My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 862 Does anyone dare to take advantage of me? Call me!

Li Yanran shook her head, what's the point.

The ancients believed in ghosts and gods.

"Di Renjie is stupid and doesn't know why His Highness called me!"

Di Renjie was stunned for a moment. You suddenly said this inexplicably. How should he answer the question?

I am a counselor, not a fortune teller, and I have no ability to make calculations.

"Haha, it's a good thing that I asked you to come. When the time comes, I will issue you a 10,000 taels of gold coupon from Rishenglong Bank, which will be your reward for going to Chengdu this time!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, it turns out that you are not omniscient and omniscient.

"Ten thousand taels of gold?"

Di Renjie was dumbfounded and even trembled when he spoke.

Ten thousand taels of gold may be nothing to a descendant of the royal family like Li Yanran, but it is too much for him.

He couldn't bear it at all, and he didn't put in that much effort.

"That's right, it's ten thousand taels of gold!"

Li Yanran nodded heavily.

"Your Highness, please take back your order. Di Renjie deserves it."

Di Renjie swallowed and quickly saluted Li Yanran.

"Why do you feel so ashamed? You led the border soldiers to save Chengdu Mansion, saved me, and saved countless people.

It's just ten thousand taels of gold. Compared with those, these are small. "

Li Yanran stood up slowly, stood on tiptoes and patted Di Renjie on the shoulder.

"Your Highness, this is too much. Di Renjie really doesn't dare to accept it."

Even though Li Yanran said this, Di Renjie still shook his head and refused. These were still too many.

"I say you can bear it, so you can bear it. If I give it to you, just keep it with peace of mind, otherwise I will get angry and get angry!"

Li Yanran glared at Di Renjie. She had seen people avoid danger, but she had never seen people avoid rewards.

It’s not that your money is unclean, you are too arrogant.

She is not a noble person, so she can't stand those noble people.

"Your Highness, if you really want to reward me, just reward me with a thousand taels of gold!"

Di Renjie knew that this matter could not be avoided. After all, Li Yanran was the master, and when people wanted to reward him, he always refused, which was a bit too disrespectful to him.

"Thousand taels of gold, where are you giving away for begging? It's only ten thousand taels. Even if I give it to you and throw it on the street, I can't care about it."

Li Yanran glared at the other party again, "How can I get a thousand taels by myself?"

She is a majestic princess.

"If this is the case, Di Renjie will thank His Highness."

Di Renjie also sighed and gave another big salute to Li Yanran.

"Okay, how is the progress of the Tang Dynasty Evernight City project? When will it be completed!"

Hearing that Di Renjie had received his reward, Li Yanran also smiled and asked about the situation in the Sleepless City of the Tang Dynasty.

"Back to Your Highness, the main building over there is almost complete. It is estimated that it will be open to welcome guests in two or three months."

Di Renjie hurriedly told the progress of the Tang Dynasty's Sleepless City.

"Okay, then you will do your best to supervise the construction of Datang Evernight City, and you must complete it with quality and quantity."


Di Renjie saluted and left directly, heading in the direction of the Evernight City of the Tang Dynasty.

"Your Highness, where is Princess Lishan!"

Li Yanran had just finished arranging the situation here when he saw a little Huangmen coming over sneakily.

"Who? Get here here!"

Li Yanran was stunned for a moment and shouted directly outside.

"It's me, my servant, who has come to deliver the order in accordance with His Majesty's orders!"

A little Huangmen jumped out quickly and saluted Li Yanran.

"End of the week? What message does the emperor want to convey?"

Looking at the little eunuch in front of her, Li Yanran also frowned.

This child looks like he is only a teenager. Why did he get into the palace when he is so fair and fair?

What a pity.

"Go back to Your Highness the Princess. Your Majesty has ordered Princess Lishan to pay an audience. In addition, Your Highness the Crown Prince will return to Chang'an together!"

Zhou Bi tilted his head and looked at Li Yanran.

"What are you looking at?"

Li Yanran was stunned for a moment, wondering what the little Huangmen was looking at.

"There are rumors in the palace that Her Royal Highness Princess Lishan is a ferocious demon king who will beat people if she disagrees with her.

But looking at it this way, Zhou Bi didn't see any anger, but his face was peaceful. It was obvious that those people were all lying. "

Zhou Bi also saluted Li Yanran and expressed all his thoughts.


Li Feng became angry when he heard that the little eunuch dared to comment so much on Her Royal Highness the Princess.

Even your boss Ruian is submissive in front of our young lady, but you are talking now.

Give you what you can.

"This slave has gone too far, and I hope Your Highness will forgive you!

However, His Highness's arrogance is fascinating. If His Highness does not dislike it, Zhou Bi is willing to follow His Highness and serve as your eyes and ears. "

Zhou Bi knelt directly in front of Li Yanran, his eyes full of excitement.

He had long heard that Li Yanran was the most favored daughter of the emperor in the Tang Dynasty. If he could join her, he would no longer have to be bullied in the palace.

Even when Ruian faced him, he had to weigh whether he dared to offend Li Yanran behind him.

"That's strange. If you want to join me, Li Feng, I'll leave it to you!"

After hearing Zhou Bi's words, Li Yanran also smiled brightly, showing ten teeth.

The little brat is only a little older, but he wants to take advantage of us.

I really take myself too seriously and don't take others seriously.


Li Feng was also furious, twisted his wrist and walked towards Li Zhou Bixing.

The young eunuch first looked at his young lady wantonly, and then thought of using her to do things in the palace.

