My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 850 I like this kind of rich fool the most

The two of them were stunned. Lin Hao didn't look like he was acting like this, and the special envoy and imperial envoy were not something ordinary people would dare to pretend to be.

If this was leaked, not only Lin Hao, but also Chang Sun Yan and even his father, Chang Sun Wuji, might be wiped out in one fell swoop.

Is this all true?

"Show them the imperial edict!"

Seeing the looks of the two of them, Changsun Yan also gave Di Renjie a wink, and the other party immediately took the imperial edict and opened it in front of the two of them.

"It's over!"

"What a special envoy!"

After reading the contents of the imperial edict, the most important thing is to see the big seal on the imperial edict.

The two of them felt that their souls were being drained out instantly, and their brains ached terribly.

This time it's really over, completely over.

"Special envoy Changsun, it was all our fault before, it was Ling He who wanted to make things difficult for you because he saw money.

Now that he is dead, I guarantee that the Ling family will never make things difficult for you again. "

Ling Su looked at the arrogant Chang Sun Yan and begged him directly for mercy.

The only one who can save them now is Changsun Yan. As long as he can let him go, no matter how hard Lin Hao dares to disobey.

"Me too, I was bewitched by ghosts before. I hope the envoy Changsun will take pity on you. Ma Bohao is willing to die for you."

Ma Bohao on the side also knocked his head to the ground, with some hope in his eyes.

"Why did you go there earlier, and now you know you regret it? It's too late.

You people are all scum and should all be killed.

I am here to enforce the law and kill all of you. "

Changsun Yan also had a cold expression on his face, now he knows how powerful I am?

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have done this. You made things difficult for me before, and now you're here to surrender?


"Special envoy Changsun, please take a step to speak."

Ling Su glanced at Changsun Yan again and spoke to him.

"That's right, let's take a step to speak!"

Ma Bohao already understood Ling Su's thoughts and followed suit.

"Commissioner Lin, why don't you go out first? Let me see what they mean."

Changsun Yan smiled and Lin Hao went out first.

"Isn't this bad?"

Lin Hao glanced at Changsun Yan and couldn't help but frown.

"It's okay, don't worry!"

Changsun Yan waved his hand, he already knew what the other party wanted to do next.

"Special Envoy Changsun, please take a step to speak!"

Lin Hao immediately pulled Zhang Sunyan aside.

"Special Envoy Changsun, these two people are not good at getting along. What they are best at is using their interests to confuse people's minds.

If they want to talk to you, they must want to bribe you with money. You can't fall for their trick! "

Lin Hao whispered to Chang Sun Yan.

"This relationship is great. I like this kind of rich fool the most. Don't worry!"

Changsun Yan tilted his head and smiled at the two of them.

Seeing this smile, Ling Su and Ma Bohao were also stunned for a moment.

I don't know what the other person means.

"Well, I hope the envoy will not make any mistakes. After all, you have Her Royal Highness behind you.

If there is anything wrong, don't blame Lin Hao for telling His Highness what to say! "

Seeing Changsun Yan's eyes widening when he saw the money, Lin Hao became depressed and just threw up his sleeves and left.

"Old Bangchui, I want to tell you what I want to do? Are you going to file a lawsuit against me?"

Changsun Yan also cursed secretly, and then walked up to Ling Su and Ma Bohao.

"Tell me, what do you want to say to me?"

"Special envoy Changsun, we are wise people and don't tell secrets. For 10,000 taels of gold, how about you give us a way to survive?"

Ling Su also directly wanted to spend money to buy his life.

"Ten thousand taels of gold? It seems that you have made a lot of money over the years, but is the life of the dignified head of the Ling family worth such a small amount of money?"

Changsun Yan smiled and shook his head.

Ten thousand taels of gold is just a little too little to buy your own life!

"Then how much does Special Envoy Changsun think our lives are worth?"

Ma Bohao on the side also frowned, ten thousand taels of gold is not enough?

That's worth 100,000 yuan, just buy one life.

"I don't know, then it depends on what you think of yourself!"

Changsun Yan pulled a chair and sat in front of the two of them, crossing his legs and looking at them.

"Twenty thousand taels of gold is the most!"

Ling Su gritted his teeth. Now nothing was more important than his own life, so he directly offered 20,000 taels of gold.

"not enough!"

Changsun Yan looked at Ling Su again and saw that he had grown ten thousand taels. It seemed that he still underestimated these local clans.

Tu Laocai, Tu Laocai, although these guys are not as famous as those big aristocratic families, they have worked hard for many years.

They have long controlled the local food, clothing, housing and transportation, and their wealth is still very scary.

"Not enough? Special envoy Zhangsun, twenty thousand taels of gold is really a lot. You just said a word and I hope it can be fulfilled!"

Twenty thousand taels of gold is really a lot to be honest, and it is enough to exchange for one's own life.

"That's right, Special Envoy Changsun, this is a lot. Twenty thousand taels of gold can be exchanged for one life. This transaction will not be a loss no matter where you put it."

Ma Bohao was also depressed. This guy has such a big appetite.

Twenty thousand taels for one person, and forty thousand taels for two people. There is no such good thing in the world.

Even if the money was given to the emperor, he would still be willing to give himself a way out.

"If I say it's not enough, it's not enough. You have no room for bargaining!"

Changsun Yan shook his head. In the current situation, he was determined to defeat the two of them.

He will definitely not let go until they are hollowed out.

"Then how much do you want?"

