My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 892 Li Ji’s plan of killing two birds with one stone!

Li Ji also smiled after reading the news. It was all in his plan.

To make friends from far away and attack at home, they first used money and territory to alienate the relationship between Mohe and Uluohun and Goguryeo, and Yeon Gaesumun could definitely see the crisis in this.

He will definitely leave Pyongyang City and head to the northern border. Apart from that iron bastard, it would be too easy to kill him.


Cheng Mingzhen, the governor of Yingzhou, also saluted Li Ji and turned around to leave.

After a long journey, Xue Rengui finally brought Duman back to Chang'an.

Seeing the sinners who betrayed the Tang Dynasty in front of him, Li Zhi immediately became angry. Seeing this, the judge next to him also understood the emperor's thoughts and also requested an order to push out Duman and the prisoners and chop them down.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say."

When Xue Rengui saw this, he knelt directly in front of Li Zhi.


Looking at Xue Rengui, Li Zhi also frowned, not knowing what the other party wanted to say.

"Your Majesty, Duman rebelled and deserved to be punished for his crime. However, I have expressed your Majesty's wishes and made an agreement with him to pardon his death penalty.

I am willing to exchange this contribution for Duman's life. "

Xue Rengui looked at Li Zhi and directly expressed his thoughts.

Now that he has agreed to Duman, he must find a way to save his life no matter what.

Even if Li Zhi didn't agree, he still tried his best and was worthy of his promise.


Hearing what Xue Rengui said, Li Zhi also became depressed.

Isn't this a clear problem for you? After all, this Duman also rebelled against the Tang Dynasty, but now you have to exchange your credit for the suppression of the other party's life.

I really don’t know if you are pretending to be smart or really confused.

"Your Majesty, Duman is the bandit leader. He should be killed to capture the bandits in the Western Regions and let them know the consequences of rebelling against the Tang Dynasty."

Ren Yaxiang glanced at Li Zhi, stood up and saluted him.

"Your Majesty, General Xue Li is devoted to serving the country. I hope you will understand and don't let him bring shame to the country."

Cheng Yaojin also stood up and glared at Ren Yaxiang.

You old boy knows how to make others uncomfortable all day long. It's just a little Duman. Whether he kills or not can affect the Western Region.

He is now a loner, why can't we spare his life and protect the reputation of the General of the Tang Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, Duman must die, otherwise it will be difficult to calm the heart of the Western Regions!"

"Your Majesty, for the sake of General Xue Li's reputation, why not let a dying man go?"

"His Majesty!"

One by one, the generals and officials also stood up and saluted Li Zhi one after another.

"Okay, tell me my decree and pardon Duman and his servants from the death penalty.

At the same time, Xue Li's trip made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty, and he was rewarded with a thousand taels of gold, a hundred pieces of silk, and the command of General Weiwei on your right! "

Li Zhi thought for a moment and directly chose to pardon Duman's death penalty, and at the same time began to vigorously support Xue Rengui.

After all, although the veteran generals of the Tang Dynasty are powerful now, there are not many generals from the Mesozoic Era, and Xue Rengui is considered the best among them.

Now that Su Dingfang is the Duke, he can use them to replace the previous Duke.

But when those old princes are a hundred years old, Su Dingfang will become a difficulty again.

Now that he is thriving in Tubo, it is still necessary for him to train a new divine general to protect the country.

"His Majesty!"

Ren Yaxiang was dumbfounded and saluted directly to Li Zhi, not knowing what the other party meant.

"Why, Prime Minister, do you have any objections?"

Li Zhi glared at Ren Yaxiang. He really saw that the old man was a little annoyed and made himself uncomfortable all day long.

If he really dared to say anything else, he would have to take the opportunity to remove the other party.

"I have no objection!"

Seeing the coldness in Li Zhi's eyes, Ren Yaxiang did not dare to say anything and directly saluted to express submission.

"Then let's have a big banquet to honor General Xue Li!"


After Xue Rengui presented his prisoners, Li Zhi immediately transferred him to the front line of Goguryeo and placed him under the command of Li Ji.

The Tubo battlefield was still the same. Su Dingfang was clearing the Tubo city while moving towards Linzhi unhurriedly.

After all, the Tang Dynasty was powerful, and food was continuously transported to Tubo.

And with Su Dingfang's early preparations, their logistics line can now be said to be very stable.

After all, to protect Datang's soldiers on the front line now is to protect their own lives.

Lu Dongzan now has nearly 500,000 troops in his hands. Although there are only more than 300,000 elites, there is still no problem in fighting smooth battles and scaring people.

"Prime Minister, what are the Tang troops doing? How long has it been? Why haven't they been killed yet?"

Zha Yangcuo looked at Lu Dongzan, and he was a little confused.

"Su Dingfang is not an ordinary general, otherwise the Turks would not have been exterminated by the other side, and he would not have been the commander-in-chief of the more than 300,000 troops.

He must be able to see through my plan. The reason why he is so slow now is because he is afraid of problems with his supply line.

But little did he know that the slower he came, the greater the pressure on his supplies would be. "

Lu Dongzan smiled. He had already figured out why Su Dingfang was so slow to arrive.

He also knew very well how the other party wanted to defeat his conspiracy. At this moment, the other party could only be led by his nose.

When we get to Linzhi, how many troops will the opponent have?

Probably only 200,000 people at most.

