My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 897 I wish Her Royal Highness the Princess a happy journey!

Chapter 897 I wish Her Royal Highness the Princess a happy journey!

Li Qiuming, the captain of the Modao team, also roared, and the Modao team also killed them.

The two armies were like two rhinoceroses, just running into each other.

Although the Tubo Imperial Guards were the elite among the Tubo elites, they were still powerless against the Mo Dao troops of the Tang Dynasty, which were built entirely with money.

Especially those who were wielding Mo Dao, the armor on their bodies seemed to be made of paper in front of the opponent. With one strike, both the person and the armor were shattered.

Although they suffered heavy casualties, they refused to retreat and tried their best to block the Mo Dao team's advance.

"Prime Minister, the imperial guards were defeated by the Tang army and suffered heavy losses."

Immediately, a messenger reported the battle situation at the city gate.

"Tell Tashiha that no matter what, you must keep the Tang army out.

Mulatso was prepared to heavily equip his cavalry. Once Tashiha's troops collapsed, he would directly lead his troops to charge and completely crush the enemy. "

Hearing that the imperial guards were defeated by the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, Lu Dongzan was a little confused at this moment.

But the fact is that he is not allowed to consider various reasons. What he has to do now is to block the enemy's attack.


Soon Mulatso's armored cavalry were also ready, ready to attack according to instructions.

"General, Modao team encountered enemy heavy infantry obstruction. Although they are still advancing, their progress is slow!"

Su Dingfang also received news of the hard fight between the two troops in front.

"Immediately send a death squad with Hong Tianlei to blow up a gap for me. Do you understand?"

Su Dingfang also frowned when he heard that Modao team was blocked.

In the past, he could only wait for the Modao team to achieve results and repel the enemy, but it was different now.

He has a bag of explosives. No matter whether you are a god or a devil, you must be saved if you encounter it.


Soon, members of the death squads rushed to the front line with the explosive packs they had prepared. Looking at the Tibetan enemies gathered together, they launched a large rocket with their backhand.




Continuous explosions sounded among the crowd of Tubo Imperial Guards. The originally loose formation was instantly staggered by the explosions and was completely defeated.

Seeing this situation, Li Qiuming also quickly ordered the Modao team to move forward.

The Tubo Imperial Guards who did not form a formation could not stop the Modao team from advancing and were directly killed by them.


Mulatso looked at the defeated Imperial Guards and immediately gave the order to charge.

The armored cavalry were like miniature tanks, accelerating suddenly and killing the Mo Dao team.

"Knife array!"

Looking at the armored cavalry in front of him, Li Qiuming also shuddered, even though the Modao team was specifically designed to fight against the cavalry.

But in the current situation, if he is really attacked by the other party, and if he can't stop it, it will be over.

The Mo Dao team also seized the time to form a team, and soon formed a human wall. The Mo Dao was shining with a sharp cold light, waiting for the enemy cavalry to kill the enemy into pieces.




Before the cavalry could rush in, they were bombarded indiscriminately, and explosive packets exploded directly in front of the opponent.

Caught off guard, those war horses went berserk in an instant, knocking the cavalrymen on them to the ground.


When Li Qiuming saw this, he also roared loudly and swung his sword to cut the horse in half in half.

The soldiers of the Mo Dao Team rushed in like a wall, and everyone who stood in front of them, whether they were men or horses, was chopped into pieces.

Without the advantage of speed, these armored cavalry were simply living targets in front of the Mo Dao team, with no power to fight back at all.


Seeing the situation change, Mulatso could only turn his horse around and lead the armored cavalry to retreat back. If he persisted in the current battle situation, he would be chopped into pieces.

After Mulatso retreated, there was no resistance in front of them, which also meant that Lu Dongzan's idea of ​​blocking the gap was completely destroyed.

Behind the Mo Dao team were a large number of Tang troops, and they followed closely into the city.

"Prime Minister, the Imperial Guards have been defeated, and Mulatso's cavalry has been forced back. The enemy has completely entered the city!"

The scout came to Lu Dongzan again and told the situation of the battle ahead.

The city gate was broken, and one of the two elites was defeated and the other retreated. This dealt a huge blow to the Tibetan soldiers in the city.

Those serious soldiers were fine, but to the miscellaneous soldiers who came over to make up the numbers, this was like shocking news.

In an instant, a fleeing posture appeared.

After all, they are not Tubo people, so there is no need to do anything to save face and live or die with Tubo.

"Prime Minister, Zhayangcuo is incompetent and I hope he will be punished!"

Zhayangcuo's body was covered in blood and mud. If he hadn't spoken, no one would have recognized him.

"Let's not talk about that for now. The whole army abandoned the city and went to assemble outside the city to fight!"

Lu Dongzan knew that Linzhi City could no longer be defended, and their numerical advantage would not be fully utilized if they continued to fight.

Moreover, the morale of the army is completely lost. If we continue to fight, there is no other way except failure.

"Abandon the city now. If the other party pursues us, we have no power to fight back."

Hearing Lu Dongzan's words, Zhayangcuo was stunned.

In this situation, if you retreat, you will definitely be chased by the Tang army, and it will be over by then!

"I will give you 50,000 elite troops to guard Ximen. At least you can hold on till night, otherwise Tubo will be doomed!"

The only one Lu Dongzan can trust now is Zha Yangcuo. Only by blocking the Tang army's advance can he regroup at the rear, otherwise the battle will really be lost.

"Yes, Zhayangcuo will resist to the death."

"it is good!"

Soon Lu Dongzan began to retreat, and Zha Yangcuo also led 50,000 Tibetan elites in front of the west gate, preparing to resist the Tang army's attack.

"General, the enemy is shrinking his troops and may be fleeing!"

The latest developments in the city were immediately reported to Su Dingfang. "Want to run now? It's too late!"

