My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 885 If you don’t knock dad down even once, you’ll be sorry for his trust!

Seeing that Li Yanran was silent, Li Zhi also shouted at her.

"My father is wise, and the British prince is a great talent. With him attacking Goguryeo, I believe it will be pacified soon.

Does the daughter want to congratulate her father in advance for fulfilling his grandpa's vision? "

It's now, what else can Li Yanran say, she just salutes to express congratulations.

With Li Ji taking action, it should be no problem to capture Goguryeo.

"But this Li Ji also gave me four problems. I have already thought of solutions to three of them, but I have no clue about the fourth one!"

Li Zhi glanced sideways at Li Yanran and got straight to the point.

"Father, if you have any problems, you should go to your mother and the ministers. Are you telling me?"

Hearing what her father said, Li Yanran instantly became alert.

I'm just a kid. Can you not discuss your military affairs with me?

"Why can't you tell me whether you are a citizen of the Tang Dynasty or a princess of the Tang Dynasty? As long as you are, that's enough!"

Li Zhi glared at Li Yanran, before I said anything, you started to shrink back.

Can I still expect to fall in love with you?

Fortunately, you are still the Princess of the Tang Dynasty, and you don’t even have this awareness?

"Then tell me, as long as you don't want me to spend money, anything will do!"

Li Yanran was also depressed. I am the princess of the Tang Dynasty, and you are still the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

When you are in trouble, look for your daughter. Who taught you this?

Besides, there are so many smart people, why are you always staring at me?

"I won't let you spend money. As long as you can come up with a solution for me, I will reward you heavily."

Li Zhi was depressed, and his father called you here just for your money.

You underestimate me as a father.

"Come on, tell me what's the problem."

Li Yanran felt relieved when she heard that she was not allowed to spend money.

"The most important thing in this march and war is logistical supplies. Now the most critical thing for Tang Dynasty to win Goguryeo is food and grass.

You also know that the output of the frontier is not much, and it is difficult to support the frontline war, so the food and grass still have to be transported from the inland.

But the consumption along this journey is too great. It would be good if only half of the grain and grass from the rear could be transported to the front.

And the army needs a lot. You have to help me solve this problem. "

Since Li Yanran let herself speak, Li Zhi also directly threw the burden away.

Anyway, he left this problem to his daughter.

"Father? What do you mean I helped you solve it? You asked me to solve a problem that everyone in the civil and military dynasties was scratching their heads about?

I'm only ten years old, do you really think of me as a god?

Can I send you food and grass to the front line with just a wave of my hand?"

Li Yanran is also in trouble, and she just thinks about me and solves everything.

I'm still a child, just a child.

Shall I solve it for you? Can I solve it?

"What's wrong with being ten years old? Didn't you say before that Gan Luo became prime minister at the age of nine? I think my daughter is much better than him.

On this issue, you, the little prime minister, have to give your father some advice! "

Li Zhi was also depressed. I know you are only ten years old, but I can't stand you.

Look at which ten-year-old child in the Tang Dynasty is as smart as you, who can make all the money in the world like you.

"You and I are going to complain to my mother-in-law, you bullied me!"

Li Yanran stood up directly as she spoke, covering her face and heading out.

"Ten thousand taels of gold!"

Seeing that Li Yanran was about to run away, Li Zhi also used his trump card.

He can still handle his daughter.

"What do you mean?"

Sure enough, after hearing this, Li Yanran stopped and asked her father.

"As long as you can solve this problem for me, I will give you ten thousand taels of gold as a reward."

Li Zhi smiled and slowly told his reward.

"If I can help my father solve this problem, it shouldn't be a problem for Tang Dynasty to take over Goguryeo.

Isn’t this ten thousand taels of gold a bit too little, what do you think? "

Seeing her father laughing, Li Yanran slowly stepped back.

"How much do you want?"

Li Zhi frowned. He knew that his daughter was a master who would not let go of rabbits before she saw them.

Ten thousand taels of gold really can't satisfy the other party's appetite.

"I won't open my mouth anymore. One hundred thousand taels of gold, I will help you find a way."

Li Yanran was also starry-eyed. It was rare that her father could take the initiative to pay for it this time, and he paid back ten thousand taels of gold.

If he hadn't been forced to do anything, he would definitely not have done this.

Such a good opportunity, if I don't give my father a good deal, I will be sorry for his trust.

"Xiao Yanran, come here!"

Li Zhi's eyes are about to pop out. Are you talking like a lion?

If you are more ruthless, I will give you the Tang Dynasty.

"I'm not going over. If you have anything to say, just say it here!"

Li Yanran shook her head. She was not stupid, so why did she go there?

Were you beaten in the past?

"Then don't you feel that one hundred thousand taels of gold is a bit too much? Do you think your father is the God of Wealth?"

Li Zhi was also helpless. This daughter was too smart and ran extremely fast.

He couldn't catch it, and he couldn't explain it.

I can only worry there.

"Father, Goguryeo is not just a matter of territory, it is also a matter of merit and affirmation.

Think about it, you have captured Goguryeo, which Grandpa Huang could not capture. By then, your martial arts and martial arts skills will take off! "

Li Yanran didn't answer her father's question at all.

