My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 841 Go to Lihalan!

Zhan Jiuming's eyes were full of anxiety and he spoke to Lin Hao.

"what happened?"

"Zhang Lihalan has arrived at the city with two thousand Qiang people and asked us to release their people."

Zhan Jiuming directly stated the information he had just received.

"Go to Liharan, we are here after all, gather your troops and come with me to have a look!"

When he heard that Li Halan was bringing someone, Lin Hao stood up immediately.


Zhan Jiuming also hurriedly saluted, turned around and ran away.

Soon the soldiers and horses under the observation envoy were assembled and rushed towards the city gate to protect Lin Hao.

At the same time, Ma Bohao and Ling Su also ordered their troops and horses to come to the city wall.

"Ma Sima, Ling Changshi, did you come very quickly?"

Lin Hao glanced at the two of them and smiled at them.

"Ma Bohao has met Lin Shiling!"

"Ling Su has met Lin Shiling!"

When the two saw this, they looked at each other and hurriedly saluted Lin Hao.

"What's the situation now? Why did Li Halan suddenly bring someone here?"

Lin Hao also pretended to be confused and asked the two about each other's situation.

"I don't know, we just arrived!"

The two sneered and shook their heads together.

"If you don't know, then let this observer ask!"

"Go to Lihalan, why did you bring people to Chengdu? Do you know that doing so is against national law."

Lin Hao lay directly on the wall and asked Li Halan below.

"Lin Ling, Xiang Lihalan knew that it was not good to do this, but I had no choice but to do it.

My men came to Chengdu two days ago for a tour, but they were attacked outside the city and captured all of them.

I had no choice but to bring people here, hoping to get Lin Shiling to give an explanation.

Just give the person back to me and I'll leave right away. "

Li Halan was riding on the war horse and loudly replied to Lin Hao on the city wall.

"Ling Changshi, you are the Changshi of the Chengdu Governor's Mansion. Is what you told Li Halan the truth?"

Lin Hao smiled in his heart and asked Ling Su directly.

"I don't know the reply order. Wang Mu, do you know about this?"

Ling Su pretended to be surprised and looked directly at Fa Cao Wang Mu on the side.

"Looking back to the long history, it is indeed true.

I just received news that Wu Sicao and Sun Qing's troops seemed to have robbed a wave of Qiang people outside the city. If I guessed correctly, they should have gone to Chief Lihalan's troops. "

Wang Mu saluted Ling Su and directly said the words he had made up long ago.

"Really? Wu Sicao, if this is really the case, hurry up and let him go.

After all, they were Qiang people, and if something went wrong, the consequences would be disastrous. "

Ling Su glanced at Wu Yong aside, said nothing, and let Wu Yong go.

"Ling Changshi, I did capture some Qiang people, but they were just bandits who robbed their homes, and they were not kind-hearted people.

Recently, many merchants in Chengdu Prefecture have been intercepted and killed by them. What's wrong?

Ling Changshi asked me to release them without asking any questions. Could it be that these people have something to do with you? "

Wu Yong sneered. Even though Ling Su was the governor of the governor's office, behind him was Lin Hao.

I'm afraid it's impossible. If he is released now, the blame will still fall on him.

"Wu Si Cao, don't be slanderous. You must provide evidence when doing things. If you can't produce evidence, I will punish you for slandering Shangguan."

When Ling Su heard this, he also raised his eyebrows and shouted angrily at Wu Yong.

"Evidence? Do you really want me to show it?"

Wu Yong glanced at Ling Su again, with a hint of ferocity on his lips.

"Do you really think I'm afraid of you? If you have the ability, bring out the evidence."

Ling Su also took a step forward, his eyes full of cold murderous intent.

"Shut up, are you still a three-year-old child? How is it appropriate to make noises in public?"

Lin Hao also stood up and shouted at the two of them.

"Calm down the order!"

"Calm down the order!"

Hearing Lin Hao's roar, the two of them immediately became honest.

"Go to Lihalan, let me ask you again, you said they came for tourism, but Wu Sicao said they were doing banditry.

Once it is finally confirmed that this is the case, not only them, but also your tribe will be held accountable.

The laws of the Tang Dynasty will not embarrass a good person, nor will they let a bad person go.

Should you leave now, or should you persist in the confrontation! "

Lin Hao lay on the wall again and shouted at Li Halan who was under the city wall.

"I can compensate for the losses of those previous caravans, as long as I can get my people back."

Xiang Lihalan frowned. Although he didn't want to pay, it seemed that he couldn't do it now.

"That means you have already acquiesced that those people are members of your tribe, and have also committed bandits and robbers?"

Seeing Li Halan give in, Lin Hao spoke to him again.

"My people may be a little impulsive, but that is not their intention. Please ask Ambassador Lin to be more generous!"

Li Halan also used the cruelest expression and said the most cowardly words.

He begged Lin Hao for mercy on the spot. "Your Majesty, since we have said it all, if it doesn't work, give them a small punishment or a big warning, let them compensate for the loss, and let them go.

After all, the war between Tang Dynasty and Tubo is imminent, and stability is the top priority.

If we start a fight between the Qiang people and us over a trivial matter, there will be big problems! "

Ling Su glanced at Lin Hao and felt something bad.

