
Chapter 311 The boy with a special relationship

It was only then that Jiang Jiu came to her senses. She seemed to be drunk last night. She said in advance that she wanted to celebrate his birthday without saying anything, and even made the birthday present so... ambiguous.

Looking at his eyes, Jiang Jiu felt something was wrong.

Finally, Jiang Sixan went out, Jiang Jiu hugged Doug and nestled on the sofa, "Little Doug, I seem to have done something stupid."


Doug looked at Jiang Jiu, and habitually turned his head and rubbed against Jiang Jiu's neck.

The expression is obedient and cute.

Jiang Jiu just remembered that he hadn't brought Doug live for a long time. On a whim, he first took a group of blockbusters for Doug, edited them and sent them to his account, and then started to set up the equipment and prepare for the live broadcast.

She just ate noodles, but she wasn't hungry, but she could give Doug an extra meal.

So the anchor in front of it was entirely Doug’s personal time. I didn’t expect that many people like to watch Doug eat. I always feel that this little cat is very attentive and thinking about eating, and I don’t know how to train it.

Jiang Jiu wanted to say in her heart that her son is like his mother, because she eats well and teaches by example!
When Doug was almost done eating, Jiang Jiu began to shift the camera to the kitchen, planning to make some desserts.

She took out corn flour, glutinous rice flour and sugar and stirred them evenly, then added milk. The process is also detailed, so that everyone can learn. After filtering, cover it with plastic wrap, pierce a few air holes, and then put it in for steaming.

After the side is steamed, add butter, knead into pieces of dough like dough, then add cream and your favorite fruit or cocoa powder, so a simple Xue Mei Niang is ready.

Jiang Jiu made quite a lot, and saved Jiang Sixan one of each flavor, and took the time to make butter cookies. The taste is superb!

But I haven't done it for a long time, it's really too much, Jiang Jiu called Bai Yiran, "What are you doing?"

"I'm bored at home. My doctor Zheng is busier than usual on holidays. Who can understand!"

Hearing Bai Yiran's voice full of righteous indignation, Jiang Jiu couldn't help laughing, "Then I'll go find you, and I'll make Xuemei Niang and cookies."

"Waiting for Her Majesty the Queen!"

Jiang Jiu hung up the phone and packed the two things, "Doug, Mommy is going out to play, take care of the house."

Doug was resting on his stomach. Hearing this, he just raised his eyelids and looked at her, then closed his eyes again, very clear.

With this appearance, why does it feel a bit like Jiang Sixan?

Forget it, don't bother to think about him.

Driving to Bai Yiran's residence, looking at the keys in Jiang Jiu's hand, the other party was surprised, "You actually bought a car!"

"No, it belongs to Jiang Sixan. He has a lot of cars, and he usually spends a lot of time and energy on maintaining them. I might as well help him share a car."

Bai Yiran looked at the car with an unbelievable expression on his face, "This car looks very new, and Jiang Sixan himself drives luxury cars. This car is only 30 million. Can he drive it?"

Jiang Jiu sighed, "Baibai, don't just pay two or three hundred thousand, please respect our low-level migrant workers?"

Bai Yiran thought to himself, according to Jiang Sixan's ability, he would definitely not buy this kind of car for himself, probably because silly Jiujiu didn't even think about it, it was someone who gave her a car that she could accept Car, how many reasons have I thought about!

But Bai Yiran didn't point it out, and sat beside Jiang Jiu, "Where's my Xue Mei Niang!"

Jiang Jiu arranged them one by one, "This one is filled with strawberries, this one is mangoes, and this one is Oreos."

Bai Yiran took a bite unceremoniously, and immediately gave a thumbs up, "Whoever marries you will enjoy the good fortune of eight lifetimes!"

Jiang Jiu chuckled, "Okay, eat quickly, and help me figure out a way after eating."

Bai Yiran didn't sit up, and lay crookedly on the sofa, "Say it."

Jiang Jiu hesitated for a while, "If it's a boy's birthday, what gift would be better?"

"It depends on who it is. For example, if you are a leader, just say happy birthday. If it is a partner, the grade must not be low. Ask about the other party's preferences. If it is a subordinate, then the price will be the same for your subordinates anyway. A gift from the interval will do.”

"Stop, I mean, it's for a boy with a special relationship."

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