My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 893 Leading the way!

After all, the enemy now has hundreds of thousands of soldiers on the border. If the city gate opens and the enemy comes to kill him, he may be doomed.

Having figured out the other party's situation long ago, the commander directly ordered Yeon Gaesumun's carriage to be sent to the front.

Seeing the unconscious Yeon Gaesumun below, the soldiers on the city wall did not dare to neglect, and quickly ordered the city gates to be opened and let them into the city.

"Enter the city!"

Looking at the slowly opening city gate, the commander directly ordered the soldiers to enter the city.

Entering the city gate, the soldiers guarding the city felt something was wrong when they looked at their own people. These people did not look like Goguryeo people at all.

"Who are you?"

"I'm your grandpa!"

The captain directly drew out the iron sword from his waist and chopped down the Goguryeo soldiers in front of him to the ground with one blow.


These thousand people were all the elites they selected, and they were not afraid at all when facing the defenders in the city.

After killing these people, they also began to stand firm in place.

Upon hearing this, the defenders immediately launched an attack on the city gate.

But facing these thousands of elites, the city defenders found that they could not get in at all. As time passed, Ahema also led the army to kill.

The city gate was opened, and Huaiyuan Mansion was captured by them without any resistance.

Huaiyuan Prefecture was taken, the door of Goguryeo was wide open, and a hundred thousand troops began to radiate towards Goguryeo like locusts.

Soon the news of Yeon Gae So-moon's death spread, and upon hearing the news, Yeon-san immediately established himself as the new Dae Mok Seok in Pyongyang.

Then he immediately gathered an army of 150,000 and went north to fight to the death with Mohe and Wuluohun who were going south.

He also knew that Datang was not ready to fully engage in a war with him yet, and he would take this opportunity to directly defeat the opponent completely.

Otherwise, if Datang comes to kill him again, he may be completely ruined.

By the time they arrived in the north, the 150,000 Goguryeo army had swelled to 200,000 people. Facing the 100,000 Mohe coalition forces, a confrontation began.

"General, Goguryeo has already started a war with Mohe and Uluohun in the north. They should be at their weakest for us now. When should we start attacking?"

Xue Rengui glanced at Li Ji, his eyes full of excitement.

He was really convinced by Li Ji. After all, old age was still hotter.

He may be a tactical player, but Li Ji has risen to a strategic level.

It is true that the heaven and earth are the chessboard and all living beings are the chess pieces. Goguryeo, Mohe and Uluohun are all under his control.

First, Uluohun and Mohe were used as pawns so that Yuengaisuwen had to go north for peace talks, and then an ambush was carried out in the Mohe camp, creating the illusion that the two troops were murdering Yuengaisuwen.

This forced the two armies to launch an early attack and went south to attack Goguryeo, and Goguryeo had to gather all its strength to fight against the opponent.

In the end, only Datang will be the winner.

"General Xue Li, I believe you can guess what I want.

Not to mention that we are not ready yet, even if we are ready, the attack at this time can only allow Goguryeo to negotiate peace with Mohe and Uluohun to fight against us together.

On the contrary, as long as we stand still and wait until they are both really hurt before taking action, then Goguryeo will be at our fingertips! "

Li Ji glanced at Xue Rengui. He was still a young man after all, and he couldn't hold his breath anymore.

It has just begun. If you want to attack, you still have to wait.

"Xue Li is impatient."

Hearing what Li Ji said, Xue Li also sighed.

It's not that he can't see it, but he's already a little horny.

After all, the defense in front of him may still be a bit weak, but he still thinks he can get in without support from the rear.

"Well, pass my order. The whole army will continue to rest and recuperate. At the same time, let the troops and horses in the rear get into position as soon as possible. We may launch an attack at any time."

Li Ji stood up slowly and gave his order directly.




A group of generals also stood up and saluted, and then went to give each other's orders.

With this year's preparation, and with the full support of Datang, Datang's navy, which originally had only a hundred warships, now instantly increased to more than 250 ships.

The navy, which originally had only about 10,000 people, has now grown to 30,000 people, and nearly a hundred warships are under intense construction.

Once formed, the Tang Dynasty Navy would become a behemoth with 30,000 to 40,000 troops and 400 battleships.

You must know that this is a battleship, not a wild ship like a small sampan like the Japanese.

If there is another battle at Baijiangkou, I'm afraid it won't be the previous situation of using less to defeat more, but a complete crushing game.

And that's not all. After Li Yanran's suggestion, Datang's shipbuilding department also seized the time to start the development of ocean-going battleships.

Once the development of these ocean-going warships is completed, the Japanese country may have to pray that the Tang Dynasty will not be interested in them.

This has to be said about the great strength of Datang. The development of ocean-going battleships, the construction of offshore battleships, and even new grain transport ships have been completed.

Such ships have a larger load capacity, higher stability, and most importantly, more watertight compartments, which greatly improves their safety at sea.

For a time, the entire Tang Dynasty's maritime industry began to develop at a rapid pace under Li Yanran's promotion.

However, the instigator, Li Yanran, still stayed in the fiefdom and lived a peaceful life as a rich man.

I have nothing to do but raise fish, feed the birds, and clean up some thieves. I live a relaxed and comfortable life.