You talk to me about money, and I talk to you about the future.

The future cannot be measured with money.

"Don't talk nonsense. Is the reason why my father wants to capture Goguryeo just to surpass your grandpa? I do it for the people of the Tang Dynasty and the country of the Tang Dynasty.

You still want too much! "

Li Zhi was depressed. You little girl knows how to negotiate and knows how to throw out such a bait first.

But I’m not a stupid fish. If you just draw a big pie, I will bite the hook?

"Then how much does Emperor Father think this Goguryeo is worth?"

"Twenty thousand taels is the most. If you want more, then my father will have to use the stupidest method, moving ants bit by bit to transport the food to the front line!"

Li Zhi looked at his precious daughter again and directly stated his bottom line.

"Twenty thousand taels of gold is just twenty thousand taels of gold. My daughter is all for the people of the Tang Dynasty and for the country and the country. I'll give you a discount!"

Li Yanran also sighed, it was still a bit difficult to rip off her father.

But at any rate, I got a little more deductions, which is pretty good.

"Then tell me quickly, is there any way to satisfy the consumption of the frontline army!"

Hearing that his daughter agreed, Li Zhi was a little excited and asked her.

"Give me the money first!"

Li Yanran spread her hands and asked her father for money directly.

"You didn't even come up with any ideas, and I just gave you money. Do you really think that your father has been taken advantage of?

If you try to frame me then, your father will be in trouble! "

Li Zhi glared at Li Yanran, "What are you asking for money?"

Do you really think your father is a good son of a landlord?

"Then what if I said, you lied to me and said no?"

Li Yanran also glared at the other party and shook her head.

"I am the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, how can I keep my word? I can still afford this amount of money!

Hurry up and tell me what good plan you have! "

Li Zhi really wants to slap Li Yanran now. You can question everything, but you can't question my character.

A gentleman's words are hard to follow, but he still has this most basic virtue.

“Father, it’s actually very simple. If we can’t get there by land, why don’t we just go by sea?

How many carriages can a large ship carry? The most important thing is that it consumes less! Give me money! "

Li Yanran had no choice but to express her thoughts.

Shipping grain by sea has always been the simplest and most cost-effective way.

Why is dad so smart and can’t even think of this?

"That's it?"

After hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Zhi also became depressed.

I have great expectations for you. You will be able to help me in the end.

Don’t I know shipping by sea is easy and saves money?

But if that road was feasible, would I still spend 20,000 taels of gold to seek advice from you?

You really failed to live up to your father's expectations.

"Yes, that's it! Transporting grain by sea is the best way to solve Goguryeo's food problem!"

Li Yanran was stunned, not knowing what Li Zhi meant.

What does this mean? Isn’t sea shipping the best solution?

"If this is all you have, I'm afraid you won't be able to earn the 20,000 taels of gold.

Your grandfather, the emperor, had seen the convenience of water transportation long ago, and he also spent great efforts to improve sea transportation, hoping to transport grain by sea.

However, shipping risks are too high. If there is any trouble, all the food on the ship will fall into the belly of the fish.

Losing some food is the next best thing. The most important thing is that if the frontline army cannot get food, the consequences will be disastrous. "

Li Zhi sighed and told the previous situation of Datang.

If transporting grain from the sea was that simple, he wouldn't have to scratch his head like this.

"That's why you are stupid!"

Hearing her father's explanation, Li Yanran smiled.

"What are you talking about? I really don't think my father would dare to teach you a lesson, right?"

Li Zhi slammed the table and stood up immediately.

You girl is too young.

"Father, have you ever thought of another way?"

Li Yanran also shrank her neck and stuck out her tongue at Li Zhi.

"What's the alternative?"

Li Zhi was stunned, not knowing what Li Yanran meant by this.

"Sometimes things that the court cannot handle are not a problem at all for merchants. You can leave this matter to the merchants.

As long as they can safely deliver food to the front line, they will buy it at a higher price than the market price.

By then, not only would Datang not have to bear the burden of civilian labor and transportation, but it would also be able to use its energy elsewhere.

Isn’t this the best of both worlds? "

Li Yanran smiled and expressed her thoughts directly.


Hearing Li Yanran say such unreliable words again, Li Zhi instantly became angry again.

“What kind of nonsense, is a problem that can be solved with money still considered a problem?

Anyway, it would cost a huge amount of manpower, material and financial resources for the imperial court to hire people to transport it to the front line. Why couldn't it be left in the hands of merchants? "

Li Yanran frowned, wondering why her father was so angry.

It is obvious that these things are difficult to deal with. If you leave this to others, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?

“This is a military and national event, and logistical supplies are extremely important.

You asked me to hand these things into the hands of those businessmen, but you didn't mean to ask me to hand over the lives of hundreds of thousands of troops on the front line into the hands of others?

If something went wrong with them, what should the Tang Dynasty do? "

Li Zhi glared at Li Yanran and directly stated the seriousness of the matter.

"Then father, why not leave this matter to me and let me take charge?"

Li Yanran is depressed. If you can't trust others, then you can trust me.

"It's great if you are responsible, but shipping food by sea is very risky.

Don’t let your food arrive and you’ll end up losing a lot of money. Don’t cry to your father! "

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