My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 883 Asking the British Duke for advice!

"Didn't you report before that the troops and horses in the rear are almost fully trained? It's been three months. Lu Dongzan is not a fool, and he can guess pretty much.

Withdrawing now is definitely because he is afraid that the general will join up with the main force and then engage in a field battle with Tibet.

That's why he ran away overnight. What he had to do was very simple, which was to make offense and defense easy, and turn offense into defense.

Use Tubo's cities to consume our elite soldiers. Once these 300,000 troops are exhausted, Tubo will once again take the initiative in the war.

What a good calculation! "

Su Dingfang sighed. If he could know in advance, he could set up an ambush on their retreat. If nothing else, it would be easy to kill tens of thousands of them.

This is the disadvantage of not having the right to information, but there is nothing we can do about it, because we don’t have as many cavalry as others.

Depressed, depressed.

"Then general, let's pursue it immediately. We can catch some Tibetans who are lagging behind!"

A flash of light flashed in Chen Hu's eyes. Since the enemy had retreated, he should attack forward, grab the opponent's tail and bite it hard.

"It's too late! The Tubo people may have gone somewhere now. Besides, do you think Nalu Dongzan is an easy character to deal with?

He still has tens of thousands of cavalry in his hands, and he is eagerly waiting for us to pass by.

If you send the cavalry out now, the other party will just be able to fight us in the wild and consume the effective strength of our cavalry.

Without the cavalry, even if we can capture the Tubo front line, it will be difficult to expand the results further. "

Su Dingfang sighed. Even if he wanted to pursue him now, he would not dare.

It's not that he's afraid of fighting the opponent's cavalry, but it's not worth it.

If you want to fight, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future, so don’t rush now.

"Then what should we do now?"

Chen Qi glanced at Su Dingfang and asked him directly what to do next.

"What should we do? Isn't it what we want to see if they retreat? Order the entire army to take a full rest, and also ask the soldiers from the rear to send 100,000 people over first."

Su Dingfang smiled. Since they ran away, why not do it?

Take the time to let yourself rest. After the troops and horses have rested, it will be easy to capture Tubo.


Soon, Su Dingfang's message reached the rear, and then the 100,000 Pioneers left directly and rushed to Jishi Pass.

With the support of these 100,000 vanguard troops, Su Dingfang also sent all the cavalry out.

One is to track the Tibetan people, and the other is to inquire about the military situation, investigate intelligence, and create opportunities for subsequent attacks.

"Didn't they come after them?"

Lu Dongzan glanced at Zhayangcuo and asked about the situation behind.

"No, they probably knew we had a plan, so they didn't chase after us!"

Zha Yangcuo sighed and directly reported the subsequent situation to Lu Dongzan.

"Forget it, let the cavalry deployed behind withdraw and guard the city with all your strength!"

Lu Dongzan nodded and directly signaled Zhayangcuo to withdraw all the cavalry behind him.


Zhayangcuo nodded and went directly to order the cavalry behind to withdraw completely.

Tubo was in full-scale fighting, and the Western Regions were also fighting vigorously. Although Xue Li was not as sophisticated as Su Dingfang, he was more ruthless.

As long as he targets the enemy, that's one word: hit.

Soon the rebel countries in the Western Region began to collapse under Xue Li's attack, split up, and finally surrendered completely.

After taking over the Three Kingdoms, Xue Li did not intend to give up. However, Xue Li also came to the city and ordered the other party to hand over anyone who was related to the Three Kingdoms.

"General, do you really want this?"

Cui He glanced at Xue Li and felt that his arrogant behavior was somewhat unreasonable.

"It has to be like this. Now that the countries in the Western Region have just been pacified, we need to show the attitude of the Tang Dynasty.

We need to show them the consequences of getting involved with those rebels.

In this way, they can take warning and know what they should and should not do. "

Xue Li did not think that he was going too far at all. On the contrary, he thought that Su Dingfang's previous attack was too light.

If you don't kill these people, they will stand on their backs, and these people will not be afraid at all.

Only by killing them until they are scared can they become more obedient.

"But what if they don't surrender?"

Cui He frowned, not knowing whether what the other party did was right or wrong.

"Don't surrender? Then kill him. If you kill one, there won't be another one.

Kill the chickens and scare the monkeys, and show those countries in the Western Region who is the master here! "

A trace of cruelty flashed in Xue Li's eyes. He wished that the other party would not make friends with him.

Just killing the rebels is really not enough of a deterrent.

Only by killing some people who have a relationship with them can the entire Western Region be shocked.

When someone rebels again, they will choose to follow Datang without saying anything.


Cui He had nothing to say and could only choose to follow the other party's path until the end.

Sure enough, just as Cui He thought, the small town in front of him did not give Xue Li any face and refused to make friends.

Xue Li also sneered and ordered the army to attack the city.

The result was obvious, they simply could not withstand the attack of Datang's elite.

Soon the city fell, and then Xue Li beheaded the king and everyone involved with Duman in front of everyone.

Then let the people elect a leader, and he would lead the troops to evacuate.

With the lessons learned from the past, no one from the small countries in the Western Regions dared to say no wherever Xue Li went.

