My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 853 The Great Qiang Alliance!

Li Yanran shook her head, don't use this to test people, because people really can't stand the test.


Since Li Yanran insisted, Cheng Chubi had nothing to say and went directly to call all the leaders over.

"Lang Jun, what does this mean?"

After hearing Cheng Chubi's order, those people all frowned.

"What do you mean? Such a large amount of money is too garish, in order to ensure the safety of everyone and the safety of His Highness.

From now on, everyone must report no matter what they do. After the report is completed, everyone must act together as a team, even if they go to the toilet together.

Whenever someone is alone, report it immediately. If someone discovers it, but your team leader doesn't know about it, don't blame me for being ruthless.

In addition, His Highness said that everyone will be rewarded when they return to Chang'an safely. "

Cheng Chubi didn't know how to explain it, but since Li Yanran said it, he would do it.

Who calls her the princess of the dynasty?




The leaders glanced at Cheng Chubi. Although they were a little aggrieved, they didn't say anything.

After all, Li Yanran was very kind to them. Not only did she get the highest salary, but she also often received rewards.

Being able to send this money safely to Chang'an can be regarded as repaying the kindness of Her Royal Highness the Princess.

The order was quickly conveyed, and although the Longmen bodyguards were unhappy, they still acted according to the other party's order.

As time passed, more and more Qiang people gathered in the Yeli tribe. In the end, there were more than 60,000 people and more than 30 large and small tribes.

"Chief Yeli, now that the people are almost there, it's time for us to take action.

After all, everyone left their homes and careers to get here, and they didn’t bring much food and grass. Start early and share the benefits! "

A Qiang chief with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks also came close to Yelida, rubbing his hands with excitement in his eyes.

"With Bo Haoli, you can't help it?"

Yelida glanced at the man and smiled.

"Hehe, I have long heard that Chengdu Prefecture is rich, but I have never seen it. Aren't you anxious to go and have a look?"

Youbo Haoli also smiled awkwardly.

But one thing he said was right. He really wanted to visit Chengdu and see how luxurious it was.

"That's it, everything that should come has almost arrived. Let's go to Chengdu!"

Yelida nodded and directly ordered the entire army to attack.

The 60,000 Qiang people, as strong as bison descending from the mountain, began to run wildly in the direction of Chengdu Prefecture.

People from the Yeli tribe were dispatched, and news was immediately reported to Chengdu Prefecture.

"They are indeed here!"

Looking at Lin Hao in front of her, Li Yanran also smiled.

"Commissioner Lin, are the defenses of Chengdu Mansion ready?"

"Back to Your Highness, the defense arrangements of Chengdu Mansion are almost complete. Not to mention the 60,000 Qiang people, even if he comes with tens of thousands more, the result will be the same.

But the current situation is that we can block it but cannot annihilate it. We still have to wait and see when the border troops come. "

Lin Hao glanced at Li Yanran. What he was most worried about now was whether the border troops could arrive in time.

"Don't worry, the border troops are definitely heading here now. As long as we can hold on, these Qiang people will have no chance of escaping.

Moreover, allowing them to take action first confirmed their accusations of rebellion and gave them the opportunity to catch them all in one fell swoop. "

Li Yanran smiled. He believed that Di Renjie would never let him down.

"That puts me at ease!"

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Lin Hao also nodded.

Since he is relieved, he is also relieved.

"Well, An Xin helps me finish the things here. When I return to Chang'an, I will definitely give you a nice word in front of my father.

When the time comes, it is not impossible for you to be transferred back to Chang'an as a minister or a minister. "

Li Yanran smiled at Lin Hao. In his opinion, Lin Hao was very talented. If he could really be transferred to Chang'an, he would definitely be a blessing to the Tang Dynasty.

"Your Highness, please spare me. I'm doing pretty well here in Jiannan Road. Besides, I'm better off here than in Chang'an.

After all, this Jiannan Road is too important, related to the Tang Dynasty's defense against Tubo.

I wouldn't worry if someone else came over. "

Lin Hao shook his head. He was an official for no other reason than to benefit the people and stabilize the Tang Dynasty.

If he really wanted to be an official, he wouldn't have come to Jiannan Road, a place where nothing matters.

Now that he has finally captured the four major families, if he captures those Qiang people again, he will be able to free up his hands and show off his talents.

By then, when he has almost finished running the Jiannan Road business, it will be too late to return to Chang'an.

"You are a person who truly works for the Tang Dynasty. Please accept Yanran's courtesy."

Hearing what Lin Hao said, Li Yanran also took a step back and slowly saluted him.

In the early period of the Tang Dynasty, it was precisely because of these people who truly served the country and the people that they were able to create great events throughout the ages.

Such a person deserves this gift from him.

“Your Highness, don’t do this, Lin Hao deserves it.

If it hadn't been for your trip south this time, I might not have known how long it would have taken to get this done.

