My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 890 Three strategies: upper, middle and lower!

A Tubo man directly handed over the letter from Zanzhuo of Gar Qinling.

"A letter from my son?"

Lu Dongzan took the letter and quickly tore it open.

"This little Zampuchi has some courage and determination, and he actually sent the Queen and Queen here!"

Lu Dongzan threw the letter directly into the brazier and began to think in his eyes.

"Someone is coming."

"Prime Minister!"

A confidant walked in directly.

"Go and call Zhayangcuo!"


Zhayangcuo was soon brought to Lu Dongzan, and Lu Dongzan nodded as he looked at the man in front of him.

This guy is one of the few people in Tubo who has both civil and military skills, and he is worth cultivating.

"Prime Minister, what are you calling me for?"

Zhayangcuo saluted and asked directly about the other party's situation.

"Why are you summoned? I just received the news that Zanpu has sent 100,000 troops to Linzhi to support the war. At the same time, he has also sent the Queen and Queen over. What do you think?"

Lu Dongzan directly told the news he had just received.

"Zanpu is righteous, but why did you send the late queen here? What does this mean?"

After hearing what Lu Dongzan said, Zhayangcuo was also dumbfounded.

These 100,000 troops are very helpful to the war, but what is the use of sending a woman here?

"Zhayangcuo, the king and the queen alone can defeat a million troops!"

Lu Dongzan smiled and explained to Zayangcuo.

"Prime Minister, what does this mean? Zha Yangcuo doesn't understand!"

Zha Yangcuo frowned, not knowing what Lu Dongzan meant.

How can one woman defeat an army of millions?

This Lu Dongzan was frightened by Tang Jun.

"Zhayangcuo, do you know the identity of the late queen?"

Lu Dong sighed, this guy still needs to be trained well.

"Before the queen came to Tubo, she was a princess of the Tang Dynasty, and she was the aunt of the current emperor. So what?"

Zhayangcuo frowned, still not understanding what the other party meant.

"Since you know the identity of the late queen, does Su Dingfang dare to touch even a hair on the late queen?

As long as she was around, Su Dingfang would never even think about entering Linzhi City.

After all, he was just a minister. If he dared to attack the Princess of the Tang Dynasty, even if he could really capture Linzhi City and even destroy Tubo, he would not be able to escape the liquidation of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

After all, he is already the Duke of the country. If he makes such a monumental contribution again, how should the emperor reward him?

When there is no seal, he can only kill the donkey, and forcing the princess to die is his talisman. "

Lu Dongzan smiled and directly expressed his analysis.

"The Prime Minister is wise, Zhayangcuo is convinced!"

After listening to Lu Dongzan's analysis, Zha Yangcuo was also dumbfounded.

He really didn't expect that just a mere Princess Wencheng could have so many connections.

Fortunately, it was Zampu and the Prime Minister. Even if I had to dig out all my brains, I wouldn't have thought of this.

No wonder someone else can be the prime minister, while he is just a wing chief.

The difference here is not even a tiny bit.

"Go and prepare. You must not treat the late Queen badly, do you understand?"

Lu Dongzan nodded, as long as he understood.

"Zhayangcuo understands!"

Looking at Zha Yangcuo's leaving figure, Lu Dongzan also smiled. This guy was not stupid.

Soon, large-scale construction work began in Linzhi City, and the palace of Princess Wencheng began to be built.

After Su Dingfang finished resting, he slowly marched towards Linzhi, and he also discovered the movements of the Tibetan people.

"General, what kind of medicine do the Tibetans sell in their gourds?"

Li Mingqi looked at Su Dingfang in front of him, somewhat confused about the situation in front of him.

If there are no soldiers to defend along the way, isn't this giving up this large piece of land to yourself?

"This has to be said about the power of the old fox Lu Dongzan. He must know how powerful our Hong Tianlei is. If we divide our troops and garrison them, it will give us the opportunity to defeat them one by one.

In this way, when we kill them all the way, the opponent can only be slowly eaten to death by our boiled frog in warm water.

But now that they are taking the initiative to retreat, it is an opportunity.

First, we can gather heavy troops to defend Linzhi City.

Secondly, it can also lengthen our supply lines.

Three also allows us to divide our troops.

After all, if we don't send troops to garrison these cities, they can threaten our supply lines at any time. "

Su Dingfang's eyes flashed with coldness, and he immediately saw through Lu Dongzan's thoughts.

"General, if this is the case, how can we defeat the enemy?

You also said that the other side should gather all their strength and we should divide our forces to defend.

If there really is a war, the opponent will be defeated by the numbers, and they will probably be defeated! "

Li Mingqi couldn't help but frowned when he heard Su Dingfang's explanation.

This is not a conspiracy, but Chi Guoguo's conspiracy.

Throughout the ages, conspiracies have always been easy to detect, but evil schemes have always been difficult to defeat.

Now that the other party is doing this, I am in a bit of a dilemma.

"He has a conspiracy. He really wants to use this trick to deal with me. It's too young!"

Su Dingfang looked indifferent. If he couldn't see through it, he might be fooled, but now that he has seen through it, it would be easy to handle. "What's your plan, General?"

