
Chapter 309

Jiang Jiu finally answered the phone before hanging up.

"Grandma, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!"

"Jiujiu Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, did you have a good meal today?"

Jiang Jiu was sitting on the sofa, hugging the pillows, "Well, Taiwan is holding a Taiwan celebration event today, inviting everyone to dinner, and I even won a tablet computer!"

Grandma Jiang was very happy, "It means that Jiujiu is lucky this year, the Mid-Autumn Festival is here, remember to eat moon cakes today, you know?"

Only then did Jiang Jiu remember that she forgot.

Being made uncomfortable by Mao Nana's incident, I originally planned to buy two small mooncakes and come back with Jiang Sixan, but now I can only stare blankly.


Jiang Jiu felt guilty.

After chatting with grandma for a few more words, Jiang Jiu agreed to go back when she was not busy after a while.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Jiu took a glance, only to find that Jiang Sixan was not in the living room, but standing on the balcony.



Jiang Jiu stepped forward, only to find that Jiang Sixan had placed a small table on the balcony at some point and bought two reclining chairs.

There was a small mooncake on the small table, and Jiang Sixan said, "It is said that everyone will enjoy the moon together during the Mid-Autumn Festival, although this mooncake is a bit small."

Jiang Jiu suppressed a smile, "It's very small."

Jiang Sixan didn't care, "It's fine if you want it."

This moon cake was given to Jiang Sixan by someone. Every Mid-Autumn Festival, many people gave Jiang Sixan something.

But in the end, Jiang Sixan shared it with his colleagues in the company, and the assistant left one for him for him to taste.

Thinking that Jiang Jiu is a foodie, Jiang Sixan didn't eat it and brought it back on purpose.

When the assistant saw that his boss was not even willing to eat a moon cake, and put it in his pocket with great care, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Sure enough, he is a good boss who cares about his employees!

Now that the atmosphere here is established, Jiang Jiu is naturally not idle. He immediately opened the refrigerator and brought two bottles of beer, and came to the small table with appetizers, a pack of shredded squid and potato chips. Get drunk!"

Jiang Sixan didn't refute her, and opened the beer for her.

Not to mention, the moonlight is really good tonight. Jiang Jiu is lying on the newly bought recliner, shaking her little feet leisurely. Before she knows it, she has finished drinking three cans of beer. All the dregs were eaten by Jiang Jiu.

Jiang Sixan snatched the packaging bag back from her hand, wiped the crumbs of potato chips from her face, a little dumbfounded, "It's so delicious, it's all over your face?"

Jiang Jiu glanced at him, "You don't understand now, the last bit of potato chips is the soul of this bag of potato chips! Soul!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Jiang Sixan glanced at the brand of potato chips, and silently remembered it in his heart.

Jiang Jiu supported his head and looked at him, "Jiang Sixan, why do I feel that you are a little perfunctory to me."


Someone answered very readily.

Jiang Jiu frowned, and stepped directly onto his chair. As a result, the reclining chair had a wobbly design, and the chair bumped up and down instantly.

Afraid that Jiang Jiu would fall, Jiang Siyan held her up, "You're drunk, it's dangerous to stand on a chair."

Jiang Jiu is a typical person with a big food addiction, and he likes to drink beer.

At this time, her eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling, with a bit of confusion, "Jiang Siyan, you are about to get angry."

Jiang Sixan naturally drank tonight, although three bottles of alcohol would not make him drunk, but at this moment Jiang Jiu was smiling like a flower in his arms, and Jiang Sixan suspected that he was also on the hook.

He couldn't help wrapping his arms around her waist, pressing it repeatedly, "Well, what's the matter?"

Jiang Jiu didn't resist, but moved a little closer, like whispering between good friends, "I will give you an unforgettable birthday."

Jiang Sixan's breath that had just calmed down became messy again, "How unforgettable."

"Let you eat the marrow to know the taste, and think about it day and night."

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