It should be Lin Hao who salutes you, you are the one who works for Datang! "

Lin Hao also gave a big gift to Li Yanran. To be honest, he was flattered that she could give him this gift as a princess.

Besides, without Li Yanran's help in this matter, he might not be able to take down the four major families even after he is transferred.

Not to mention that the Qiang people can be dealt with together to ensure the stability of Jiannan Road.

"Okay, let's stop complimenting each other. The key now is to work together to solve the problem here in Jiannan Road. Even if you don't want to go to Chang'an, I will have to ask my father to get you a title.

After all I have done so much, if I don’t give you anything, it would be unkind of me as a princess.

You can't let people who really care for Datang feel cold. "

Li Yanran smiled. There were some things that the other party could do without, but she had to do them.

This was not just for him, but for the rule of the Tang Dynasty.

It seems that Li Zhi didn't dare to reprimand the officials who submitted the letter before, and he couldn't let them feel cold.

"Your Highness, thank you very much Lin Hao!"

Lin Hao also scratched his head. To be honest, if Li Yanran could really win these things from him, he would really have met a good person.

It would be great if Li Yanran was a man. Now the other party is the best choice in terms of intelligence and power.

She has the favor of the emperor, a mother who is a queen, and several sons of the princes.

I just don’t know if these are good or bad for Datang.

"Well, let's get down!"


Lin Hao bowed and left directly.

"Brother Li, are you not worried at all? Although Chengdu Mansion now has nearly 10,000 troops, the enemy has more than 60,000 Qiang people!"

Cheng Chubi glanced at Li Yanran, not worried that it was fake.

This is not in the wild. If you can't beat him, you can still protect Li Yanran and run away.

Defending the city, and there are so many people in the city, they can't leave at all now.

"Don't worry, there won't be any problems in Chengdu Mansion. Maybe Di Renjie has arrived near Chengdu Mansion now."

Li Yanran smiled, she was not worried at all.

Because Di Renjie will definitely not let her down.

"In that case, I will go and arrange defensive measures with Sun Bin."


Di Renjie left directly to arrange defensive measures on the city wall.

"Hurry, hurry, we are going to Chengdu soon, we must not let the Qiang take the lead!"

Di Renjie looked at Yu Ping beside him and directly urged him to speed up.

We must not let the Qiang people attack us first.

"I think we can't enter the city even if we get to Chengdu, so there's no need to rush now."

Yu Ping glanced at Di Renjie, smiled at him and replied.

"What's the meaning?"

Di Renjie was stunned, not knowing what the other party meant.

"What is Special Envoy Zhangsun thinking? In order to capture those Qiang people, if we are discovered by the Qiang people in the past, they may run away directly."

Yu Ping directly expressed his thoughts.

"Then we can send soldiers and horses to ambush nearby, wait until they attack the city, and then cooperate with the soldiers and horses in the city to capture the opponent directly.

And I'm afraid that if we are slow, something will happen to Chengdu Mansion and it will be over. "

Di Renjie was a little confused as to what the other party meant.

“There is no airtight wall in the world, no matter how secretly we hide, there are traces to follow.

If discovered by the other party, it might ruin Special Envoy Changsun's plan.

In my opinion, it is better to fight fast than to fight slowly. Chengdu Prefecture has three troops and horses that attack the Prefecture.

Coupled with the city wall of Chengdu Prefecture, the Qiang people will not be able to capture them so easily. "

Yu Ping smiled and directly answered all Di Renjie's doubts.

"Are you sure Chengdu Prefecture is fine?"

Di Renjie frowned. He was indeed not as good at marching and fighting as his opponent. If he analyzed it this way, it was indeed better to arrive late than to arrive early.

"I guarantee that Chengdu Prefecture will be fine."

Yu Ping nodded. He knew the situation in Chengdu Mansion better than anyone else and there would definitely be no problems.

"Then let's take a rest!"

When Yu Ping said this, he felt pain everywhere on his body, and it was time to rest.

"All troops rest!"


After hearing what the two men said, the 25,000 border troops also rested on the spot. At the same time, the scouts also lined up to look for traces of the Qiang people.

If you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious in every battle. Yu Ping is a frontier soldier after all, so there can be no mistakes in his work.

Di Renjie and the others were resting, but the Qiang people were running towards Chengdu Mansion without stopping.

"General, traces of the Qiang people have been found."

"How? Where are they?"

When he heard that the Qiang people had been spotted, Di Renjie rushed out immediately.

"They are still two days away from Chengdu and fifty miles away from us."

The scout glanced at Di Renjie and told him all the information he had found.

"Okay, then clean up and let's follow them carefully.

After they attack Chengdu Mansion, attack directly from behind and capture them in one fell swoop. "

Yu Zheng smiled. Now that he had traces of the other party, it would be easier for him to handle the next step.


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