but shudder.

To have such murderous intent at such a young age, this little princess is really powerful.

"Well, then just do it. Just do it. If there is any problem, I will tell you the truth.

I have only one request, and that is to clear up the problem in Chengdu Mansion as soon as possible, and not to spare anyone who deserves to be killed.

Understand? "

Li Yanran looked at Lin Hao again and signaled him to just go ahead and do it.

"Your Highness, just wait for Lin Hao's performance!"

With Li Yanran's words, Lin Hao was completely relieved.

After all, he was now investigating the case according to orders, and all his previous scruples could be put aside.

"Then let's do this for now, I'm waiting for your good news!"

Li Yanran waved her hand and signaled the other party to go to work!


Lin Hao left directly after saluting.

"Commander, how is it?"

Seeing Lin Hao coming out of the tent, Li Ming immediately greeted him.

"Get in the car first and go back to Chengdu!"

Lin Hao didn't say anything and got on the carriage directly.

Li Ming looked at the tent in front of him again, then mounted a horse and followed Lin Hao's carriage.

A group of people quickly returned to the Chengdu Mansion and entered their own Observer's Mansion. Lin Hao lay down directly on the chair.

"Your Majesty, what happened? Why are you like this?"

Looking at Lin Hao's appearance, Li Ming felt depressed.

This special thing makes everyone look different.

"Don't worry about me, go and invite Mr. Zhangsun here right away!"

"Chang Sun Yan please? Envoy, why are you looking for him?"

Li Ming was even more confused and couldn't understand Lin Hao's operations.

"Don't talk nonsense. If I ask you to go, please go quickly."

Lin Hao was depressed. He didn't realize it before, but he suddenly felt that Li Ming talked so much.

"He is hostile to you. I'm afraid he won't come if I invite him!"

Li Ming was even more depressed. He had done nothing, so why did he curse others for nothing?

"I don't care what method you use, whether it's begging or suffering, but people must be brought to me, do you understand?"

Lin Hao glared at Li Ming. If he hadn't been exposed too much now, he would have visited him in person.


Li Ming was really confused now, but he had to obey orders given by others.

Not long after Li Ming left, his army comrade Zhan Jiuming also rushed in.

"Your Majesty, something happened."

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