My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 847 You are the devil!

Cheng Chubi roared loudly, and then continued to chase Ling Su with his men.

Strangely enough, when they heard Cheng Chubi's shout, the scattered cavalry seemed to be under some kind of spell. They all grabbed hold of their horses, then dismounted and knelt on the ground to surrender.

"It's over!"

Looking at the soldiers who collapsed, a trace of death flashed in Ling Su's eyes.

"Brother, you go first, I will lead someone to stop them!"

Ling He also shouted loudly, turned his horse around with his cavalry, and ran towards the back.

"Third brother, you go too. Second brother will help you stop."

Ma Lanshan also shouted, pushed Ma Bohao next to him, and led his men to kill behind him.

Seeing that another person was coming to kill him, Cheng Chubi bent his bow and drew an arrow. With one arrow, he shot Ling He, who was the fastest, under his horse. Then he continued to charge forward and knocked down Ma Lanshan with a swing of his gun.

"younger brother!"


When Ling Su and Ma Bohao heard the screams, they also shouted together.

Looking at the mountains in the distance, they knew that it was impossible for them to escape into the mountains.

I know my own riding skills well, and ordinary people are indeed not as good as them, but compared with generals like Cheng Chubi, it is like a child's play.

Sooner or later you will be caught up.

"Kill, kill, kill, whoever can kill this thief, I will give you ten thousand taels of gold!"

"Kill that man, and I will give you ten thousand taels of gold!"

The two decided not to escape, so they led the remaining hundreds of cavalry to kill Cheng Chubi and returned. At the same time, they also made a serious promise that whoever killed Cheng Chubi would receive 20,000 taels of gold.

After hearing what the two said, the eyes of the private cavalry turned red.

In front of them, this was not a person at all, but a human-shaped golden mountain.

Let’s not talk about whether we can run away, but let’s earn the bounty.

"Don't run away?"

Cheng Chubi was already a little out of touch with his charge. When he saw the opponent coming towards him, he retreated immediately.

"Thieves, stop running!"

"Here, come and fight Grandpa for three hundred rounds!"

"Don't run, let me chop!"

Seeing Cheng Chubi's retreat, the private cavalry quit. This was Jinshan. If he escaped, they would be dead.

The scene suddenly reversed. At first, Cheng Chubi was chasing hundreds of people away, but now it was him being chased away by others.

Fortunately, Cheng Chubi was not far away from the enemy, and he immediately joined up with the following cavalry, and then began to counter-advance.

The result was obvious. Although Cheng Chubi was stabbed twice without paying attention, it was harmless. The most important thing was that both Ling Su and Ma Bohao were caught.

"Go, go back!"

Cheng Chubi looked at his two captives with a smile. This time he had done a great job.

When the time comes, Li Yanran will reward him with something good that even he himself cannot imagine.

"Is it over so soon?"

Yu Muhuo had just defeated the enemy and was cleaning the battlefield. When he saw Cheng Chubi returning victorious, he was completely stunned.

Is this the so-called bloodline?

At first, Cheng Yaojin was known for his ferocity in battles, but he didn't expect that Cheng Chubi was already so pampered and so powerful.

It's amazing, after all, it's the seed of the Demon King Cheng Yaojin.

"That's necessary. I can't embarrass my father at all. You say so, right? Yu Laoqi!"

Cheng Chubi also smiled, and Yu Muhuo really wanted to slap him.

I've already told you not to use my nickname. You know how to do this in seconds. How can I gain a foothold in Zhe Chong Mansion?

It's really not a thing.

"Let's go, people have taken it too. Those gold, silver and soft things are all my trophies. No one can touch them, otherwise no one can save you!"

Cheng Chubi glanced at the soldiers guarding the car and couldn't help but frown.

These things are his trophies. If Yu Muhuo dares to touch them, don't blame him for turning his back on them.

After looking at Cheng Chubi, Yu Muhuo almost died.

Why am I chasing after you so desperately? It's not just to catch the autumn wind. Now you tell me that these things can't be touched.

There is no such logic in this world.

"Xiao Langjun, our people have also worked hard. It's a bit unkind of you to do this! It's okay to give half of the money when we meet."

"If you don't want to be kind, don't be kind. It's impossible to give half of it when you meet. At most, it's 20%."

Cheng Chubi frowned, but he couldn't bear to look at the soldiers.

"Four or six should be fine."

Yu Muhuo has already begun to curse in his heart, you are so awesome.

20%, where are the beggars?

Let alone him, even if Cheng Yaojin came, he wouldn't be able to give himself only 20%.

After all, if you want the people below to work for you, you have to be willing to share the profits.

Otherwise, all the benefits will be taken by you, and the brothers will not get any profit, and no one will follow you wholeheartedly.

"Thirty-seven, this is the bottom line."

"Then take 30% to 70%, separate these gold and silver pieces immediately, and bring 30% back to our Zhechong Mansion!"


After hearing Yu Muhuo's words, although the soldiers were reluctant, they still obeyed the order.

"Hou Qi, take the remaining 70% to the station!"


Soon the carts outside the city were divided and transported to their own places, while they escorted the prisoners slowly towards Chengdu Mansion.

The battle here is over, but Yuchi Huan is in trouble over there. These Qiang cavalry have superb riding skills, but their horses are slightly inferior.

If he wants to catch up, I'm afraid it depends on his luck.

Just when Cheng Chubi was encircling and suppressing the Lingma family, Lin Hao had completely brought the situation in Chengdu Mansion under control.

