My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 846 Official breakup!

All of a sudden, the Qiang people became furious and began to attack the city wall fiercely.

"Zhang Bin, do you still want to obey Ling Su's order and not guard the city wall?"

Lin Hao also sneered at Zhang Bin and asked him about his choice.

"All the garrison troops are ready for battle!"

Zhang Bin also stood up directly and ordered his soldiers to prepare for defense.


After hearing Zhang Bin's order, the garrison under his command also moved forward together, bows and arrows ready for battle.

"Come here, take down Ling Su first!"

Now that Zhang Bin had switched sides, Lin Hao had no worries and directly asked someone to capture Ling Su.

"Let's see who dares!"

Seeing that Lin Hao was about to attack him, Ling Su was also horrified and hid directly among his soldiers.

Compared with the garrison, the loyalty of the soldiers and horses in the Governor's Mansion can still be guaranteed.

Rather than saying that they were soldiers of the Governor's Mansion, they were private soldiers of the Ling family.

If they all defect, then the Ling family, as a long-established family in Chengdu, will be in vain.

"Ling Su, you deceived the superiors and subordinates, manipulated the market, sold private salt, robbed children and women, and colluded with the Qiang foreigners to besiege Chengdu Prefecture.

Any one of these is enough to kill you ten times.

Now if you are willing to surrender and be captured, I may be able to leave a way for you to survive.

Otherwise, everyone in the Ling family will die.

And Ma Bohao, the same goes for you. "

As the saying goes, before fighting against the outside world, one must first pacify the inside. Lin Hao directly announced the charges against the two people in public.

"You fart, I didn't do what you said, Lin Hao, do you think I don't know your problem? You..."

Ling Su did not dare to show weakness and directly told the details about Lin Hao and Sun Wu.

Listening to the exchange of blows between the two sides, the people on the city wall were all dumbfounded. Is this something they can listen to?

Knowing so much, will he be silenced?

"Everyone, follow me and pull down the city wall."

After an exchange of blows, Ling Su directly asked the soldiers to escort him down the city wall.

Now it is impossible for him to have any dispute with Lin Hao on the city wall. Otherwise, if there is a problem in Chengdu Mansion, the Ling family will definitely suffer the greatest loss.

"Coming to kill!"

Sun Bin's thoughts were all on guarding the city wall. When he saw the Qiang people coming to kill him, he immediately ordered his soldiers to fire arrows to resist.

"Guard the city wall with all your strength, and we must not let those Qiang people come to kill us."

Lin Hao glanced at Ling Su's back and could only let him go for now and hold on to the city wall.

Arrows rained down like rain for a while, and those Qiang people also left corpses all over the ground. It was still not that easy to kill them on the city wall.

"Your Highness, let's start the fight. The Qiang people have begun to attack the city!"

A scout rushed directly to Li Yanran and told him about the situation in Chengdu Mansion.

"It's finally begun. Support the Chengdu Prefecture immediately. Any enemies who dare to resist will be killed without staying behind."

Hearing this, Li Yanran stood up suddenly, her eyes filled with cold murderous intent.



Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan also saluted directly, and led hundreds of Longmen bodyguards to join Yu Muhuo and his three soldiers from the Zhechong Prefecture, and headed towards the Chengdu Prefecture.

Fortunately, Chengdu Prefecture has complete defenses, and the Qiang people are not ready to attack the city, so it is not that easy for them to attack the city wall.

Under the anxiety of the war, the Ling family and the Ma family also began to collect their gold and silver and prepare to leave.

Whether Lin Hao repelled the Qiang attack or the Qiang captured Chengdu Prefecture, it was not a good situation for them.

The best option is to get out of the city and avoid the limelight for a while.


Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan took the lead, followed by hundreds of Longmen bodyguards and three groups of 600 cavalry who rushed towards the Duwei Mansion, like wild cattle from the wild, directly charging into the Qiang people.

Facing the sudden attack of cavalry, the Qiang people were completely confused.

Where did the cavalry come from to return so many?

"No, Tang Jun is here, Tang Jun's support is here!"

Looking at the cavalry rushing left and right in his crowd, Li Halan was stunned.

He really didn't expect the other party's support to come so quickly. Now he understood why Lin Hao changed his normal attitude and became tougher.

It turns out that this was all a trap, a trap for them.



"Come on!"

The seven or eight chiefs all understood that the Tang army was preparing to take action against the Qiang people.

The memory of death attacked him again. Before, they were killed by the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty to death.

Now they have no idea of ​​resistance at all. The only thing they can do at this moment is to run.

No one wants to die while they can live.

As soon as the chiefs ran away, the remaining Qiang people collapsed instantly.

They didn't come here with the intention of truly breaking with the Tang Dynasty. They just arrived here.

"Don't let those cavalry go!"

Cheng Chubi was tall and powerful, and he directly saw the fleeing chief cavalry.

At that moment, all the cavalry began to turn around and pursue Lihalan.

As soon as they left, the subsequent Tang army also arrived and began to launch an encirclement and suppression campaign against the Qiang people.

"Zhang Bin, pass on my military order to open the city to meet the enemy, and join forces with them to encircle and suppress the enemy."

Seeing his own people coming to kill, Lin Hao also immediately ordered his soldiers to go out of the city to fight, and cooperated with the soldiers of Zhechong Mansion to encircle and suppress the Qiang people under the city.


