My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 887 The era of great shipping!

Chapter 887 The era of great shipping!

Di Renjie immediately understood what Li Yanran meant. She didn't want to take this road, but she wanted someone to help him walk it.

After all, if this shipment of grain can be transported to Goguryeo, it will be five times the profit, and anyone who puts it on will be excited.

But isn't this a bit too cruel?

"Killing many people? This is called killing people for money and killing birds for food. The greater the boldness, the greater the profit.

As long as an ordinary person transports a ship of grain, his or her net worth can increase five times.

I am not harming people, but saving them.

As for someone who really died in the belly of a fish, it can only be blamed on his ill-fated fate.

I just ask you now, can you rely on this to transport five million stones of grain and grass to the front line of Goguryeo within a year? "

Li Yanran couldn't care less. They chose this path themselves, and everyone knew the consequences.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains and going to the tiger mountains requires not only courage, but also strength and luck.

"The carrying capacity of sea-going ships is much greater than that of water ships. Now the largest of our water transport ships can carry two thousand dan, and those that can carry 5,000 dan by sea are relatively rare.

If the ships along the coast can really be launched, it should be feasible to transport five million stones to Goguryeo within a year. "

Di Renjie thought for a moment, if it was just like what Li Yanran imagined, merchants all over the world would be involved in this business of transporting grain.

Let alone five million stones of food and grass, ten million stones is not impossible.

"That's enough. You should inform Li Siwen immediately and ask him to spread the news from Luoyang first and summon merchants who are interested in cooperating.

In addition, if you go to Yangzhou in person, I will make this matter a benchmark for the Tang Dynasty and make merchants all over the world flock to it. Do you understand? "

Li Yanran smiled. Since this matter can be done, it can be carried out.

As the saying goes, it’s up to people to plan things, but it’s up to God to make things happen.

Anyway, she has already received 20,000 taels of gold from her father as a consulting fee. Even if this matter cannot be accomplished, there is nothing she can do about it.

"Well, I'm going to Yangzhou right now!"

This matter was related to the war between Datang and Goguryeo, and he couldn't care less about his own identity.

As long as it was something beneficial to Datang, he would have to go to Yangzhou even if he didn't want to.

"Li Feng, let Lin Cheng lead fifty and one hundred forbidden troops to escort Di Renjie!"


Soon Di Renjie left the Lishan fiefdom under the protection of Lin Cheng and ran towards Yangzhou.

At the same time, Li Zhi also announced the appointment of Li Ji in the court and announced that he would launch an all-out attack on Goguryeo.

Upon hearing this decree, Ren Yafan jumped out to object on the spot.

After all, the main energy of the Tang Dynasty is now in the direction of Tubo. It would be absolutely detrimental to the Tang Dynasty to start a full-scale war with Goguryeo.

Li Zhi also directly moved the late Emperor Li Shimin out, making it clear that this was in compliance with the late Emperor's last wish and no one could stop him.

Then he stated that it was only in the preparatory stage and there was no immediate attack. Only then did the imperial court approve the decree.

After receiving the imperial edict, Li Ji took office directly and went to the battlefield of Goguryeo.

A few days later, Li Siwen also received Li Yanran's order and began to spread the news of buying grain at high prices in Luoyang.

When they heard that five times the profit was available, the businessmen who came to Li Siwen were like guests crossing the river, and there was an endless stream.

And Li Siwen also refused to accept anyone who came, saying that no matter who it was, as long as he could deliver the food, he would buy it at the original price.

For a time, merchants from Luoyang were like locusts passing through the border, and began to contact sea ships to purchase grain and prepare to transport it to Goguryeo.

What happened in Luoyang spread throughout the country, and Di Renjie also arrived in Yangzhou, the center of the south.

He confirmed the news immediately and then met with the larger local grain merchants.

When they heard that the news was true, the grain merchants in the south also started their work.

Compared with the grain merchants in Luoyang, the land south of the Yangtze River had an advantage. After all, Yangzhou was the largest ship manufacturing place in the Tang Dynasty.

Fifty-six out of ten of Datang's sea-going ships were built in Yangzhou, and they could also be modified directly from the shipyard according to needs to make the sea-going ships more suitable for food needs.

When the ships of grain set sail, the grain transportation war initiated by Li Yanran finally kicked off.

When Li Ji arrived at the front line of Goguryeo, the first thing he did was to build a large port in Duli Town.

He knew about the contract reached between the emperor and Li Yanran. To transport grain from the sea, a suitable port was needed, and this was the most suitable place.

As long as those sea ships can transport the food, it will be much easier to unload the ships from here and transport them to the front line.

Moreover, Li Ji also ordered the Tang Navy to start patrolling in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea.

One is to explore the sea conditions, and the other is to clear out the pirates on the sea. He doesn't want the pirates to take advantage of the food when it arrives.

For a time, the pirates at sea were also beaten like crazy, and there were shipwrecks and corpses floating in the water everywhere.

Especially those who were pushed from the water to the sea by Li Yanran directly became the fish in the pond that brought disaster to the fish in the pond.

They never imagined that no matter where they went, they would be shrouded in Li Yanran's shadow.

After being cleared by the Tang Navy, the pirates near the Yellow Sea and East China Sea have temporarily disappeared, creating the most favorable situation for the subsequent merchant shipping.

Time passed little by little, and just as the new year was approaching, Su Dingfang finally finished his rest and launched the first wave of offensive against Tubo.

Of the more than 300,000 troops, except for the 20,000 who were stationed at Jishi Pass, the remaining troops rushed directly towards Laer City last time.

Looking at the renovated Laer City and the Tibetan soldiers on the city wall, Su Dingfang was also full of disdain.

If I fail to break your city once, I can break you a second time.

