My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 900: Tubo is destroyed, is the Tuhun Valley still useful to the Tang Dynasty?

Li Zhi laughed wildly and directly promulgated his decree.

Now that Tubo has been conquered, the first priority of the Tang Dynasty is to stabilize Tubo's behavior and absolutely not allow any problems to arise in Tubo.




After hearing Li Zhi's imperial edict, everyone saluted together and then left to arrange the next thing.

After the dispersion of the dynasty, Ren Yaxiang also immediately expressed his intention to see Li Zhi.

"Ren Yaxiang wants to see you? Tell him to go to the Imperial Study Room to see you!"

Li Zhi frowned, wondering why Ren Yaxiang wanted to see him now.

"I, Ren Yaxiang, pay my respects to Your Majesty."

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Ren Yaxiang entered the room and saluted Li Zhi directly.

"Pingshen, shouldn't you unify the six ministries now and formulate a political strategy to occupy Tubo?"

Li Zhi glanced at Ren Yaxiang and wondered what he wanted to do when he came here.

"Your Majesty, I believe that the top priority is not Tubo's political affairs, but to seize the time to recruit General Su Dingfang and Tubo Zanpu and other nobles to return to Chang'an!"

Ren Yaxiang glanced at Li Zhi and directly stated his purpose.

"What do you mean? The situation in Tubo is uncertain now, and Su Dingfang is needed to guard him there. Why are you asking me to recall him now?"

Li Zhi glared at Ren Yaxiang. He really didn't expect that Ren Yaxiang would speak so violently.

"Your Majesty, General Su Dingfang has already had outstanding military power, and now that he has captured Tubo, he can be said to be extremely powerful.

If he is allowed to continue in Tubo, he will still take Tubo Zamp with him.

I am afraid that he will be deceived by villains. If he becomes disobedient, the Tang Dynasty will be in danger. "

Ren Yaxiang also sighed and directly stated what he was worried about.

A border general with military power, if Su Dingfang really had any evil intentions, he would become the new king of Tubo with the support of Songmang Songtsan.

That would be a more difficult target for Tang Dynasty than Tubo.

"You are asking my lackey to cook it, so you can hide it!"

Li Zhi slapped Long An, and the anger in his eyes erupted like a volcano.

"Your Majesty, it's not that I want to judge the villain with a gentleman's heart, but the temptation is too great.

Very few people can keep their true intentions under such a huge temptation. For the sake of the Tang Dynasty, I hope your Majesty will seize the time to transfer Su Dingfang back to Chang'an. "

Even though Li Zhi was angry, Ren Yaxiang did not retreat at all, gritting his teeth and insisting on his own ideas.

"Ren Yaxiang, do you really think that I don't dare to kill you?"

Li Zhi opened his eyes wide and stared at Ren Yaxiang in front of him.

He really couldn't believe others, but it was impossible for Su Dingfang to be disloyal.

Otherwise, Su Dingfang would not have massacred the Tibetan people.

After all, if you want to rule a place, you must first have the support of the people. Su Dingfang's previous actions have destined that he will not be recognized by the Tubo people.

And what the other party did was actually giving him the handle.

Besides, it is true that Su Dingfang has prestige, but he has not yet reached the peak.

After all, above him there was Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde, and most importantly, there was the British Gong Li Ji.

Even if he wanted to rebel, those Tang soldiers would not follow him down the road to death.

After all, these are serious people of the Tang Dynasty. Their families, relatives and friends are all in the Tang Dynasty.

Nothing is possible.

"Your Majesty, even if you kill me, I still hope that your Majesty will order Su Dingfang to be transferred back to Chang'an to avoid future troubles!"

Ren Yaxiang knocked his head to the ground without flinching at all.

This is what he must see and do as the Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty.

"You, I will not bring Su Dingfang back. After all, Tubo has just been pacified and we still need him to guard it.

Again, I believe in Su Dingfang. "

Li Zhi also frowned. He knew that Ren Yaxiang was also for the good of the Tang Dynasty, but now that Su Dingfang was transferred back to Chang'an, it was clear that he did not trust him.

Once the seeds of distrust are sown, it will be a disaster for himself, Su Dingfang, and Datang.

He would never allow such a thing to happen.

"Your Majesty, even if you don't send Su Dingfang back to Chang'an, you must send Songmang Songtsan back as soon as possible. You must not let the two of them stay in Tubo together!"

Seeing that Li Zhi had such a firm opinion, Ren Yaxiang had no choice but to make a plan to bring Songmang Songtsan back first.

"That's fine, but I'm warning you, never make any crooked ideas about Su Dingfang, do you understand?"

Li Zhi nodded, and it was not impossible to transfer Songmang Songzan back.

"The minister obeys the order!"

Ren Yaxiang saluted directly, then turned around and retreated.

Su Dingfang's destruction of Tubo swept across Chang'an in an instant, and then spread like a storm from Chang'an to the entire Tang Dynasty.

"Miss, something big happened!"

Li Feng hurriedly ran to Li Yanran, his eyes full of excitement.

"What happened? Could it be that Japan sent troops?"

Li Yanran was stunned for a moment when she heard that something big had happened.

What she is most concerned about now is the situation on the Japanese side. They may send troops to Goguryeo at any time. She must capture these people no matter what.

Nothing else, because it not only involves the next offensive against Japan, but also affects her plans for the Americas.

There must not be any problems.

