My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 886 Everyone in the world is here for profit

Chapter 886 Everyone in the world is here for profit

Li Zhi felt a little relaxed when he heard that Li Yanran was going to take over the deal.

After all, my daughter is famous for not suffering any disadvantages. If she takes action, there should be no problems.

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid. How much food and grass does your father need? Give me a specific time so I can arrange it."

Li Yanran smiled and asked her father directly about the quantity and time needed.

"If these things can really be resolved, and Li Ji takes office, coupled with the integration of troops and horses and a series of other things, a full-scale battle against Goguryeo will almost be launched in a year.

In addition, let’s prepare the food needed for half a year for the time being. It will cost at least five million stones of food. Can you do that? "

Li Zhi thought about it for a while, and he also needed to prepare troops and horses for Goguryeo this time.

After all, there are now many troops stationed in the Western Regions, and Tubo also has an army of 300,000 troops.

Goguryeo originally had only a few hundred thousand soldiers and horses. If we really wanted to take Goguryeo completely, we would need at least 300,000 troops.

An army of 300,000 would need more than 7 million shi of food based on annual consumption. This only counts soldiers, not the transport team.

If it was really counted, he couldn't even imagine that number.

"Five million stones of food is indeed a lot, but it's not difficult to transport it within a year. Let's talk about adding money.

How much are you prepared to pay for this food to be transported to the front line? "

Li Yanran calculated it and found that the Tang Dynasty had been in good weather in the past two years, with no major disasters.

The source of food is not the problem, the problem now is money.

How much money dad can give is the key to whether this thing can be done.

"Price, how much do you want?"

Li Zhi was depressed, and his daughter was the most active when it came to money.

This is war. Do you understand war? I really don’t know why you, a princess, like money so much.

Drunk, he was really drunk.

"Fifty yuan per bucket of rice!"

Li Yanran did some calculations and found that without five times the profit, not many people would be willing to do this business.

After all, this thing cannot be transported by road, because the consumption cannot be spread evenly by five times.

Only by sea.

But shipping by sea is too risky. It would be difficult if there is no 500% profit.

"Fifty qian for every dou of rice, then one stone is 500 qian, and five million shi is..."

As he talked, Li Zhi was a little frustrated. He could no longer count how many zeros there were in the money.

"Two and a half million dollars."

Li Yanran smiled, it was only 2.5 million guan. If he had to transport it by himself, he might not be able to get the 5 to 6 million guan.

"That's a lot! Can it be any less?"

Li Zhi frowned. Although this money may not be a big deal to Datang's tax revenue, it is just one of the expenses.

No matter how rich Datang was, it would not be enough to spend.

"Father? Shall I go then?"

When Li Yanran heard that her father dared to bargain, she walked out directly.

"Okay, okay, it's only fifty yuan per dou, but I can't give you the money first. You can only pay it in advance yourself, and I can't settle the settlement with you until the grain and grass arrive.

Otherwise, he would not be able to pass in the court. After all, no one dared to hand over the fate of the Tang Dynasty to others.

Even if you are my princess, it won't work. Do you understand? "

Li Zhi was helpless when he saw Li Yanran turning over the table whenever she disagreed, but he did say some ugly things as he should.

After all, this is just a conversation between their father and daughter, and everything depends on the results.

If this doesn't work for Li Yanran, he still has to prepare it himself.

"I know this. Wait for me to transport the food there first, and then you pay me. I still understand this truth!"

Li Yanran nodded to Li Zhi, it was only 2.5 million taels, and it would only be 250,000 taels if converted into gold. She could still get it.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you to take charge. Let's go now!"

Now that both parties have reached an agreement, Li Zhi doesn't want to see Li Yanran for a moment.

He was afraid that this little girl would try something different on him again, and then he would be afraid that his heart wouldn't be able to bear it.

"Father, have you forgotten something?"

Li Yanran crossed her arms and spoke to her father.

"Forgot something?"

Li Zhi was stunned and didn't know what Li Yanran meant.

"Where is the twenty thousand taels of gold you promised me? When are you going to give it to me!"

Li Yanran reached out to her father and asked for the consulting fee she had promised herself.

"If you can really make this deal happen, you will probably earn hundreds of thousands of gold. Do you still care about the 20,000 taels of gold?"

Li Zhi is depressed. You haven't solved the problem yet.

Not only did it not solve the problem, it also gave me a big job.

Five million dan of grain is only enough to supply an army of 300,000 dan for half a year at most. It will definitely not be able to defeat Goguryeo in half a year. The final amount of food required for this deal will be around 20 million dan.

According to the purchase price of eight yuan a dou, fifty yuan, he could no longer count how much he could earn.

"Then I don't care about this matter. You'd better hire someone else."

When she heard that Li Zhi dared to default on her consulting fees, Li Yanran gave up the idea on the spot.

