My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 882 Escape overnight!

Davarimo also sighed. He really hated Lu Dongzan now.

It's all your fault for trying to play some trick. Now that it's fine, you were tricked by the other party.

If this was a serious attack, these casualties might have taken down the Jishi Pass.

"Trash, you have 50,000 troops under your command. Can't you resist for a while? Come here, push him out and behead him."

Lu Dongzan only felt that his brain was lacking oxygen. He really didn't expect that he was so clever that he was misled by his cleverness.

Su Dingfang came up with a trick.

But this Davarimo is quite a bastard. What about fifty thousand people, gone in the blink of an eye?

"Prime Minister, killing generals before battle is not good for the morale of the army. I hope Davarimo will be spared his life!"

Zha Yangcuo glanced at Lu Dongzan and saluted him directly.

"This man caused me to lose tens of thousands of elites. How could I tolerate him? Push him out and chop him down!"

However, Ludongzan did not give Zayangcuo any face, and directly ordered the soldiers to push Davarimo out and behead him.

With a scream, the soldier also sent the opponent's head over.

"Whoever dares to fight again will end up like this man! Withdraw your troops!"

Looking at the heads in front of him, Lu Dongzan turned around and left, leaving only the Tibetan soldiers confused in the night sky.

"Let's go, withdraw our troops!"

Zhayangcuo also sighed, ordered his men to collect Davarimo's body, and then led the army to retreat with Ludongzan.

"General, this battle was beautifully fought!"

Chen Hu was covered in blood and laughed at Su Dingfang in front of him.

This battle was really fought very happily. Killing the Tubo people was like killing pigs and sheep, it was so easy.

"Haha, now that the battle is over, the next step is a bloody battle.

Lu Dongzan definitely would not give us a chance to take advantage of the situation and ordered the soldiers to be mentally prepared.

Especially those Tuhun Valley soldiers, please keep an eye on me! "

Su Dingfang also smiled. This battle was easy, but it would not be so easy next.


At dawn the next day, the Tibetan army came to the city again. Looking at the blood-covered city wall and the Tibetan corpses below, Lu Dongzan's heart pounded.

"The whole army will take a short rest and start attacking the city in half an hour. We will not stop until we break Jishi Pass!"


Half an hour later, the Tubo soldiers also finished their rest, and then began to push the carts and carry the ladders to attack Jishi Pass.

Jishi Pass is not big, and Tubo cannot invest many troops at the same time. It is not that easy to capture Jishi Pass.

In this way, both sides attack and I defend, and neither one can do anything to the other.

Not long after the war started, all the 250,000 troops had arrived.

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty in the rear were also actively training. They knew that the sooner they could adapt to the plateau climate of Tubo, the sooner they would be able to support Jishi Pass.

Jishiguan is like a rock on the edge of mountains and seas. No matter how fierce the Tibetan attack is, it will not fall.

One month, two months, until the third month, Jishiguan was firmly in Su Dingfang's hands.

"General, there is a letter from the rear saying that the 250,000-strong army has been trained and ready to send troops to support Jishi Pass at any time!"

Chen Qi excitedly rushed to Su Dingfang's side and told all about the situation of the soldiers and horses in the rear.

"There is not enough time. Let them continue training. Jishi Pass is not in danger for the time being."

Su Dingfang shook his head. According to his plan, the soldiers would have to train for at least half a year before they could fully regain their combat effectiveness.

Three months can only guarantee that they won't have any problems. It's okay to fight for a while, but if it really gets into a tug-of-war, it will still be too weak.

Even if the war is tense now, he doesn't want to risk the lives of so many Tang soldiers.

"General, more than half of the soldiers in the city have been lost. If we persist, there may be problems at Jishi Pass!"

Chen Qi was also depressed when he heard that Su Dingfang was going to continue training.

What does it mean that there is no danger in Jishi Pass? These people are almost dead, especially the elite soldiers of the Tang Dynasty have suffered heavy losses.

If you persist any longer, you may really be defeated by the opponent.

"This is a military order, please stick to it for at least another month.

The most important thing is that although we suffered a lot of losses, the Tubo people also suffered heavy casualties, so we are not afraid of losing them. "

Su Dingfang glanced at Chen Qi, so what if half of the troops were there?

I used less than 50,000 soldiers and horses to pay for more than 100,000 Tubo casualties. Isn't this enough?

Although field battles are refreshing, the losses are also high. There is no battle loss higher than defending the city and killing the enemy.

Moreover, if the main force is mobilized for support now, Tubo will inevitably retreat immediately if it does not take advantage of the opportunity to kill more enemy soldiers and horses.

When the offensive and defensive positions are changed and I attack the Tibetan city, how many people will I lose?

It's really a hammer.

"The general is wise!"

Chen Qi did not dare to say anything more, and directly sent the cavalry to the rear to convey orders for them to continue training.

"How long have we been attacking!"

Lu Dongzan looked at the wing chiefs in front of him with empty eyes and asked them slowly.

"This is already the third month."

Zha Yangcuo glanced at Lu Dongzan, feeling somewhat distressed.

