My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 867 Use this to test cadres?

Chapter 867 Use this to test cadres?

Li Siwen did what he said and handed over the stall here to Zhang Minggu, while he headed south to Yangzhou.

When Zhang Minggu posted the notice for the Longmen Escort Bureau to recruit water escorts, just as he thought, there were only a few applicants.

Only dozens of people came to apply for the job, and in the end only a dozen of them actually stayed. He had no choice but to start teaching the escorts from the Longmen Escort Bureau to practice water fighting.

If you really can't find anyone, you can only let these escorts handle it.

Li Siwen went all the way south and arrived in Yangzhou. Looking at the developed economy here, he was really fascinated.

After leaving the boy, he went directly to a small house.


I heard a knock on the door outside, and there was also a reply from inside the yard.

"It's me, Li Siwen!"

"Li Siwen? Why did you come to Yangzhou?"

The door opened, and a young man rushed out and hugged him.

"Liu Tao, you know how to live. Did you say goodbye to Chang'an back then? Are you okay?"

Li Siwen smiled at Liu Tao and directly asked him about his current situation.

"Me? That's it. You also know that I don't want to join the officialdom, so I can just make do here."

Liu Tao also smiled back and pulled Li Siwen into the courtyard.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

The two sat down, and Liu Tao also glanced at Li Siwen in front of him.

It has been several years since we said goodbye to Chang'an. I didn't expect that the other party would still be able to find me.

"I'm here to ask you to come out."

Li Siwen smiled slightly and told him his purpose.

"Didn't I tell you before that I don't want to enter that officialdom? If you come to me to come out, isn't this making things difficult for me?"

Liu Tao frowned and refused this friend on the spot.

"I don't want you to be an official."

"Then you ask me to come out? What kind of mountain?"

Liu Tao was stunned, wondering what medicine Li Siwen was selling in his gourd.

"I have recently been working for Her Royal Highness Princess Lishan. I came here to ask you to take charge of my water guard team, which is responsible for guarding merchant ships and attacking those bandits who roam the water!"

Li Siwen immediately told all about the difficulties he was currently facing and the water bandits in Luohe Water Transport.

"Is there such a thing?"

After hearing what Li Siwen said, Liu Tao became angry instantly.

He doesn't like to enter officialdom because he doesn't want to do those intrigues.

Moreover, his father has made many enemies in the officialdom. If he is not careful, not only he may be endangered, but his father may also be implicated.

But this does not mean that he does not want to do some practical things for the people of the Tang Dynasty. His childhood wish is to be a naval commander and command the Navy of the Tang Dynasty to exterminate foreign traitors.

This was also the main reason why Li Siwen came to him.

Compared to the rest of them, Liu Tao can be considered a person who specializes in the art field.

"How about it, do you want to eradicate these water bandits who are causing trouble for the people, bring justice to the people, and bring peace to Luohe River?"

Li Siwen glanced at Liu Tao and asked him directly what he thought.

"But do you know that rashly organizing armed forces is a royal taboo. If you do this, wouldn't you bring trouble to Princess Lishan?"

Liu Tao looked at Li Siwen again and expressed his worries directly.

"You don't know this. The Longmen Escort Agency is officially the property of Her Royal Highness the Princess, but in fact His Majesty also has a stake in it.

Moreover, I plan to set up a water guard team just to combat water bandits and protect merchant ships.

Just rest assured about this. The most important thing is that if you can do this well, I will report it to Her Royal Highness when the time comes.

Let him give your father a few kind words in front of His Majesty, so that your father can be an official more easily! "

Hearing this, Li Siwen also smiled.

As long as the other party doesn't refuse on the spot, everything will be easy.

Although he didn't dare to kidnap someone like Li Yanran if they disagreed, he could still do it with reason and emotion.

“If you say so, it’s not impossible.

But these water bandits are no better than cottages. Their water cottages are all built in secret places.

It's not that easy to wipe them out. "

Liu Tao was really moved by what the other party said. He didn't want to be an official because he was afraid of causing trouble for his father.

It would be a great thing if he could not be an official, find a strong supporter for his father, and satisfy his desire to serve the country and the people and become the commander of the navy.

"It's okay. We can do this slowly. The key now is to protect the merchant ships along the way. As for wiping out the water bandits, just take it easy!"

Li Siwen smiled, as long as you are willing to board our pirate ship, everything will be easy to handle.

"Okay, I can go to Luoyang with you, but you have to promise that everyone must obey my orders. Even you can't disobey orders!"

Liu Tao nodded. There was nothing wrong with going to Luoyang, but his command rights must be guaranteed.

Otherwise, he would rather not go and stay here.

"Don't worry, I'm not one of those ignorant people. There will definitely not be any unclear command authority!"

Li Siwen was also depressed. Did he really think he was some idiot?

You are the most suitable candidate, and he will definitely not interfere in the navy's situation.

"Okay, then come in with me!"

Liu Tao slowly stood up and walked towards the house.

Li Siwen glanced at Liu Tao's back and followed closely.

"what is this?"

Looking at the map on the wall, Li Siwen was stunned.

