The gatekeeper at the gate has some friendship with Song Yi.

Before Song Yi went back to his room to rest, he specifically told him that if he saw Xia Mian and his party come back, he must not wait any longer.

So, seeing Xia Mian coming from a distance humming a little song, the gatekeeper immediately stood up and greeted her with a smile, "What kind of happy event has Ms. Xia encountered?"

Xia Mian glanced at the gatekeeper, and didn't say clearly what good things happened to her, but said with a smile, "Well, happy event, great happy event."

Leaving those words behind, he happily entered the door with his hands behind his back.

Lu Zechuan, Gu Zhi, and Xia Weichang followed closely behind.

Back at the inn, Xia Mian specially asked someone to bring a bucket of hot water upstairs.

Since she came to the Taoist world, she hasn't been able to take a good bath for many days.

When Gu Zhi and Xia Weichang washed this morning, she originally wanted to go back to the house to wash, but she didn't pay so much attention because she was afraid of missing the task that Xie Chengming entrusted her.

Now, people are in good spirits on happy occasions, and after she washes up, she will feel even better.

Xia Mian wanted to take a bath, and Lu Zechuan stood guard at the door, and when Xia Mian finished washing, he also went back to the room to wash.

After washing off the dust, the two of them lying back on the bed exuded a faint fragrance.

Lu Zechuan was a little distracted again.

Endured and endured, finally couldn't help it, and hugged Xia Mian in her arms.

The fragrance of Xia Mian's hair filled his breath, and Lu Zechuan's restless mood gradually calmed down.

Xia Mian huddled in his firm embrace, listening to his strong heartbeat, she didn't dare to move.

She's not ready yet.

Behind the curtain, the little black cat yawned lazily. These two are really enough!In the middle of the night, cat abuse again!

The little black cat took a deep breath while cursing. It has to be said that the aura of these two people is really catlike. He can clearly feel that his body has grown bigger in the past two days. few.

Xia Mian and Lu Zechuan slept soundly enough.

When they went downstairs the next day, both of them were in high spirits.

Song Ke was waiting downstairs early in the morning. When he saw the two of them going downstairs, he immediately greeted them, "Miss Xia, do you have time today? Let me show you around?"

Song Ke laughed harmlessly to humans and animals.

Xia Mian nodded, her eyes bent into crescents, "Yes."

Lu Zechuan and Xia Mian clasped their fingers tightly, and their eyes fell lightly on Song Ke, "Gupi Town is so big, what else is there to visit?"

Song Ke laughed, "You don't know about that. There is a sea market in our Gupi Town."

Xia Mian frowned, "Haishi?"

"As the sea comes, as the sea recedes." Song Ke scratched his head, "There are many small merchants in the sea market, and the food they make is delicious. Miss Xia, do you want to go and have a look?"

Xia Mian was poisoned by Zhou Yun when he ate roasted whole lamb last night, so he didn't enjoy eating it.

This time Song Ke warmly invited her, and she agreed after a little thought.

Song Ke was suddenly as happy as a child, and almost jumped up.

The little black cat following Xia Mian cast a disgusted look at Song Ke, who had been in trouble with him once. This stick, after so many years, still hasn't improved, how could it be possible to contract a strange beast!

Just leave, Song Ke confessed to Song Yi, and took Xia Mian and Lu Zechuan out the door.

The little black cat followed behind the three of them like a follower.

After Gu Zhi and Xia Weichang had their physique improved by Xia Mian, they chose to stay behind closed doors to improve their cultivation.

Before Xia Mian went out, she specifically told Song Yi to pay more attention to these two people, so as not to have any accidents.

Song Yi fully agreed.

Walking on the road, Xia Mian asked curiously, "Is there a sea in Gupi Town?"

Song Ke smiled and waved his hands, "There is no sea."

Xia Mian frowned, "If there is no sea, what is it called a sea market?"

Song Ke laughed again, "This sea, it appears randomly, it is here today, it will be there tomorrow, but every once in a while, it will appear in the same place again and again, everyone slowly figured out the pattern, until It’s time to go for a walk.”

Xia Mian let out a sigh, and was somewhat interested in this mirage.

Since this sea appears randomly, are the small merchants on the sea following the sea all the time, or can they enter and exit this sea market at any time?

There were too many question marks hidden in Xia Mian's heart, until Xia Mian really saw the sea.

The sea appeared at the border of Gupi Town.

Desertification has begun to appear on the border of Gupi Town. Standing on the edge of Gupi Town, you can clearly see the yellow sand blown by the wind and the lonely smoke in the desert.

In this dreamlike picture scroll, the air gradually fluctuated, and then a sea slowly appeared on the deserted land.

If you look closely, the sea is not in contact with the ground, as if it is suspended above the ground.

On the surface of the sea, there are boats of different sizes, and the aroma of various foods floats from the boats, piercing people's nostrils.

Song Ke looked at the boats of different sizes on the sea, and couldn't help swallowing lightly.

The little black cat on the side glanced at him. If this guy hadn't had a good father and a good brother, he probably wouldn't have lived so long!
As this piece of sea appeared at the border of this small town, more and more people gradually gathered around it.

The popularity is getting more and more, and the surroundings are getting noisy.

Song Ke smiled and said to Xia Mian, "This sea market will stay in our Gupi Town for two hours. After two hours, the sea market disappears, and we have to get out of the sea market."

Xia Mian nodded.

"Let's go, I'll take you to have a look inside!" Song Ke said, waving to the sea.

A small boat came by.

"Miss Xia, let's get on the boat!" Song Ke turned to invite Xia Mian.

Xia Mian nodded, Lu Zechuan held her hand, and the two got on the boat together.

The little black cat was afraid that he would be left behind, so he jumped onto Song Ke's shoulder in an instant.

Song Ke was weighed down by the little black cat and his shoulders were heavy. There was a trace of surprise in his eyes. He tilted his head to look at the little black cat carefully, and let out a light snort, "Dude, are you getting fat again?"

The little black cat meowed, and proudly twisted its neck away, not even paying attention to this guy.

Is he fat?
He is evolving!The mallet doesn't know anything!

Bangchu Song Ke naturally couldn't hear the little black cat's slander, so he carried the fat cat onto the boat with a smile on his back.

The punter was a young boy, chatting with Song Ke while punting, "Brother Song, which boat are you going to go this time?"

Song Ke said with a smile, "Just go to the boat I often go to!"

"Okay! Sit down, let's go!" The young man responded with a smile, his two oars paddled slowly in the water, and the boat instantly floated towards a rather large boat not far away.

After Xia Mian and the others boarded the boat, many people called the boat one after another and wandered leisurely on the sea.

This scene really looks very dreamy, a piece of movable sea surface, there are various boats rowing around on the sea surface, and there are people doing business on the boat.

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