The people of the Lingma family who had not had time to leave were completely captured, and all their dirty properties were sealed, and all the incriminating evidence was collected.

"Your Majesty, we have won a great victory this time. Don't forget me when you show your merits to the court!

If I can become the governor of Chengdu, then I guarantee that the entire Chengdu Prefecture will surrender at your feet! "

Wu Yong approached Lin Hao, his eyes full of excitement. Having captured Lingma, as an ally with Lin Hao, I should get a huge share of the cake.

A history of being the governor of Chengdu shouldn’t be too much!

"There's still me, there's still me, I just want Sima."

Sun Qing also smiled and asked Lin Hao for the position of Sima.

In his opinion, he can be considered as one of Lin Hao's group. Now that Wu Yong wants to be the governor of Chengdu, it is not too much for him to ask for a Sima.

After all, it’s not a gift to anyone, it’s better to give it to yourself.

"Well, a Chang Shi and a Sima perfectly filled the gap between Ling Su and Ma Bohao."

Lin Hao glanced at the two of them and sneered back.

"Thank you very much, Ambassador Lin."

"We have prepared a big gift for Ambassador Lin here!"

The two looked at each other and saluted Lin Hao.

"Really? How about you first take a look at the gift I have prepared for you?"

Lin Hao also patted the two of them on the shoulders.

"How can I let Lin Shiling spend money? I am very satisfied to be the governor of Chengdu!"

"That's right, Sun Qing's ambitions are not high. He would be satisfied just being a Sima!"

The two of them were stunned for a moment, their eyes filled with joy.

Could it be that besides Chang Shi and Sima, could he be given other official titles? Ask for a reward?

"I promise you will be happy. Come on, bring me my gift!"

After Lin Hao finished speaking, he waved his hand, and several soldiers rushed over together, and then shackled them with a big shackle.



Both of them were dumbfounded. What the hell kind of gift is this? What does it mean?

"We are our own people, Ambassador Lin, why do you do this to us?

Even if you don't want us to be promoted, it won't be like this. "

Wu Yong looked at Lin Hao in front of him, his eyes full of fear.

Although they had only had a cooperative relationship before, they didn't expect that the other party would be so quick.

The front foot had just wiped out the Lingma family, and now it was about to attack itself.

You are a bit too immoral.

"That's right, I don't want to be a Sima anymore, can we just stop making trouble?"

Sun Qing also frowned, somewhat unable to understand what Lin Hao meant.

"Making trouble? Who is making trouble with you? Don't tell me anything about your own people.

What's the difference between you and the Lingma family? They're all the same.

Just because you still want to be the governor of Chengdu, Sima, go ahead and dream of your spring and autumn dreams.

What this emissary wants to do is to completely eliminate you bastards. "

Lin Hao glared at the two of them. If he hadn't wanted to break the gap between the four major families, how would he have associated with a scoundrel like Wu Yong?

"Lin Hao, don't think that you can burn bridges across the river with me. The stakes I gave you are all clear and clear.

If you dare to touch me, I will have that thing sent to Chang'an right away, and everyone will be dead by then. "

Hearing what Lin Hao said, Wu Yong also showed off his cards. He is willing to fool around with me, right? Then let's compete to see who is more of a joke.

Didn't you say that I am evil and garbage?

Then I will show you the real rubbish.

If you dare to touch me, let's finish playing together.

"Really, Li Ming, get my booklet!"

Lin Hao smiled at Wu Yong's threat and asked Li Ming to get his things.


Li Ming nodded and took a booklet directly.

"Let's show it to our Head Wu!"

Li Ming directly placed the booklet in front of Wu Yong, and then helped him read page by page.


Looking at the contents in the booklet, Wu Yong's eyes almost popped out.

How come this thing is exactly the same as what I recorded? No, it's more detailed than what I remember.

Lin Hao, what does this mean?

"Well, if there is nothing missing, I will send it to Chang'an with your people. Of course, there will also be the gold, silver, jewels and jade you gave me!"

Lin Hao slapped Wu Yong on the face.

"Lin Ling, I made a mistake just now. There are no account books at all. I lied to you.

I have no ill will towards you. As long as you let me go, I will immediately offer five thousand taels of gold.

No, no, no, ten thousand taels of gold.

Just spare me and spare the Wu family this time! "

With a plop, Wu Yong knelt directly on the ground, his eyes full of despair.

It turned out that Lin Hao had been guarding against him from the beginning. He was so cunning.

"Haha, if I cared about money, would I still be like this? Take it with you!"

Lin Hao waved his hand, and the soldiers escorted the two of them to leave.

“My niece is married to Yelihale, the chief of the Qiang tribe, one of the strongest tribes of the Qiang tribe.

If you kill me, the Yeli tribe will definitely unite the entire Qiang tribe to rebel against the Tang Dynasty.

By then, there will not be 10,000 or 20,000 people, but there may even be hundreds of thousands of Qiang people uniting with Tibet. By then, Jiannan Road will inevitably be turned upside down.

I'm very useful, don't kill me, don't kill me. "

Sun Qing was also heartbroken and couldn't care less about hiding anything. It was better to save his own life now.

"The Yeli tribe? You are right, but you have forgotten about it. It seems that the Yeli tribe is also a dangerous factor. We must find a way to eradicate it!"

Hearing Lin Hao's words, Sun Qing was stunned.

What does this mean? Just because I said it, you will wipe out all the Yeli tribes?

Are you still a human being? You are the devil.

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