"It's not Japan, it's Tubo." "What happened to Tubo? Did Su Dingfang suffer a defeat in Tubo?"

Li Yanran stood up directly from the chair, her eyes full of nervousness.

With the current war in Datang, she was most worried about Su Dingfang.

After all, she was facing the Tubo Empire, which had been fighting against the Tang Dynasty for a lifetime, even though she and her father recommended Su Dingfang, the phantom god of foreign war.

But this is Tubo after all, and anything is possible.

If Su Dingfang had a situation like the defeat of Dafeichuan in later generations, the advantage gained in the early stage might be ruined in one day.

After all, Su Dingfang had spent a lot of effort to accumulate so many soldiers and horses that could adapt to the plateau climate. If they were defeated, Datang would be unable to do anything to deal with Tibet in more than ten years.

"It's not that Su Dingfang suffered a defeat, but that he fought his way into Luozuo and captured Tubo Zampu. Tubo was destroyed!"

Li Feng took a deep breath, calmed down and told the situation about Tubo.

"Destroying the country? This is impossible!"

Li Yanran was stupid, really stupid.

That was an empire that could fight back and forth with the Tang Dynasty, not those small countries in the Western Regions with a population of several thousand and a few small cities.

Why was the country suddenly destroyed?

This news is definitely not true.

It's definitely fake news.

"It's true. His Majesty just held an impromptu meeting to talk about this matter!"

Li Feng also nodded. At first he thought it was impossible, but the news came from the Sixth Department.

It would be weird if this was fake news.

"God bless the Tang Dynasty, God bless the Tang Dynasty!"

Now that the news is confirmed, Li Yanran can only sigh.

The reason why the Tang Dynasty failed to expand outward was largely because Tubo blocked the way of the Tang Dynasty.

This country not only straddled the path of Datang's southwestward expansion, but also continued to consume each other with Datang.

Now Tubo was actually destroyed by Su Dingfang. For Datang, this was not just the destruction of a country, but also the fact that they had no shackles from now on.

Not only can it radiate south through Tibet to India, which should now be called Tianzhu, but it can reach all the way to the Arabian Peninsula to the west.

The most important thing is that without the consumption of Tubo, Datang can devote more energy to the direction of expansion.

This is like a caged tiger whose cage was suddenly opened.

It was hard for her to imagine what direction history would take in the future.

Is it really possible that the entire earth speaks Chinese?

"God bless the Tang Dynasty, but without the introduction of the young lady, Su Dingfang would not have been able to achieve such a majestic performance!"

Li Feng smiled, this was not only God's blessing to the Tang Dynasty, but also Li Yanran's achievement.

How could this be done if she hadn't recommended Su Dingfang to go to Tibet against all opinions.

"Even if I don't recommend it, Su Dingfang will still go to Tubo."

Li Yanran shook her head. Historically, her father chose Su Dingfang, and she was just following the trend.

"Miss, you are so humble!"

Li Feng scratched his head. He still felt that Li Yanran was too modest.

This must be her. If it were someone else who had the ability to promote, I'm afraid she wouldn't have been able to fly long ago.

The lady is steady and well-organized.

"Humble watermelon!"

Li Yanran didn't want to talk to Li Feng. She was already thinking about how to get out of Datang.

Should we first pass through Tubo, capture Tianzhu, and completely occupy the entire East Asia, or go directly to Europe.

After thinking for a long time, I still have to go to Tianzhu first. Although there is no danger here, if I go west, I will encounter Arabia, Byzantium, and Persia.


Suddenly she was stunned for a moment. These were not things she should think about, but things her father and the civil and military officials in the court should think about.

It’s really a dog meddling in other people’s business.

Just when Su Dingfang was stabilizing Tubo, news came to Tuhun Valley.

When they heard that Su Dingfang had captured Tubo, they were stunned for a moment, but immediately became excited again.

Now that Su Dingfang is at the height of his power, the emperor will definitely be very wary of him under such circumstances. So the situation in which Su Dingfang blackmailed him may have been the emperor's first move against Su Dingfang.

As long as they report it, they can not only leave a good impression on Li Zhi, but also capture Su Dingfang, whom they disdain.

In this case, they can get a lot of benefits from Tuhun Valley.

At that time, King Tuhun asked Princess Honghua to write a secret letter and sent it to Chang'an at an accelerated speed of 800 miles.

King Tuhun was thinking about Su Dingfang, but he didn't know that Su Dingfang was also thinking about Tuhun Valley.

After all, once Tubo is destroyed, Tuhun Valley will no longer be the Tang Dynasty's frontline against Tubo, but will become a possible enemy.

For the long-term stability of the Tang Dynasty, he could only operate on himself.

Leaving Luoche to be stationed by Chen Hu, Su Dingfang also led a group of Tubo civil and military officials and Zanpu to leave Luoche to meet Li Mingqi.

After meeting Li Mingqi, he first gathered the generals in Tuhun Valley on the pretext of discussing military matters.

After capturing these people, he immediately ordered the entire army to attack the Tuhun Valley soldiers and horses.

From the beginning to the end, it only took half a day. Tens of thousands of Tuhun Valley soldiers, including generals and ordinary soldiers, were all in his hands without exception.

"General, what do you mean?"

Although Li Mingqi acted according to Su Dingfang's wishes, he really didn't know what the other party wanted to do.

"Li Mingqi, you said that Tubo is gone, is the Tuhun Valley still useful to the Tang Dynasty?"

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