The people Xue Rengui wanted were sent out. Not only them, but also those related to them were tied up and sent out. Xue Li didn't give those people any face at all, and beheaded those people outside the city in front of all the people from the Western Regions.

After this shock, the entire Western Region had no evil thoughts towards Datang.

After doing this, Xue Li also wrote to Li Zhi and reported everything about the Western Region.

Li Zhi was also excited to see that the rebellion in the Western Regions was put down.

I have to say that Li Yanran is really knowledgeable about people. She recommended Su Dingfang to go to Tubo, and there were many good news there.

First, ten thousand broke through eighty thousand, and then a sneak attack broke through one hundred thousand.

Based on Jishi Pass, they withstood the attack of 400,000 Tibetan troops, and now they are actively training to prepare for a counterattack on the Tibetan mainland.

Xue Li was recommended to go to the Western Regions, where he not only captured the rebellious bandit Capital Man alive and wiped out the rebellious countries, but also shocked the countries in the Western Regions and created the majesty of the Tang Dynasty.

So should he let Li Ji go to Goguryeo as he thought?

After all, Goguryeo was the eternal pain of the Tang Dynasty. At the beginning, my father was so wise and powerful that he failed to capture that small territory.

It has been some time since he succeeded to the throne, and he has been attacking Goguryeo year after year, but the progress is still slow.

Isn't it right to suppress those who have made great achievements in war?


"Your Majesty! My servant is here!"

Hearing the call, Ryan walked in immediately.

"Go and call the British father over to me right away!"


Ruian was stunned for a moment, not knowing what the other party meant.

What does it mean to find a British father-in-law in a good way?

"Why are you standing there, go quickly!"


Ruian did not dare to neglect, and went directly to Huangmen to arrange the edict and summon Li Ji to come to the imperial study.

"Your Majesty, Li Ji, has met His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Li Ji was still a little confused. This kind of courtesy for nothing was either a traitor or a thief.

Could it be that something happened to his stupid son again?

"Mr. British, please get back on your feet!"

Li Zhi smiled and asked Li Ji to stand up and speak.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Ji stood up and looked at Li Zhi with a smile on his face, and became even more confused.

"Mr. British, do you know why I called you here?"

Looking at the nervous Li Ji, Li Zhi smiled again.

He knew that if he summoned him here for no reason, the other party would definitely be upset.

It was like being called over by my father before. There was no reason and it was impossible not to be afraid.

"Li Ji is stupid, I hope Your Majesty will make it clear!"

Li Ji saluted again and asked Li Zhi directly.

"Mr. British, don't be nervous. I called you here for the war in Goguryeo."

Now that everyone is here, Li Zhi goes straight to the point and tells what happened in Goguryeo.

"Your Majesty, what does this mean?"

Hearing this, Li Ji became excited on the spot.

Could it be said that the emperor was preparing to put himself in charge of the war in Goguryeo?

This. This is impossible.

You must know that since the Turks were destroyed, the Tang Dynasty's main focus was on Goguryeo.

It was also the place where the most resources of the Tang Dynasty were poured into, and it also carried the ambitions of the three emperors, Emperor Sui Yang, Emperor Taizong of Tang, and Emperor Gaozong.

He thought it was impossible for him to go to such an important battlefield, but the emperor suddenly asked about the war in Goguryeo?

"What do you mean? Don't panic, I just want to hear your thoughts.

After all, for so many years, although the Tang Dynasty has been winning against Goguryeo, the progress has been extremely slow. I can't wait any longer. "

Li Zhi looked at the excited Li Ji and felt somewhat ashamed.

Such a famous general cannot go off the battlefield. He still has some responsibilities.

“Your Majesty, it is not easy to capture Goguryeo now.

Yeon Gaesumun is not an easy character to deal with, and now Goguryeo is completely monolithic under his command.

Moreover, in order to resist our offensive, Goguryeo built its city extremely solidly. The Tang army would suffer huge losses every step forward.

Goguryeo has connections with Mohe and Uluohun. At critical moments, they will lead their troops to support from the north.

The most critical thing is that Goguryeo is far away and consumes too much food and grass. These are the most difficult aspects that restrict our attack on Goguryeo. "

Li Ji had fought against Goguryeo before, but failed to destroy them in one fell swoop. This was also a thorn in his heart.

Victory does not count as victory. This may be the most ironic thing for a leading general.

So over the years, he has been planning how to capture Goguryeo. Now that Li Zhi asked, he also told all of this.

"It seems that the British Lord has been preparing! Now that the difficulties have been mentioned, let's talk about your way to break the situation!"

Li Zhi nodded, it seemed that he had found the right person.

Li Ji has never forgotten the regret of going to Goguryeo with his father.

"The way to break the situation is very simple. The first is to let Yeon Gaesumun die, the second is to sever the relationship between Mohe, Wuluohun and Goguryeo, the third is to think of a way to break the Goguryeo city, and the fourth is to prepare food and grass in advance."

Li Ji smiled and said his response.

"Mr. British, I'm asking you for a solution. If you have anything to say, just tell me!"

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