My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 899 Destroy Tubo!

Su Dingfang gave Mansong Mangzan a cold look.

After taking the leap from Princess Wencheng, she was no longer the marriage daughter of the Tang Dynasty, but Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"I will arrange for someone to take you to capture Lu Dongzan's family!"

Mansong Manzan has now completely surrendered, so what else is there to say.

As long as you can save your own life, you can kill anyone.

After taking Luoche City, the flag of the Tang Dynasty was also planted on the top of the city.

When Mulatso came back with his cavalry and saw the flag of the Tang Dynasty on the city wall, he was dumbfounded.

He never expected that the other party could capture Luoshou City before he did.

"General, the enemy's cavalry has arrived!"

Chen Hu came to Su Dingfang and told the situation outside the city.

"Just come and send Songtsan to the city wall!"


Songmang Songtsan went up to the city wall and directly ordered Mulatso to surrender. The other party also had to choose to obey after struggling for a while.

In this way, the last remaining strength of Tibet was completely destroyed.

"Go and report to His Majesty immediately. Eight hundred miles is urgent. Hurry!"

Su Dingfang was also relieved. The reason why he ran so fast was because he was afraid of the Tubo cavalry.

Now as long as Li Mingqi's large army arrives, Tubo will completely become the possession of the Tang Dynasty.


Tubo had an overall advantage, but Li Ji in the north was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, watching the Goguryeo and Mohe people bite dogs.

At this time, a sea ship also crossed the river and sea and returned to the territory of Datang.

Immediately, Di Renjie also got news about the Japanese country.

"Goguryeo actually went to Japan to ask for reinforcements. Japan still wants to send troops to support?"

"That's right, now the whole country of Japan has begun to prepare for war.

It is said that they have prepared four to five hundred ships and more than 40,000 and nearly 50,000 troops, preparing to go to Goguryeo to help in the war. "

The messenger also nodded and told all the situation of the Japanese country.

"Flying pigeons pass the message and deliver this news to His Highness immediately!"


Immediately, Fei Ge's message was delivered to Li Yanran. After learning about the developments in Japan, she went to the palace as soon as possible.

"Father, father!"

Li Yanran rushed into the imperial study and stood directly in front of Li Zhi.

"Why are you here again?"

Looking at Li Yanran standing in front of him, Li Zhi also frowned.

This daughter of mine is the master of the Three Treasures Palace.

"Father, let me tell you something bad. Goguryeo and Japan have asked for help, and Japan is also ready to support Goguryeo.

More than 400 warships and nearly 50,000 naval soldiers may go north to support Goguryeo at any time. "

Li Yanran directly told the news received by her spy.

"What? How dare they!"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Zhi's eyes also flashed with a sharp light.

When Li Yanran said that the Japanese country was a hungry wolf, it really came true. He dared to capture the tiger's beard of the Tang Dynasty even in such a small place.

Fortunately, I had followed Li Yanran's advice before and fully expanded the navy.

Otherwise, if this Japanese country comes across the sea, it will be really troublesome.

"Father, now you know that I have foresight."

Li Yanran smiled, although the Battle of Baijiangkou eventually ended with the Tang Dynasty annihilating the Japanese navy.

But if you can crush the opponent stably, why should you fight an ambush battle?

"Well, now that we know the news, Japan has nothing to worry about.

I immediately ordered the navy to intercept them along the way and annihilate all the Japanese navy. "

Li Zhi smiled, having a daughter in the family was like having a treasure, and with Li Yanran around, Datang could always predict the enemy first.

If he hadn't known that this was his good girl, he would have worshiped her as a god.

“Father, I feel like we should let them come over and fight again.

If they were intercepted halfway, wouldn't they be in trouble once they ran away?

Wouldn't it be easier to wait until they reach Goguryeo and then wipe them all out? "

Li Yanran was also depressed when she heard that Li Zhi was going to take the initiative. Wouldn't it be easier for you to let them come and fight now?

There is no need to think about being attacked by the opponent and feel aggrieved, as long as we can capture the Japanese navy.

Then we can take advantage of the trend to the east and directly capture the Japanese mainland.

"You are so clever. As you said, let the navy know in advance to be ready to close the door and beat the dog!"

Li Zhi patted Li Yanran's little head and smiled at her.

"This is right!"

Li Yanran also smiled, as long as dad didn't pretend, it would be easy to capture the Japanese country.

"To you!"

Li Zhi was also stunned for a moment, what does it mean to be right?

I am called wise.


Li Yanran also locked her head and stuck out her tongue at her father.

"Why are you laughing? How are you doing in your recent homework? Don't just think about making money all day long and delay important things!"

Li Zhi glared at Li Yanran again, grinning like a fool all day long.

"Don't worry, these are all trivial matters. If nothing goes wrong, I will return to the fiefdom!"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at her father and stood up to return to the fiefdom.

"Wait a minute, why don't you go see your mother when you come back?"

