My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 859: Killing with a borrowed knife!

Li Zhi had no choice but to take out Li Yanran's life-saving straw.

Now he can't take care of the agreement with his daughter. He should take it out to save his own life first.

As for what to do when Li Yanran comes back, that is her own business.

"Wang Youjun's "Buddha's Sutra of Parinirvana"? Your Majesty, have you really found it?"

Wu Zetian also held back her tears when she heard this and looked at Li Zhi with tearful eyes.

When Li Zhi said this last time, she originally thought that he was just joking, but she didn't expect that she actually found it.

"That's for sure, Jun Wuxi. Since I promised to find him for you, I will definitely not break my promise."

Seeing that Wu Zetian stopped crying, Li Zhi was relieved. After all, it was Wang Youjun who was so powerful.

But why don’t you write more Buddhist scriptures? It might as well give me a few more lives.

"Mei Niang didn't forgive you just because of the Sutra of Brief Instructions on Buddha's Parinirvana. The fault is indeed not yours, it's all Xiao Yanran's being too naughty.

But you are too indulgent to her, after all she is still a child! "

Wu Zetian also glanced sideways at Li Zhi and slowly replied to him.

"That's natural. Next time, I will tell you next time and I will never act privately!"

Li Zhi wiped the cold sweat from his head and patted his chest to make a promise.

"Your Majesty, do you want a next time?"

"No, there will be no next time. I promise there will be no next time!"

Li Zhi also quickly promised that there would be no next time.

"That's pretty much it!"

Wu Zetian also smiled and forgave Li Zhi for the sake of "The Sutra of Brief Explanations and Admonitions of Buddha's Parinirvana".

"Let's not talk about that now. The key question is what should the Qiang people in Jiannan Road do?"

After looking at Wu Zetian, Li Zhi also got down to business.

"What do you think, His Majesty? Appeasement or annihilation?"

Wu Zetian also glanced at Li Zhi. Sometimes he had to know Li Zhi's thoughts before he could express his own opinions.

"I believe that neither pacification nor extermination can be achieved absolutely, otherwise the crisis in Jiannan Road will be great."

Li Zhi also sighed. It was because he couldn't make up his mind that he came to discuss with Wu Zetian.

"In this case, then destroy some of them to show the power of God, and then allocate the remaining women and children to tribes that are loyal to the Tang Dynasty, and it is best for these tribes to be opposite to the captured tribes."

Wu Zetian smiled. Now that she knew Li Zhi's thoughts, Wu Zetian also began to prescribe the right medicine and told the strategy according to Li Zhi's thoughts.

"Do you want to kill people with a borrowed knife and further deplete the strength of the Qiang people?"

Upon hearing Wu Zetian's plan, Li Zhi immediately understood what the other party was thinking.

This was because it was hard to explain why he killed the Qiang people and he deliberately sent those prisoners to the enemy tribe.

In the past, not only were those people unable to increase the strength of the Qiang people, but they would actually cause them to have civil strife due to their hostile relationship.

I have to say that I am a good wife, and she is really good at playing with people's hearts.

"Your Majesty is wise, that's what Mei Niang thinks!"

Wu Zetian nodded, as long as it was good for the Tang Dynasty, the death of hundreds of thousands of aliens was nothing to him.

"Then let's do it this way. I will issue an order and let Lin Hao act according to the order."

Li Zhi touched Wu Zetian's hair again, turned around and left.

"Your Majesty, please don't forget Mei Niang's "Short Explanations and Instructions on Buddha's Parinirvana", otherwise I will really be angry."

Seeing that Li Zhi was about to leave, Wu Zetian also smiled and said to the number one person in the Tang Dynasty in front of her.

Li Zhi's body also trembled, and after reassuring Wu Zetian, he slowly walked out.

"Your Majesty, where are you going now?"

Ruian looked at Wu Zetian who was in a state of collapse and hurriedly came over.

"Where to go? Where else to go? Back to the imperial study."

"Your Majesty controls the study!"

Ruian shouted quickly and arranged for the dragon to come over.

After boarding the Dragon Boat Festival, Li Zhi also glanced at Ruian next to him.

"Rian Rui'an, I want to see the Sutra of Brief Explanations and Admonitions of Buddha's Parinirvana within three days, otherwise I will bear the consequences!"


Ruian was depressed. Didn't he just talk about the imperial study room? Why did he suddenly talk about "Buddha's Parinirvana Sutra"?

Your brain is spinning too fast.

"What? Is there a problem?"

"No, no problem. The Sutra of Brief Explanations and Instructions on the Parinirvana of the Buddha will be delivered within three days."

After looking at Long Chu, Ruian also sighed and saluted to him.

"Let's go!"


Long Chu left and rushed directly to the imperial study. Then Li Zhi finished writing the imperial edict immediately and sent it to Chengdu at a speed of 800 miles.

Time passed little by little, and finally the imperial edict was delivered to the Chengdu mansion.

When the imperial edict came, Changsun Yan, Lin Hao and others also received the edict together. After reading the imperial edict, the messenger immediately left Chengdu Mansion and returned to Chang'an to resume his duties.

"Brother Li, what does your Majesty's decree mean?"

Changsun Yan held the imperial edict in his hand, his eyes full of doubts.

"What do you mean? You don't even know this? Di Renjie, explain it to him!"

Li Yanran snatched the imperial edict away with disdain in her eyes.

After all, she is a fool. She really has nothing to say.

"Xiaolangjun, your Majesty means to control the Qiang with the Qiang and kill the chief culprits in order to frighten the Qiang tribes.

