My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 866 Bargaining, sharing the damage!

After receiving Wu Zetian's confirmed answer, Li Yanran also smiled at her father.

Originally, she felt sorry for these tens of thousands of taels of gold, but now it seems that someone can share it with her.


Li Zhi was depressed. Wu Meiniang was really afraid of the world being in chaos, and now he was in trouble.

"Father, Aniang, since you are so beautiful, please resign!"

After getting what she wanted to know, there was no need for Li Yanran to waste time with my mother.

The next step is to blackmail Dad.

You betray me, right? Use my trump card to save your own life, daddy, daddy.

Heaven's way is good for reincarnation. This time it's not a question of who God will spare, but whether I will spare you or not.

"Well, if nothing happens, you can go back early!"

Wu Zetian smiled and asked them to leave quickly.


As Li Yanran said that, she directly picked up Li Hong who was lying on the side and walked outside.

When she reached the door, Li Yanran stopped.

"Father, don't you still have government affairs to deal with? Yanran still has some questions that she would like to ask my father for advice!"

Turning to look at Li Zhi, Li Yanran also gave him a look.


"Mei Niang, I do still have a lot of government affairs to deal with, so I'll go first!"

Li Zhi also sighed and could only follow Li Yanran to the imperial study room.

When he arrived at the Imperial Study Room, Li Zhi walked directly inside, followed closely by Li Yanran.

Li Hong took a look outside, sighed, and stopped outside.

If you followed him in and were kicked out, you would be in great disgrace.

Instead of doing this, it's better to stay outside honestly.

"Your Highness, won't you go in?"

Looking at Li Hong beside him, Ruian was also stunned for a moment.

"Are you still responsible for whether I can enter or not? Get out of here!"

Li Hong kicked Ruian on the butt, his eyes full of anger.


Ryan is depressed. I asked you kindly, but you still kicked me.

You deserve not to be seen by His Majesty.

But he dared to provoke Li Yanran, but he did not dare to provoke Li Hong.

After all, Li Yanran is just a princess in the end, while Li Hong will become the emperor.

If Li Zhi were to rule for a hundred years, he might still have to live off this prince.

"Old castrate."

Li Hong secretly spat, then leaned against the door, piercing his ears to eavesdrop on the conversation inside.

But unfortunately, I heard nothing.

"Xiao Yanran, sit down, sit down!"

Li Zhi looked at his daughter with a cold face and felt a little guilty.

Although he is the best in the world, he has always played the role of a father to his daughter.

If he really wanted to use the emperor's majesty to deal with this good daughter, he couldn't do it.

"Father, I won't sit down. Don't you have anything to say to Yanran?"

Li Yanran stood in front of Long An, crossed her arms and asked her father.

"What do I have to say?"

Li Zhi scratched his head and chose not to talk or reply.

“Father, didn’t you say that there is no trace of him in the Sutra of Brief Explanations and Admonitions of the Buddha’s Parinirvana?

Why did grandma say you gave it to her? This is not good.

If there was a copy of "Buddha's Parinirvana Sutra", my daughter wouldn't have to grit her teeth to give her mother a two-meter-tall golden Buddha.

Poor, my daughter is so pitiful! "

Li Yanran stopped talking nonsense to her father, and her little face looked like she was about to cry.

"Okay, my father did something wrong in this matter. Tell me, what do you want to do before you give up?"

Li Zhi was also helpless. His daughter had said so, and she would definitely not let go easily.

"50-50 split, you pay half of grandma's golden Buddha!"

Li Yanran smiled and expressed her thoughts directly.

"Impossible, how much does it cost? Even if it's half, it's still one to twenty thousand taels of gold.

Why should I take the blame for the sins you have committed yourself? "

Li Zhi stood up suddenly, his eyes full of anger.

"In the final analysis, it's not that you, Father, went back on your word and gave away my "Sutra of Brief Exhortations and Instructions on Buddha's Parinirvana" first?

To say that I have a responsibility, it seems that my father’s responsibility is even greater! "

Li Yanran also put her hands on the dragon case and shouted back to her father.

"Seventy-three opens, you take 70%, and I give out 30%."

Li Zhi glanced at his daughter and knew that if he didn't pay for it this time, the other party would never agree.

"June 4th!"

"Don't bargain, this is my bottom line.

If you don't agree, then I'll be a scoundrel. "

Li Zhi also slapped the table with a cold look in his eyes.

If his daughter was greedy, he would not hesitate to treat her like a human being.

"Okay, let's just give it thirty-seven. Then my father will give me ten thousand taels of gold first. I will give back the excess and not make up for the less."

Li Yanran also spread her hands and asked her father for money directly.

"I got a lot of dividends from you, so just take the money out of it!"

Li Zhi shook his head. It was not that easy to get money from him.

"Father, have you forgotten? Our money has been used to build a dock in Luoyang for long-term investment.

Where do I have so much gold to cast a golden Buddha for my grandma, so I still need your support! "

Li Yanran smiled slightly. She was gritting her teeth now, but she didn't dare to let her father know that she was rich.

Otherwise, Dad will definitely be able to guess that he has gained a lot from Chengdu Mansion, and it will be difficult for him to pay for it. “Hezhu, you are Pixiu, right? This money can only go in but not out?

Then I would like to know what you would do with this golden Buddha without my help! "

Li Zhi is depressed, you have no money?