Ling Su almost went crazy. This guy looked like he was sure of himself, and that was indeed the case.

Now it is really true that people are fighting for their lives and others are fighting for their lives. If they want to survive, the only way they can go is Changsun Yan.

"If each person has fifty thousand taels of gold, I will take action!"

Changsun Yan also opened his mouth as a lion, which frightened both of them.

"Five to fifty thousand taels?"       "Special envoy Changsun, are you kidding me?"

The two of them looked at Changsun Yan with big eyes and said to him in surprise.

"I'm not kidding, Chengdu is a land of abundance, not inferior to Chang'an, Luoyang and Yangzhou.

You four major families have stayed in Chengdu Mansion for such a long time and guarding such a money bag. Only you know how much wealth you can accumulate.

You can definitely get fifty thousand taels of gold.

And I don’t want this money just to protect you, I can also protect your two families.

And Lin Hao, if this special envoy is willing, he can also be taken down. "

Changsun Yan glanced at the two of them and started to make nonsense.


To be honest, they can really get 50,000 taels of gold.

As Chang Sunyan said, Chengdu is rich, and they still have fifty thousand taels of gold from the foundation they have built over generations.

The most important thing is that they are the overlords of Chengdu Prefecture, and they only make money without spending money.

This is how their wealth snowballs.

"Fifty thousand taels is too much."

Ma Bohao glanced at Changsun Yan and asked slowly.

"Lang Jun, let's go!"

Di Renjie glanced at the two of them and spoke directly to Changsun Yan.


Changsun Yan looked at Di Renjie. He was stunned at first but chose to believe him and stood up directly.



Seeing each other leave, both of them were stunned.

what's the situation? I didn’t say I wouldn’t pay for it!

Who did you learn this from by flipping the table over when you disagree?

"Special Envoy Changsun, don't leave!"

"Yes, we have something to discuss."

Seeing that the other party was almost reaching the door, the two of them couldn't hold it any longer and called Zhang Sunyan to stop.

"Is it easy to negotiate? I said before that you have no room to resist."

Changsun Yan stopped and replied to the two of them.

"Then how can Special Envoy Changsun guarantee that what you said can be realized? The current situation has become like this, and it is difficult for me to believe you!"

Ling Su frowned, he had the money himself.

If fifty thousand taels can protect the entire Ling family, this deal can still be done.

But relying on the other party's words alone is too risky.

"We don't seem to have anything to promise, because you can only choose to believe it, otherwise the Lingma family will be killed.

By then, no matter how much money you have, it will still be nothing. "

Di Renjie also glanced at the two of them and sneered at them.

"Yes, if you believe in me, I will take you flying.

If you don't believe me, you will die together. I still have this right for the Yi tribe. "

Changsun Yan also smiled and shouted at the two of them.

"Sit back first and let's talk!"

Ling Su really couldn't believe Chang Sun Yan easily, after all, they had offended each other to death before.

Now he is really afraid that Changsun Yan will turn around and pay for it, and then he will really lose both his life and property.

"There's nothing to talk about. As I said before, if you believe me, let's make a deal. If you don't believe me, there's no need to continue!"

Changsun Yan shook his head, he had already said this, there was no need to talk so much nonsense.

"How about this installment payment? How about we pay you half of the gold first, and then pay the other half when the matter is completed?"

Ling Su was also very cautious and expressed his thoughts to Changsun Yan.


Changsun Yan also learned the lesson and turned around to leave.

"Special Envoy Changsun, we also have people in Chang'an. I hope you won't try to trick us.

Otherwise, if our supplies are cut off, the people from Chang'an will not let you go! "

Ling Su gritted his teeth, now he could only seize this only opportunity.

Just as the other party said, if the Ling family is completely wiped out, then they will not be able to enjoy the wealth even if they have gold and silver.

“Don’t worry, I’m known for keeping my word, and I’ll do things after I take your money.

If you don't believe it, you can send someone to Chang'an to inquire about the reputation of this special envoy. "

Changsun Yan knew that the other party had fallen into his own rhythm, and started to brag.

Ling Su and Ma Bohao looked at each other, both depressed.

Now let me go to Chang'an to inquire? Do I have that time?

Will you give me that time?

"Special envoy Changsun, I will write a letter and you will take it to Weihu Village in the mountains. They will hand over 50,000 taels of gold to you!"

Ling Su sighed. The only choice he could make now was to believe in Chang Sun Yan's character and pay for his life.

"What about you?"

After hearing Ling Su's words, Changsun Yan looked away at Ma Bohao again.

"I also wrote a letter. There is Erniu Mountain inside the mountain, and the Ma family's money is there."

Ma Bohao had nothing to say, he could only spend money to buy his life like Ling Su.

"Okay, get pen and paper ready."

Changsun Yan nodded and asked Di Renjie to prepare pen and paper.

"Special Envoy Changsun, when will you let us go? After all, this thing is too uncomfortable!"

Ling Su looked at the paper and pen handed to him and asked Changsun Yan.

"You have no choice but to trust my husband, but we have a choice.

If my husband lets you go now, he will be tied to the boat without getting the money by then.

In addition, we have to find a way to deal with Lin Hao and make a comeback for you, so we must be prepared. "

Before Changsun Yan could speak, Di Renjie spoke to the two of them first.

The overall situation has been decided at this moment. If Chang Sun Yan speaks inappropriately, he will be a mute and eat coptis.

"That makes sense, I'll write a letter right away!"

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