In the past three months, Lu Dongzan has also been aging at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Her hair, which was originally black and white, has now completely turned white.

"It's already the third month. That means the soldiers of Tang Dynasty have been training for three months, right?"

After hearing that it had been three months, Lu Dongzan also sighed and asked Zha Yangcuo. “I don’t know, but it shouldn’t be possible to adapt to the climate in Tubo for three months, so we still have a chance!”

Zhayangcuo knew what Lu Dongzan was worried about, and he quickly spoke to comfort him.

"No, we have no chance! Order the soldiers to withdraw!"

Lu Dongzan shook his head, anything is impossible, everything is possible.

If the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty had completed their training and charged directly towards them, weary warriors like ourselves would be no match for them.

He absolutely cannot let all his Tibetan elites be buried under this Jishi Pass.

"Prime Minister, if you retreat now, I'm afraid it won't be easy for you to explain to Zanpu.

After all, we have lost nearly 200,000 troops now. What will you do then? "

Zha Yangcuo was stunned for a moment. He really didn't expect Lu Dongzan to think about withdrawing his troops.

So many soldiers spilled their blood at Jishi Pass, and if you just go back without saying a word, aren't you asking for death?

"Even if I die, all these soldiers and horses cannot be buried under Jishi Pass, otherwise the Tubo front line will have no troops to defend, and Tubo will really be in danger by then."

Lu Dongzan sighed again. He also knew that he would definitely be held accountable by Zamp for withdrawing troops in such an unclear manner.

But he was the Prime Minister of Tubo. How could he destroy so many soldiers and horses of Tubo just because of his own life?

"Prime Minister, think twice!"

Hearing what Lu Dongzan said, Zha Yangcuo also sincerely admired him.

How many people can truly put life and death at risk?

He couldn't do it anyway.

"Don't think twice, withdraw your troops."

Lu Dongzan waved his hand, he had already thought twice.


After hearing Lu Dongzan's order, the Tibetan soldiers were all excited.

After three months of fierce attack, Jishi Mountain still stood there. Even if the corpses of the soldiers were piled up, it would still be higher than the city wall.

Now they have long lost their will to fight, because no one can guarantee that they will not be the next corpse lying under the city.

When they heard about the retreat, they naturally did not dare to disobey, and marched from outside Jishi Pass to the Tibetan territory overnight.

"What's going on today? Why haven't the Tibetans made any move yet?"

Chen Hu waited on the city wall for a long time, but found no trace of the Tibetan people. He was a little confused on the spot.

"Maybe I'm tired. Didn't I have some rest before?"

Chen Qi also frowned and looked at the sky in the distance.

"I'll go talk to the general!"

Chen Hu went straight down the city wall and headed towards Su Dingfang's house.

Who knew that Su Dingfang would meet Chen Hu face to face.

"General, what are you going to do?"

"What are you doing? Is this general deaf? Why haven't you heard the sound of the siege yet?"

Su Dingfang was also stunned for a moment, and directly asked Chen Hu why there was no sound today.

"The Tibetans didn't attack today. I was just going to report to you!"

Chen Hu saluted and directly told what happened today.

"The Tibetans didn't come to attack? Follow me up to the city wall!"

Su Dingfang frowned when he heard that the Tubo people did not attack.

"General, why are you so nervous? It's not like the Tubo people haven't had any rest before, so why are they making such a fuss?"

Seeing Su Dingfang walking so fast, Chen Hu chased him and asked him.

"Can today be compared with before? I always have an unknown feeling."

Su Dingfang ignored him and went directly to the city wall.

"An unknown premonition, General, what happened?"

Chen Hu also chased directly to the city wall.

"I suspect that the Tibetans are about to escape, so I will send scouts out of the city immediately to investigate the enemy's situation!"

Su Dingfang glanced at the blue sky in the distance, and his brows knitted together involuntarily.

"Escaped? They still have about 200,000 soldiers and horses, and Jishi Pass is now in dilapidated condition. Why did they escape?"

Chen Hu was dumbfounded and didn't know how Su Dingfang had such an idea.

They clearly have an absolute advantage, so how could they escape now?

Anyway, if it were him, it would be absolutely impossible to throw away the fat in his mouth.

"Today is different from the past. You need to send the cavalry to investigate first!"

Su Dingfang didn't have time to explain this to him. The most important thing at the moment was to know the situation of the Tibetan people.


Chen Qi saluted directly and sent the cavalry to leave to explore the activities of Tubo.

Not long after, the scout returned and directly told the news of the Tibetan retreat.

"Really withdrawn? This shouldn't be the case! Why are the Tubo people so crazy!"

Chen Hu was stunned. They all said that Su Dingfang had a miraculous calculation and the ability to predict the future.

He didn't believe it at first, but now he is convinced!

"Chen Hu, stop talking and listen to what the general has to say!"

Chen Qi glared at Chen Hu, "Let's not talk about why Tubo is crazy about smoking, why are you crazy about smoking."

Why are you so surprised that the Tubo people left?

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