How can you have no money!

Everyone in the Tang Dynasty doesn't know that you are a famous rich woman. If you have no money, then there will be no rich people in the Tang Dynasty.

He didn't believe it anyway.

"If it were me, there must be a way.

For example, make a semi-hollow golden Buddha, or fill it with some copper. "

Li Yanran waved her hand. If she really wanted to do this, there were plenty of ways to fool people.

"Hmph, you little devil, do you think your mother is so easy to fool?

If you really dare to do this, your mother will beat you to death.

After all, that is your mother's belief. Everything can be faked, but this matter cannot be faked. Do you understand? "

Li Zhi was depressed. His silly daughter dared to play tricks on this. She was really desperate.

"I know, so father, please help me get some gold!"

Li Yanran nodded, she was just talking.

"You really didn't get any benefits from going to Chengdu this time?"

"Really not, otherwise Yanran wouldn't be able to ask for money from you. You must know that you have a share of all the money I make!"

Li Yanran also stretched out her hands towards her father, her eyes full of pleading.

"Okay, well, I don't know what evil I did in my previous life to be a debt collector like you."

"Ryan, Ryan!"

"His Majesty."

Hearing Li Zhi calling, Ruian quickly opened the door and walked in.

"Go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with my handwriting, take out 10,000 taels of gold, and let Yanran take it back to the Lishan fiefdom!"

"Ten thousand taels of gold?"

Ruian was stunned for a moment, wondering what kind of ecstasy soup Princess Lishan had given to His Majesty the Emperor.

It's really strange that the emperor can grit his teeth and give out 10,000 taels of gold.

"Yes, ten thousand taels of gold, go and do it quickly!"


Ruian didn't dare to say anything more and just followed the order and left.

"Ryan has been asked to get the money, why are you still here?"

Looking at Ruian's back, Li Zhi also directly ordered her to leave quickly.

"Father, do you really not want to see your daughter? I still want to study hard with you!"

Li Yanran's expression also changed, and she started to show off to her father.

"Study? Did you learn how my father got money from you? Leave quickly, I feel dizzy when I see you."

Li Zhi also waved his hand and immersed himself in the memorial.

Although there are much fewer memorials now than before, these are the memorials of the entire Tang Dynasty after all, and the total amount is still very large.

"Hey, Father, Father, you are really not funny at all."

After Li Yanran heard this, she shook her head, held the back of her head with her hands, and walked towards the imperial study room.

"This little devil."

In the end, Li Yanran also took Li Hong into the carriage, and left Chang'an with the 10,000 taels of gold she had collected from her father, heading towards the fiefdom.

"Hurry up and find Sun Yaowang and put some medicine on your butt! Don't leave any sequelae!"


Li Hong limped out of the carriage and walked towards Sun Simiao's place.

As time goes by, the cargo ships ordered by Li Yanran from major shipyards have been launched one after another, and the ultra-large cargo ships developed by Pei Xinqi have also joined the team of Datong Logistics.

The launch of such a large ship with a load of more than a thousand stones also shows that no one in Luohe Water Transport can be the opponent of Datong Logistics.

Water transportation is booming, and Li Yanran's investment in Luoyang is beginning to pay off. Larger cargo ships have also driven the price of water transportation even lower.

With the construction of docks in various places, the reach of water transportation is getting longer and longer.

The low prices also caused those merchants to abandon the original land transportation method and began to use more and more water transportation.

The rise of water transportation also caused many bandits to change their goals and move from land to water transportation.

"What? Another cargo ship was hijacked? Have the Water Transport Department and the Water Transport Envoy gone to the Yamen?"

Li Siwen couldn't help but frowned when he heard Zhang Minggu's words.

This is the third cargo ship this month that has been hijacked. These water bandits are really annoying.

It seems that they are specifically targeting Datong Logistics' ships. They are really not human.

"I went, but it's better to rely on God than to rely on them. A group of people's legs went weak when they saw the water bandits."

Zhang Minggu also shook his head, his eyes full of loneliness.

"Counting on God? I have never thought about this. It is better to rely on yourself than to ask for help. It seems that we have to save ourselves.

If you do this, post a notice for me immediately and go out to help the Longmen Escort Bureau recruit strong men who are good at water warfare.

I want to organize a water guard team to fight these water bandits! "

Li Siwen sneered. Since he couldn't rely on anyone else, he could make enough food and clothing by himself.

Since the Longmen Escort Agency can work on the road, let’s replicate it on the water.

“I’m afraid it won’t work to recruit those people.

Those who know how to use water basically rely on water transportation for their livelihood. Now you ask these people to fight water bandits, how difficult it is! "

Zhang Minggu shook his head. Such people now have a life to rely on. It is simply impossible for them to abandon their work and lick blood from the knife edge.

"There must be brave men under heavy rewards. As long as we give enough money, someone will definitely come to apply.

Besides, I don’t put all my hopes on them. I’ll leave this to you for the time being. I want to go down to Yangzhou.

There is no one here, but there must be someone over there in Yangzhou, and I still want to meet someone! "

Li Siwen smiled. If we really want to set up the Longmen Escort Water Guard Team, that person is indeed the best candidate.


"Liu Tao!"


Hearing this name, Zhang Minggu was also stunned, not knowing where he was from.

"You'll know then!"

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