My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 884 You might as well ask Princess Lishan!

Li Zhi was depressed. What I wanted to ask you specifically was to ask you for the solution, not for you to summarize the central idea.

If you say so, anyone can do it.

"Your Majesty, it's easy to get rid of Yeon Gaesumun. Although this man is iron-blooded, he sometimes goes to patrol other cities. All you need to do is seize the opportunity and send an assassin to kill him with one strike.

Once Yeon Gaesumun died, Goguryeo would definitely be leaderless. He had three sons, but they were all dandy.

At that time, they will inevitably compete with each other for power and weapons, and someone will definitely ask for help from Datang. This is our opportunity.

As for Mohe and Uluohun, it is simple. Send some gold and silver, sign an alliance with them, and even give them the territory in the north of Goguryeo.

This will not only sever the connection between the three countries, but also allow us to add a supporting army to attack Goguryeo from the north.

As for the methods of destroying the city and transporting grain and grass, I don't have a good countermeasure yet. I hope your majesty will forgive me! "

Li Ji looked at Li Zhi and directly said what he had thought about.

"It's easy to say how to destroy the city. Su Dingfang also did experiments on the Tubo side this time.

As long as the gunpowder Yanran sent before is enough, it can blow up any solid city wall, but this food and grass is indeed a bit difficult to deal with. "

Li Zhi nodded. Li Ji was Li Ji after all, and he solved the first two problems at once.

"Your Majesty, if you want to solve the food and grass problem, there is a best candidate."

Li Ji looked at the frowning Li Zhi and smiled at him.


Li Zhi was stunned, not knowing which great talent Li Ji wanted to recommend.

"Your Majesty, I recently received a letter from my son Li Siwen. It mentioned that Her Royal Highness Princess Lishan is actively developing sea transportation to transport goods to Japan.

The Japanese country is far away from the Tang Dynasty and can be transported across the ocean. If Princess Lishan can help transport food, this matter may be much easier to handle.

Even if he doesn't have this ability, he can definitely provide some ideas.

If the food problem can be solved, it will be easy for the Tang Dynasty to take over Goguryeo! "

Li Ji immediately moved Li Yanran out. This little princess was very capable. If he was willing to help solve the problem, there should be no problem.

"Yes, why did I forget about him? Mr. Britain, if you are really put in charge of the war in Goguryeo, are you sure that you will destroy it?"

Li Zhi slapped himself on the forehead, how could he forget about his little Zhuge.

This little girl has the most evil ideas. If she can help solve it, this biggest difficulty can be easily solved.

"Your Majesty, if these four problems can really be solved, Li Ji guarantees that the entire territory of Goguryeo, even the land of Mohe and Uluohun, will be in the hands of the Tang Dynasty."

Li Ji saluted directly to Li Zhi. If the other party really gave him a chance, he would completely capture Goguryeo even if he risked his life.

"Okay, you go back and wait until I meet Xiao Yanran again before making a decision!"

Li Zhi nodded. If it is really possible, then leave it to Li Ji.

After all, the war in Goguryeo was a heavy burden on the Tang Dynasty. Now that the chaos in the Western Regions has been lifted, if Goguryeo can be completely captured again.

Then the Tang Dynasty could devote all its energy to Tubo.


Li Ji also left immediately after saluting.


After Li Ji left, Li Zhi called Ruian in again.

"His Majesty!"

"Send someone to the Lishan fief immediately and bring Li Yanran to me!"


Rui'an was pregnant twice a day today. He had just called Li Ji and then Li Yanran.

What the hell?

"What's wrong?"

"Your Majesty, would you like to call His Highness the Crown Prince over?"

Ruian had nothing to say and directly asked the other party if he wanted to bring Li Hong with him.

"Why are you calling Li Hong? Just call Li Yanran. Go and come back quickly. I have something important to do!"


Although Ruian wanted to ask the other party what was important, he opened his mouth but did not dare to speak, for fear that Li Zhi would slap him.

"Wait a minute, go there in person. No matter what work he has on hand, ask him to come to me quickly."

After looking at Ruian's back, Li Zhi also directly let Ruian pass.

When he heard that he was asked to go in person, Ryan almost cried.

Anyone who has anything to do with this Li Yanran has never had anything good happen to him.

This special meow asked him to go to Lishan in person, he...he...wanted to cry.

"Why don't you go quickly?"

Looking at Ruian who was stunned on the spot, Li Zhi also raised his eyebrows and shouted at him.


Ruian held back tears, saluted and left directly.

The carriage left the palace, wheels rolling along the way, yellow sand accompanied by tears, Ruian also rushed to the Lishan fiefdom.

"Your Highness, Ruian wants to see you!"

Di Renjie came to Li Yanran and directly told the news that Ruian was asking for a meeting outside.

"Ryan? What's he doing here? Weasel paid Rooster New Year's greetings. He didn't mean well and said I went out to play!"

Li Yanran was stunned for a moment, nothing good happened to Ruian when he came here.

"Your Highness, Ruian is the representative of His Majesty after all. Isn't this a little bad for you?"

