My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 860 Sister, you don’t have martial ethics!

Li Yanran raised her hand and slapped Li Hong with a slap in the face, almost missing it.

"Sister, why did you hit me?"

This sudden slap made Li Hong feel depressed.

I don’t know what’s going on with my old sister.

"Why did you say I beat you? I already regretted bringing you out, so I should send you directly back to Lishan.

With your little friends, do you really think that the laws of the Tang Dynasty are just decorations? "

Li Yanran slapped him again. This kid was really bold.

This time is enough. I hope there will be a next time. If I don’t deal with him, he might become a monster.

"Sister, why don't you take it with you? There's no need to be violent.

Are you a girl? You are not reserved at all! "

Li Hong stepped aside, also very depressed.

This sister really started fighting if she disagreed with her. She was completely different from the girls she knew.

"What did you say? Can you say it again if you can?"

Li Yanran also slapped the table with her eyes full of anger.

"Sister, I'm telling you the truth, if you continue like this, they will say you won't be able to get married!"

Li Hong took a few steps back and shouted at Li Yanran.

Li Yanran smashed the cup in front of her, but Li Hong dodged and then gave him another grimace.

"Li Hong, get here!"

"No! Just a little bit!"

"Mahou, run!"

Seeing Li Yanran chasing after him, Li Hong also ran away, not forgetting to take his ace brother Ma Hou with him when he left.


Li Yanran shook her head. Children are like this, they only care about talking.

Don’t you just think about yourself and don’t you have to come back? Aren’t you going to have to deal with the same things after you come back?

There are really two fools in one, no, two.

When we come back, we will clean up together with Ma Hou.

Finally, Lin Hao also dispersed the Qiang people. After doing all this, Li Yanran made another explanation, and then left Chengdu Mansion and embarked on the journey north under the escort of the Longmen Bodyguard and the Forbidden Army.

"Brother Li, the Qiang people really fought well this time. They haven't fought such a big battle in a long time."

Cheng Chubi rode his horse to guard Li Yanran's carriage. This battle was really exciting.

If the noble sons of these aristocratic families do not join the army, it can be said that they will never be exposed to such a level of combat in their lifetime.

And now the battle between thousands of people can no longer satisfy him, because it is too simple.

"Relax, don't tell me how many brothers we have died!"

Li Yanran sighed. She wished this battle had not started. After all, many of her own people died.

Not to mention how much the pension will be, just replenishing these personnel will be a problem.

"Hey, generals will inevitably die before me. This is their fate and their way back."

Yuchi Huan also sighed. He also felt sorry for Pao Ze who died, but this is the destination of everyone.

Since they choose to embark on this path, they should understand that they will embark on this path sooner or later.

"You're talking lightly, forget it, why are I telling you this? A bunch of sticks."

Li Yanran originally wanted to argue, but after thinking about it, she realized that she was stupid too and had nothing to say to them.

"Your Highness, you must be cautious and cautious on this journey to Chang'an. I suggest not to enter towns along the way.

If there is a shortage of supplies, send people to the city to buy them, so as not to expose your whereabouts and be noticed by interested people. "

Di Renjie glanced at Li Yanran and expressed his worries directly.

More than two hundred thousand taels of gold, let alone ordinary bandits, even those in Zhechong Mansion might have evil intentions if they knew this.

They can't reveal their identity now, no matter how careful they are, they can't be too careful.

"There is no need to do this. No matter how many bandits there are, what will happen? Kill as many as they come!"

Yu Chihuan outside also sneered after hearing this. He was just a bandit. No matter how many came, if he wanted to capture him, he had to ask for the horse in his hand.

"That's right, kill as many as you come. I want to see who dares to provoke the caravan from our Longmen Escort Agency!"

Cheng Chubi also waved the spear in his hand, his eyes filled with jealousy.

Li Yanran opened the curtain of the carriage and waved to the two of them.

"what happened?"

"Brother Li, what's the matter?"

The two of them did not doubt that he was there, so they immediately rode over to him.


When the two saw this, they also got closer.



Li Yanran also slapped them on the head.

"Brother Li, what are you doing?"

"That's right, why are you beating us?"

The two of them took a hit each and quickly galloped away.

"Why are you beating me? Don't you listen to what you say are human words?

Let the bandits come over and kill as many as they can?

Just as Di Renjie said, if anyone dares to cause trouble for me, I will break their legs right now. "

Li Yanran shouted angrily at the two of them, which made them shiver in fright. They didn't dare to answer and ran straight ahead.

"Your Highness, you are just talking, these two gentlemen are not without brains.

They still know what to do and what not to do! "

Di Renjie also smiled and said to Li Yanran. “Do these two idiots have any brains? Tell me what they did that shows they have brains.

