My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 852: Sake makes people’s faces red, money and silk touch their hearts

As Yelida's invitation letter was sent out, the surrounding chiefs also came one after another. Compared to Li Halan, their influence was not on the same level.

Looking at the twenty or so chiefs in front of him, Yelida directly expressed his thoughts.

Everyone was stunned when they heard that Yelida was going to attack Chengdu Mansion.

Their current life is still very good, at least they don't have to worry about food and drink, and compared to the previous pressure, Datang is still very good to them now.

To rebel against the Tang Dynasty now, to be honest, would do more harm than good to the Qiang people.

"How, how do you feel?"

Yelida smiled slightly and asked what they thought.

"I don't agree. If Chief Yeli insists on doing this, I will temporarily resign."

A chief stood up suddenly, turned around and was about to leave.

As soon as he left, the five chiefs also stood up immediately, saluted Ye Lida and then left.

But as soon as these people went out, they were captured by soldiers outside, and then six heads were delivered to Yelida.

"Chief Yeli, isn't this a bit too much? They are Qiang people after all. Even if they don't agree, there is no need to kill them!"

Chief Fei Tinghu frowned, his eyes full of displeasure.

“It’s not that I want to kill them, it’s that they are seeking their own death.

Now that they know our plan, what will be waiting for us once we let them go and inform the Tang Dynasty? You all know it.

So are any of you leaving? "

Yelida looked at everyone again and asked them again.


Now everyone was frightened by each other's remarks.

You kill people just because of a possibility. You really want to lead yourself to do it.

And now they are already on the chopping block. If they don't agree, the result will be the same as the previous ones.

"If everyone agrees, sign this memorandum together, and then send your men to mobilize the Qiang people under your command, saying that you can help me, Ye Lida, go to Chengdu to ask for an explanation.

How about I allow you to loot as much as you want after we capture Chengdu? "

Yelida didn't give them a chance at all, and directly asked people to send over the message they had written long ago.

Seeing that the other party was well prepared, everyone could not refuse and signed their names on the memorandum one after another, including the Qiang chiefs whose heads had been beheaded.

Immediately afterwards, the chiefs of all parties were also detained by Yelida in their own tribes, and their men went back to mobilize the Qiang people and prepare to go to Chengdu Prefecture.

Immediately, the news that Yelida was going to Chengdu to seek justice for the Qiang people spread among the Qiang circles.

Those who want to fish in troubled waters should first lead their elite troops to join the Yeli tribe.

The remaining Qiang people stayed put and observed first.

If Yelida can really get benefits from Chengdu Prefecture, they will send troops to support him. If he doesn't get benefits, then they will continue to be their own good citizens.

Just when Yelida mobilized his troops, Di Renjie also arrived safely among the border troops. He immediately revealed his identity without any nonsense.

Hearing that the other party was an imperial envoy, the border army general Yu Ping also hurriedly came out to greet him.

"General Yu Ping, under the order of Chang Sun's special envoy, mobilize your troops to go to Chengdu Mansion to prepare for the rebellion!"

Di Renjie held up the imperial edict and directly spoke out Li Yanran's order.

"Deploying troops to quell the rebellion?"

After hearing Di Renjie's words, Yu Ping was stunned.

Although he is in the border army, his mission is not only to guard the border, but also to monitor the movements of the nearby Qiang people.

But I haven’t heard of any signs of rebellion among the Qiang people.

"That's right. General, please send troops quickly. If it's too late, Chengdu Prefecture may not be safe."

Di Renjie nodded and spoke anxiously to Yu Ping.

"I have not received any news of rebellion among the Qiang people around me. How did you get this news?

Yu Ping cannot bear the responsibility for rashly mobilizing the border troops! "

Yu Ping frowned and expressed his concerns directly.

Besides, he never said anything about the situation of the special envoy, and he couldn't believe Di Renjie.

"Then you just want to disobey the decree?"

Di Renjie glanced at Yu Ping. This was the situation he was most afraid of.

The generals of the border army will not obey the orders. If this is the case, Chengdu Prefecture will be in danger.

"No, Yu Ping was just wondering if there was any misunderstanding?"

Yu Ping shuddered. This kind of resistance and disobedience can cost lives. This guy is really a ruthless person, and he has such a big label.

"General, this is the holy decree. We will send troops immediately. The envoy of Changsun will be responsible for all the crimes.

Otherwise, the opportunity to fight will be delayed and the Chengdu Mansion will be destroyed. You know the consequences very well! "

Di Renjie also took a step forward, and the imperial edict almost hit Yu Ping's face.

If he still refuses, then he will have no choice but to capture Yuping first and then send troops to Chengdu.


"Yu Ping accepts the order!"

Yu Ping looked at the tough Di Renjie and felt helpless. After thinking about it, he could only salute and accept the order.

"That's right. General Yu, please speed up. Now we are competing with the Qiang people for speed.

Although Chengdu Prefecture now has three Zhechong Prefecture troops stationed there, I am afraid that the Qiang people are too powerful. If we take one step late, the consequences will be disastrous. "

Seeing that the other party accepted the order, Di Renjie was relieved and directly arranged for the other party to hurry up and prepare.

"Please wait a moment, I will prepare troops and horses immediately!"

Yu Ping saluted again, turned around and left.

Soon 25,000 border troops began to gather, and that night they followed Di Renjie and started running towards Chengdu.

