stunned!Lu Shao's little Jiaojiao is actually a master of metaphysics

Chapter 299 I was joking with you, do you believe it?

Thinking of this, his eyes became more and more fiery. After taking the elixir refined by Xia Mian, the physical fitness of Xia Weichang and Gu Zhi is actually strong enough to resist his poison!

So, if he can win aestivation, will he be able to have a steady stream of rare medicines?
Zhou Yun's eyes were shining, he looked at Xia Mian as if he was looking at a piece of shining gold!

Lu Zechuan was very displeased by Zhou Yun's gaze. His slender palm moved lightly, and all the living plants in the courtyard instantly became restless.

Under Lu Zechuan's control, the guards of the auction house who rushed forward were tightly wrapped!

Seeing that his own people were at a disadvantage, Zhou Yun was not in a hurry, instead his eyes shone with more fiery light, and he muttered something.

The neglected black box on the ground suddenly opened, and thick black smoke continuously emitted from the black box!

Wherever the black smoke reaches, the vegetation withers instantly!

Xie Chengming watched this scene in amazement, and backed away again and again.

"Miss, be careful!" Xie Chengming's eyes were full of fear.

The black smoke was full of weirdness, he had worked with Zhou Yun for so long, yet he never knew that Zhou Yun was from the Alien Clan!
I don't even know that Zhou Yun would do such evil ways!
Xia Mian narrowed her eyes lightly, no wonder this Zhou Yun is so confident, it turns out he has a trump card!
The black smoke gradually approached Xia Mian and the others, and the place eroded by the black smoke instantly turned into scorched earth.

Lu Zechuan's expression suddenly became serious, and he subconsciously protected Xia Mian behind him.

Xia Mian's eyes were also a little more serious.

"Mr. Zhou is really good." Xia Mian said in a low voice, her fingers moved suddenly.

The cat's claw jade that she had been carrying before flew out of her hand, as if it had life, and began to greedily absorb the black mist on the ground.

After absorbing the black mist, the originally crystal clear cat's claw jade suddenly became pitch black.

But soon, the black color gradually faded, and the cat's claw jade became clear and transparent again.

Lu Zechuan narrowed his eyes lightly. This piece of cat claw jade was obtained by Xia Mian from Guxiang before. At first they thought it was the key to the world of Taoism, but now it seems that it is not just the key to the world of Taoism. The key is as simple as that.

This cat's claw jade has absorbed the energy of wronged souls and dead spirits. It seems that as long as it is negative, it can be purified...

The black smoke was completely absorbed by the cat's claw jade, and Zhou Yun's face instantly turned pale.

The black box is his last trump card. If the black box can't help him win the summer sleep, it basically means that the overall situation is settled.

While the cat's claw jade was still absorbing the black smoke around him, Zhou Yun subconsciously took two steps back, turning around and about to slip away!
However, before he could take a step, his ankle was entangled by a vine!

The next moment, he was grabbed by the vines and dragged to Xia Mian and the others.

The vines wrapped around his body like a snake, wrapping him into a rice dumpling in an instant, making him unable to move anymore.

Zhou Yun's face was pale, and he twisted his body vigorously, trying to break free from the shackles of the vines, but unfortunately, everything was in vain.

Xia Mian looked down at him, waved her hand lightly, and the cat's claw jade that absorbed all the black smoke flew back into her hand.

Xia Mian gently played with the cat's claw jade in her hand, with a hint of playfulness in her eyes, "Mr. Zhou, where do you want to go?"

Xia Mian's voice was soft and gentle, but Zhou Yun's voice seemed to be urging him to die.

"Miss, I...I'm kidding you!" Zhou Yun was crying, wrapped tightly by vines like a giant caterpillar.

Xia Mian snorted coldly, "Are you kidding me?"

As soon as Xia Mian's words fell, the green vines suddenly pierced his thigh, blood gushed out instantly, and Zhou Yun was so painful that he was immediately covered with cold sweat.

Lu Zechuan's voice floated into his ears unhurriedly, "I'm joking with you, Mr. Zhou won't mind?"

Zhou Yun's teeth chattered in pain, and it was the first time he took a serious look at this man who had been following Xia Mian, but had always had a very low sense of existence.

Looking at the past, Zhou Yun realized how wrong he was before!

The man in front of him has deep eyebrows and eyes, and his whole body exudes nobility and indifference, with a natural aura of superiority. How could he feel that such a person has a very low sense of existence!
Xie Chengming's face was a bit complicated, he always knew that Xia Mian and the others were not simple.

But now after Zhou Yun personally fought against them, he clearly realized how difficult it is for Xia Mian and the others!
"Mr. Zhou, if you do something wrong, you will be punished." Xia Mian smiled and glanced at him, her eyes were cold and emotionless.

Zhou Yun is so regretful now that his guts are green, he should have planned more carefully before attacking Xia Mian!

If he missed today's opportunity, he might never have the chance to subdue Aestivation in the future!

As soon as Zhou Yun had this idea, a black smoke suddenly shot out from the top of his head.

"Want to run?" Xia Mian raised her eyebrows, without saying a word, a whip of spiritual power was drawn towards the black smoke!

Hei Yan flinched from being whipped by the spiritual light whip, and let out a scream.

The next moment, the black smoke penetrated back into Zhou Yun's body, and Zhou Yun's face was pale with pain, dripping with cold sweat, and his body curled up like a shrimp.

"Miss..." Xie Chengming opened his mouth in embarrassment.

Xia Mian turned to look at him, "Do you want to plead for him?"

Xie Chengming pursed the corners of his lips, and he swallowed the words he was about to say.


Zhou Yun wants to imprison Xia Mian and let him be free labor in the auction house!If the Almighty knew about this matter, it would be easy for their auction house to be razed to the ground by the Almighty!

If he asks for this love, Xia Mian will definitely regard him as an enemy...

Xie Chengming lowered his head and said wittily, "Miss, Zhou Yun is disrespectful to you. I won't say much about how to deal with it!"

Zhou Yun's eyes widened, and he glanced at Xie Chengming in disbelief, "Amin, you!?"

"Brother Yun, when it's time to persuade you, I have already persuaded you. If you don't listen to my advice and go your own way and offend the eldest lady, you should think about what you will face." Xie Chengming's face was terribly calm.

Zhou Yun's face was pale, and he laughed, "Okay! That's great! Xie Chengming, it's thanks to me that I risked my life to save you back then!"

Xie Chengming lowered his eyes, and his tone was extremely flat, "Brother Yun, I have worked hard in the auction house for so many years. For you, I went through life and death several times. I have long since repaid your life-saving grace."

Zhou Yun's lips moved slightly, and finally he stopped talking.

Xia Mian glanced at Xie Chengming with satisfaction, "Mr. Ming really understands people."

After saying this, Xia Mian glanced at Zhou Yun again, "Originally, we could win together."

Ask for a ticket, everyone who has a ticket will lose two, thank you everyone~~

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