It's not that easy to stop yourself.

Immediately with a wave of his hand, there were soldiers holding explosive packs and charging towards the city wall under the cover of shields.

"They are here again. Shoot arrows. Shoot arrows. We must not let the Tang army get close to the city wall!"

Seeing the Tang army repeating their old tricks, the generals guarding the city were instantly frightened to the point of losing their wits.

The last thunderstorm was still fresh in their minds. If it happened again, the 50,000 soldiers in this city would probably make the same mistake again.

For a time, bows and arrows rained down from the sky, covering the attacking Tang army below.

Countless soldiers fell into a pool of blood in an instant, but immediately some soldiers took the blood-stained explosive packets from the fallen body and continued to charge forward. In this way, under the continuous attack of the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, they finally reached the city gate, and then it was time for the explosive performance.

The fuse was ignited, with sparks all over the sky, and then there was a roar.

It was like thunder exploding from the sky, the whole earth was trembling, and the gatehouse that had just been repaired in Laer City was instantly reduced to nothing.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

Seeing that the city gate was blown up, the defenders in the city instantly lost their fighting spirit, and they could not withstand the soldiers and horses of the Tang Dynasty.

Everyone fled to the west gate in a swarm, and running away was their only option now.

"Order the cavalry to dispatch and pursue the enemy!"

Seeing the enemy's retreat, Su Dingfang immediately dispatched the cavalry that had been prepared long ago to pursue the fleeing Tibetan soldiers.

For a moment, thousands of horses galloped, and tens of thousands of cavalry rushed out of the military columns, then avoided the city in front of them and chased towards the west gate.

The final result was 50,000 soldiers defending the city. Except for a few thousand who escaped, the rest either died or surrendered.

It can be said that Su Dingfang got off to a good start in this battle and gave the Tibetans a head-on blow.

"What? Lal City was destroyed in one day, and all the defenders in the city were killed or injured?"

Lu Dongzan in the rear was stunned when he heard the news.

Although Laer City is not as defensive as Jishi Pass, it has been reinforced by itself, and there are 50,000 elite troops stationed in the city.

How could it be broken in one day?

Is it just because of a so-called secret weapon?

"Prime Minister, there are thunders in the Tang Dynasty that are not only unparalleled in field battles, but also cause huge damage to the city.

Laer City was attacked by the opponent twice in a row, which shows how powerful it is.

Countermeasures should have been taken early! "

Zhayangcuo was also a little helpless. Laer City was a fortified city after all, but now it was broken twice, and both times it was broken within one day.

To put it bluntly, the current city is of no use to Datang.

If we don't think of a countermeasure, Tubo may be in danger.

"Let me think about it!"

Lu Dongzan also fell silent, he was also a little numb now.

Although Zanpu was not punished for losing troops and generals outside Jishi Pass, and another 200,000 troops came to support him.

But the current situation left him a little at a loss.

If the city is of no use at all, what should I do?

Is it possible to have a decisive battle with the Tang army in the wild? If this is the case, it will be really difficult for Tubo.

"Prime Minister, why don't you let me go to Kazan City? I want to see how powerful this thunder is."

Zhacuo Miaoyang glanced at Ludongzan and directly asked for orders to garrison in Kazan City.

"Okay, you go to Kazan City to garrison immediately, but I will only give you 10,000 soldiers and horses, and all the remaining 30,000 soldiers and horses in the city must be withdrawn.

As long as you find out Hong Tianlei's secret, the truth will be considered a great achievement for you. "

Lu Dongzan glanced at Zhacuo Miaoyang and gave him the task directly.

If he couldn't figure out the secret of Hong Tianlei now, he would have no choice but to retreat again and again.

Trade space for time, lengthen the Tang army's supply line, and then fight them in the wild.


Zhacuo Miaoyang saluted directly, then galloped towards Kazan City on horseback.

Su Dingfang continued to move forward after taking the city of Sala. Except for those soldiers who still suffered from altitude sickness, the entire army rushed directly to the next target, the city of Kazan.

As its name suggests, Kazan City is a city built on a mountain, and the city walls are stronger than the previous city of Lar.

Although Zhacuo Miaoyang only had 10,000 troops on guard, he believed that he could still withstand the Tang army's attack.


Looking at the city in front of him, Su Dingfang felt very grateful to Li Yanran.

If she hadn't invented a powerful weapon like gunpowder, how many people would have been killed or injured by the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty if she wanted to take over the city in front of her.

But there is no way, who told the Tang Dynasty to have a genius named Li Yanran?

Tubo, maybe God wants to destroy you all by himself.

After hearing Su Dingfang's order, the Tang Army's death squads also dispatched again, holding explosive packs and began to charge towards the city wall.

"Shoot the arrow, shoot the arrow!"

Seeing the Tang army's offensive, Zhacuo Miaoyang immediately ordered the soldiers to fire arrows.

But this was just drizzle to the Tang army. Despite the casualties, they continued to charge forward.

"Change into rockets!"

Seeing Tang Jun's fearless appearance, to be honest, Zhacuo Miaoyang was scared. If he could, he would have wanted to escape.

But his current mission is to explore the secrets of Hong Tianlei. If he cannot complete it, Lu Dongzan will definitely not spare him.

"Rockets? Why do you need to change to rockets?"

A Tubo centurion glanced at Zhacuo Miaoyang, wondering why he was so crazy.

Rockets are for siege equipment, but you use rockets to shoot people? What the hell.

"Just do whatever I ask you to do. Why are you so long-winded?"

Zhacuo Miaoyang glared at the other person, and that person also hurriedly gave the order.

For a time, the defenders on the city wall also changed their rocket equipment and sprinkled arrows on the Tang army below the city wall.

"not good!"

(End of this chapter)

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