One yard for another, I must take what you give me. As for how much money I can make in the end, that is my ability.

If you do this, it's a bit unreasonable.

"Here, give, give, can't I give it to you?"

Li Zhi was really manipulated by Li Yanran, and he chose to surrender on the spot.

Who said he didn't have such a capable person under his command? He could only place his hope on Li Yanran. "Hurry up then, my daughter is still waiting to go back to arrange things!"

Li Yanran also glared at her father, "Why do you have to drink a fine drink if you don't want to drink a toast? You have to fish for me to give you a face."


Li Zhi had no choice but to shout outside!

"The slave is here!"

Hearing the call, Ryan hurried in.

"Go to Nenu immediately, take 20,000 taels of gold, and give it to Princess Lishan!"

Li Zhi sighed and spoke to Ruian.


Ruian was confused, what is going on with the emperor?

I just gave the princess 10,000 taels of gold before, and now I want to give him another 20,000 taels?

Is this still the Emperor I know?

So much money, just give it to me?

What kind of ecstasy soup did this princess give the emperor?

If this continues, I'm afraid Nenu will be hollowed out by Princess Lishan.

"Why are you standing there? Go quickly!"

Li Yanran glared at Ruian, her father had already spoken, what do you have to worry about as a slave?


Li Yanran's voice startled Ruian, and she quickly saluted and walked towards Neinu.

"Father, Yanran will leave first!"

Li Yanran also bowed and left directly.

In this way, Li Yanran returned to Lishan happily with the consulting fee of 20,000 taels of gold.

"Your Majesty, why has His Majesty summoned you?"

Seeing Li Yanran return, Di Renjie immediately came over.

"What's the matter? Big deal!"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Di Renjie and sat down on the sofa.


Di Renjie was stunned for a moment, wondering what this so-called big event was?

"My father is going to appoint Li Ji to be in charge of the war in Goguryeo, but now there is a problem, that is, it is difficult to transport food and grass. My father called me here just to discuss this matter!"

Li Feng handed over a plum, and Li Yanran also took a bite.

"Your Highness, this is a big deal. You won't agree to anything, will you?"

Di Renjie was instantly stunned when he heard that the emperor actually asked Li Yanran to discuss such a major military matter.

Is the emperor suffering from madness? Why would you discuss such a big matter with a child like Li Yanran?

Let's talk about the expedition to Goguryeo. The food and grass problem has been troubled by the Tang Dynasty for decades. If it were so easy to solve, it wouldn't be delayed until now.

"Yes, I promised my father to help him solve the food and grass problem!"


Di Renjie is completely confused now. Do you agree to help the emperor solve the food and grass problem?

Why do you think you can solve this problem that has plagued Datang for decades with just one child?

You must know that it requires transporting grain and grass all the way to Goguryeo. There is no way to solve this except water grinding.

You. Are you serious?

"What's wrong? Why do you look like you're dying!"

Looking at Di Renjie who was stunned, Li Yanran took another bite of plum, looking strange.

"Your Highness, Di Renjie would like to ask, how do you want to solve the problem of transporting grain and grass?

After all, the food and grass needed to conquer Goguryeo was not just a tiny bit, but at least a million stones. How to transport these to the front line? "

Di Renjie took a deep breath and saluted Li Yanran and asked.

"It's simple. Transport it by sea and send it to the front line of Goguryeo. Isn't it over?"

“But you are not unaware of the risks of shipping. If you are not careful, the entire fleet may be buried in the belly of the fish.

At that time, you will not only lose food, but you may also be held accountable by His Majesty. Have you considered this issue? "

Di Renjie was depressed. If the matter was really that simple, could the emperor leave this matter to you?

The uncertain risks of shipping are too great. If there is a storm or shipwreck, it will be completely stopped.

"Do you really think that my father will put all the treasure on me? Besides, I don't want to transport food there myself!"

Li Yanran smiled. He naturally considered the risk involved, but the risk was not hers, but the food transporter's. What did it have to do with him.


Now Di Renjie is in trouble again. What do you mean you don't transport food?

If we don’t transport food, can the food still fly to Goguryeo?

He said that he was really confused.

“What I mean is that we are prepared to purchase grain from the entire Tang Dynasty.

No matter who it is, as long as he can transport the grain there, he will buy it at a uniform price of forty yuan a dou.

What do you think the businessmen will do after hearing this? "

Li Yanran knew that Di Renjie must be confused, so she expressed her thoughts.

"The current purchase price of grain per bucket is about eight yuan. If you want more, it can be cheaper. If it can be transported to Goguryeo by sea, it will be five times the profit.

Everyone in the world is looking for profit, so some people should take desperate risks.

Let’s not talk about the risks of shipping, but those sea robbers will not let go of so much fat.

This road is not easy to walk, and many people will be killed. "

(End of this chapter)

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