My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 858 I’m showing off my cards, this is your daughter’s handiwork!

Lin Hao was depressed. He knew that you were the princess of the Tang Dynasty, but asking the captives to work for you was a bit too inhumane.

"Have you passed it? I think it's not passed at all, so let's just do it!"

Li Yanran stood up immediately as she said that, turned around and left.


Lin Hao also had nothing to say. Who said she was the princess of the Tang Dynasty?

The entire Tang Dynasty belongs to the Li family, so it shouldn't be too much to let these captives work the land.

Soon the Qiang prisoners were driven outside Li Yanran's manor. After the changes in the four major families, the scope of Li Yanran's manor was expanded several times.

Despite the hard work of so many prisoners, the fields were quickly cleared and the seeds of flowers were planted.

After taking down the Qiang people, Chengdu Mansion also returned to its former prosperity. People still flowed like a sea, and chariots and horses still flowed like a dragon. It seemed that they were not affected at all by the Qiang rebellion.

If it really has an impact, it may be that all those unscrupulous ruffians are gone.

After all, those bullies had the support of the four major families. Now that the four major families have fallen, they have also been wiped out.

Li Yanran and Li Hong were walking on the streets of Chengdu, looking at the smiling vendors and pedestrians, and couldn't help but feel that they had really done something wrong this time.

The people of Chengdu have been suffering from the four big families for a long time, and finally they have waited for the reincarnation of heaven.

"Your Majesty, Jiannan Road Observation Envoy Lin Hao's eight hundred miles is urgent!"

Ruian also sent the discount he had just received to Li Zhi's case.

"Jiannan Road? Lin Hao?"

Li Zhi's heart suddenly lifted when he heard it was from Lin Hao.

He knew Li Yanran's whereabouts. Calculating the time, he should have arrived at Chengdu Mansion. Could it be that something went wrong there?

He opened the book immediately, and after reading it, he fell into deep thought.

He had thought that Li Yanran would cause trouble, but he didn't expect that the other party would almost poke a hole in the sky this time.

There are more than 30 Qiang chiefs and hundreds of thousands of Qiang prisoners, which even he finds difficult.

I really don’t know whether this daughter is the lucky star of the Tang Dynasty or the so-called disaster star.

He went to Luoyang and took over the entire officialdom of Luoyang. Now when he arrived in Chengdu, he not only took over the Chengdu Governor's House, but also wiped out the surrounding Qiang people.

It's really a headache.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?"

Seeing Li Zhi's expression, Ruian couldn't help but feel excited.

Could it be that there is something wrong with Jiannan Road?

"What's wrong? Did you find what I asked you to find?"

Li Zhi glanced at Ruian and directly asked him what he had been told to do before.

"My slave is preparing to report to His Majesty. I have found that thing and it will be delivered to the palace within a few days."

Ruian shuddered and hurriedly replied to Li Zhi.

"That's good. Let's go to the Zichen Palace. I'm going to see the queen!"


"Your Majesty is showing off at the Zichen Palace!"

Following Ruian's loud shout, Li Zhi also boarded the Dragon Boat Festival and headed towards the Zichen Palace.

"Meiniang, I'm here!"

Li Zhi glanced at Wu Zetian who was reviewing the memorial and smiled at him.

"Your Majesty, I hope you'll forgive me for not being able to greet you from afar.

This is such a blessing, my slave must be able to teach me well. "

Seeing Li Zhi's figure, Wu Zetian hurriedly stood up and came to greet him. At the same time, she complained about Duofu.

"I asked him not to report it. Why are there so many fewer memorials now?"

Li Zhi smiled. He had followed Guan Yi to urge him to cultivate his skills, and they staged a full martial arts show in the Jinluan Hall.

He reprimanded them in front of all the civil and military officials, and then asked the Forbidden Army to give them a few rewards.

Listening to the sound of meat being fried on bamboo boards and seeing the wailing expressions of several people, those civil and military officials fell silent for a moment.

The nonsense memorials clutched in their hands were immediately retracted into their sleeves, fearing that they would be forced to do their homework.

Soon the news about urging Xiuye ​​and the others spread throughout the country through various channels, and for a while the officials were frightened into silence.

The memorial that was originally intended to be passed on was immediately torn into pieces, and the fold that was originally sent was also intercepted as quickly as possible.

"Your Majesty, just look at the scale. Although there are still some memorials, I believe that after a while, these nonsense memorials should be completely eliminated."

Wu Zetian smiled and had to say that Li Yanran's method was really good.

This time, killing chickens and terrifying monkeys was still very successful.

"That's good, that's good!"

Li Zhi nodded and sat on the sofa without Wu Zetian.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid you came here not only to ask about this memorial!"

Looking at Li Zhi beside her, Wu Zetian also frowned.

As the saying goes, don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, Li Zhi would not come here easily.

Something big must have happened in the Tang Dynasty.

But what could it be? Why didn't I receive any news?

"Look at it!"

Li Zhi directly handed Lin Hao's eight hundred miles to Wu Zetian.

