My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 898 She only has one identity, Her Royal Highness Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty!

The battle ended with more than 400,000 Tibetan troops, 70,000 were killed, 250,000 were captured, and only tens of thousands escaped.

"General, after the battle at Linzhi, Tubo has no strength to fight anymore. Let's march more logically.

Otherwise, once Songmang Songtsen runs away, there will be endless troubles! "

Li Mingqi looked at Su Dingfang in front of him. If this battle continues, it can be said that Tubo has been destroyed in name only.

As long as they kill Luo Xu and capture Songmang Songtsan, Tubo will really come to an end in history.

"Well, Li Mingqi, you clean the battlefield here and gather the prisoners, and I will lead the cavalry to attack them!"

Su Dingfang nodded, now is a good time to attack Huanglong in one go.

If he really lets Songmang Songtsan go, there will be endless troubles.

"General, Linzhi is still hundreds of miles away from Luosu. If we really want to go there like this, what will happen to the logistics and supplies?"

Chen Hu frowned. He also thought about attacking directly, but the conditions seemed not to allow it.

"What's the difficulty? There is beef jerky stored by Tubo in Linzhi City, so take it all with you.

If there is really no food and grass on the road, and we have to break into the city to supply supplies, Songmang Songtsen cannot be allowed to escape under any circumstances. "

Su Dingfang had long thought that compared with those of the Tubo people, his food supply was still a little behind.

Look at the beef jerky in the warehouse. It is the best food for the cavalry.




A group of generals saluted one after another, and then a carefully selected group of 25,000 cavalrymen, one man and four horses, left Linzhi and launched a surprise attack in the direction of Luoche.

Su Dingfang's speed was simply too fast. He traveled day and night with one person and four horses. When he was hungry, he would eat beef jerky on the horse, and when he was thirsty, he would drink some snow water.

Anyway, it’s just one word, fast.

There is a distance of more than 800 miles from Linzhi to Luozhe, and Su Dingfang arrived there in only five days.

Compared with Su Dingfang, Mulatso is at least five days away from Luosu.

It's not that they don't work hard, it's that they don't know what kind of perversion they are facing.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the Tang army outside the city, all the people in the city, from Songman Songtsan to Tubo people, were confused.

Wasn't Linzhi fighting well? Why did the army suddenly come to the city?

In desperation, Songmang Songtsan hurriedly organized the people to go to the city wall. After all, all Luoche's troops and horses had been deployed to Linzhi.

Now he can be said to have no power to resist at all.

"Where is Songmang Songzan? I am Su Dingfang, Duke of Xing Kingdom of the Tang Dynasty. Come out and give me a reply!"

Su Dingfang rode his horse and stood under the city wall, raised his whip and shouted loudly over there.

"Susu Dingfang!"

Upon hearing the other party's identity, Songmang Songtsan felt a cold wind blowing from the Himalayas, which even froze his soul.

"I'll give you one more chance. Songmang Songtsan comes out and replies, otherwise I will attack the city directly!"

Seeing that there was no answer from the other side, Su Dingfang also waved his hand, and the 25,000 cavalry moved forward slowly, as if they were going to attack the city wall.

"I am Songmang Songtsan, Su Dingfang, what do you want to say?"

Looking at the other party's situation, Songmang Songzan also sighed and stood up directly.

"Songmang Songtsan, I know what you are thinking now, but I tell you it is impossible.

Don't think about Linzhi City, Lu Dongzan has been defeated by us, otherwise I would not have been able to lead the troops to Luozhi. "

Su Dingfang smiled and directly told the situation in Linzhi City.

"This is impossible!"

Hearing Su Dingfang's words, Songmang Songtsan seemed to have lost his soul. He clung to the wall tightly to prevent him from falling.

"Impossible? In fact, you know very well in your heart that this is true.

Now the general will give you two ways, either I attack the city now, and after I break the city, Luoxue City will be completely destroyed.

Either you surrender now, I will save your life and the life of the entire Tubo royal family. "

Su Dingfang smiled and spoke his thoughts arrogantly.

"You and I don't believe it. Lu Dongzan has hundreds of thousands of troops in his hands and Linzhi City's walls. How could you possibly defeat them?"

Songmang Songtsan took a deep breath and replied to Su Fang.

"Haha, do you want to resist to the end? The whole army is ready to attack."

Su Dingfang smiled. If you don't believe it, you can't do anything about it, so don't blame me.

"Su Dingfang, wait."

Seeing the Tang army preparing for war, Songmang Songtsan was also dumbfounded.

No matter what the situation is in Linzhi City, his city cannot be defended at all.

With more than 20,000 cavalry, even if the opponent only has 20,000 cavalry, it will be difficult for him to resist.

And now that they are all cavalry, he doesn't even have a chance to run.

"what happened?"

Su Dingfang waved his hand, and the cavalry also stopped advancing.

"Can you give me some time to think about it?"

Songmang Songtsan thought for a moment, and there was only one thing he could do now, and that was to find ways to delay time.

"Want to use a delaying tactic? Do you think this general will give you this opportunity?

Decide quickly, you still have a chance to surrender before my siege engines are built.