"Follow me down to the city and encircle and suppress the enemy." Zhang Bin also gave the order, rushed down the city wall with the soldiers on the city wall, and began to encircle and suppress the Qiang people below the city with the soldiers of Zhechong Mansion.

The battle started suddenly and ended very quickly. The Qiang people under the city had no power to resist him in the face of nearly 10,000 elites.

"Enter the city."

Yu Muhuo glanced at the city wall and directly ordered the soldiers to rush into Chengdu Mansion.

"Yu Muhuo has met Lin Shiling."

Yu Muhuo entered the city wall and came directly to meet Lin Hao.

Cheng Chubi had also told him before that he should obey Lin Hao's command in everything.

"Captain Yu, immediately lead his soldiers to surround Ling Su and Ma Bohao!"


Yu Muhuo saluted and led the Zhechong Mansion soldiers directly towards the Ling family and the Ma family.

"Master, something bad has happened. A large number of soldiers and horses suddenly appeared outside the city. The Qiang people have been defeated."

Just when Yu Muhuo led his men into the city, Ling Su also received news of the Qiang people's defeat outside the city.

"What? Where did the soldiers and horses come from? Why do I have no news at all? Could it be that Lin Hao was able to command Zhe Chong Mansion in the surrounding military town?"

After hearing the news, Ling Su was completely stunned.

After all, Lin Hao is an outsider. So what if he is a feudal official? There is no need for them to listen to each other's orders.

I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup Lin Hao poured into them. They were really screwed.

"Brother, we need to evacuate immediately due to the current situation. The Qiang people have been defeated, and Lin Hao will definitely not be able to let us go."

Ling He glanced at Ling Su. In the current situation, they could only run away quickly.

Lin Hao will definitely not let him go.

"Well, evacuate immediately. We must not give the other party a chance."

Ling Su nodded and directly ordered everyone to evacuate.

For a moment, the Ling family and the Ma family also began to evacuate, running towards the west gate.

There is a mountain to the west of Chengdu Mansion, and they have already made preparations and have arrangements in the mountain.

As long as they can safely enter the mountains, the world will be brighter for them.

"Yuchi Huan, you lead the men to continue the pursuit. I will lead the men to divide the troops and go to the west gate."

Di Renjie had already made arrangements before. If he could pursue him, he would pursue him. If he could not, he would block the opponent's evacuation route.

He had already calculated that the other party would definitely take the west gate and enter the mountain.

"Okay, I'll leave that to you!"

Yuchi Huan also nodded, and the more than a thousand cavalry troops were divided into two groups and continued to pursue the Qiang cavalry all the way, while the rest rushed to the west gate of Chengdu Prefecture.

The people from the Ling and Ma families moved very quickly. When the defenders of the west gate saw that it was them, they immediately opened the city gate and let people go.

After leaving Chengdu Mansion, they also increased their speed and ran towards the mountains.

"He ran away? From where?"

Yu Mu's fire was thrown into the air and he was dumbfounded.

"Yes, they ran towards the west gate!"

"Follow me immediately!"

Yu Muhuo has never encountered a situation where one of his people ran away.


Thousands of soldiers and horses threw away their arms, exited the west gate and chased towards the mountain.

Cheng Chubi marched very fast and intercepted Ling Su's troops halfway.

There was no hesitation at all, and Cheng Chubi didn't hesitate at all. He directly led the team and killed them.

Facing the cavalry who were killed out of nowhere, the people of the Ling and Ma families were instantly stunned.

After all, they were in a hurry. Facing the fully armed cavalry, they had no resistance at all and were cut apart directly.

"Retreat first, and the remaining people will resist on the spot."

Ling Su also saw the situation in front of him and directly ordered the cavalry to protect him and escape first.

As for those fine gold and silver items, they are nothing more than external possessions. Once they are gone, they are gone.


At this time, Yu Muhuo also arrived at the battlefield with the soldiers from Zhe Chong Mansion and joined the battle directly.

"Yu Lao Qi, I'll leave this to you, I'll chase them after they run away!"

Seeing Yu Muhuo coming in, Cheng Chubi directly handed over the place to him, and he went to chase the escaped leader.

"You little brat, don't call me nicknames in front of so many people."

Yu Muhuo shot a private soldier to death and shouted at Cheng Chubi's back.

"They're coming after us!"

Looking at the enemies following closely behind him, it was honestly impossible for Ling Su not to be afraid.

"I'll lead some people to stop them. You can protect the head of the family and continue to break through."

Colonel Jiang Meng also shouted loudly and led hundreds of cavalry towards Cheng Chubi to kill him.

"Those who take advantage of me will die!"

Looking at the cavalry coming towards him, Cheng Chubi showed a ferocious expression and stabbed his opponent, Jiang Meng, with one shot.

Jiang Meng was also holding a long spear, and he smashed it directly towards Cheng Chubi.

"Go away!"

Cheng Chubi changed his thrust into a swing and directly collided with Jiang Meng's spear.

When the two spears met, Jiang Meng felt a huge force coming from him, and then his right arm went numb and the spear in his hand flew out.


Cheng Chubi stabbed Jiang Meng directly with his spear again.

Jiang Meng was killed, and the cavalry he brought collapsed in an instant, and each one of them spurred their horses and retreated to the side.

"I have no time to care about you. If you dismount and surrender now, I will not kill you. Otherwise, if I catch you, I will kill you without mercy!"

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