My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 881 Use the trick to defeat them!

Su Dingfang glanced at the army behind Lu Dongzan and frowned.

If all these people died under this Jishi Pass, there might not be many people left in Tubo.

"Prime Minister, this may be Datang's plan to delay the attack.

Now it will take a month to go to Chang'an. Even if the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty agrees to the peace talks, the back and forth will not end in two or three months.

By then, the soldiers and horses of the Tang Dynasty have adapted to the climate of Tubo. If the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty tears up the alliance and attacks Tubo, what should we do? "

Wing Davarimo glanced at Lu Dongzan. As the Tubo Wing Commander, he naturally wanted to fight.

Only military exploits are their only way forward, if the Tang Dynasty really reaches an alliance with Tubo.

What about his future?

Although he also knew that Lu Dongzan was also delaying the war, but how many years would it take?

When Songtsen Gampo married Princess Wencheng, his father was wasted.

If we form an alliance with the other side now, it may take many years before we start a war.

Will he let his son come again to conquer the Tang Dynasty?

He didn't want this to happen.

He wanted to fight and win the war, and he didn't want his son to be just a little wing chief's son.

"A delaying tactic? I think you're afraid that the battle won't be fought!"

Regarding Davarimo's ideas, Lu Dongzan can be said to be clear-minded.

If it is said that the people in Tubo who want to fight the most are these generals.

When he said this, he must be afraid that he would actually negotiate peace with the other party.

"Prime Minister, Tubo has always wanted to attack the Tang Dynasty, but the Tang Dynasty has always wanted to destroy me, Tubo.

If they really allow them to train their soldiers, then the geographical location will no longer be our barrier.

The Tang Dynasty may invade Tubo at any time, so this battle must not be delayed, it must be fought! "

Davarimo was depressed. He naturally knew that he couldn't hide this from the other party.

But the current situation is not that he must go to war, but that he has to fight.

"Let me think about it."

Lu Dongzan frowned. Although the other party's motives were impure, they made sense.

The reason why Tubo and Tang Dynasty can live in peace now is because they can go down, but the other side can't come up.

If the two sides were really on the same level, Tubo would indeed be in danger.

"Prime Minister, I hope you can make an early decision."

Davarimo also bowed and stepped aside.

"Su Dingfang, I can promise you to withdraw thirty miles in advance, and you will immediately send someone to report to His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

I hope the two countries can coexist peacefully and never invade! "

Lu Dongzan glanced at the city wall in front of him again, turned his horse's head and retreated.

"withdraw troops!"

Lu Dongzan glanced at the Tubo generals beside him and directly ordered the withdrawal of troops.

"Prime Minister, you can't!"

When Davarimo heard the other party's order to withdraw his troops, he almost exploded in an instant.

I have a lot to say, but the co-authorship has completely fallen on deaf ears with you, right?

It's so weird that I can't read numbers.

"I told you to withdraw your troops. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed without mercy!"

Lu Dongzan left a word and then galloped towards the rear.

"Chief Wings, what should we do?"

"What to do? Withdraw troops!"

"Yes! Withdraw troops!"

The 400,000 Tubo army also followed Lu Dongzan and began to retreat slowly, leaving Jishi Pass.

"General, are they withdrawing now? Do you really want to report to His Majesty that they want peace talks?"

Chen Hu looked at the Tubo army rolling away and instantly felt bad.

"Do you think the Tibetan people are three-year-old children? They believe my casual words?

If Lu Dongzan was so easy to fool, he wouldn't be able to become the Prime Minister of Tubo.

Instruct the soldiers to be on full alert, especially at night, to guard against sneak attacks! "

Su Dingfang glanced at Chen Hu. This guy was good at charging into battle, but he was far behind in terms of military strategy.

If Lu Dongzan can be fooled so easily, then God bless him.

"General, you mean that the Tubo people are pretending to be deceived, but in fact they want us to relax our guard and then take the opportunity to attack us?"

If Chen Hu doesn't understand this, he is a complete fool.

"At last you are not too stupid. I leave this place to you. I will go down and rest first."

Su Dingfang nodded. Although he said that a boy cannot be taught, he was not too stupid to be breathless.


Su Dingfang went down to the city, while the Tubo people set up camp thirty miles away.

"What a bastard!"

Davarimo entered the tent, drew out the steel knife from his waist, and chopped off a corner of the table.

"Wing chief!"

Just when the other party was angry, a Tubo soldier also came to the other party.


Davarimo glared at the other person, then licked his steel knife with his tongue.


Seeing Davarimo's appearance, the soldier was so frightened that he trembled, and the sweat on his forehead started to flow down instantly.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, please invite all the wing commanders to go to his tent to discuss matters!"

After the soldier finished speaking, he ran away and disappeared after a while.

"Lu Dongzan! Humph!"

Upon hearing Lu Dongzan's call, Davarimo cut off the other corner of the table with another knife, then sheathed the knife and went back to see Lu Dongzan in the middle tent.

"Prime Minister!"

"Prime Minister!"

"Prime Minister!"

A group of wing chiefs waited for a while, and when they saw Lu Dongzan arriving, they also saluted together.

"Okay, everyone, sit down!"

Lu Dongzan glanced at the wing chiefs in front of him and waved his hand to signal them to take their seats quickly.

All the wing chiefs also looked at each other, and everyone could see each other's anger, but who said that Lu Dongzan was the Prime Minister of Tubo and the commander-in-chief of the three armies. At that moment, everyone was sitting on the chair with a nose instead of a nose and eyes instead of eyes.