The remaining Qiang women and children were handed over to hostile tribes loyal to the Tang Dynasty, firstly to make the Qiang people kill each other, and secondly to lay the seeds of disaster for those tribes.

As long as there are different voices within, the Qiang tribes that have benefited from this may also have civil strife and consume their own strength. "

Di Renjie is also a smart man and immediately understood Li Zhi's brilliance.

Use the Qiang to control the Qiang, and use the Qiang to chaos the Qiang.

In this way, these Qiang women and children can be eliminated, and this will not breed more powerful Qiang tribes and cause damage to the stability of the Tang Dynasty.

After all, he is the king of a country. This skill of balancing alone is a height he will never reach. “Isn’t this pushing those Qiang women and children into the fire pit?”

After hearing what the other party said, Chang Sun Yan was also shocked.

If these hundreds of thousands of women and children really followed the imperial edict, their fate could be imagined.


Li Yanran glanced at Changsun Yan and frowned.

"Lin Hao, if nothing goes wrong, just follow the imperial edict. I believe you will not let my father down!"

"Lin Hao understands!"

Lin Hao frowned, saluted and left directly.

When Lin Hao left, Li Yanran also waved to Chang Sun Yan.

"Brother Li, what are you doing?"

Seeing Li Yanran waving, Changsun Yan also shuddered, not knowing what the other party wanted to do.

"Come here, otherwise don't blame me for being violent!"

After glaring at Changsun Yan, Li Yanran's face darkened instantly.

"Brother Li Li, what happened?"

Glancing at Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan who looked unkind next to him, Changsun Yan could only move slowly in front of Li Yanran.

"I blame you, it's all the Qiang people's fault. If they didn't have second thoughts, how could such a disaster happen.

If you can speak, just speak. If you can't speak, just shut your mouth. If you dare to talk about your father again, let alone you, your father will also be implicated. "

Li Yanran slapped Changsun Yan on the forehead.

Damn you, you really think you have a long life. You can only say a few words in front of your own people, but you dare to talk nonsense in front of Lin Hao, an outsider.

I really don’t know how you grew so big.

"Didn't I just say that casually? I didn't really mean to be disrespectful to His Majesty!"

Changsun Yan was depressed. He was not a fool, so it was just an unintentional move.

"If you say something casually, it can cost someone's life, and you are so quibly!"

Li Yanran said, slapped her again, talked back, and said something casually.

If your father finds out, he won't slap you to death.

"I know, stop fighting!"

Changsun Yan covered his head and hurriedly rushed behind.

"Brother Li, do you really want to give all those women and children to the Qiang people? These are all strong laborers. Wouldn't it be nice to send them back to the Lishan fiefdom?"

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Yanran on the side and felt that it was indeed a waste.

The best choice would be to send him to Lishan Mountain to open up wasteland.

"Nonsense, taking hundreds of thousands of women and children across a thousand miles from Chengdu to Chang'an, how many people can survive along the way?

To put it bluntly, even if you take these Qiang people over, you know how much harm it will cause to Chang'an.

If they are not from my race, their minds must be different. What if they have any evil intentions? What will happen to the capital of the Tang Dynasty?

Can you be more thoughtful when doing things in the future? I'm drunk too! "

Li Yanran also jumped up and gave Cheng Chubi a headshot.

Fortunately, you dare to say such things. It really makes your father look bad.

"I really haven't thought about this clearly!"

Cheng Chubi also scratched the back of his head, his eyes full of sarcasm.

"Brother Li, although those Qiang people cannot be brought back to Chang'an, it is still okay for you to leave some people to cultivate the manor in Chengdu!

These people are free laborers. It should be great to have them work! "

Yuchi Huan also covered his mouth and smiled, "These two idiots insist on making Brother Li angry, but I am different."

I only feel sorry for Brother Li's wallet.

"Well, what Yuchi Huan said is right, then Di Renjie, just choose some and keep them in the manor.

Remember not to choose people from the same tribe, and try to choose people who have wives and children.

I don't want to find some bachelor who is not afraid of anything and will get into trouble later. "

Li Yanran thought for a moment and nodded to Yuchi Huan.

This guy was right. It would be a good choice to choose some people to help you cultivate the land and plant flowers.

"Your Highness, how many people do you need?"

Di Renjie smiled. He would have said this even if Yu Chihuan didn't say it, and Li Yanran's selection criteria were exactly the same as his ideas.

"Just watch, there can't be too many people, but they must be capable!"

"Di Renjie understands!"

Di Renjie bowed and slowly withdrew.

He had to hurry up, otherwise Lin Hao would sort out all the people by then, and it would be bad if he wanted people by then.

"Sister, this Chengdu mansion is boring. When are we going back to Chang'an?"

Li Hong happily jumped to Li Yanran's side and said slowly to him.

He has long been tired of visiting Chengdu for so many days, and it was a bit new when he first came here. Now he is a little homesick.

"Can't bear it anymore? Just wait, I will go back when it's time!"

After giving her little brother a blank look, Li Yanran also became depressed.

When you were begging for nothing and insisting on following me, how long did it take before you got tired of it?

He is really a child, he has no patience at all.

If you had known this, wouldn't it be nice for you to stay with him in Lishan?

I worried myself for so long.

Bastard boy.

"I'm not impatient, I'm just a little bored. I miss Daniel, Erzhuang, and Sanniu.

It would be great if we could bring them out together next time! "

Li Hong hugged Li Yanran's arm directly, his eyes full of longing.

It's not that the scenery in Chang'an is better than here, but that the people in Chang'an are more worthy of missing me.

Humans are still social animals after all. Without brothers and friends, even in the fairyland in the sky, it would be extremely boring.

"I'll give you a big watermelon!"

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