
Chapter 310

Jiang Siyan's eyes sank for an instant, and he walked directly to the bedroom with Jiang Jiu in his arms.

Jiang Jiu struggled, "I haven't eaten my mooncake yet!"

Jiang Sixan coaxed in a hoarse voice, "Don't worry, I will feed you well tonight."


The next day, Jiang Jiu opened her eyes in a daze, and all she saw was a piece of excellent chest muscles.

She glanced at it several times, but didn't respond.

At this time, the culprit was still sleeping comfortably, Jiang Jiu opened her mouth angrily and bit him.

Jiang Sixan finally opened his eyes. Seeing Jiang Jiu's retaliatory actions, he rolled over and pinned him down, "Hey, let me sleep a little longer."

Jiang Jiu struggled, "Let go of me, you bastard!"

Jiang Sixan, "Well, I told you before."

"I want to fight you!"

Jiang Siyan closed his eyes and said, "Jiujiu, stop rubbing, you will be the one crying later."

After the two of them finished last night, they took a shower and went to bed, neither of them wearing pajamas.

This position is very dangerous!

Jiang Jiu finally stopped moving, and glanced at the time on the wall. It was still early, and he could still squint for two hours.

Gradually, Jiang Jiu closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

When he woke up again, Jiang Sixan was no longer around him. Jiang Jiu opened the door, and Jiang Sixan was preparing breakfast in the kitchen. He was only wearing pajama pants, showing a very good figure.

Wearing an apron outside is perfectly normal, but at this moment, in Jiang Jiu's view, there is an indescribable sexiness and bewitchment.

"Jiang Sixan, why don't you dress properly!"

Jiang Sixan shoveled the last fried egg into the bowl, took off his apron, and pointed to his chest, where there was a tooth mark.

"Your masterpiece."

Jiang Jiu was stunned, it was all bitten by him when he just woke up in the morning and was not awake.

She pretended to be stupid subconsciously, "It's not me."

Jiang Siyan didn't speak, just watched silently.

Jiang Jiu coughed lightly, "Then what, manly man, a little skin trauma is nothing, put on clothes quickly."

Jiang Sixan said, "It hurts."

Jiang Jiu, "..."

Jiang Jiu was helpless, "Then what do you want?"

"Bite back."

"Jiang Sixan, you are childish!"

Jiang Jiu went to the bathroom as she said that. She has a rest today, so she is not in a hurry to go to work.

As a result, as soon as she walked into the bathroom, Jiang Sixan chased and bit her, insisting on making a tooth mark on her chest.

Jiang Jiu was ashamed and annoyed, "Jiang Siyan, I'll fight you!"

But how could she be Jiang Sixan's opponent?
In addition, she was ticklish, just as Jiang Siyan tickled her, Jiang Jiu lost her strength.

"Ha, haha, Jiang Sixan, you, you don't talk about martial arts, haha, let me go!"

On the sofa, Jiang Jiu's long hair spread out randomly, covering the sofa. The pajamas on her body were a little messy, revealing her white and thin shoulders, and the teeth marks on her chest. She smiled, her face was a little blushing, He looked at Jiang Sixan pretending to be fierce, but he didn't know how amazing his obsession was.

Jiang Sixan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his hands paused slightly.

Jiang Jiu finally got a chance to speak, "I have to say something very serious!"


"The dough is going to be mushy!"

As she spoke, Jiang Jiu's stomach let out a growl.

Jiang Sixan had no choice but to let go, "Go wash and eat."

Jiang Jiu murmured in her heart, who was responsible for this, it made her unable to eat!
After washing, the noodles were just at the right temperature, and Jiang Jiu ate them with big mouthfuls, as if she had been hungry for two days.

While eating noodles, Jiang Jiu asked him, "Are you going to work today?"

Jiang Sixan nodded, "The company just won a project and needs someone to watch over it."

"It's hard work."

"To make money."

"That should be."


Jiang Sixan packed up the finished dishes and touched Jiang Jiu's head before leaving, "I'm looking forward to the gift you mentioned."

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