
Chapter 349

Knowing that the other party couldn't say anything serious, Jiang Jiu didn't bother to talk to him, got up and walked to the bathroom.

But she really hasn't been here for a long time, and the house felt a little strange to her for a while, Jiang Jiu went into the bathroom, tried the hot water, and after she found that hot water came out, she was about to close the bathroom door.

Jiang Sixan stood at the door, "Aren't you inviting me?"

Jiang Jiu smiled at him, then quickly closed the bathroom door.

"I can thank you!"

Seeing that Jiang Sixan did not come in again, Jiang Jiu washed her hair and took a bath comfortably.

After taking a shower, Jiang Sixan prepared a glass of juice for her, "Drink?"

Jiang Jiu glanced at it, feeling a little disgusted, "Why isn't it wine?"


After Jiang Siyan finished speaking, he went to the bathroom, Jiang Jiu didn't give up, and took a look at his refrigerator.

Good guy, there is really nothing in it, it's empty, and it's cleaner than the balance in the phone at the end of the month!

Although she knew that Jiang Sixan didn't live here all the time, this refrigerator was too dull, right?

Fortunately, Grandma Jiang lived nearby, so Jiang Sixan could go to eat, otherwise, such an empty refrigerator would really starve him to death.

But where did this bottle of juice come from?
Jiang Jiu scanned around, and finally found the small shop bag on the sofa, which contained a lot of snacks, potato chips, chicken feet, melon seeds, spicy chips... It was obvious that Jiang Sixan did not eat these.

The other party bought these things while she was taking a shower.

I searched around secretly again, and found a can of beer in the kitchen.

This is a small sample, I bought it and didn't let her know.

When Jiang Sixan came out of the shower, Jiang Jiu raised her chin towards the sofa, "Did you buy these?"


"Why buy it?"

"You like to eat."

Jiang Jiu was a little overwhelmed by Jiang Sixan's frankness, she coughed lightly, "What about the beer in the kitchen?"

"I bought it for you too."

"Then why lie to me that there is no wine!"

Jiang Sixan put the towel for wiping his hair on his shoulders, "I'm afraid you'll frighten grandma when you get drunk and crazy."


What she said made sense, but she couldn't refute it.

Jiang Jiu carried the dirty clothes, "I'm going back."

"I send you."

The next second, the phone rang, and it was Jiang Jiu's phone.

She picked it up and saw that it was Grandma Jiang calling.

"Grandma, what's wrong?"

"Jiujiu, there's a power outage here, and we probably won't be able to call until the next morning. Is there power at Syan's side?"


"Then why don't you just stay at Syan's house for one night, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep without the air conditioner when you come back to sleep, and you probably won't be used to the smell of mosquito coils at home today."

There are many fields in the countryside, so there are naturally many mosquitoes. Jiang Jiu was often bitten when she was a child.

She is not used to the smell of mosquito coils. Every time there is a mosquito net installed on the bed in the room, the mosquito coils are lit in the evening, and when she is going to sleep, the mosquito coils are taken out, and there will be no mosquitoes in the room.

"Okay, grandma, can you sleep, if you want to..."

Before she could finish speaking, Grandma Jiang said, "I'm not as delicate as you and can't smell mosquito coils. Besides, grandma is old and not used to using the air conditioner at all, so I can sleep just fine like this."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Jiu glanced at Jiang Sixan, "Please take him in tonight."

Jiang Sixan more or less heard what Grandma Jiang called just now.

"Of course, but you need to pay some overnight interest."

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