My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 891: Killing with a borrowed knife!

Li Mingqi frowned, wondering what kind of medicine the other party was selling in the gourd.

Why can't I understand it more and more?

"What do you mean? There are more than two million Tubo people, but the real Tubo people are only four to five million, and the rest are all outsiders.

Qiang people, Niboluo people, Menyu people, Tuhun Valley people, Dongnu people, Dangxiang people, people from the Western Regions, and people from the Tang Dynasty who were captured by them.

Although these people are now considered Tubo people, they are still inferior to others and have suffered all the humiliation from the Tubo people.

You said that if this general issued an order that those who killed the Tubo people would be spared death, what would these people do? "

Su Dingfang smiled. You Lu Dongzan has a conspiracy, and you also have a conspiracy. If you are really ruthless, who will be afraid of the other.

"What the general means is that he wants to kill people with a borrowed sword. The Tubo people are the basis of Tubo rule. If all the Tubo people are killed, then it will be impossible for Tubo to rule these places again?"

After taking down the Tubo people, and then choosing people close to the Tang Dynasty to take charge of local defense, then our logistics line will be fine. "

Chen Qi now figured it out. It turned out that this was Su Dingfang's idea.

If this is the case, wouldn't it mean that the middle and upper policies are acting together.

"General, if you had said so, would we still have hesitated?"

"That's right, General, you scared us to death!"

Li Mingqi and Chen Hu also patted their chests. Fortunately, Su Dingfang was not stupid, otherwise they would have had no choice but to die together with each other.

"Then it's settled, let's start with the city in front."

Seeing that everyone agreed, Su Dingfang's face was filled with a cold expression.




The generals each saluted and directly ordered the soldiers to march towards the Tubo city in front.

Without soldiers to guard the city, they did not dare to defend the city. They simply opened the city and surrendered. The Tang army did not dare to massacre them anyway.

But who knew that this time the Tang army was uncharacteristically different. After entering the city, they directly ordered that all the Tubo people in the city be captured.

Then let those who are not Tubo behead those people in public.

At first, the people were afraid of the power of Tubo and did not dare to take action. After all, although the Tang army was powerful, it could not stay for long. These places would eventually return to Tubo hands.

If they kill the Tubo people, the Tibetans will definitely take revenge.

Whoever takes action will be buried with the Tubo people.

"You don't even dare to kill, right? I originally thought that you could kill the Tubo people and sincerely submit to me, the Tang Dynasty.

Now it turns out that you have Tubo in your heart and want to be oppressed by them.

Pass on my military order: Those who dare to kill the Tubo people will live, and those who dare not kill will die! "

Su Dingfang looked at the people in front of him and directly ordered the soldiers to prepare to massacre the city.

Upon hearing Su Dingfang's order, all the people were stunned, especially the Tubo people.

Originally, they were proud that those people did not dare to kill them, but Su Dingfang's words ended their lives.

Human nature is inherently evil, and in the face of right and wrong, life and death, nothing can compare to your own life.

If you kill them now, at most they will be liquidated by the Tubo people later, but if you don't kill them, they will be killed immediately by the Tang army.

Even a fool can understand the situation here clearly.

Sure enough, some people couldn't help it anymore and rushed directly into the school grounds, slashing the Tubo people in front of them.

If there was one person, there would be ten people. Soon all the Tubo people were killed.

After capturing these people, the common people did not give up. They directly found all the people in the city who were helping the Tubo people and killed them on the spot.

After witnessing the human tragedy in front of him, Su Dingfang directly found a highly respected person from among the people and appointed him as the city lord.

Explain the interests and let them be responsible for the management of the city.

Since these people can be selected, they cannot be vulgar people.

They knew very well that after this battle, this city would no longer belong to Tubo.

The only thing that can be done now is to stay close to the big tree of Datang and protect the Tang army's supply line.

Only if the Tang army destroyed Tubo in one fell swoop could they survive.

The army left the city. On the way, Chen Qi also rode up to Su Ding, his words full of excitement.

"Okay, don't say anything anymore, you immediately divide your troops and march, and follow the same pattern.

I would like to show Lu Dongzan what it means to shoot oneself in the foot. "

Su Dingfang smiled and laughed toward the sky.

This Lu Dongzan is really nothing, and he actually dares to frame himself, so let him slap his own mouth.




A group of generals also saluted each other, and then the 300,000-strong army also divided into groups and began to kill the Tubo people according to Su Dingfang's method.

Su Dingfang acted like this, and an urgent letter of 800 miles was delivered to Li Zhi.

Li Zhi couldn't help but sigh when he looked at the secret book sent.

This Su Dingfang was indeed a famous general of the Tang Dynasty. For the sake of the country and the country of the Tang Dynasty, he actually wanted to join the game and exchange himself for the foundation of the EMI of the Tang Dynasty.

As the saying goes, the minister cannot betray the king, and the king cannot betray the minister.

If the other party does this, he will definitely cause trouble, and he has to think of some countermeasures to settle things for the other party when the time comes.

Slowly putting the secret fold away, Li Zhi also held his chin in his hands and began to think.

It was New Year's Eve again. Li Yanran and Li Hong returned to the palace to celebrate the New Year together, while Li Siwen and others also put down their business and rushed back to Chang'an.

After Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan returned home, their father hung them from a tree and punished them.

After all, they had caused him heavy losses in the first place. This hatred did not become shallow as time went by, but instead became more mellow like fine wine.

Fortunately, they were thick-skinned and came over to meet Li Yanran the next day.

Looking at her original cast members, Li Yanran also smiled. As soon as we said goodbye that day, half a year passed in a blink of an eye. After this year, it was time to go our separate ways again.

"Tell me, how is the situation over there?"

"I'll come, I'll come!"

Changsun Yan stood up first and told the situation in Chengdu Mansion.

Without the shackles of the four major families, Changsun Yan became the overlord of Chengdu Prefecture.

With Lin Hao's support, the perfume industry flourished, and he also annexed most of the industries of the four major families in the city.

It has become a veritable Changsun Bancheng, and most of the business in Chengdu Mansion is controlled by Changsun Yan.

"Okay, good job."

Li Yanran nodded. Although Chang Sun Yan was a bit naive, it was still good to help him plan the blueprint and let him follow the plan.

"Where are you two? I don't want my perfume to fall into the hands of those bandits halfway through the process."

"Brother Li, what are you talking about? We have opened a trade road, and we have wiped out all the bandits within a hundred miles of the trade road.

Coupled with the escort of Longmen escorts, the perfume is guaranteed to be foolproof! "

Cheng Chubi smiled. He had not cared about anything in the past year. He had been on the road to suppress bandits all day long.

Those bandits immediately ran away when they heard the words "Longmen Escort Agency". They even dared to rob their own caravan. They borrowed ten courages, no, a hundred courages.

"That's the best, Li Siwen, you have the most troubles over there, tell me about it!"

Li Yanran nodded again. He believed in the strength of the two of them and the abilities of the Longmen bodyguards.

"Brother Li, it's a long story over there."

Li Siwen smiled, took a sip of tea, and then began to introduce the situation there.

"How many times has Li Daosan been to Japan?"

"This is the third time. I guess it should have just arrived now."

Li Siwen directly told Li Daosan's situation.

"Tell him that he must protect himself, and if the Japanese country sends troops to the Tang Dynasty, he will come back and report immediately!"


Li Siwen saluted.

"Okay, everyone is happy today, we won't stop until we get drunk!"

After speaking, Li Yanran raised the milk tea in her hand and spoke to several people.

"Brother Li, you still want to play with us with milk tea, right?"

Looking at the milk tea cup in Li Yanran's hand, Zhang Sunyan also became depressed.

That year you used this thing to drink them all under the table.

Want to do the same thing again this year?

"You want to make the lady drink?"

Li Feng was beside him and drew out the Qingfeng sword from his waist.

"I I want to drink!"

After looking at Li Feng, Changsun Yan gave in instantly.

It hurts when this guy hits someone. He hasn't been beaten in almost a year, and he doesn't want someone to deal with him during the Chinese New Year.

"Okay, this wine is food gold. Whoever drinks it will feel comfortable. If I weren't still young, you wouldn't be able to drink this wine."

Li Yanran also smiled. It's not like you don't know how expensive this wine is.

It can be said that it is many times more expensive than the Maozi of later generations. You are not willing to drink it.

"Then you drink milk tea and we drink. We won't come home until we get drunk today!"

"Yes, you won't come back until you're drunk!"

"Drink, I feel bad for drinking Brother Li!"

"that is!"

The four of them looked at each other and started eating and drinking. In the end, the result was obvious, and they were all sent back to their homes lying down.

After the New Year, several people went their separate ways again.

The first ship of food finally arrived in Duli Town and was delivered to Li Ji.

Then the merchant also got the money for the first shipment from Li Siwen. After the people returned to Yangzhou, the entire Jiangnan area completely exploded.

More and more grain ships left the harbor and headed north along the coast to Goguryeo.

Although many ships encountered storms and perished, the ambition of those merchants could not be concealed.

After all, one ship is worth five times the gain, and even if four ships are passed, one can still maintain capital.

Seeing more and more food, Li Ji finally felt relieved and began to send people north to Mohe and Uluohun, bringing gold and other rare treasures and Li Zhi's will to negotiate peace with them.

Those tribes didn't know what to do. The reason why they helped Goguryeo was because the other party gave too much and they couldn't refuse.

But now the conditions offered by Datang were more favorable. Not only did they give them money, but they also promised to give them as much territory as they could from Goguryeo.

This is not comparable to Goguryeo. After all, no matter how much you give, will you still have the fragrance of those rich lands?

Therefore, the people of Mohe and Uluohun also began to mobilize troops and troops to the border of Goguryeo.

Yuan Gaisuwen felt bad immediately after receiving the news. Now the Tang Dynasty had begun to transport grain and grass and gather troops.

He must be thinking of a decisive battle with Goguryeo. If Mohe and Wuluohun fall out with him now, Goguryeo may really be doomed.

"Immediately prepare gold, silver, treasures, cattle, sheep and food, and follow me north."


Soon Yeon Gaesumun left Pyongyang City and ran towards the northern border.

"General, Yeon Gae Suwen leads people north!"

After Yeon Gaesumun left, the news was sent to Li Ji immediately.

"Haha, we finally left. Send our people to act as soon as possible. We must not let Yeon Gaesumun leave from the border!"

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