"Tell Li Qiu Ming to lead the Mo Dao team to attack Ximen directly, and then go to the front line to bring me some thunderbolts to pass through. No matter what, you must tear open a passage for me.

Chen Hu, you lead the cavalry to prepare, and once the passage is opened, rush out immediately.

No matter how heavy the casualties are, I still have to bite the Tubo people's tail, and I absolutely cannot give them a chance to reorganize their formation. "

Upon hearing this, Su Dingfang immediately understood what Lu Dongzan was thinking.

The military order was conveyed, and the Modao team, which had just rested for a while, also headed towards the west gate immediately, and with them were the explosive bags.

Chen Hu, on the other hand, followed the Modao team with tens of thousands of cavalry. As long as they could tear open the passage, they would attack immediately.

Li Qiuming's Mo Dao team fought near the west gate and killed the Tibetan soldiers who were waiting in full formation.

"Block them, for Tibet!"

Zha Yangcuo looked at the burly Mo Dao team and shouted to the soldiers around him to come on.


Before the Modao team could move forward, the explosive pack exploded directly among the Tibetan army.

The Tibetan soldiers were also human beings, and when faced with these explosives, their formations immediately fell into chaos.

The Mo Dao team also seized the opportunity and rushed directly into the enemy's formation, setting off a new round of bloodshed.

As a result, Zhayangcuo was killed by explosives, and 50,000 Tibetan soldiers were completely defeated.

The passage was opened, and Chen Hu's tens of thousands of cavalry also stepped on the corpses of the Tubo people and killed them.

Seeing the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty chasing after him, Lu Dongzan was stunned, but he had no choice but to order the cavalry to intercept while continuing to retreat with his troops.

Facing the elite cavalry of Datang and Tuhun Valley, the Tubo cavalry was no match at all. They were quickly broken through the defense line, and then Chen Hu directly charged into the Tubo rear team.

Then came the avalanche collapse that Lu Dongzan was most worried about.

The two to three hundred thousand Tibetan soldiers had no structure at all. They were chased and killed by tens of thousands of Tang cavalry like headless flies.

"Prime Minister, please withdraw your logic first!"

Mulatso rode his horse to Lu Dongzan's side. They lost this battle, simply and completely.

As for why they failed, everyone actually knows it.

When the Tang army broke through the city wall, they could still resist, but the moment Lu Dongzan ordered to retreat, they had no chance to resist at all.

"Ludong praised Zanpu and felt ashamed of Tubo. You can leave, I can't leave!"

Looking at the chaos in front of him, Lu Dongzan knew that Tubo might be doomed. This situation was created because of his improper command.

If he had chosen not to defend Linzhi City, but to fight in the field with 300,000 Tang troops, he might have lost, but it would never have been the disastrous defeat it was now.

He really didn't have the shame to respond, and he didn't have the shame to go see Songmang Songzan.

"Prime Minister, what are you talking about? We still have a chance to gather the remaining soldiers.

As long as we return to Luocheng, we can still hold on and still have the strength to fight. "

Mulatso was horrified. If the commander-in-chief Lu Dongzan lost confidence, then these hundreds of thousands of people would really have to answer here.

"I can't go back, please help me tell Zanpu that it is Ludong Zan who is sorry for Tubo.

Tell him there are only two ways in front of him, either to flee to Tianzhu now and seek a chance to make a comeback there.

Either completely surrender to the Tang Dynasty, they will definitely not kill him, and they may even reward him as king and support him for a long time.

Remember, logic cannot be maintained. He is a member of the Tubo royal family and must not die! "

Lu Dongzan glanced at Mulatso, took out the golden knife given to him by Songtsen Gampo, and inserted it into his chest.

"Prime Minister! Why are you doing this?"

Looking at Lu Dongzan's body, Mulatso also sighed.

He sent people to collect his body, then threw off his horse's hooves and ran wildly in the direction of Luoche.

"General, the Tibetan army has been defeated, and General Chen Hu is pursuing him!"

The messenger rushed to Su Ding with eyes full of excitement and told the news of the defeat of the Tibetan army.

"it is good!"

Su Dingfang also shouted loudly when he heard this.

"Pass my military order to abandon the prisoners and pursue them with all their strength. I will completely annihilate the last Tibetan troops!"


Following Su Dingfang's military order, the entire Tang army fell into an extremely excited state. Now these Tubo people are not enemies at all in front of them, but merits.

If you don't be active now, you won't be able to keep up with the heat of eating Oreos.

In order to run faster, some soldiers even took off their armor and ran forward shirtless with their swords in hand.

Su Dingfang slowly came to the front of Princess Wencheng's car, looked at the body covered in ice and snow, and knelt down on his knees.

"Your Highness, you have seen that the city of Linzhi has been destroyed, and Tubo's last line of defense is gone. The Tang Dynasty will eventually conquer Tubo.

Now you can rest in peace, return to Datang, and go home! "

After Su Dingfang finished speaking, he knocked his head to the ground.

This knock was not because of Princess Wencheng's identity, but because of her actions.

Her courage to jump for the Tang Dynasty.

If it weren't for Princess Wencheng's sacrifice, he wouldn't be able to take Linzhi City now.

Su Dingfang kowtowed, and Tang Jun next to him also kowtowed.

Princess Wencheng could bear their knocking.

"Li Mingqi, arrange carriages and horses immediately to send the princess back to Datang as quickly as possible, home!"


"Someone, take Princess Wencheng home!"

The cavalry who had been ready for a long time also pulled up Princess Wencheng's carriage and ran directly towards the Tang Dynasty.

"I wish your Royal Highness a happy journey!"

"I wish your Royal Highness a happy journey!"

"I wish your Royal Highness a happy journey!"

(End of this chapter)

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