My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 848 A big war is about to begin!

"Pull him down first! Lock him up in the west wing."


The soldiers saluted and pulled the two men down.

"Li Ming, please stabilize the situation in Chengdu Mansion first, close the four city gates, and only allow entry but not exit."

Lin Hao summoned Li Ming and told him to take control of Chengdu Mansion first.

"Your Majesty, is there something wrong with closing the four city gates now? I'm afraid the people will be confused!"

Li Ming glanced at Lin Hao and was stunned for a moment.

In his opinion, the city gates should be opened now to let the people know that Chengdu Prefecture is fine. Otherwise, everyone knows what will happen.

"Just do whatever I ask you to do!"


Seeing that Lin Hao was a little angry, Li Ming didn't dare to say anything and went directly to give the other party's order.

After everything was done, Lin Hao left Chengdu immediately to meet Li Yanran.

"Miss, Lin Hao wants to see you!"

"Let him in!"

Li Yanran glanced at Li Feng and asked him to bring Lin Hao over.

"Lin Hao has met His Highness!"

Lin Hao entered the tent and quickly saluted Li Yanran.

"Why are you here? How is the situation in Chengdu Mansion?"

Li Yanran waved her hand to Lin Hao, and then asked about the situation in Chengdu Mansion.

"Your Highness, the situation in Chengdu Prefecture is stable, and all the Qiang people have been captured.

Cheng Xiaolangjun and Yuchi Xiaolangjun were leading people to pursue the fleeing Qiang leader, and Yu Muhuo was also leading people to pursue the remnants of the Lingma family. "

Lin Hao quickly introduced the situation in Chengdu Mansion to Li Yanran.

"Then you came here because there is something difficult to decide?"

Li Yanran frowned, Lin Hao also went to the Three Treasures Hall for no reason.

Chengdu Mansion still has problems of one kind or another. If nothing goes wrong, he will never come to see her.

"Your Highness, behind the Sun family is the Yeli tribe. That tribe is very powerful and can be said to be one of the most powerful tribes outside Chengdu.

If the Sun family is taken down, I'm afraid that the Yeli tribe will take action directly and cause a bloody storm. "

Lin Hao directly stated his concerns.

"Just say what you want to do!"

Li Yanran knew that Lin Hao must have his own thoughts, otherwise he would never say these words.

"I want to take down the Yeli tribe completely. After all, we have already had a falling out with the Qiang people before. If we eradicate the Sun family, the Yeli tribe will start a fight with us both in public and private affairs.

Even if they don't take action now, they must have malicious intentions and wait for the opportunity to bite Datang hard.

So what I mean is to use the Sun family's will to mobilize the Yeli tribe to join forces with the Qiang people, and then entangle the four armies to kill all these foreigners with different intentions. "

Lin Hao directly expressed his thoughts.

"You are going to fight a big battle. These three Zichong Mansion soldiers and horses alone may not be enough!"

Li Yanran glanced at Lin Hao, this guy is really a ruthless character.

If you don't take action, forget about it. If you do, a big thunder will be released.

It would be really powerful to kill all the disloyal Qiang people near Chengdu Prefecture.

"That's why I came to His Highness to discuss whether we can mobilize the border troops to put down the rebellion!"

Lin Hao nodded, he came here just for a big show.

If his plan succeeds, Chengdu Prefecture and even the entire Jiannan Road will not be threatened by the Qiang people in a few decades.

"Just do whatever you have to do. If you want to mobilize the border troops, let Cheng Chubi go there with the imperial edict.

I will give you all my support. I hope you will not disappoint me, my father, or the Tang Dynasty. "

Li Yanran nodded. Since Lin Hao already had a plan, let him take action.

I believe he will not let himself down.

"Well, Lin Hao will definitely not disappoint you."

Lin Hao saluted directly and turned to leave.

"and many more!"

"Your Highness, do you have any other wishes?"

Lin Hao glanced at Li Yanran and wondered if she had any other instructions.

"I'll go to Chengdu Mansion with you. I won't have to run around to discuss something. It's a waste of time!"

Li Yanran thought for a moment, then stood up and wanted to go back to Chengdu Mansion with Lin Hao.

"Her Royal Highness is going to Chengdu Mansion?"

"What, you have an opinion?"

"No, no."

A group of people left the station and headed towards Chengdu Mansion.

After entering Chengdu Fuzhong, Li Yanran also parted ways with Lin Hao and moved into the house bought by Changsun Yan in Chengdu Fuzhong.

Although Changsun Yan has lived in a large manor outside the city for a long time, he also purchased a four-in-one house in Chengdu, which now happens to be Li Yanran's temporary base.

"It's better to live in a comfortable house. Not to mention that Zhang Sunyan really knows how to choose. Whether it's pavilions, pavilions, bridges or flowing water, it has everything."

Entering the house, Li Yanran also smiled.

This guy really knows how to enjoy himself, and his aesthetics are also on point.

"Your Highness, do you really want to support Lin Hao in his work? If you don't do it right, the whole Jiannan Road will be in chaos!"

Di Renjie didn't care about any of this at all. He only cared about Lin Hao's thoughts now.

If something really goes wrong, the entire Jiannan Road will be doomed.