Once I start a war, this general will not leave you any room! "

Su Dingfang didn't follow Songmang Songtsan's advice at all, and directly asked the soldiers to make siege equipment.

Looking at the Tang army who were making siege equipment, Songmang Songtsan knew that he had no chance to delay.

"Gar Qinling Zanzhuo, what do you think?"

Songmang Songzan sighed and looked directly at Lu Dongzan's son.

"Zanpu, no matter what Linzhi's situation is now, there is no way to defend Luozhi.

Either we fight our way out of the city and fight our way to Tianzhu, or we surrender now and Tubo is destroyed! " Gar Qinling Zanzhuo also sighed, how else could he look at this situation now.

It was a desperate situation anyway, and it was impossible to defend the city.

With just such a small number of people, it was impossible to resist the Tang army, which had experienced hundreds of battles.

They now have no choice but to break out of the city or surrender immediately.

"Tubo cannot be destroyed, and I cannot surrender. Do you have any good ideas for a breakout?"

Songmang Songtsan was depressed. Now that he surrendered to Tibet, his century-old foundation would be completely over.

He must never be the king of a subjugated country.

"It's not impossible to break out of the encirclement. After all, there aren't many people on the other side, only 20,000 cavalry.

If we release all the people in the city and take advantage of the chaos to leave, there is no chance! "

Gar Qinling Zanzhuo glanced at Songmang Songtsan and directly expressed his thoughts.

"Can you rush out?"

Songmang Songtsan was stunned for a moment. He still couldn't imagine the situation of people leaving the city.

"As long as Su Dingfang doesn't massacre the people, I'm 80% sure to send you out!"

Gar Qinling Zanzhuo also frowned. Now they could only gamble that Su Dingfang couldn't do such a thing.

"Then do it!"

Songmang Songtsan left the city wall directly, and Garqinling Zanzhuo also began to command the remaining thousand imperial guards to go down the city wall, preparing to drive the people away.

"General, what's going on with them?"

Looking at the situation on the city wall, Chen Hu also frowned.

"Instruct the soldiers to guard all four gates of Luoxu City. Anyone who comes out of Luoxu, no matter they are common people or anyone else, will be shot to death!"

Su Dingfang also frowned and directly expressed his thoughts.

"General, are you afraid that the other party will take the common people as the vanguard and take advantage of the chaos to leave the city?"

Chen Hu immediately understood what Su Dingfang meant, but was it a bit too cruel to do so?

"Do as I say, and if someone escapes, I will kill him!"


In addition to the 10,000 cavalry left in front of the 25,000 cavalry, there are 5,000 cavalry at each door.

"No, the enemy noticed it!"

Seeing the cavalry appearing at the four gates, Gar Qinling Zanzhuo knew that the other party must have noticed his thoughts.

"Ben Zamp is ready!"

Just when Garqinling Zangzhuo was struggling, Songmang Songtsan was also ready.

"Zanpu, the Tang army may have known our thoughts. If we force a breakout now, we may not be able to get out."

Gar Qinling Zanzhuo also sighed and told the situation in front of him.

"You mean if you break out now, you will probably be killed by the opponent?"

Now Songmang Songzan also heard what the other party meant. If he left the city, he would risk his life, and he would very likely be killed by the other party on the spot.

"Most likely, it's up to you next."

Gar Qinling Zanzhuo also sighed, now he must either fight to the death or simply surrender.


Upon hearing this, Songmang Songtsan did not hesitate and directly ordered the surrender.


Gar Qinling Zanzhuo also saluted and directly announced the surrender of the city gate.

Songmang Songtsan tidied his clothes and walked in front of everyone.

"Tubo Zampu Songmang Songtsan, lead the whole territory of Tubo to surrender!"

Looking at the Tang cavalry in front of him, looking at Su Dingfang in front of him, he saluted directly to him.

Su Dingfang rode his horse and looked at Songmang Songzan in front of him, his eyes filled with deep coldness.

"Except Songmang Songtsan, everyone else has been tied up!"


The cavalry moved forward, and except for Songmang Songtsan, the remaining Tibetan civil and military personnel, including the imperial army, were all tied up.

"Songmang Songtsan, hand over Lu Dongtang's whole family."

The first thing Su Dingfang did after taking the logic was to ask the other party to hand over Lu Dongzan's family.

"What do you mean?"

Mansong Mangzan was also stunned for a moment, not knowing what Su Dingfang meant.

"I want to bring Lu Dongzan's family back to the Tang Dynasty and use their lives to pay homage to the soul of Princess Wencheng!"

Princess Wencheng can be said to be his biggest regret in attacking Tibet this time.

In her best years, she went to Tubo alone and used herself to help Datang stabilize the security of the border.

Now, she used her own life to open the way for Datang to attack Linzhi.

But her last wish was to simply return to Datang and go home.

Such a wonderful woman should not wither away like this.

It's all thanks to Lu Dongzan. If it hadn't been for her, Princess Wencheng wouldn't have died for her country.

So he must make Lu Dongzan pay the price with blood.

"The first queen is Bintian?"

When he heard the news of Princess Wencheng's death, Mansong Mangzan couldn't believe it.

"She is not a former queen, she only has one identity, and that is my princess of the Tang Dynasty, Princess Wencheng!"

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