With so many people, he might not even need Princess Wencheng, and he could directly wipe out all the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

"The Prime Minister is wise!" Zha Yangcuo also smiled. Since everything was under Lu Dongzan's calculation, he had nothing to worry about.

"Remember, the queen must serve you well, do you understand?"


Time passed and Yuan Gaisuwen finally came to the northern border and met with the leaders of the Mohe and Uluohun tribes.

But what neither Yeon Gaesumun nor the two tribal leaders expected was that Yeon Gaesumun would be assassinated.

The moment he stepped into the camp of the two leaders, he was shot through the chest by a crossbow arrow from an unknown source.

Although he didn't die on the spot, it looked like he was taking in less air and outgoing more, so he wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer.

The two leaders were a little overwhelmed when they saw the situation in front of them.

Although they had decided to wait until the decisive battle between Tang Dynasty and Goguryeo, they would lead their troops south and directly go south to plunder the land and people.

But now Yeon Gaesumun is going to die here. If this spreads back to Goguryeo, they will fight with them no matter what.

"Send the doctor over immediately."

The leader of the Mohe tribe, Ahema, directly hugged Yuengai Suwen and shouted at the surrounding soldiers.

Immediately, an old man with a white beard came to the front carrying a medicine box and began to help with diagnosis and treatment.

"We must save him, he must not die, do you understand?"

Ahema stared at the doctor with anxious eyes.

"You need to use century-old wild ginseng to hang yourself. If this breath is lost, the person will die immediately!"

The doctor looked at Yeon Gaesumun's appearance and his beard almost flew off.

Now besides wild ginseng, he couldn't think of anything that could save this guy's life.

"Go get a century-old wild ginseng right away!"

Although Ahema felt a little distressed when she heard that she wanted century-old wild ginseng, she had to do it.

After all, if Yeon Gaesumun died here, it might be the end.

Under the power of wild ginseng, Yeon Gaesumun was able to save his life for the time being. He looked at Ah Hema in front of him and grabbed his arm directly.

"If Goguryeo is destroyed, Mohe and Uluohun will also be destroyed by the Tang Dynasty. Withdraw your troops, withdraw your troops!"

After saying this, Yeon Gaesumun fainted again.


Ah Hema was dumbfounded. You fainted after just saying a word. You were under a lot of pressure.

"He is fine, he just fainted, but his condition is not optimistic. We must hurry up and send him back to Goguryeo.

It can take as long as seven days, or as short as one day. Even if there are wild ginseng hanging on it, it will not survive. "

The doctor glanced at Yuengai Suwen and reassured Ahema that he would not die for the time being, but he would die soon.

"How to do?"

Absili, the leader of the Uluohun clan, also frowned, not knowing what to do.

“Let’s withdraw our troops for the time being, and then send Yeon Gae Suwon back quickly, otherwise we may have to take the blame.

Datang, Datang, your plan of killing two birds with one stone is really amazing, amazing! "

Although Ahema didn't know who shot which arrow, but based on the principle of whoever benefits, he is most likely to be the murderer.

The Tang Dynasty must be the most dominant.

"If you follow what you say, we really can't retreat now."

Absley shook his head, his eyes full of desolation.

"Why? Now that Yeon Gaesumun has become like this, we can only avoid intensifying conflicts with Goguryeo by withdrawing our troops as soon as possible."

Ahema was also stunned for a moment, not knowing what the other party meant.

"Do you think Yeon Gaesomun can return to Goguryeo? If he died on the road, what do you think his sons would do?

They will definitely raise troops to take revenge as soon as possible. If we withdraw now, they will drive straight into our hinterland.

When the time comes, we will all have to go to war with each other. Instead of passively responding to the enemy, it is better to take the initiative and start the battle first.

The Tang Dynasty is not ready for war yet. Didn't they also say before that no matter how much Goguryeo territory we occupy, they will recognize it?

Then we will force war with war, forcing Datang to go to war with Goguryeo.

After they start the war, we will call it a truce and just sit back and watch the tigers fight. "

Absley glanced at Yuengai Suwen who fainted in Ahema's arms, and sighed.

This time they were really plotted, but it was their own fault because they were too greedy.

If I weren't greedy, I wouldn't be like this now.

“Then what should we do about Yeon Gaesumun?”

Now that Absley said this, what should this man do?

"He is still of some use now. Use him to deceive the gate of Huaiyuan Mansion. After taking this place, Goguryeo will be undefeated, and we will have the capital to go south."

Absley glanced at the sky, and now he could only make mistakes and continue following the opponent's route.

"Hey, let's do it then. Come, kill all the people brought by Yuan Gaisuwen, and then go to Huaiyuan Mansion!"

Ahema also gave orders to the people around her.

Yeon Gaesumun's bodyguard numbered only about a thousand people, and the soldiers and horses facing the two groups were all wiped out without even making a splash.

Then these people also changed into Goguryeo clothes and brought the dying Yeon Gaesumun to the outside of Huaiyuan Mansion.


Looking at the soldiers and horses below the city wall, the Goguryeo soldiers on the city wall also instantly became alert.

"Da Molizhi is sick, please open the city gate immediately!"

A Mohe captain shouted loudly to the general on the city wall.

"Where is Da Molizhi?"

After hearing what the other party said, the soldiers on the city wall did not dare to open the city gate easily.

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