Li Hong finally couldn't stay in the fief any longer, so he returned to the palace on the advice of his ministers and accepted the teachings of his teacher.

But Li Hong also got himself preferential treatment of going to the fief for one day a week, which was pretty good. Developments were taking place everywhere, and finally, after half a year of marching, Su Dingfang finally captured all the Tubo cities between Linzhi and Tuhun Valley.

After cleaning up all his logistics lines, Su Dingfang finally gave the order to advance towards Linzhi City in full force.

After a year of reinforcements, Linzhi City has turned into a monster-like pass. The city wall more than ten meters high lies across the ground like a hill.

"Prime Minister, the Tang army is advancing towards us, and it is only ten days away from Linzhi City!"

Zha Yangcuo came to Lu Dongzan and told the news that the scout had just reported.

"finally come!"

Hearing that Tang Jun was coming, Lu Dongzan slowly opened his eyes.

After all, it was because he was getting older and his energy was not as good as before. Especially after experiencing the Battle of Jishi Pass, he also felt that he was somewhat unable to do what he wanted.

"Are you okay?"

Looking at Lu Dongzan with white eyebrows and beard, to be honest Zha Yangcuo felt a little distressed.

Although he wields great power and has the air of a dictator, it is precisely under his control that Tubo's national power is as prosperous as it is now.

He was such a strong-armed prime minister, but he didn't expect that he would become like this now.

It really made him a little sad.

"I'm fine. Instruct the entire army to be prepared to respond to Datang's offensive at any time."


Soon all the soldiers and horses in Linzhi City were on alert, waiting for Su Dingfang to come and kill him at any time.

Time passed little by little, and ten days later, Su Dingfang came to Linzhi City with less than 300,000 troops.

Looking at the city in front of him, even Su Dingfang frowned.

He has experienced many battles, but he has never seen such a high wall.

The city wall is nearly 20 meters high. Let alone siege the city, even if you climb up the ladder, it will take a lot of time.

Looking at the Tang army under the city, Lu Dongzan couldn't help but feel stupid.

Looking at the opponent's posture, there are at least 300,000 people in this group.

Could it be said that they did not divide their troops into garrison at all? But the whole army came to kill?

But this place is already far away from the Tang Dynasty. Aren't they afraid of harassing their supply lines?

Even if he didn't send troops there, the Tubo people in the city behind him alone would be enough for them to drink from a pot.

Or is it that the Tang Dynasty sent more troops again without knowing it?

"Prime Minister, what's wrong?"

Seeing Lu Dongzan frowning, Zhayangcuo didn't know what was wrong with him.

"Didn't you notice that the number of soldiers and horses in the Tang Dynasty has not decreased much at all? Did they increase their troops, or did they give up their supplies and prepare to fight us to the death!"

Lu Dongzan pointed at the Tang army under the city and asked directly what they thought.

"Prime Minister, it is not that easy for the Tang Dynasty to increase its troops now. I suspect they think they have the advantage of thundering and want to defeat us in one fell swoop!"

Zhayangcuo also saw the situation in front of him, thought about it and expressed his opinion.

"Haha, want to break through Linzhi City with Hong Tianlei alone? Don't say that we already know their shortcomings. Even if we don't know, this city wall cannot be easily taken down."

Lu Dongzan sneered. He had worked hard to preserve Linzhi City.

Not only did the city wall be raised, but a moat ditch several meters wide and ten meters deep was dug in front of the city wall.

Although it is not a moat, it is not that easy to pass through easily.

Coupled with some defensive measures like resisting a horse, this is simply armed to the teeth.

"General, Linzhi City is a bit difficult to fight."

When Li Mingqi came to Lisu Dingfang, the city in front of him was no different than the ones he had encountered before. It was a bit difficult to fight.

"Haha, since they want to play defense, let's have fun with them.

He ordered craftsmen to build trebuchets, and sent soldiers to prepare sand and soil strips to fill the trenches for the city.

Then I have to build armored siege vehicles and building vehicles. "

Su Dingfang smiled. Although this kind of city was a bit difficult to fight, he was not helpless. The unification wars before the Tang Dynasty were like this every time.

"General, we have Hongtian Lei in hand, so there is no need to do those useless things!"

After hearing Su Dingfang's order, Chen Qi was stunned for a moment, wondering why the other party had to do so much useless work.

"Do you really think Lu Dongzan is a fool?

If we really only use armored siege vehicles to attack, he will definitely attack with concentrated fire, and our armored siege vehicles may not be able to attack by then.

Only by allowing them to spread their firepower can they have a chance to get the siege vehicles to the city wall. "

Su Dingfang shook his head, this was the most critical battle.

If they win, Tubo will no longer be able to resist. If they lose, all the work they have done before will be in vain.

Besides, it took him so long, does he care about this little time?

He doesn't care, so he's going to win this battle no matter what.

"I understand!"

After looking at Su Dingfang, the remaining people also immediately started preparing engineering equipment.

While the siege equipment was being prepared at the rear, Su Dingfang rode forward and arrived at Linzhi City.

"Lu Dongzan, this general knows you are here, come out and reply."

After hearing Su Dingfang's shouting, Lu Dongzan also appeared on the city wall.

"Su Dingfang, what do you want to say to me?"

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