My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 861: Anyone who sees it will be angry, and anyone who hears it will want to beat someone up

Ma Hou was a good boy, and he knelt in front of my mother again.

Ma Lishi didn't say anything and just hit him with a stick.

In an instant, Ma Hou felt numb all over his back. I was really going to beat him to death.

After hitting the stick several times in succession, looking at Ma Hou's twisted little face, Ma Li couldn't do it anymore.

Sitting in front of Ma Hou leaning on a stick, she also raised her eyebrows and asked: "You said you knew you were wrong, where was your mistake?"

"Aniang Mingjian, you really don't blame me this time. Your Highness insisted on dragging me out.

As a younger brother, I can’t refuse. "

Ma Hou curled his lips, he was really killed by Li Hong this time.

"Are you going when His Highness asks you to go? You can tell A Niang or report it to Wei Shan.

His Highness has a special status, so it would be wrong for you to go out with him.

Fortunately, nothing went wrong this time. Otherwise, if something happened to His Highness, who would bear the consequences? "

Ma Li was furious as she spoke and hit him with another stick.

"Aniang, I know I was wrong. Next time I have something to do, I will definitely tell Aniang first!"

This stick hit Mahou directly and he fell to the ground. He looked at my mother with sorrow in his eyes.

"Next time? Do you dare to have a next time?"

Ma Li frowned again and swiped the stick directly.

"No, no..."

Before Ma Hou finished speaking, he fainted.

"Mahou? Mahou, don't scare my mother-in-law, my child!"

Ma Li was also startled, touched Ma Hou, then hugged him and ran outside.

Being held by his mother, the corners of Mahou's mouth also curved.

"No, no, I have to have a good sleep. I'm almost exhausted these days!"

After returning to the fiefdom, the first thing Li Yanran did was to go straight back to her small courtyard and have a good night's sleep.

She only felt that her body was about to fall apart. This ancient carriage was indeed lacking. It had no shock absorbers and it was too painful to travel.

"Your Majesty, Princess Lishan has returned to her fiefdom!"

Ruian slowly came to Li Zhi and told the news that Li Yanran had returned safely.

"He's back? It's faster than I expected. I originally thought he would stay in Chengdu for a while longer!"

Li Zhi was relieved when he heard that Li Yanran was back.

Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with his daughter. Otherwise, not only would he not be able to pass the test in his heart, but Wu Zetian would not let him go easily.

so far so good.

"Your Majesty, do you want me to send someone to call Her Royal Highness the Princess to come see you?"

Hearing that Li Zhi had no further words, Ruian was also stunned for a moment.

"Ryan, come here!"

After Li Zhi heard this, he raised his finger directly at him.

Ruian came to Li Zhi's side and received a big blow, and then kicked him again.

"You want to die, don't you? My little Yanran just came back from such a long journey, and it's time to have a good rest now.

But you want to ask her to come to the palace. You really think that I dare not deal with you, right? "

"I know I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong."

Ruian was startled and quickly knelt down and kowtowed in front of Li Zhi.

He really didn't know. He just said the wrong thing. Is that all?

Besides, it's not like you don't want to see that princess, you're really drunk.

"If you know you're wrong, get out of here!"


Ruian also crawled out of the imperial study room, leaving only Li Zhi there with a silly smile.

Now that Xiao Yanran is back, the raw materials for the perfume should be solved, and then it's time to make a lot of money.

With a daughter like this, what would a father want?

When Li Yanran woke up, it was already dusk. Looking at the sky outside, Li Yanran did not violate the laws of nature and fell asleep again.

It wasn't until the morning of the third day that Li Yanran stretched and sat up from the bed.

"Your Highness, are you awake?"

Hearing the movement inside, Liu Peilan came over immediately, looking concerned.

"What's wrong? Looking like that?"

Glancing at Liu Peilan, Li Yanran also frowned.

"Your Highness, you don't know that you have been sleeping for two days and two nights, but you are making me anxious!"

Liu Peilan hurriedly saluted and patted her chest.

"What's the point? How can a child not stay in bed!"

While she was talking, Li Yanran's stomach started to grow loudly.

"Your Highness, are you hungry? Chef Fan has already prepared local chicken soup for you. I will bring you the fish right now!"

Hearing Li Yanran's stomach growling, Liu Peilan also smiled, turned around and walked out.

After a while, he came in with a pot of chicken soup, placed it on the table, and carefully helped Li Yanran scoop a bowl.

"It's delicious!"

After taking a sip of chicken soup, Li Yanran instantly felt that her whole body was clear.

This taste is truly indescribable.

"one more bowl."


Liu Peilan smiled slightly, filled another bowl of chicken soup and put it in Li Yanran's hand.

After drinking three small bowls in a row, Li Yanran felt a little bored.

"Go get some staple food, I'm hungry!"


After eating and drinking, Li Yanran was revived with full blood, stretched out again and walked out.


Seeing Li Yanran coming down, Li Feng hurriedly saluted.

"How? No one has come these two days!"

"If Miss is asking about people from Chang'an, no."

Li Feng also shook his head.

"This is really weird. Where is that silly boy Li Hong?"

Li Yanran was a little surprised to hear that her father didn't send anyone to look for her.

You know, the last time I came back from Luoyang, my father sent someone over the next day.

"Your Highness is doing homework on the second floor!" Li Feng glanced upstairs and told Li Hong's news.