Di Renjie was dumbfounded. They already gave you the news in advance, which was already a great honor to you.

Now you open your mouth but disappear? This is too disrespectful to the emperor.

"What's wrong? He's definitely not going to do anything good. Why would I want to see him if he doesn't come?"

Li Yanran took a sip of milk tea, her eyes full of depression.

"Di Renjie understands!"

Di Renjie was depressed, but seeing that Li Yanran's attitude was quite determined, he turned around and went out. “Commander Di, can I go in?”

Ruian waited outside for a while, and when he saw Di Renjie coming, he hurried over to greet him.

The reason why he waited here was not because he respected Li Yanran, but because he was afraid of offending the little devil.

If he tries to find a way to deal with himself when the time comes, he will be in trouble.

"His Highness said he didn't want to see you, and asked me to tell you that she went out to play!"

Di Renjie looked at Ruian in front of him and couldn't help but smile.

You are a close minister of His Majesty the Emperor and the eunuch of the Tang Dynasty. Apart from doing this to the Emperor, you seem to be the only one to treat your Highness.

"She said she didn't want to see me? She said she went out to play? This is looking down on me!"

Hearing what Di Renjie said, Ruian was furious instantly.

Do you think I want to come to Lishan? If His Majesty hadn't forced me to come, would I have come to this devil's cave of yours?

Now you don't want to see me? I have such a bad temper.

Seeing Ruian trying to rush inside, Di Renjie immediately stopped him and then pouted behind him.

"I see!"

Ryan smiled and ran towards the back door.

As soon as he ran there, he happened to see Li Yanran holding the door open and trying to leave.

"Princess Lishan, what are you planning to do?"

Ruian smiled slightly and shouted at Li Yanran.


Li Yanran was depressed, how dare this guy come here?

It must have been that bastard Di Renjie who tipped him off.

"Didn't I just come back from outside? Ryan, why did you come and didn't send someone to notify me in advance?"

Li Yanran scratched her head, slowly closed the door, and walked towards Ruian.

"Your Highness, please come with me. Your Majesty has called me for something urgent!"

Seeing Li Yanran's look, Ruian also sneered.

I almost ran away from you during my surprise attack. If I had informed you in advance and caught you, I would have taken your last name.

"What does your father want from me?"

Li Yanran glanced at Ruian and directly asked her father why he was looking for her.

"I don't know this. Your Majesty said it's a big deal anyway. You'd better come with me quickly!"

Ruian shook his head. Don't say he didn't know what it was. Even if he knew it, he wouldn't dare to leak it to anyone.

This is his most basic quality as a minister, and he does not dare to be careless about this.

"Then wait for me and I'll call Li Hong."

Li Yanran frowned when she heard that it was a big deal.

She really couldn't guess what big trouble her father could have with her.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty only summoned you to come over. He did not ask His Majesty to bring His Majesty the Crown Prince. Please stop inking. Your Majesty is still waiting!"

Ruian was depressed. The emperor only called you, so don't drag the prince to take the blame.

With a sister like you, life is difficult enough for His Royal Highness.

"All right!"

Li Yanran glanced at Ruian again, asked Li Feng to prepare the carriage, and then left the fiefdom and ran towards Chang'an.

"Your Majesty, Princess Lishan has arrived!"

Just as Ruian spoke, Li Yanran rushed in.

"Father, my daughter misses you so much!"

Looking at the father in front of her, Li Yanran also walked up to him.

"No, don't think about me. If you think about me, nothing good will happen!"

Li Zhi also shuddered when he heard the sound of missing you.

Whoever your daughter misses will be unlucky.

It won't work even if the King of Heaven comes, let alone the emperor himself.

"Father, look what you said, tell me, what big business do you want from me?"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at her father, went straight to the point, and asked him what he wanted to do with her.

"Sit down first, you sit aside first and then talk!"

Li Zhi stroked his beard and quickly asked the other party to step aside first.

"What's going on? It's so mysterious!"

Li Yanran also frowned, seeing how scared you are, can I really pull your beard?

"Goguryeo, you know!"

Li Zhi glanced at Li Yanran sitting aside and then put down his beard.

"Goguryeo, you know, what's wrong?"

Li Yanran was also a little confused. She didn't know why her father brought it up so neatly.

"You are also aware of the war between the Tang Dynasty and Goguryeo. Father, I am planning to appoint Li Ji to take charge of the war in Goguryeo. What do you think?"

Knowing that Goguryeo would be easier to handle, Li Zhi also directly told him that he wanted to use Li Ji.

Li Yanran was instantly confused when she heard that Li Zhi was going to activate Li Ji.

After all, I said before that my father wanted to suppress the other party.

Why are they suddenly connected?

But in history, it seems that Li Zhi activated Li Ji and finally pacified Goguryeo.

If the other party can really be responsible for the war in Goguryeo now, then Goguryeo may not last long.

But if you use Li Ji, it has nothing to do with me.

Li Ji is not mine, so why don't you come to me to figure out the situation.

"What's wrong? I'm usually not very eloquent, but suddenly I'm mute."

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