Hearing that Li Yanran was leaving, Li Zhi also glared at her.

"I don't want to make myself uncomfortable. I'm leaving first!" Li Yanran also waved her hand and turned to leave.

"This little girl!"

Li Zhi also shook his head, ordered Ruian to come over, and had someone report the news that Japan was preparing to send troops to Li Ji at the front.

"Your Majesty, Duke Xing's eight hundred miles is urgent!"

Ruian rushed to Li Zhi, he knew the most important place in Datang now.

One is Goguryeo where Li Ji is, and the other is Tubo where Su Dingfang is.

"Su Dingfang's eight hundred miles is urgent!"

Li Zhi also hurriedly opened the memorial. After reading it, he wiped his eyes and read it again.

After making sure that he was not dazzled, Li Zhi stood up directly.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?"

Seeing Li Zhi's appearance, Ruian was also stunned for a moment, wondering what was going on.

"Tubo was captured by Su Dingfang!"

Li Zhi slowly told the situation of Tubo.

"Your Majesty, what did you say? I'm old and didn't hear you clearly!"

Ruian was also dumbfounded. What did he just hear?

Tubo was captured?

is it possible?

Did I hear it wrong?

"Send my decree immediately, summon all ministers, and start the court!"

Li Zhi was too lazy to pay attention to Ruian, and directly ordered him to summon all his ministers and hold a court establishment meeting.


Ryan also turned around and ran away. When he reached the threshold, he still stumbled, but he got up immediately and continued running outside.

Soon the ministries and workers also got the decree. Although I don't know what the situation is, but now that the court is starting, something extraordinary must have happened.

So they also dropped what they were doing and rushed to the palace like crazy.

When they arrived, Li Zhi was already sitting on the dragon chair, waiting for the arrival of all the ministers.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Upon seeing this, all the civil and military officials also hurriedly saluted Li Zhi.

"All your lords, please live in peace!"

Li Zhi waved his hand to Wen Wu with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Civil and military officials salute together. Although I don't know what it is about, judging from the other party's face, it shouldn't be a bad thing.

"Your Majesty, why did you invite us here?"

Ren Yaxiang looked at Li Zhi, who was grinning widely, and also bowed and asked.

"Hehe, hehe!"

Li Zhi still couldn't express his smile and started to giggle again.

There was no way, he still couldn't believe it was true.

He read Su Dingfang's memorial no less than ten times, but he still didn't believe it.

After all, such a big thing is too difficult.

"His Majesty!"

Ruian on the other side is also depressed. If you have something to say, just say it and laugh at it.

"Dear ministers, I have just received an urgent memorial of eight hundred miles from Duke Xing.

He defeated the 400,000 soldiers and horses of Tibetan Prime Minister Ludongzan in Linzhi City, then advanced with a light vehicle and directly captured Luoche, the capital of Tibet, and captured all the Tibetan nobles including Mangsongmangzan.

In other words, from now on, Tubo will be destroyed! "

After Li Zhi's words, the entire court fell into silence.

Everyone stared at Li Zhi with their eyes widened and their mouths open.

They didn't believe what Li Zhi said at all.

What kind of country is Tubo, an empire that can compete with the Tang Dynasty? Now you say that Su Dingfang took the opponent's capital and captured Tubo Zampu and all the nobles in Luoxue City?

This. This is simply too exciting.

Looking at the stunned civil and military officials, Li Zhi also smiled.

I thought I was just like you, now you know why I was grinning like a fool.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for my poor hearing. What I just heard was that General Su Dingfang destroyed Tubo?"

Ren Yaxiang looked at Li Zhi and really couldn't believe his ears.

"Su Dingfang destroyed Tubo!"

Li Zhi nodded firmly.

"Your Majesty, this is your Majesty's luck, this is the Tang Dynasty's luck, this is the world's luck!"

Ren Yaxiang's eyes also shed two lines of tears. For many years, since Emperor Taizong, the Tang Dynasty has been afraid of Tubo.

And Tubo continued to expand its strength as always, sending troops to the Western Regions, Longyou, and Tuhun Valley.

It has been putting huge pressure on Datang.

Unexpectedly, I did not expect that Tubo would be destroyed.

How could this not make him, an old man, excited to tears.

"Your Majesty is lucky, the Tang Dynasty is lucky, and the world is lucky!"

"Your Majesty is lucky, the Tang Dynasty is lucky, and the world is lucky!"

"Your Majesty is lucky, the Tang Dynasty is lucky, and the world is lucky!"

After hearing this, all the civil and military officials knelt on the ground together and shouted at Li Zhi.

"Now that Tubo Zampu has been captured, Datang must seize the time to rule.

The six ministries of the imperial court immediately came up with corresponding strategies. I don't want to send back the country that I defeated by the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty because of unfavorable governance.

From now on, all the focus will be on stabilizing Tibet, do you understand?"

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