"Don't worry, Lin Hao is not stupid, and we are not stupid either. Although the Qiang people are stupid, they are not stupid enough to breathe.

People with evil intentions will take action even if you don't take action. People without evil intentions will not take action no matter how hard you try to confuse them.

We will only kill those who deserve to be killed, and there will be no trouble. "

Li Yanran shook her head. A Yeli tribe was nothing. It was not that difficult to capture them.

"In this case, Your Highness should be careful." Di Renjie sighed. If the other party has such an idea, then just listen to him.

"Well, you go and call Changsun Yan Na Hanpi over right away.

It is estimated that if Lin Hao wants to clean up the mess now, he also needs the great Buddha Chang Sun Yan to come out to suppress it. It is time for him to give in. "

After looking at Di Renjie, Li Yanran also asked him to go find Changsun Yan.

"If we expose him now, will there be any problems?"

He had no opinion on Lin Hao's matter, but Chang Sun Yan was an unstable factor.

If this guy starts to quarrel, no one knows what the consequences will be.

"Don't worry, his bluster is only in front of a few people. It is impossible for his identity to be exposed in public."

Li Yanran smiled. Changsun Yan's ability was really incompetent in front of him.

"That puts me at ease!"

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Di Renjie turned around and ran out.

"You want me to go back to Chengdu Mansion? Brother Li still lives in my yard?"

Looking at Di Renjie in front of him, Changsun Yan was completely stunned.

He spent a lot of effort to buy that yard when he first arrived in Chengdu. Later, he lived outside the city because of problems with the manor. Unexpectedly, it was occupied by Li Yanran.

"What, Xiao Langjun, do you have any objections?"

Di Renjie glanced at Changsun Yan and couldn't help but smile.

"How can I have any objections! Zhang Si and Zhao Wu, go back to Chengdu!"

Changsun Yan originally wanted to be tough, but finally gave in.

Don't allow yourself to be beaten again just for the sake of temporary anger.

Besides, Li Yanran is only staying temporarily, and it's not like she won't leave.

After all, it's still yours.

Cheng Chubi slowly returned to the Chengdu mansion with his prisoners, and handed them all over to Lin Hao. He also came directly to join Li Yanran.

"Brother Li, it's all solved!"

Cheng Chubi smiled and told all the results of his victory.

"Thank you for your hard work. It's a great achievement to be able to win over Ling Su and Ma Bohao.

But your injury is okay! "

Looking at Cheng Chubi who was wrapped in gauze, Li Yanran also frowned.

"These are just minor injuries. What are you going to do next? Yuchi Huan went after those Qiang chiefs. I'm afraid something will happen to him."

Cheng Chubi frowned, thinking of Yuchi Huan chasing Li Halan, which made him a little worried.

"Do you really think Yuchi Huan is a fool? Besides, all the strong Qiang people are here. Even if they really catch up to the Qiang people, nothing will happen.

And even if he really encounters an enemy that is difficult to resist, he will run away immediately.

This idiot is a ghost! "

Compared to Cheng Chubi's worries, Li Yanran didn't care at all.

Although these fools under him are not very smart, they still have the ability to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune.

"That puts me at ease!"

Cheng Chubi thought for a moment and realized what Li Yanran said made sense.

"Brother Li, Brother Li!"

While the two were talking, a voice came from outside, and then Changsun Yan rushed over like a strong wind.

Just as he was running away, Li Feng stretched out his sinful long legs. Changsun Yan didn't check and just threw him into the mud.



Changsun Yan had tears in his eyes. He didn't know what happened just now. How could he trip and fall for no reason?


Glancing at Li Feng on the side, Changsun Yan burst into tears instantly.

It would be easier if it were anyone else, but he really couldn't afford to offend Li Feng.

"Brother Li, why are you calling me back in such a hurry? And why are you not outside?"

If you can't afford to offend him, just treat him like a piece of shit. Changsun Yan patted the dust on his body and said to Li Yanran.

"What's wrong, is it your fault that I occupied your mansion?"

After glaring at Changsun Yan, Li Yanran also shouted.

"How could it be? Mine belongs to Brother Li. Besides, I bought this mansion to prepare it for Brother Li."

Li Yanran also smiled flatteringly and explained to Li Yanran.

"Then I will accept it. When the time comes, you can prepare the land deed and then transfer it to my name."

Li Yanran also smiled slightly, since you said that, then if I don't accept it, wouldn't I be looking down on you.

This house happened to be her favorite type, so she naturally accepted it.

"Brother Li Li, are you serious?"

After hearing this, Chang Sun Yan also took a step back, his eyes full of depression.

I was just being polite, why did you listen to me?

It does not make sense.

"What? Are you telling lies to me? Li Feng!"

Li Yanran raised her eyebrows and then gave Li Feng a wink.

"Li Lifeng, what do you want to do?"

Looking at Li Feng walking towards him, Changsun Yan felt that the hairs on his body were standing on end, Tate was so frightening.

"What do you think? Hehe!"

Li Feng clenched his fists, tilted his head, and smiled ferociously at Changsun Yan.

"I said I had already prepared the land deed, right, Zhang Si!"

Changsun Yan quickly looked at Zhang Si who had just entered.


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