My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 849 Greed is the original sin of everything after all!

Chapter 849 Greed is the original sin of everything after all!

Zhang Si was completely stunned. He had just come in. He didn’t know anything, so he asked me?

"The land deed, where's the land deed!"

When Changsun Yan walked up to Zhang Si, it was like a big fight.

"Oh, I have the land deed with me!"

Although he didn't know what happened, he could make some guesses based on the situation.

Princess Lishan must have taken a liking to this house, and then her husband

Zin Zin Zin.

When a young man encounters such a master, he can be regarded as the big fish eating the small fish, and the small fish eating the shrimp.

"Li Feng, keep it!"


Li Feng also reached out and pocketed the land deed in Zhang Si's hand.

"Brother Li, now you should tell me why you asked me to come here!"

He gave up everything that needed to be given up, and Changsun Yan felt quite depressed in an instant.

After all, he spent a lot of money and thought on this yard, and just giving it away like this would make anyone feel bad.

"Now that the stage is set up, it's your turn to perform!"

"What do you mean!"

Changsun Yan's mind was spinning slowly, and he still didn't know what Li Yanran meant.

"Idiot, Chengdu Mansion is in chaos now, and Lin Hao suddenly took over the four Lingma, Wu and Sun families. Even if he is the Jiannan Road Observer, he can't take the blame."

Li Yanran stopped talking mid-sentence. If Changsun Yan still couldn't understand, he could just take him out and bury him.

"Brother Li means that I should take the blame for what Lin Hao cannot bear?"

Changsun Yan suddenly felt bad. What does it mean that the Jiannan Road Observer cannot bear the blame?

If he can't take the blame, can I take the blame?

I have seen people cheating others, but I have never seen people cheating one of my own.

Brother Li, no matter what, I am still your uncle, you can't treat me like this.

"Are you a fool? Take Li Feng out and bury him!"

Li Yanran slapped Changsun Yan on the head, his eyes full of anger.

Who the hell is this guy? Why are you taking the blame? Is this a matter of taking the blame?


Li Feng directly grabbed Chang Sun Yan's collar and dragged him behind.

"Brother Li, Brother Li, don't bury me, I'm scared!"

Changsun Yan was dumbfounded for a moment. Why have you evolved? Didn't you kidnap people when you disagreed?

Why do we have to bury people now?

I don’t want to die yet, I don’t want to die.

"I have laid such a big stage for you and given you such great credit.

To pacify the four major families and destroy the disloyal Qiang people, you can tell me to take the blame.

If I don’t bury you, who should I bury?

Could it be that Zhang Si and Zhao Wu were buried? "

Li Yanran is depressed, are you a fool who doesn't understand at all?

This is special. It may be a scapegoat for Lin Hao, but it is a great credit to you, the special envoy who has the power to kill first and report later.

How could I swallow this breath without burying you.

Zhang Si and Zhao Wu at the door also shuddered when they heard it, and ran away.

They knew that Li Yanran might be joking, but that was just to Changsun Yan.

If it really hurts him, it might be true that he is buried.

"Zhang Si, Zhao Wu, you two bastards!"

Seeing the two bastards running away, Chang Sun Yan hated them to death.

"Brother Li, I know I was wrong. I misunderstood your kindness. Let's stop making trouble, okay!"

"Hmph, you idiot, when have I ever harmed you? Tell me, when have I ever harmed you?"

After calling Li Feng and walking to Changsun Yan, Li Yanran gave him a headshot.

"Brother Li, stop fighting, I really know I was wrong!"

Changsun Yan said this, but the memories in his mind were rushing wildly.

Thinking about how miserable it was for me to be tricked by Li Yanran.

"Now that you know it, why don't you go to Lin Hao and join him in trying the four families of Lingma, Wu and Sun."

After kicking Changsun Yan again, Li Yanran gave another cold shout.


Changsun Yan got out of trouble and ran away.

"and many more!"

After hearing Li Yanran's shouting, Changsun Yan not only did not stop, but actually ran faster.

I'm afraid that Li Yanran will do something wrong again.

"This idiot?"

Li Yanran was depressed, what the hell is going on with this guy?

This speed is simply incredible.

"Di Renjie, you go there with the imperial edict and help Changsun Yan take down the four major families first."

Looking at Di Renjie, Li Yanran could only sigh and let him help Chang Sun Yan.


Di Renjie saluted and followed Changsun Yan with the imperial edict.

"Zhang Si Zhao Wu!"

Changsun Yan ran outside and saw the two fools panting heavily. He couldn't help but feel angry in his heart, and his hatred grew in fear.

He rushed towards the two of them directly.

When the two of them saw Chang Sun Yan, they were immediately frightened, and then they threw away their arms and ran wildly.

"Get over here!"

Seeing the speed of the two of them, Changsun Yan was also angry.

"Xiao Langjun!"

"You ran out of the pit?"

The two looked at each other and walked back obediently.

"Were you running very fast just now?" Changsun Yan rewarded a headshot to each of them. The seller is so greedy for life and afraid of death.

Why did I raise such two bastards?

"Little Prince, it's impossible for His Highness to really bury you, but it's different for us!"

Zhang Si scratched his head, feeling very depressed.

Haven't you come out now? If we were there, we wouldn't know what would happen.