He would really feel bad if he didn't take care of it.

"Your Highness, what do you want to do? Zhou Bi sincerely surrenders to you."

Looking at Li Feng walking towards him, Zhou Bi was also startled, not knowing what he was going to do.

"Whether you are sincere or not, you will know if you try it!"

Li Feng also smiled, grabbed Zhou Bi's collar and walked outside. “Your Highness, what do you mean?”

"I am serious!"

"You can't do this to me, I am His Majesty's messenger, I am His Majesty's messenger!"

Zhou Bi, who was being dragged by Li Feng, had a look of horror in his eyes and shouted loudly to Li Yanran.

But unfortunately, Li Yanran ignored him, and Li Feng still dragged him away.

When he got outside, Li Feng threw Zhou Bi to the ground directly, and then ordered the imperial army to tie Zhou Bi to the wooden frame.

"Little brother, I am the messenger sent by His Majesty. You cannot touch me. If you touch me, you will bring trouble to Your Highness the Princess."

Zhou Bi looked at Li Feng in front of him and hurriedly said to him.

"Really? Didn't you say before that everyone in the palace said that His Highness is a demon king? Now let me show you what you mean by what you say is true!"

Hearing that Zhou Bi was still here making nonsense, Li Feng showed a ferocious smile, and then asked someone to bring over a riding crop.

"What are you going to do?"

Looking at the riding crop in Li Feng's hand, Zhou Bi couldn't help but shudder.

Now he finally understood why everyone in the palace was afraid of Li Yanran like a poisonous scorpion. He really dared to deal with him here.

Not only Li Yanran is the devil, but the people under her are not good either.

"What to do? Do this!"

Li Feng just whipped Zhou Bi hard on the chest.


Severe pain instantly hit his whole body, causing Zhou Bi to twitch in pain.

"How dare you dare to set His Highness's idea on the young lady? Damn it!"

As soon as Li Feng finished speaking, he was whipped again.


Zhou Bi let out another cry of pain, it hurt, Tate was in so much pain.

"How dare you speak so brazenly, you are just a slave! To be a slave, you have to act like a slave!"

"This time I'm going to show you who you should provoke and who you shouldn't provoke!"

“I really don’t know the heights of the world.”

Li Feng was cracking the whip while talking, but in the end Zhou Bi couldn't hold it anymore and fainted.

"Trash, splash him awake!"

Seeing how useless Zhou Bi was, Li Feng also sent someone to splash him awake.

As soon as Zhou Bi woke up, he saw the fierce-looking Li Feng. He rolled his eyes and fainted again from fright.


Li Feng was depressed and touched his face. Was he that scary?

"Am I that scary?"

Glancing at the Imperial Guard next to him, Li Feng also asked him a question.


Seeing Li Feng's appearance, all the Imperial Guards shuddered and took a step back together.


Li Feng also waved his hand and arranged for someone to splash water on Zhou Bi to wake him up.

"Boy, if you dare to faint again, I will chop you up and feed you to the dogs immediately."

"I'm not dizzy, I'm not dizzy!"

Hearing what Li Feng said, Zhou Bi also shuddered and insisted on holding on.

"Let me ask you, do you dare to take advantage of the young lady next time?"

Li Feng held Zhou Bi's collar, his eyes filled with vicious killing intent.

"I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore!"

Everyone in Zhou Bi was stupid. If he still dared to take advantage of this little devil, he would be a real fool.

Don't want to die?

"Then go away. If I see you coming to the fiefdom again, I will break your dog's legs first, and then drag it out to feed the dog."

After Li Feng said this, he immediately asked the imperial guards to loosen the rope and tell him to go back to Chang'an.

"Never again, never again!"

After being liberated, Zhou Bi also rolled and crawled towards the outside.

Come again next time, unless he doesn't want to live anymore.

"Packed up?"

Li Yanran glanced at Li Feng, took a bite of the peach and said to him.

"It's so useless, but I fainted twice after being whipped a few times."

Li Feng shook his head. This guy still didn't need to be beaten. If it were Cheng Chubi, he wouldn't be so miserable.

"Haha, this little eunuch is so interesting and ambitious."

Li Yanran smiled, there was no shortage of such masters in this era.

Everyone thinks that their abilities are higher than others, and they always think that they can step on others to get the upper hand.

Little do they know that these people are the ones who die the fastest in the end.

Because such people will definitely not be allowed to appear in the palace.

His father is like this, and his subordinate Ruian is even like this.

Stability has always been what people seek most.

"Miss, when are we going to Chang'an?"

Li Feng did not continue this topic. In his opinion, the young eunuch was just an ant.

"Of course, the sooner the better, prepare the carriage immediately, call Li Hong and let's set off."

Li Yanran nodded. Since her father wanted to recruit him, she had no reason to delay.

"Here, I'll make arrangements right away!"

After Li Feng saluted, he slowly retreated.

Li Hong was grabbed by the ears by Li Yanran and forcefully dragged down from the second floor.

"Sister, I don't want to go, I don't want to go to the palace!"

"Nonsense, this is Father's will. If you don't go, do you want to die?"

Li Yanran slapped him in the face, and Li Hong immediately became honest.

"Sister, when you get there, you can't tell me that I went to Chengdu Mansion with you, otherwise we will both be punished!"

Li Hong looked at his elder sister quietly and said what he was most worried about.

If the old lady blows herself up by then, he will have to be beaten to death.

"Don't worry, I won't betray you!"

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