"Brother Li, give me a moment and let me see if this is true!"

Changsun Yan's mouth opened wide, looking at the mountains of gold in front of him, he was completely unconscious.

"That's what you said!"

As Li Yanran said that, she jumped up, made a fist with her right hand and hit Changsun Yan on the head.

"Ouch, it hurts me so much. Brother Li, why did you hit me?" Changsun Yan was stunned. He felt as if his forehead had been hit by a hammer, and a big bag kept pushing up his hand.

"You want me to fight with you, right? Just now you asked me to hit you, and now you don't admit it?"

Li Yanran blew her fist and replied angrily.

"Am I stupid? Let you knock me on the head?"

Changsun Yan stared at Li Yanran with big eyes, having no memory of what happened just now.

"You did say it yourself!"

The people next to him seemed to be looking at a fool and nodded together.

They were also shocked. They had seen people begging for food, they had seen people begging for money, and this was the first time they had seen people begging for beatings. It was really strange.


Sun Yan was a little depressed for a while. Was he really that stupid?

"How much gold is there in total?"

Looking at the small mountain of gold, Li Yanran was too lazy to pay attention to Chang Sun Yan.

"Yes, how much gold is there in total?"

After hearing this, Chang Sun Yan felt sleepy instantly and asked after Li Yanran.

“Eighty-one thousand taels of gold were seized from the Ling family’s cottage, as well as some jewelry, jade, and rare treasures.

Seventy-three thousand taels of gold were seized from the Ma family, plus some jewelry, jade, and rare treasures.

As for the Sun family and the Wu family, they are much poorer. Their total income is only 76,000 taels, but they do have some land deeds and land deeds.

There are also about 30,000 taels of gold and some copper coins that were previously seized from the Lingma family's fleet.

The total gold is.”

As he talked, Cheng Chubi got stuck. The number was a bit difficult to memorize and he forgot about it.

"The total gold is two hundred and sixty thousand taels of gold."

Li Yanran also blurted out and directly calculated the numbers.

But when she said this number, she was a little shocked.

Two hundred and sixty thousand taels of gold, a full two hundred and sixty thousand taels of gold.

Converted into copper coins, it was 2.6 million guan. This was so special that it almost scared her to death.

Although she can be regarded as the king of cash flow now, she also has a lot of real money in her hands.

But this money is really too much.

"Two, two and sixty thousand taels of gold, my God, it looks like a hill, so there are so many."

Changsun Yan also stuttered a little. He had thought before that the final income might exceed two hundred thousand taels of gold, but when he saw so much gold in front of him, his heart still couldn't stand it.

This is so exciting. They say that flowers gradually become enchanting, and this gold is what enchants the eyes.

Golden and yellow.

"Don't worry, just follow me and work hard. This will mean nothing to you in the future."

Li Yanran smiled. She knew that the gold was very attractive, but this was now. When her business territory was fully expanded in the future, the money really didn't mean anything.

Especially after we can conquer Japan, there are mountains of gold and silver there. When the time comes, each person will have a mountain of gold, and they can build houses with gold.

"Brother Li, is everything you said true?"

"That's right, Brother Li, can we have so many in the future?"

"This is more than 200,000 taels of gold, I can't even imagine it!"

After hearing this, the three of them all gathered together, their eyes sparkling.

"I will keep my word. I will give you a gold mountain per person within ten years."

"Long live Brother Li!"

"Brother Li, I am!"

"Brother Li, I believe it. If there is such a chance, I will give you half a gold mountain!"

The three of them were all so excited that they could not help themselves. A mountain of gold was a mountain of gold.

Brother Li is so angry.

"Miss, the key now is how to transport the money back to Chang'an. After all, there is so much gold."

Li Feng frowned when he looked at the gold in front of him.

Now this is a movable gold mountain. If someone sees it on the way, even if the Longmen Escort Agency has gained a great reputation, it will not be able to stop others from coveting it.

It will be over by then.

"Don't worry, these are all secrets now. As long as they are kept properly, those problems will not arise."

Cheng Chubi smiled slightly, he had already thought about this.

As long as there is no mole here, and the bandit is not a wolf that can smell, how can he suddenly come over.

"How can you guarantee that there are no moles among these people?"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Cheng Chubi, are you so confident that you don't have anyone among your own who would be blinded only by seeing you?

This is not just a little bit, more than 200,000 taels of gold, coupled with those rare treasures, it is inevitable that people will not be interested in wealth.

"Brother Li, what do you mean?"

Cheng Chubi was stunned for a moment, not understanding what the other party meant!

"Sake makes people's faces red, and money and silk make people's hearts move. It's not that I can't trust my brothers, but it's just that this matter is too big.

From now on, everyone will be under martial law. No one can go out alone, even if they go to the toilet, they must go together in a group. "

Li Yanran glanced at the Jinshan in front of her again, and slowly walked towards the road.

"Brother Li, no need, brothers are all our old men, I still believe in them.

If that were the case, I'd be afraid of breaking their hearts. "

Cheng Chubi frowned, glanced at the Longmen escort guarding the perimeter, and replied to Li Yanran.

"Three idiots, remember, never test people with benefits, because human nature cannot stand the test.

Just do as I say, but you have to explain the matter to them. When you return to Lishan safely, everyone will be rewarded. "

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