My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 889: Poisonous plan!

Chapter 889: Poisonous plan!

"Zanpu, there must be a reason for what my father did.

I heard that the Tang Dynasty had a secret weapon called Hongtian Lei. They had destroyed Laer City before using this weapon.

My father must have felt that it was difficult to defend the city, and the garrison could only be defeated one by one.

That's why they thought of abandoning the city in front and gathering troops in Zhilin.

In this way, firstly, they can gather all their strength for the final decisive battle with Datang, and secondly, they can lengthen the supply line of the Tang army, making it difficult for them to sustain food and grass. "

Gar Qinling Zanzhuo also sneered when he heard this information, and immediately understood what his father was thinking.

He had put himself in his father's body before and imagined what he would do if he faced such an enemy.

It seems that apart from Dad's method, there is no good way to defend against the enemy.

The city cannot be defended, so we can only muster all our strength to fight the opponent decisively.

If you want a decisive battle, you must gather all your strength. As for those cities, just give up.

As long as the Tang Dynasty's attack can be repelled, the lost ground can be regained, but if the Tang Dynasty cannot be taken, Tubo will be finished.

"You mean that the Prime Minister wants to have a decisive battle with the other party and decide the fate of Tubo in one battle?"

Mangsong Mangzan glanced at Gar Qinling Zanzhuo, his eyes full of horror.

He is not a fool. Now Gar Qinling Zanzhuo has said a lot, but there is only one central idea, and that is to win or lose in a battle with the Tang Dynasty.

"The first battle will determine the fate of Tubo. We still have a chance to win. If we really don't abandon the territory in front and divide our troops to garrison, Tubo will have no chance of victory.

So Zamp also asks you to believe in my father. He is definitely a person who is willing to dedicate everything to Tibet. "

Gar Qinling Zanzhuo saluted Mansong Mangzan again and told his father's situation.

“Don’t say it’s hard to win this battle. Even if we can win, what will happen to the lost territory?

If we give up those territories so easily, what will those people think of me and Tubo?

You only thought about the battlefield and did not think about what would happen next. "

Mansong Manzan frowned. Although what the other party said made sense, there were some things he still had to explain clearly to Gar Qinling Zanzhuo.

"Zamp, you have thought of it, my father has thought of it, and I can think of it too.

And since my father has done this, he must be mentally prepared.

If this battle can really be won, Zampu can calm down the anger of the people in the country by simply announcing in public that these are my father's intentions, and then beheading my father in public.

Of course, if this battle cannot be won, Tubo will have no future. "

Gar Qinling Zanzhuo glanced at Mansong Mangzan, his eyes filled with chills.

Since his father chose to do this, he never thought about living.

If his head can really appease the entire Tubo, it will all be worth it.

"Okay, now that you know it, then tell me, should I fully support the Prime Minister now and ensure the victory of the Battle of Zhilin no matter what.

After all, with Zhilin, only Luoche and Tubo can be preserved. "

Now that Gar Qinling Zanzhuo made it so clear, Mansong Mangzan also frowned and spoke to the other party.

"Zan Pu, do you want to mobilize the troops near Luoche to support the Zhilin area?"

Gar Qinling Zanzhuo was stunned for a moment. He really didn't expect that the other party would think so.

You must know that there are more than 70,000 elite troops in these places, and even if you squeeze your teeth, you can gather 100,000 troops.

But these are Zamp's last fortune and his last hope.

With these soldiers and horses, even if his father is really defeated, he can safely retreat to other places under the protection of these soldiers.

But if these soldiers and horses are deployed to Zhilin, once the army is defeated, his Zampu may also be finished.

"Your father was willing to risk his life for Tubo, so why would Ben Zamp be reluctant to do so? Immediately send the garrison troops near Luoche to Linzhi.

This Zampu is going to fight the Tang Dynasty in this battle for the fate of the country, and Tubo must win! "

Mansong Mangzan also slowly stood up and ordered to Gar Qinling Zanzhuo.

"Zamp, if you want to do this, I have another plan that may give my father an advantage."

Since Mansong Mangzan said so, Gar Qinling Zanzhuo also thought about it and said to him.

"Tell me, do you have any other plans?"

After hearing what Gar Qinling Zanzhuo said, Mansong Mangzan looked at him again.

"This strategy is to put the queen first!"

Gar Qinling Zanzhuo saluted to Mangsong Mangzan again and pointed out his central idea.

"What do you mean? But you want me to use the Queen to threaten Su Dingfang? Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Mangsong Mangzan's eyes widened. Although Princess Wencheng was not his biological grandmother, she had brought tangible benefits to Tubo.

Nowadays, many things in Tubo were brought by Princess Wencheng after she entered Tubo. Moreover, she was dignified, graceful and noble, and was well respected by the Tubo people.

Fortunately, my grandfather did not give birth to an heir with Princess Wencheng, otherwise I really don’t know who this Tubo Zamp belongs to.

But now it still feels a bit inappropriate to ask him to move Princess Wencheng out.

"Zamp, the situation has become like this.

You even risked your own life. Since Princess Wencheng is the late queen of Tubo, she is naturally obliged to help Tubo share some of the burden.

Let’s talk about why the former queen entered Tubo. The reason is that Tang Dynasty and Tubo want to coexist peacefully. This is her duty. Isn’t now a good time for him to stand up?

If the first queen could talk to the Tang army, or even threaten them with death, the Tang army would definitely take action, and withdrawing troops would not be impossible.