"That's surprising. He can concentrate on his homework?"

Li Yanran also glanced at the second floor, feeling even more confused.

This Li Hong can actually take the initiative to do his homework, which can be said to be rare among rare things.

"Your Highness wanted to sneak out while you were resting. After being punished by me, you stayed on the second floor!"

Li Feng smiled slightly, how could your little brother be the one who can do his homework safely?

If it weren't for my old fist, he would have flown to play somewhere long ago.

"I see, don't worry about him, let's go to the school grounds."


The two came to the school grounds, and Wei Shan hurried over to report on the situation of the fiefdom during this period.

After listening to the report, Li Yanran also waved her hand to signal them to go down. At the same time, she also sent someone to call Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan.

"Brother Li, you finally woke up. If you didn't show up, I would have thought so!"

Before he finished speaking, Cheng Chubi also closed his mouth and did not dare to say any more.

"What did you think? Did you think I fell asleep?"

Li Yanran was depressed. This guy was just like a dog who couldn't spit out ivory.

Seriously, those who see it will become angry, and those who hear it will want to beat them up.

"How could that happen? Why did you call us here?"

Cheng Chubi smiled and did not dare to answer the question.

"wooden club."

"I called you here to tell you that the Longmen escorts have worked hard this time. You can make arrangements when the time comes.

Each person will be rewarded with fifty guan, and ten guan will be added to each level for each level up, which is considered as a reward for them.

In addition, those bodyguards who died in battle should also be given preferential treatment. We must not chill the hearts of those martyrs, do you understand? "

After giving that fool a blank look, Li Yanran directly said what she meant to call them over.

"Isn't this a bit too much? Fifty guan for one person, and 50,000 guan for a thousand people.

Brother Li, have you been a little distracted recently? "

Yuchihuan was also a little shocked when he heard that Li Yanran wanted to reward each person with fifty guan.

Although their escorts had done a lot this time, fifty guan was a bit too much in his opinion.

"Don't even look at how much money we made this time, the escorts are all watching.

If you are too stingy, what will they think of me? Why would you still sacrifice your life for us?

Some money should not be spent, but some money must be spent, do you understand? "

Li Yanran shook her head. People don't suffer from scarcity but from inequality. These escorts risk life and death for themselves, which can be regarded as a guarantee that they can come back safely.

She felt that fifty strings was a bit too little.

"I'll make arrangements!"

Cheng Chubi nodded and took over the task.

"In addition, each of you two will withdraw 20,000 taels of gold from the accounting room as this dividend."

Li Yanran glanced at the two of them again, also throwing away gold dollars, and one of them gave them a reward of 20,000 taels of gold.

"Isn't this a bit too much!"

After Yuchi Huan heard this, he wanted to be reserved at first, but then he couldn't help laughing.

"Looking at your mouth, you're almost smiling. If that's too much, why don't we give you fifty guans like those Longmen bodyguards?"

Yuchi Huan rolled his eyes, you almost turned into an idiot with laughter, why are you so reserved with me?

"No, Brother Li, not much, not much at all!"

Cheng Chubi also kicked Yuchi Huan and hurriedly said to Li Yanran.

"Hmph, don't try to be reserved for me in the future. I don't like it. Do you understand?"


"Brother Li, you are the best."

The two of them also looked at each other and hurriedly complimented again.

"Get out of here, I'll get angry when I see you."


"Brother Li, have a good rest!"

After the two heard this, they also ran out together.

"Li Feng, when the time comes, you will also withdraw 10,000 taels of gold from the accounting office. It will be regarded as your private money. Hide it well and don't let me find it!"

Li Yanran glanced at Li Feng beside him and gave him a quota of 10,000 taels of gold.

"Miss, I don't need it. Just give me a few dozen gold. I don't have anywhere to hide that much gold!"

Li Feng shook his head. It is true that he likes to hide money, but where can he hide it if you get ten thousand taels of gold.

Even if his little coffers are bursting, he can't stuff them anymore.

If he were to change places, he would have to worry about whether the gold would be stolen.

Rather than causing that trouble for yourself, it's better not to do it at all.

Anyway, he would be satisfied if his young lady had such a desire. As for how much money he had, to be honest, he really had no idea.

"Then I will open an account for you at Rishenglong Bank and deposit ten thousand taels of gold into it. What is yours will be yours!"

Li Yanran shook his head. This was his absolute confidant, and he could not fail him no matter what.

"Miss, you really don't need it! What's mine is yours anyway, there's no point in giving it to me."

Li Feng saluted, he really had no desire for money.

"Okay, it's settled. Where's Di Renjie, why didn't you come?"

"Di Renjie wants to see the progress of the Tang Dynasty's Sleepless City project. I have sent people to look for him!"

As soon as Li Feng finished speaking, Di Renjie also rushed in anxiously.

"Your Highness, you're awake!"

Looking at Li Yanran sitting in the middle, Di Renjie also breathed a sigh of relief.

I heard before that Li Yanran slept for two days and two nights without eating or drinking, which almost scared him to death.

The other party is now awake.

"Well, I am resurrected with full health again!"

Li Yanran also stretched and smiled at Di Renjie.

"Your Highness, don't say such things."

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Di Renjie also became depressed.

Although it's childish talk, you can't talk about life and death.


"Haha, why do you think I called you here?"

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