Why is Lin Hao different from the past? Before, he always said that he should be gentle and gentle.

Why did it suddenly become like this? Did he really want to go to war with the Qiang people for the Wu family and the Sun family?

This is a big deal. If it affects the stability of the Tibetan border, he will no longer be able to serve as the Jiannan Road observer.

"Instigating a fight with the Qiang people? You underestimate the Tang Dynasty and think too highly of the Qiang people.

Within the territory of the Tang Dynasty, both Qiang and Tang people are the people of the Tang Dynasty, and the people of the Tang Dynasty must abide by the laws of the Tang Dynasty.

Those goods can be compensated with money, but what about those who were killed or injured? Can I also use money to compensate? "

Lin Hao suddenly exploded. If he had met Li Yanran before, he would definitely choose Huairou.

They were afraid of provoking conflicts between the Tang Dynasty and the Qiang people and stabilized the situation in Chengdu Prefecture and even Jiannan Road.

"Shi Ling, what do you mean?"

Hearing this, Ling Su raised his eyebrows and asked Lin Hao with wide eyes.

"What do you mean? The state has national laws, families have family rules, and those who are stained with the flesh and blood of our people in the Tang Dynasty must be punished.

This is the bottom line of this envoy, and it is also the responsibility of this envoy! "

Lin Hao showed a ferocious expression and directly expressed his thoughts.

"Your Majesty, this is Chengdu Mansion. Logically speaking, it should be under the jurisdiction of the Governor's Mansion. You might as well go down and rest. I will be in charge here."

Ling Su didn't really want to protect Li Halan, but because he had noticed something was wrong.

Lin Hao seemed to be trying to intervene forcefully as an observer of Jiannan Road through the Qiang incident.

After all, although he had a noble status before, it was difficult for him to interfere in the specific affairs of Chengdu Mansion.

If he really provokes a conflict between the Qiang people and the Tang Dynasty, he will have reason to take over the Chengdu Mansion, and then their good days will be over.

So no matter what, he couldn't give the other party this chance.

"Ling Changshi, this is not just a matter of the Chengdu Mansion, but a conflict between the Qiang people and the Tang Dynasty.

You are just the chief historian of the Chengdu Governor's Office, can you shoulder this responsibility? "

Lin Hao glanced at Ling Su and sneered at him.

Do you want to regret it now? Why wasn't it like this before?

Do you really think I'm a fool?

"Lin Ling, if this is really the case, I will write to His Majesty to impeach you.

Insulting subordinates, overstepping one's authority, provoking conflicts between the Qiang people and the Tang Dynasty, any of these are enough for you. "

Ling Su also stared at Lin Hao with eyes wide open. You really want a strong dragon to overpower the local snake, right?

Besides, you are not a strong dragon. When you came to Chengdu, if we hadn't pitied you, how could you have such power?

I really don’t know how many pounds I have?

Chengdu Mansion belongs to them, not to the Tang Dynasty. If you want to force your way in, you must be prepared to be dealt with by them.

Besides, if they really think they are a family from out of town, will there be no one inside?

"I am the observation envoy of Jiannan Road. I want to seek justice for the people of the Tang Dynasty. Even if I no longer have this official hat, I will take care of this matter to the end."

Lin Hao also changed from his normal behavior and shouted angrily at Ling Su.

"I hope the envoy will not regret it!"

After Ling Su said this, he turned around and walked down the city.

As soon as Ling Su left, the officials of the Dudu Mansion also followed him down the city wall, leaving only Wu Yong and his people on the city wall.


Wu Yong was also dumbfounded. He originally thought that Lin Hao was going to let him go, but he didn't expect that he would be so strong this time?

Is it really just for yourself?

"We'll talk about these things later. Since I said I would help you, I won't break my promise."

Lin Hao nodded to Wu Yong. Now that this matter has begun, there is no turning back.

He must fight for the Wu family. This vanguard cannot be lost, and he must be comforted when he needs to be comforted.

"Wu Yong thanks the envoy for your order!"

Wu Yong was also a little excited.

He knew that he and Lin Hao were using each other, but he was content to do what he was doing now.

If the other party really wants to take action against the Lingma family, then the Wu family and the Sun family will be the biggest beneficiaries.

Why wouldn't he do it?

"You're welcome. We are one, and we are resting next to each other."

Lin Hao waved his hand and lay down on the edge of the wall stack again.

"Going to Liharan, this envoy will ask you again, should you withdraw now, or should I send troops to annihilate your tribe?"

Hearing what Lin Hao said, Xiang Lihalan was also shocked.

He also didn't expect that Lin Hao, who had always been weak, would suddenly become like this.

Now he is in a bit of a dilemma. If he doesn't call him back, his prestige in the clan will take a huge hit.

If Lin Hao continues to insist on demanding people, if Lin Hao really has no scruples, his tribe will be completely ruined.

"Go to Liharan, three breaths of time. This envoy only gives you three breaths of time, either get out or die."



"Lin Hao, this chief has remembered you, and this matter is not over yet!"

Xiang Lihalan also gritted his teeth, turned his horse's head and left directly with the people.

"Mighty order!"

"Mighty order!"

"Mighty order!"

"Mighty order!"

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