"I know you don't want to retreat. In fact, I don't want to either, but the walls of Jishiguan are so high. Can we really win them by attacking rashly?"

Lu Dongzan smiled and spoke directly to them.

“Whether you can take it off or not, you have to try it to find out.

Could it be that by retreating like this, you can take down the Jishi Pass? "

Davarimo also replied angrily to Lu Dong with a compliment, his eyes full of disdain.

"Haha, do you know what is meant by avoiding the truth and attacking the false?"

Lu Dongzan shook his head. A group of big and thick guys know nothing about eggplant.

"What does the Prime Minister mean? I hope it will be clarified!"

Wing Commander Zha Yangcuo glanced at Lu Dongzan and wondered what he meant.

"The defenders of Jishi Pass must be on full alert now. If we attack the city now, they will definitely be counterattacked by the opponent. If we retreat now, what do you think they will think?"

Lu Dongzan smiled slightly and expressed his thoughts.

"What the Prime Minister means is that you are withdrawing your troops now just to show off to the defenders, so that they can relax their guard and then take the opportunity to make a sneak attack?"

Although Davarimo was relatively reckless, his mind was not slow and he immediately guessed what the other party meant.

"That's right, let's retreat now, and then take advantage of the night to quietly transport troops and horses to the vicinity of Jishi Pass.

After three days, it should be much easier to attack Jishi Pass in the middle of the night! "

Lu Dongzan nodded, that's what he meant.

First let the opponent relax their vigilance, and then directly attack them to catch them off guard.

"The great minister is wise."

Looking at Lu Dongzan, Davarimo really didn't expect that the other party was actually acting with a Tang Dynasty soldier.

But this scene was so realistic that I almost couldn't hold it back and chopped the opponent with a knife.

“Whether it’s wise or not, the most important thing is to win Jishi Pass.

Since there are no doubts, then send the rangers to take full control of the situation at Jishi Pass.

Then he sent soldiers and rushed to Jishi Pass overnight! "

Lu Dongzan stood up immediately as he spoke and announced his order.




A group of wing chiefs also stood up and saluted, and then went to arrange each other's instructions.

All of a sudden, all the Tubo cavalry came out, starting from the camp and squeezing the movement space of Su Dingfang's cavalry in the direction of Jishi Pass. In the end, they had no choice but to retreat to Jishi Pass.

"General, the enemy's cavalry has been dispatched, and now our cavalry has been squeezed out by the opponent."

Chen Qi came to Su Dingfang and directly told him the information he had just received.

"What did I say? They must have had this idea. Don't worry about them and let them wander outside.

Instructing the soldiers to tighten internally and loosen externally, don't they want to see us relax? Then give them a chance! "

After hearing the news, Su Dingfang also sneered.

How dare you try to do anything in front of yourself with such a childish trick?

Do you really think that grandpa is just playing in the mud during these years of fighting on the battlefield?


Chen Qi turned around and arranged for the soldiers to act according to Su Dingfang's wishes.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. By the time of midnight on the third day, Davarimo quietly moved towards Jishi Pass with 50,000 Tibetan soldiers.

When he almost arrived at Jishi Pass, Davarimo waved his hand to the soldiers to stop their advance, and then he quietly touched near the city wall.

Looking at the torches washing on the city wall and the few patrols left, he instantly became excited.

Immediately imitating a bird call, the Tibetan soldiers behind him slowly came over.

"Chief Wings, how are you?"

"Look at the city wall? Kill me!"

Davarimo also gave an order and directly ordered the soldiers to attack the city.

Upon hearing the order, the Tibetan soldiers immediately rose up, carrying ladders and launched an attack on the city wall.

Just when they were about to attack the city wall, the closed city gate of Jishiguan opened instantly. Su Dingfang took the lead and led 30,000 cavalry to kill them directly.

"No, I was fooled!"

Looking at the cavalry that came out, Davarimo felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. He had been sneak attacked.

It's over, it's over.

"Kill, make a quick decision!"

Su Dingfang flew a Tibetan man away with a spear, then rode forward and drove straight into the enemy.

For a moment, blood splattered everywhere and heads rolled.

Facing the cavalry that suddenly came out, especially the Tang Dynasty elite cavalry at the front, these Tibetan soldiers had no fighting spirit at all.

Everyone was running around crying and howling.

In the end, Su Dingfang did not pursue deeply. After chasing for five miles, he led his cavalry back to Jishi Pass.

Even so, more than 30,000 of the 50,000 Tibetan elites brought by Davarimo were killed, and only a little more than 10,000 escaped in embarrassment.

Lu Dongzan was leading the army and happened to bump into the defeated soldiers. Looking at the soldiers in front of him, he was completely confused.

What is going on, who will tell him what is going on.

"Where's Davarimo? Let him come to see me!"

Lu Dongzan was furious and asked directly about the whereabouts of Davarimo.

"Prime Minister!"

Davarimo covered his arm and slowly appeared in front of Lu Dongzan.

"What's going on, tell me."

After looking at Davarimo, Lu Dongzan's anger suddenly rose.

How old is this, that there are only so few of 50,000 people left?

If he wasn't given an explanation, he would kill someone.

"Prime Minister, we were ambushed. Su Dingfang was not fooled at all. On the contrary, he played a trick on us.

I led my men just to the edge of the city wall and saw that they were sparsely defended and were preparing to attack.

Suddenly the city gate opened wide and tens of thousands of cavalry rushed out. We were unable to fight and had to retreat! "

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