If we don't show them how powerful they are, they will really cause trouble, and no one can afford the consequences. "

Li Yanran also looked cold. If these two idiots didn't suppress them forcefully, they wouldn't know what it meant to be powerful.

Not only are there more than 200,000 taels of gold here, but there is also a fool named Li Hong.

She wasn't afraid of losing money, but she was afraid of being embarrassed.

"Your Highness is wise!"

Di Renjie had nothing to say, so he could only shake his head and read again.

"Hey hey hey!"

Li Hong on the side couldn't help it anymore and laughed softly.

"Smile, you still have the nerve to smile. If I hadn't taken you with me, would I have been so careful?

If you don't finish the homework I assigned you before returning to the fief, you will be dead! "

Li Yanran also took advantage of the situation and rewarded Li Hong with a big blow, and the opponent became uneasy on the spot.

“Sister, this homework is too much, I can’t finish it at all.

You are harshly criticizing me. I even suspect that you made up all my homework for half a month. "

Li Hong covered his head and felt depressed. The workload this time was too heavy, and it was completely different from the previous one.

"That's all. If you think so, it's not bad. I'll make up for it for you. How about it?"

Li Yanran tilted her mouth and smiled at her little brother.

"Sister, you don't respect martial ethics, you don't respect martial ethics."

Li Hong stood up immediately and stared at Li Yanran in front of him with a pair of big eyes.

"You don't follow martial ethics? I said you'll be exempted from half a month's homework, but I didn't say you can't add more.

This is called rational allocation of resources to promote your accelerated growth.

My sister is doing everything for your own good, so you'd better not be ignorant! "

Li Yanran slapped her again, and tears appeared in Li Hong's eyes.

Then he waved his hand angrily, sat down in front of the table obediently, and began to write hard and make up for his homework.

After all, he had been in the fiefdom for so long, and he was still able to distinguish between the big and small kings.

If he didn't do his homework in the palace, he would be scolded by those gentlemen at most, but if he dared not to do the homework left by his sister.

Li Yanran will show no mercy at all and will really beat people to death.

So the only thing he can do now is to write well and finish his homework before returning to Lishan.

"That's pretty much it!"

Seeing Li Hong writing obediently, Li Yanran also put a book on her face, leaned against the carriage and fell asleep.

The long motorcade passed through towns and cities and traveled on official roads.

The small group of bandits didn't dare to move forward when they saw this scale, and the bandits who didn't slip out were as afraid as poisonous scorpions when they saw the flag of Longmen Escort Bureau.

Not to mention going up there, it felt like a sin just to look at them. As for those big bandits, they had already been wiped out by Cheng Chubi.

In this way, the team of Longmen escorts rushed all the way to the sphere of influence of the Lishan fiefdom.

Everyone felt relieved after entering here, and finally came back. Fortunately, the journey went smoothly, otherwise we really don't know how things would have developed.

Ma Hou jumped off the carriage, said goodbye to Li Feng, and ran back to his home.

"Auntie, I'm back!"

"Mahou, you are finally back."

Hearing the sound, Mrs. Ma Li rushed out, hugged her son and sobbed quietly.

"Auntie, my son misses you so much."

Seeing my mother crying, Ma Hou couldn't control himself and started crying along with her.

The two hugged each other and cried. After a while, Ma Li also suppressed the tears in her eyes and pushed Ma Hou aside.

"Kneel down there!"

La Niang suddenly changed her face, and Ma Hou was also shocked.

"Auntie, what do you want to do?"

"What do you want for me? I'm going to break your legs!"

As Ma Li said this, she slapped Ma Hou directly on the forehead.

"Auntie, it hurts!"

Ma Hou knelt on the ground with a plop, covering his head and his eyes filled with grievances.

"It hurts? It hurts even more!"

As Ma Li said this, she turned around and drew a wooden pole towards Ma Hou.

"Auntie, don't do it, this will kill people!"

Seeing the weapon in my mother's hand, Ma Hou also shuddered and got up from the ground.

"Dead man, if I don't beat you little bastard to death today, I will be sorry to the ancestors of your Ma family.

Come here, did you hear me? "

Ma Li pointed at Ma Hou with a stick, her eyes filled with coldness.

"I'm not stupid, I won't go there!"

Ma Hou was startled and ran further away.

If you are caught by me, you may be beaten like this.

"You won't come over, right! If you don't come over, my mother will die."

Ma Li also sat directly on the chair and started crying again.

"Auntie, don't cry, I know you're wrong!"

Seeing my mother crying again, Ma Hou became depressed. In the end, he gritted his teeth and slowly walked to my mother's side.

"Kneel down!"


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