My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 851 Blackmail

Di Renjie said this, and Ling Su nodded.

Although he didn't know Di Renjie's identity, he still spoke in a very orderly manner.

After the two wrote the letter, Changsun Yan also left with Di Renjie, and then the door slowly closed.

"Do you think he will help us?"

"I don't know, but do we have any choice now? We can only leave it to fate!"

"Hey, just leave it to fate!"

Ling Su and Ma Bohao also sighed together. They really deserved the blame for this matter to reach this point.

"Special Envoy Changsun!"

When Changsun Yan came out, Lin Hao, who was in the courtyard, came over to greet him.

"Stop talking, I will definitely not help them, don't worry about that!"

Changsun Yan glanced at Lin Hao and directly gave him a reassurance.

"This is the best!"

Lin Hao glanced at Changsun Yan. Although he didn't know what the other party said, looking at him like this, he must have gained a lot of benefits.

"I heard that you also captured the Wu family and the Sun family. Where are they?"

Changsun Yan nodded. After taking down these two, it was time to blackmail those two families.

"They are in the yard next to them, I will take you there!"


The three of them left the courtyard and came to the adjacent courtyard.

It was the same operation before that fully demonstrated Chang Sun Yan's power.

Then Wu Yong and Sun Qing, like Ling Su, wanted to have a private chat with Chang Sun Yan.

"I'll go out first!"

Lin Hao had nothing to say and turned around to leave.

"Tell me, what do you want to talk about?"

Changsun Yan moved a chair over and sat in front of the two of them.

"Special envoy Changsun, we were obsessed with it before. As long as you are willing to show your kindness and let us go, I am willing to offer you 10,000 taels of gold as a thank you gift."

Wu Yong smiled flatteringly at eldest grandson Yan and expressed his thoughts.

"Ten thousand taels of gold? Are you sending beggars?"

Changsun Yan's appetite was now whetted, and he shouted directly at Wu Yong.

"Special Envoy Changsun, what does this mean?"

Wu Yong was a little confused by Zhang Sun Yan's spray, and he didn't know what the other party's situation was.

"Before coming to you, I first met with Ling Su and Ma Bohao, and reached some deals for them.

Guess how much they spent on their lives? "

Changsun Yan crossed his legs, his eyes full of disdain.

"How much? Twenty thousand taels of gold?"

Wu Yong was stunned for a moment, and then blurted out his thoughts.

"Twenty thousand taels of gold? Let me show you!"

Changsun Yan directly took out the two people's letters and handed them into their hands.

"Fifty-five, fifty thousand taels of gold?"

"This can't be fake!"

Seeing the amount above, both of them were dumbfounded.

Such a large amount of money really left them stunned.

Are these two people crazy?

To spend this money, even if the two companies have strong financial resources, they will still have to break their muscles and bones.

"Haha, these 50,000 taels of gold are the price I pay for protecting the lives of the Lingma family. If you calculate it this way, it is still worth it.

What, do you want to die holding on to your money, or do you want to spend money to buy a whole family like them? "

Changsun Yan is not panicking at all now. Having learned from past mistakes, the two of them will definitely give in.

One family has 50,000 taels, and four families have 200,000 taels.

Two hundred thousand taels of gold. No wonder Brother Li said that a man is not rich without windfall, and a horse is not fat without night grass.

After working hard for a year, I may not be able to make as much money as I did this time.

And this is still cash, not including the properties of the four companies.

If they all sat down this time, he really couldn't imagine how rich Li Yanran could be.

Just took off.


The two of them were also stupid. The Lingma family's payment of 50,000 taels of gold might be a stretch, as they were about to be completely wiped out.

“If you don’t want to, then I have nothing to say.

Just go die with your money and say goodbye! "

Seeing the two people's doubts, Changsun Yan didn't give them a chance and got up and left directly.

"Etc., etc!"

Wu Yong became even more depressed. Businesses are negotiated, not frightened.

Fortunately, you have the power to do this, otherwise you would have been hammered to death.

"What? Have you figured it out?"

Changsun Yan glanced at Di Renjie beside him, his eyes full of smiles.

"I really can't get fifty thousand taels of gold!"

Wu Yong glanced at Changsun Yan. Fifty thousand taels of blood was not that much for him to sell.

Sun Qing on the side also nodded crazily. His financial strength is even worse, and 50,000 taels is simply impossible.

"Then how many do you have?"

"I only have 40,000 taels of gold now."

"I only have thirty thousand taels!"

The two of them also reported their property directly.

"Then you all die together. Fifty thousand taels is one penny less, and I won't even help you!"

Hearing what the two people said, Changsun Yan became angry instantly.

They are also the four major families. If you look at them, they will take out money without hesitation.

No wonder you can't beat them, you don't have any money, you are really a bunch of sticks.

"Etc., etc!"

"Special Envoy Changsun, please stay!"

The two of them are also depressed, but now they have no choice.

"What? Don't you have no money?"

Changsun Yan stopped and turned to look at the two of them.

"In addition to gold, I also have some rare treasures and secret manor fields. If you put it together, it should be more than fifty thousand taels of gold.       If possible, I am willing to donate all of it."

Wu Yong sighed and could only reveal all his family property.

"What about you?"

"I have war horses. I have a horse farm outside Chengdu. There are two thousand war horses in it, which is enough to offset the twenty thousand taels of gold."

Sun Qing also sighed and said the last thing he said.