"You still have the nerve to say that? That's my fate, young master."

Changsun Yan gave the two of them another hard blow.

"We know we were wrong!"

"Stop fighting!"

The two of them also covered their heads and begged Sun Yan depressedly for mercy.

"Next time you dare to run away without me, I will break your legs.

Prepare the carriage and go to the envoy's mansion! "

Seeing that the two of them realized their mistake, Changsun Yan let them go.


After hearing this, the two of them did not dare to neglect and hurriedly prepared the carriage and horses.

"Xiao Langjun, walk slowly and wait for me!"

Di Renjie rushed out, just in time to see Changsun Yan getting on the carriage, and immediately went over to greet him.

"What are you here for?"

Turning around and looking at Di Renjie, Changsun Yan was also stunned for a moment.

"Your Highness asked me to bring you an imperial edict and sent me to go with you."

Di Renjie raised the imperial edict in his hand and said what Li Yanran meant.

"Give me the imperial edict, it's enough for me to go by myself!"

Changsun Yan is depressed. Do you still need this little thing?

I am enough on my own.

"This is an order from His Highness. If you don't want to be beaten, you'd better be obedient."

Di Renjie glanced at Changsun Yan coldly, and then carried Li Yanran out.

"I was joking just now, how could I not listen to what Brother Li said!"

Changsun Yan was instantly frightened. I was just joking, but you took it seriously.

After saying that, he pulled Di Renjie into the carriage and ran towards the envoy's mansion together.

"Lin Hao, you're done. You're done. You dare to attack us without going through the court's trial.

Even if we fall, you can't be alone, hahahaha.

Let us all perish together! "

Ling Su's hands were tied, and he looked at Lin Hao in front of him, his eyes filled with joy.

Lin Hao attacked him. Although he was guilty of the crime, he was still the Chief of the Governor's Office and a third-rank official of the Tang Dynasty.

Even if Lin Hao is a second-level official, he cannot be convicted hastily, otherwise, the Tang Dynasty will be in chaos.

"That's right, Lin Hao. It's not easy for you to climb up to the second-rank official position. It doesn't matter if you destroy my family, you still have to receive sanctions under national law with me."

Ma Bohao on the side also smiled ferociously. In his opinion, the other party was finished.

It's okay for him alone, but the Qiang people will definitely not give up. He will definitely die with him.

"Really? What if these are all what I did as ordered?"

Lin Hao smiled, do you really think that's all I have?

If he really wanted to act so arrogantly, I would have dealt with you long ago, and there would be no need for the stalemate with Wu Jiaxu to last for so long.

But it's different now. There is a special envoy and a princess behind him. If he is still afraid, he will be too cowardly.

"Act as ordered? Who are you trying to scare? You must know that you are the observer of Jiannan Road. Who can command you in this Jiannan Road!"

This time, Ling Su was really frightened. He still acted according to orders. Whose orders did he follow?

"Haha, don't you know yet? His Majesty has appointed a special envoy to come to Jiannan Road to supervise matters in Chengdu Prefecture.

As long as the other party has the right to supervise all the subordinates of Chengdu Prefecture and even the entire Jiannan Road, they can kill them first and then report them at critical moments.

And I am following the order of this special envoy. "

Now that it was over, Lin Hao had no choice but to reveal Chang Sun Yan's identity.

"Special envoy? You are talking nonsense. It is impossible! Who is this special envoy? Who do you think he is?"

Ling Su was stunned. If what the other party said was true, then he was really finished.

But he didn't think there was such a person, otherwise the entire Chengdu Mansion was under his control. How could he not know about the arrival of such a person.

"Who is he? You all know him.

Didn't you still want to do business with him before? Didn't he tell you? "

Lin Hao smiled slightly and spoke to Ling Su again.

"Business with us? You mean? Impossible, absolutely impossible.

He. How could he be the imperial envoy? You must be bluffing me. "

Ling Su collapsed immediately, how could this be possible?

Even if you say that you are the imperial envoy, it is more reasonable than saying that Chang Sun Yan is the imperial envoy.

After all, he is just a playboy. Even if his father is Changsun Wuji and his master is Li Yanran, so what?

As long as the emperor is not stupid, there is no way he would let this guy be the imperial envoy and governor of Jiannan Road.

"What is impossible! Always be hopeful and believe that everything is possible, understand!"

Lin Hao gave the two of them a pitiful look, and something that seemed impossible to you has really happened.

Now I think about how many people I still want to thank.

If they hadn't been against Changsun Yan everywhere and angered Princess Lishan, they probably wouldn't have been able to cause such a disaster.

This may be the way of heaven that reincarnation is good, so who will be spared by heaven?

Greed is, after all, the original sin of everything.

"I don't believe it. Even if you kill me, I won't believe it! Changsun Yan is the special envoy, unless His Majesty the Emperor has lost his mind!"

Ma Bohao on the side also frowned and shouted at Lin Hao.

"Who doesn't believe it? I seemed to have heard some great original sin of disrespect just now!"

A voice rang out, and Changsun Yan slowly came to them with Di Renjie.

"Lin Hao has met Changsun's special envoy!"

Seeing Chang Sun Yan's figure, Lin Hao quickly saluted him.

"Special Envoy Changsun?"

"Are you really an imperial envoy?"

(End of this chapter)

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