It's a pity that Zhou Yun wants to imprison her because of lack of support!
Dare to think!

After Xia Mian said this, Lu Zechuan had already manipulated the vine to pierce Zhou Yun's throat.

At the moment when the vines pierced Zhou Yun's throat, Xia Mian lightly moved his palm, throwing out a blue flame.

The flame fell on Zhou Yun's body, as if a barrier had been set on Zhou Yun's body. The black smoke in Zhou Yun's body kept struggling and twisting, but he could no longer break free from this body!

"Let me go!" Zhou Yun's soul roared angrily in the blue flame.

Xia Mian turned a deaf ear to it.

Zhou Yun's soul struggled more and more intensely, but under the scorching of the blue flames, it gradually became silent.

Xie Chengming looked at the unimaginable scene in front of him, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak a word.

The cyan flame, this is the unique flame of soul refining...

This eldest lady of the Shenzu actually has spells aimed at the spirit, which is simply terrifying!
Xie Chengming was completely convinced at this moment, from now on, Xia Mian is the god in his heart, he can't offend anyone who offends Xia Mian!

"Mr. Ming! Forgive me!" The guards of the auction house who were trapped by the vines made by Lu Zechuan saw that Zhou Yun was dead, and knew that the overall situation was settled, so they hurriedly called to Xie Chengming, "We all obey the owner! Please!" Miss, spare our lives!"

Xia Mian narrowed her eyes slightly, and her eyes slowly fell on the guards of the auction house who were trapped in the vines, and then at Lu Zechuan.

Lu Zechuan only trapped these people, but did not take their lives. It seems that Lu Zechuan must have his own plan.

Receiving Xia Mian's sight, Lu Zechuan slightly hooked the corner of his lips and said, "Forgive your lives? Yes!"

"From now on, she will be your master, so your lives can be saved." Lu Zechuan said and pointed at Xia Mian lightly.

Xia Mian raised her brows lightly, and when she looked at Lu Zechuan, she was a little more appreciative.

As expected of the man she recognized, his skills in picking up leaks are even better than hers!

She just picks up other people's money, while Lu Zechuan picks up other people's property directly...

Can't compare, can't compare...

"What are you waiting for!" Xie Chengming scolded, "I haven't seen the new owner of the auction house yet!"

Xie Chengming knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Zhou Yun is dead, and no one is in charge of the overall situation in the auction house, so he can only end up being eaten away by others!
Under such circumstances, Xia Mian is willing to take over the auction house and become the new owner of the auction house. This is a good thing for them!
After Xie Chengming yelled, the auction house guards who were trapped by the vines immediately began to express their loyalty, "We are willing to follow the eldest lady!"

Xia Mian was not so easily fooled, with a wave of his hand, he listed a master-servant contract in the air.

"Those who want to follow me, put their names on it!" Xia Mian said calmly, "I can't trust you with just one mouth!"

These people were originally recruited by Zhou Yun, how much loyalty can they have to her?
Since everyone is in a relationship of guarding against and taking advantage of each other, it is more at ease for her to directly classify them as servants!

After all, there is a contract. If these people have second thoughts about her, she can make them die on the spot with just one thought.

After Xia Mian's words came out, the guards in the auction house immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

Signing the master-servant contract puts their lives in the hands of others, and if someone else thinks about it, their lives will be lost!
However, if they don't sign, they will die now!

These people hesitated for a moment, but then they made a clear distinction.

If you don't sign now, you will die immediately, and you can still have a chance to live after signing now.

So, someone began to ask for a contract, "Miss, please give me Songsong, I'll sign it!"

"I'll sign too!"

Lu Zechuan's thin lips hooked slightly, and with a wave of his hand, the vines wrapped around these people immediately faded away like a tide.

Although there were no restraints on their bodies, these people did not dare to leave even one step, and began to sign their names on the master-servant contract that Xia Mian made.

"I warn you, don't try to fool me with a fake name!" Xia Mian snorted coldly, "You can't sign a fake name!"

Xia Mian's words fell, and several people's bodies trembled visibly.

Xia Mian narrowed her eyes slightly, heh, someone really tried to fool her with a fake name!
After being warned by Xia Mian, these people were completely honest and obediently signed their names.

After all these people had signed their names, Xia Mian waved away the contract that was lingering in the air, and chuckled, "I've always been a person with clear grievances and grievances. Be honest, I won't let you suffer. If you have two hearts... ..."

Xia Mian didn't finish the words behind Xia Mian, but everyone understood what the words behind Xia Mian meant.

If you have two minds, you won't even know how you died!

"Miss, don't worry, we have no second thoughts!" These people have already signed a contract with Xia Mian, so how dare they have other thoughts.

Xia Mian smiled slightly, turned around and glanced at Xie Chengming, "Mr. Xie and I are friends, and I can still trust my friends. Mr. Xie, please don't let me down."

Xia Mian's words had a lot of meaning, Xie Chengming's heart tightened immediately, and he quickly said, "Miss, don't worry, from now on, I will be a knife left by Miss at the auction!"

Xia Mian nodded lightly, "In the future, you can go to the Protoss for the source of the auction house's goods."

When Xia Mian said this, she secretly thought to herself, she was working hard outside for the warehouse of the Protoss, so her cheap grandfather would not want to be idle!

After hearing Xia Mian's words, Xie Chengming's eyes suddenly brightened, "That's really great!"

Who doesn't know that the Protoss has a profound background, and if you leak something casually, you can attract many people to participate in the auction.

Xia Mian's eyes were a little more gratified, Zhou Yun's calculation did nothing but solve her problems that had been bothering her.

Bai got an auction house, Xia Mian was in a good mood, when he walked out of the auction house with the auction house's land deed, he walked with wind.

"We ordinary people, I'm so happy today~" When she was happy, Xia Mian began to sing.

Lu Zechuan, who was following her, shook his head speechlessly, looking at Xia Mian with loving eyes.

Gu Zhi exchanged glances with Xia Weichang, and his mood relaxed a lot.

This trip to the auction house was full of surprises, and they knew more clearly how terrifying those pills refined by Xia Mian were!
From this moment on, Gu Zhi's fear of going back home suddenly subsided.

As Xia Mian said, her elixir is only to improve her physique, not to make herself ruthless.

That way, it's fine.

It was already late at night when Xia Mian returned to Jufang Pavilion humming a little song. The business of Jufang Pavilion has always been good, and there are guests who come back every time period, so the gate of Jufang Pavilion is guarded.

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