Hearing what Su Dingfang said, Li Mingqi was stunned for a moment, wondering how the other party wanted to break the situation.

"Three strategies: upper, middle and lower."

"I hope the general will give me some advice!"

Li Mingqi, Chen Hu and Chen Qi also saluted together, wanting to hear what good strategy Duke Xing had.

"The best policy is very simple. Every time you pass through a place, kill all the people there.

In this way, there will be no problems with our supply lines, and even if we cannot capture Tubo this time, Tubo will have to rest and recuperate for decades or even hundreds of years.

If this is the case, the crisis on the border of Datang will be resolved. "

Su Dingfang smiled and told the generals his best strategy.

"General, you are a little too cruel!"

Several generals were stunned when they heard Su Dingfang's words. No matter how they thought, they could never imagine that the other party would do such a thing.

"General, think again. There are more than two million Tubo people. If we really want to kill them like this, it goes against the will of heaven."

Chen Qi frowned, he really couldn't imagine it.

"General, please think twice. If you act like this, even if you can really capture Tubo, I'm afraid His Majesty will have to take action on you in order to pacify the people."

Li Mingqi also hurriedly saluted Su Dingfang. I am afraid it was not only him, but also the generals who accompanied the army.

Killing prisoners is a serious crime, let alone massacring civilians.

"I hope the general will make clear the right strategy!"

Chen Hu also felt that something was wrong, and asked Su Dingfang about the so-called middle strategy.

"The middle strategy is to advance slowly, take a land and move all the people there to the Tang Dynasty or the hinterland of the Tuhun Valley, and at the same time move the people from the Tang Dynasty to the Tubo territory.

In this case, when Tubo is captured, those territories will completely become the territory of the Tang Dynasty, and no one can take them away. "

Su Dingfang glanced at a few people, they were just a bunch of pedantic people.

He was so impressive in the Western Regions, otherwise how could he have failed in so many places.

"General, although this strategy is excellent, it will take too long. Migrating people into Tubo will take a long time.

Moreover, Tubo was too barren compared to the Tang Dynasty, and no people were willing to migrate.

If people are forcibly recruited to go there, I'm afraid there will be a civil uprising. "

Li Mingqi was completely dumbfounded. This project was simply too big.

It was so big that it would take years or even decades to complete, and their current task was to take down Tibet.

If the fight continues like this, even if he is defeated, he may not be able to fight that level.

"I hope the general will make clear his next move!"

Chen Qi saluted. This middle strategy was simply a grinding job. Although it was better than the first strategy, it was too slow.

"The next step is simple. Put down troops and horses to garrison wherever you go, and use a small number of troops to fight against Tibet. When the time comes, everyone will be loyal to the country together!"

Su Dingfang sneered. The next step couldn't be easier. He stepped on the hole dug by the opponent and rushed into Linzhi City. Then he was completely destroyed by Lu Dongzan.

We all return to dust and die for the Tang Dynasty, shedding the last drop of blood for the Tang Dynasty.


A few people were even more stupid this time and allowed themselves to be loyal to the country.

They came here to make great achievements, not to die.

No wonder this is a bad idea, it is really a bad idea.

"What is this? There are three strategies: upper, middle and lower. Which one do you think we should choose?"

After looking at a few people, Su Dingfang also smiled.

When I said the best policy before, didn't you mean cruelty?

Now you are either cruel to your enemies or cruel to yourself.

Make your own choice.

"General, this matter is of great importance and cannot be decided by you or me. Why don't we report it to His Majesty and leave it to His Majesty for decision?"

Li Mingqi shuddered and felt depressed.

If they choose the best strategy and kill so many Tubo people, they will definitely be captured together with Su Dingfang.

Choose a strategy, plan it slowly, and kill it by yourself. If you don't use the Tubo people, you will die of old age.

Choose the next strategy and be faster. We are facing the battle in Linzhi. The enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered. There is no other way except defeat and death.

Te Miao's left and right are all dead, let him choose, he chose the lamp.

"Leave it to His Majesty to decide? Do you want to turn His Majesty into an unkind and unjust person?

If we choose to massacre the Tibetan people, it is our own will.

If you really want to make peace with everyone, just kill me, and maybe you will be killed too.

But if this matter comes from His Majesty's mouth, how can the people of the world be peaceful?

Do you want your Majesty to issue a decree of sin to the people of the world? "

Su Dingfang looked at a few people and felt a little depressed.

If this matter could be left to the emperor's decision, would he still be so entangled?

As a minister, what you can do is share the worries of the emperor and the Tang Dynasty.

If the emperor takes the blame for everything, then he, as a minister, is done with it.

"But. But"

Several people were silent. If you want to say this, you really can't give the emperor a verdict on this matter.

"Besides, this general doesn't want to turn the whole of Tubo into a white land. What I want to kill are the orthodox Tubo people.

And I don’t have to do some things myself, some people will help me. "

As a marching general, Su Dingfang naturally knew the importance of military morale.

Even if he could use his identity to force the generals to carry out the act of slaughtering the Tubo people, doing so would definitely cause the generals to lose heart.

Even if they can really kill Linzhi City, it will be difficult to win the Tibetan army if everyone is unable to unite as one.

So there are some things that they have to do willingly.

"General, what does this mean?"

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