"What is this? This is a waterway map of the Tang Dynasty. It was drawn by me during field trips over the past two years.

If it's like what you said, the most likely place for those water bandits to hide is this swamp. As long as we use merchant ships to divert the opponent's main force first, and then use elites to sneak attack on their home base, the opponent will surely quickly return reinforcements.

At that time, the main force will be used to ambush in the water, and then suddenly send troops when they are panicked, and they can annihilate the opponent in one fell swoop. "

Liu Tao touched a piece of water with his hand and expressed his thoughts.

"He also said that you were not prepared before, but it turns out that you already had an idea!"

Li Siwen was stunned when he heard Liu Tao's words.

After reacting, he patted the other party's shoulder directly.

"These are all things I figured out on my own. Whatever happens, I assume the identity of those water bandits and decide where to place their lair.

Not only the Luohe River, but also other waterways, I am prepared for.

How many men and horses do you have now so that I can arrange countermeasures? "

Liu Tao also scratched his head and directly asked the other party about the personnel ratio.

"It seems that we have to rely on you for the men and horses. There are not many people in Luoyang who are good at water, and most of them work as boatmen.

This time I came to Yangzhou firstly to find you, the boss, and secondly to recruit some water braves from Yangzhou to enrich the water guard team! "

Li Siwen scratched his head, still a little embarrassed.

After all, he now has no soldiers or generals on his side, and everything depends on Liu Tao himself.

"You really have posed a problem for me. Anyway, I still have some friends in Yangzhou, so it should be no problem to organize a water escort team of two to three hundred people.

But this is a matter of letting people lick their blood, and money is indispensable! "

Liu Tao was also depressed. He really regretted agreeing to the other party.

The co-author of Te Miao asked me to go there to be a polished commander. You are really my good friend.

"Don't worry, don't worry about money. If you don't have anything else, you just have money!"

Hearing this, Li Siwen was not afraid at all. What he probably lacked most now was money.

"That's fine, I'll contact my friends right away, but there's one more thing you need to arrange in advance.

We need two large ships to serve as flagships and war fortresses, so that we can have a crushing effect on those water bandits. "

Liu Tao nodded, he could solve people's problems by himself, but he couldn't solve the problems of ships.

"Don't worry, I have plenty of big ships, and they are not ordinary cargo ships. They are all big ships with a load of one thousand stone. These are enough!"

Money is not an issue, and the boat is not an issue.

Apart from having no soldiers or generals, he has everything he should have.

"Well, let's do this. I can bring people to Luoyang in half a month. Don't make any noise then, otherwise I'm afraid of alerting the enemy."

Liu Tao smiled. In this case, everything would be almost solved.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you in Luoyang."

After Li Siwen finished speaking, he turned around and left, while Liu Tao also began to call friends and recruit people.

Time passed little by little, and the appointed time arrived in a blink of an eye, and Liu Tao's people also rushed north along the Luo River and rushed directly to Luoyang City.

"Good boy, you came on time!"

Li Siwen gave Liu Tao a slap and looked at the muscular, dark-skinned men behind him, feeling delighted.

These people are not friendly at first glance. I really don’t know where they got them.

"Why don't you ask where these people come from? Are they reliable?"

Liu Tao smiled and asked Li Siwen.

"Don't trust those who employ, and those who doubt. Now that I have given these to you, I will trust you 100%.

As for where these come from, even if you collected them from water bandits, I don't care! "

Li Siwen rolled his eyes at Liu Tao. Are you using this to test cadres?

What kind of person am I?

Since you have been chosen, there won’t be any doubt about you.

“Don’t worry, I recruited these people from a fishing village by the sea.

The people there make a living by fishing all year round and often go in and out of the sea, so they are all sunburned like this.

But don't underestimate these people. Each one of them is as good as walking on the sea, and they have developed a strong body by going to sea all year round.

With a little training, dealing with some water bandits will be no problem. "

Liu Tao patted Li Siwen on the shoulder and told all the origins of these people.

"I said, since I've left it to you, you can do whatever you want."

Li Siwen emphasized his thoughts again.

The military was probably the place that paid the least attention to family background in the entire Tang Dynasty. Otherwise, people like Cheng Yaojin and Qin Shubao, who were born in the Wagang Mountain bandits, would not have become the current Dukes of the country.

"Come on, let's go to your naval station."

Liu Tao nodded. This should be regarded as his last test of Li Siwen.

If Li Siwen had the slightest contempt for these people, he would definitely take them away.

After all, trust is the basis for cooperation between the two parties. If Li Siwen didn't trust him, it would be difficult for him not to be suspicious of what he had promised himself before.

"Water division station?"

Li Siwen was stunned again. You only asked yourself to prepare the ship and money before, but you didn't ask me to prepare the station.


Liu Tao's face was full of questions. If you haven't prepared for this, how can you train people like him?

We can't let these fishermen just fight with those bandits. This is not to suppress bandits, but to die.

"Xiao Langjun, it would be perfect for the Hehao to be slightly renovated and used as a residence."

Seeing that the two of them froze, Zhang Minggu also leaned close to the other person's ear.

"Yeah, let's go, I'll take you there!"

(End of this chapter)

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