After all, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty certainly did not want to see his cousin forced to die in Tubo. Otherwise, how could he comfort the ancestors of the Tang Dynasty? "

Gar Qinling Zanzhuo smiled. Although Princess Wencheng was only a queen in name only in Tubo, she was a princess to the Tang Dynasty and was the cousin of the current emperor Li Zhi.

If possible, if she steps forward, the Tang Dynasty will definitely take action.

"Let me think about it!"

Mansong Manzan frowned and slowly sat on the chair.

This matter is no small matter, after all, in terms of seniority, Princess Wencheng is still the grandmother. If he really did this, how would the Tubo people view him?

But if Linzhi cannot hold on, Tubo will also face the risk of being destroyed.

This really put him in a dilemma.

"Zanpu, if you have any concerns, you can ask the late queen for her opinion. I believe she doesn't want to see the two countries fighting each other.

After all, she has been in Tubo for more than ten years, so she has some feelings for it, what do you think? "

Seeing Mangsong Mangzan's hesitation, Gar Qinling Zanzhuo smiled again and suggested to him.

"First mobilize some nearby soldiers and horses to go to Linzhi. As for the matter of the queen, let's discuss it later!"

Mansong Manzan stood up and left directly.


Gar Qinling Zanzhuo sneered, turned and left.

After Mansong Manzan left, he went directly to Princess Wencheng's residence.

"You all go down!"

When he came to the door, Mansong Mangzan waved to all the waiters to get out, then opened the door and slowly entered the house.

What you see is a gilded Buddha statue, with a woman kneeling under the Buddha statue to pray.

"Ah Yi!"

(I checked from the Internet. The Tubo people call grandma A Yi. If I am wrong, please correct me.)

Mansong Manzan frowned, but still saluted the man.

"Zanpu is here, but we are far away to welcome him!"

Hearing this voice, the person stopped for a moment and slowly turned around. It was Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty and Tibet.

"Ah Yi, just call me Mangsong, why are you so divided!"

Mansong Mangzan glanced at Princess Wencheng in front of him and sighed.

Since she succeeded to the throne, the late queen has either shut herself in her house to eat fast and worship Buddha, or she has gone to the Jokhang Temple to make offerings, but she rarely interacts with people.

And when he saw me, he was polite and polite, and he never meant to get close.

"Zanpu, the gift cannot be discarded. Are you here to see me for something?"

Princess Wencheng sat in front of Mangsong Mangzan and frowned as she looked at the new Tibetan Zanpu.

Although she worshiped Buddha every day, she also knew that he was not a kind person, and she and Lu Dongzan had been plotting against the Tang Dynasty.

Now that he came to find me, he didn't know what his intentions were.

"Ah Yi, the Tang Dynasty went to war with Tubo because Tuhun Valley completely broke with Tubo.

Even if I have returned all the Tuhun Valley territory and promised never to invade the Tuhun Valley territory.

Now Xing Guogong Su Dingfang led hundreds of thousands of troops to fully invade Tubo.

Sun'er came here to ask Ah Yi to go to Linzhi to persuade Tang Dynasty to withdraw its troops and restore peace to the two countries! "

Mansong Manzan did not hide anything and directly expressed his thoughts.

"Do you want me to be responsible for negotiating peace and persuading Su Dingfang to withdraw his troops and return to the Tang Dynasty?"

Since Princess Wencheng was able to enter Tubo, she was certainly not a mediocre person, otherwise she would not have been selected by her imperial brother.

At this moment, she immediately thought of the other party's thoughts. On the surface, she wanted to make peace with herself, but in fact, she wanted to use herself to threaten Su Dingfang to withdraw his troops.

She was the princess of the Tang Dynasty, and Su Dingfang was a minister of the Tang Dynasty. He would definitely throw a tantrum at her.

What a good plan!

"I hope Ah Yi can understand the people of the two countries and go through this for Tubo and Tang Dynasty!

Song Mang thanked Ah Yi in advance on behalf of the Tubo people! "

Songmang Songzan saluted. If his grandmother was unwilling, then he would have no choice but to make a decision.

For the sake of Tubo's empire, he had to tie her up even if she was kidnapped.

"Well, I am a Tubo person when I join Tubo. For the sake of the people of Tubo and the people of Tang Dynasty, I naturally want to promote peace between the two countries.

But after all, I am just a princess of the clan, so I don’t know whether Su Dingfang will obey my orders. "

Princess Wencheng smiled, saluted directly to Songmang Songzan, and agreed to the other party's idea.

"Ah Yi, please make some preparations and I will arrange for soldiers to escort you to Linzhi!"

Hearing Princess Wencheng's words, Mansong Mangzan was stunned for a moment, but immediately rushed out excitedly.

"Tubo and Tang Dynasty, why bother to embarrass a woman!"

Looking at the back of Songmang Songtsan, Princess Wencheng knelt in front of the Buddha statue again and recited Buddhist scriptures.

Soon, at the signal of Zanzhuo of Gar Qinling, the 100,000 soldiers and horses near Luoche also began to march towards Linzhi. Accompanying these soldiers and horses was Princess Wencheng's cavalry.

"Your Highness, do you really want to talk to the Tang Dynasty and Tubo?"

The maid who followed Princess Wencheng into Tubo also frowned at the master in front of her.

"An Ning, this is my fate!"

Princess Wencheng glanced at the maid An Ning and sighed.

"But, but!"

"There are no buts, just take care of what comes, don't worry!"


Lu Dongzan has mobilized all the soldiers and horses around him. Counting those miscellaneous soldiers, he already has an army of 450,000 in his hands.

The entire Linzhi City could not survive, so they could only set up camp behind Linzhi City.

"Prime Minister, a letter from the Young Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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