These were originally what he planned to sell to Tibet, but now he could only hand them all over in exchange for his life.

"And there are war horses? Sun Qing, you really deserve to be killed!"

When he heard that the opponent actually had war horses, or two thousand, Di Renjie's eyes instantly turned cold.

Although Tubo also had a horse farm, the Tang Dynasty had always blocked the other party's channels for obtaining war horses.

And Sun Qing now has so many war horses in his hands, everyone knows what his intentions are.

"It's not what you think. It's going to be sold to the Qiang people. No matter how much I think about it, I will never do that traitorous thing!"

Sun Qing shuddered and hurriedly explained to the other party.

"Then write a letter. No matter what you want to do, get the money first. I hope you won't let me down in the future!"

Changsun Yan didn't say much. The current task is to squeeze the other party dry. As for other things, they will be settled later.

"it is good!"

"I'm writing."

The two nodded and started writing the letter directly.

After the four people had plundered everything, Changsun Yan also left the envoy's mansion and returned to his own mansion.

"Brother Li, Brother Li, we made a lot of money this time!"

Changsun Yan rushed to Li Yanran's side, his eyes full of excitement.

"What's wrong? Did you find the money?"

Li Yanran was stunned for a moment, wondering what was going on with this idiot.

"It's much more powerful than picking up money. Can you pick up 170,000 taels of gold and two thousand war horses by picking up money?"

Changsun Yan smiled slightly and slapped all four letters in front of Li Yanran.


Li Yanran took the letter and stood up after reading it.

"Is this all done by your boy?"

Now Li Yanran really looked at Changsun Yan with admiration.

This guy can't do anything serious, but he didn't expect that he really has some talent for extortion.

It's amazing how much can be squeezed out of these people.

"Brother Li, you don't believe me? If you don't believe me, ask Di Renjie!"

Changsun Yan glanced at Di Renjie beside him, which means you'd better think about what you should say.

Otherwise, I will fight for my life with you.

"It's all thanks to Xiao Langjun, he is indeed very powerful!"

Di Renjie also covered his mouth and smiled, giving Changsun Yan some face.

And these things are not important, so just leave them to the other party.

"Okay, you have made a meritorious service this time, and I will give you a big red envelope when the time comes."

Li Yanran also patted Chang Sun Yan on the shoulder. To be honest, nothing was as important as this kid standing up.

"Hey Hey!"

After receiving Li Yanran's promise, Changsun Yan also giggled there.

He was already imagining what kind of red envelope Li Yanran would give him.

"Have a laugh!"

Seeing Zhang Sunyan's appearance, Li Yanran jumped up and slapped him.

"it's okay no problem!"

After being slapped, Chang Sun Yan also put away his mean smile, but he couldn't hide his excitement.

"Okay, let's get ready to take action. Get the money back first, and then take down their bandit camp.

I feel that the Lingma family must have more than 50,000 taels of gold in there. I can get as much as I have. Do you understand? "

Li Yanran looked to one side towards Cheng Chubi, she could only leave this matter in his hands now.

"I feel like we should wait a little longer and wait until Yuchihuan's people come back. Otherwise, with those soldiers and horses from Zhechong Mansion, I'm afraid they will share our benefits!"

Cheng Chubi frowned. He was heartbroken when the other party shared 30% of the loot outside the city.

If he was being divided, he would rather wait.

"Well, you are right, you have to make money every time, so just wait for Yuchi Huan!"

Hearing what Cheng Chubi said, Li Yanran also frowned.

"I'll make arrangements right away."

Cheng Chubi saluted and then turned and left to make preparations for attacking the mountain stronghold.

"Di Renjie, you immediately go to the border army with the imperial edict and ask them to come as soon as possible. I think Lin Hao will take action soon!"

After Cheng Chubi left, Li Yanran also looked at Di Renjie.

"Okay, I'll go right away!"

Di Renjie saluted, and immediately took a carriage, escorted by fifty cavalry, and headed towards the border army station.

The next thing still needs the support of the border army, otherwise if something goes wrong, it will be a waste of money.

Yuchihuan chased them all the way and finally caught up with the Qiang chiefs. There was no nonsense, he just beat the few with more.

The final result was that three of the Qiang chiefs were killed and four were injured, and the rest died or surrendered. It can be said to be a complete victory.

After they returned to Chengdu Mansion, Cheng Chubi also led them directly towards the mountain stronghold.

With their letters as a guide, they easily deflected the gate of the village, and then the bloody killing began.

After the killing, Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan also directly sent all the property in the village to the previous station.

Just when Cheng Chubi and the others went to suppress the bandits, Lin Hao also began to use the status of the Sun family to invite the Yeli tribe to lead troops.

Hearing that the Sun family was being targeted, Yelida, the chief of the Yeli tribe, also stood up angrily.

You must know that their tribe's current status is partly due to its own strength, but also due to the support of the Sun family.

The Sun family's status is now precarious. If they don't take action, it will be difficult for them to survive in Chengdu in the future.

And as Yelida's strength grew, his ambitions grew bigger and bigger, and a mere chief could no longer satisfy his desires.

If he can really capture Chengdu Mansion, then he can use Chengdu Mansion as a stronghold and establish himself as the Qiang King.

By then, it might be possible to become a vassal state of the Tang Dynasty, just like Nanzhao and Tuhun Valley.

By then, his wild and powerful clan will be prosperous for all generations.

"Immediately send my order to invite all the Qiang chiefs to come here to discuss matters."


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