Wu Zetian opened the memorial in confusion, and after reading it, she was completely stunned.     "How?"

"Your Majesty, this Lin Hao is too bold. Not only did he interfere in the affairs of the Chengdu Governor's Mansion, he also provoked the Qiang people and caused such a chaos. He should be severely punished!"

Wu Zetian glanced at Li Zhi, her eyes full of coldness.

The situation in Jiannan Road is different from other places. Stability is the most important. If the Qiang people there get into chaos, the Tubo people will take advantage of the chaos and invade the Tang Dynasty.

If the Tubo people unite with the Qiang people, the consequences will be disastrous.

"It was my order. Now that Su Dingfang and Tubo are preparing for a decisive battle, they will definitely find a way to instigate the Qiang people in Jiannan Road to confuse our rear.

Therefore, it was my first move to let Lin Hao take action. He was just following orders.

But what I didn't expect was that there were so many disobedient people among the Qiang people who had received the grace of the Tang Dynasty. "

Li Zhi shook his head. Lin Hao did a good job, and he also guessed that the other party was not so courageous.

He must have dared to make such a big deal under the instruction of his precious daughter, and Lin Hao was the one who did the work, so he definitely couldn't let the other party take the blame.

"Your Majesty's instructions? How did you give the instructions? Why do I feel that this style of painting seems familiar?"

When Wu Zetian heard that Li Zhi took the initiative to take charge of the matter, she couldn't help but be stunned.

This feeling is exactly the same as when I was in Luoyang, very much like Li Yanran.

"It must look familiar. This is all my fault!"

Looking at the frowning Wu Zetian, the sweat on Li Zhi's forehead started to flow.

Doesn't this look familiar? It's all the work of your precious daughter.

"Your Majesty, you'd better tell the truth. Did you let Xiao Yanran out in private? Did she go to Chengdu Mansion?"

Looking at the nervous Li Zhi, Wu Zetian's face darkened instantly.

If it was a guess at first, now she is 80% sure that this is a good thing Li Yanran did.

"No, isn't Xiao Yanran in the fiefdom well? Why is she in Chengdu Mansion?

Don't think too much. If I still have something to do, I'll leave first! "

As he spoke, Li Zhi was about to leave as soon as his legs crossed, but Wu Zetian grabbed his arm.

"Your Majesty, do you really think that my concubine has no legs or feet? If you do, I will send someone to Lishan.

If Xiao Yanran is not here, I will not let you go easily! "

Wu Zetian raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Zhi in front of him, as if he was about to send someone to find Li Yanran.

"Mei Niang, these have nothing to do with me. Yan Ran couldn't help but say that she had seen the prosperity of Luoyang and wanted to go to Chengdu to see it.

The most important thing is that she threatened me with my dragon whiskers, so I had no choice but to give up.

Who would have thought that she would do such a thing when she was not stable in Chengdu Mansion?

If I had known this, I wouldn't have dared to let her go even if he pulled out all my dragon beards! "

Now that Wu Zetian had guessed it, Li Zhi had nothing to hide and could only blame everything on Li Yanran.

After all, Li Yanran is thousands of miles away now, and even if Wu Zetian gets angry again, there is nothing she can do against her.

He is different. If he offends the other party, he will be punished immediately.

So Xiao Yanran, the father can only feel sorry for you.

"Your Majesty, how did you promise me before that you would never let Xiao Yanran do this again next time? Even if she wanted to go out, you would agree to tell me as soon as possible.

Why is it still like this this time? Is Mei Niang so unbearable in your heart?

And let Xiao Yanran go to Chengdu Mansion alone, such a far place.

She is only ten years old. If something unexpected happens, how will Mei Niang survive? "

When she heard that Li Yanran had indeed gone to Chengdu, Wu Zetian burst into tears instantly.

This time she was not acting, but actually crying.

After all, she was her own daughter, and she was still so young.

The mother is worried when her son travels thousands of miles, and the mother is also worried when her daughter travels thousands of miles.

If she wasn't worried, she was just fooling a stupid boy.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, okay!"

Li Zhi also sighed. What he feared most was Wu Zetian's move.

Although Wu Zetian was not an ordinary woman, she really couldn't resist the way she started crying, making trouble, and hanging herself.

"Wrong? How could your Majesty be wrong? You are the True Dragon Emperor, the supreme being of the Tang Dynasty. How could you be wrong?

If she was wrong, it was Mei Niang's fault. Mei Niang shouldn't feel sorry for her daughter, Xiao Yanran. "


Wu Zetian also pushed Li Zhi away and wiped her tears alone.

"I really know. I did something wrong this time, so don't be angry!"

Li Zhi only felt that his head was buzzing, and his head was filled with the sound of Wu Zetian crying.

It's nothing more than saying that the devil's sound penetrates my ears.


Although Li Zhi tried his best to comfort him, it was obvious that Wu Zetian did not accept his tactics at all.

Still crying.

"I have found Wang Youjun's "Buddha's Parinirvana Sutra" that I told you about last time. If you don't cry, I will give it to you!"

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