
Chapter 350 The little fish is about to take the bait

Chapter 350 The little fish is about to take the bait

Jiang Jiu stretched out a hand and put it on his chest, pushing him away a little.

"In that case, then I'll go find Ye Feixiang, their farmhouse is not out of electricity, I'll go to their house to beg for shelter."

Jiang Jiu was about to leave as he said that, but Jiang Sixan directly grabbed his shoulders and pressed him against the wall.

Jiang Sixan leaned over slightly, "Kiss me, and I'll take you in for a night."

Jiang Jiu raised his eyelids and glanced at Jiang Sixan, "You are so childish."

"Can't you?"

Sometimes Jiang Sixan's childish energy came up, and no one said it was useless.

She stood on tiptoe, kissed the corner of his lips lightly, and left quickly, "It's fine, don't go back on your word!"

Jiang Sixan's eyes were heavy, but it was rare for him to talk, "Okay. Would you like a cold beer?"

Jiang Jiu proudly said, "I've put it in the freezer, and I'll take it out in 5 minutes. It tastes absolutely chilled!"

After waiting for 5 minutes, Jiang Jiu took out beer, two of which were wrapped in wet toilet paper.

This is the method Jiang Jiu learned from the Internet. First, wet the bottle of beer with water, then wrap it in a paper towel soaked in water, and put it in the freezer. After a few minutes, you can enjoy the iced taste.

Jiang Jiu was holding two bottles of beer, some of which were ice, she carefully protected them with her arms, "Come here with snacks."

Jiang Sixan watched her bouncing towards the balcony, the corners of her mouth curved slightly.

The little fish is about to take the bait.

There are no high-rise buildings or heavy traffic in the countryside. The drunken neon lights and the sound of frogs in the distance, Jiang Jiu looked up and couldn't help sighing, "I haven't seen so many stars for a long time."

I am used to being busy in a big city. After working overtime, I hurried home. Even if I looked up at the sky occasionally, I couldn’t see a single star.

It is only in places like the countryside that we can see so many stars now.

Jiang Siyan opened the beer can with one hand. Jiang Jiu wanted to learn, but unfortunately he was not good enough.

Jiang Sixan handed the beer can he opened to Jiang Jiu, took another can and opened it.

Jiang Jiu is like a little alcoholic, squinting his eyes comfortably after drinking beer, "Ha~, I'm alive!"

With a smile on his lips, Jiang Sixan leaned against the railing and took a sip.

Jiang Jiu dug out a bag of shredded squid from the bag and threw it to Jiang Sixan, then took out a bag of chicken feet from it and gnawed on it.

"Tell me, when did you peek at my diary!"

Jiang Sixan explained, "I was doing my homework at your home that day, and you fell asleep later. I saw a notebook on the table. I thought it was your homework book, but I didn't expect it to be your complaint book."

"What a complaint book, it's a diary!"

"Yes, diary."

When Jiang Sixan was a child, he read the first article, and knew that Jiang Jiu was not as happy as he looked on the surface, so he couldn't help but feel sorry for her in his small heart.

Turning back, his name appeared in the diary. Jiang Siyan was very happy, he appeared very frequently.

However, Jiang Jiu is obviously a person who fished for three days and posted on the net for two days, and only wrote a diary in the next ten days and a half months.

Jiang Sixan saw the last article and knew that she wanted to raise a cat and a puppy. He didn't know why, so he just wrote it down.

Maybe the names of cats and dogs are too cute, or maybe he had a dog before, so he was impressed.

Hearing what Jiang Sixan said, Jiang Jiu put the finished wine bottle aside and started to eat melon seeds, "It's not fair, I haven't even read your diary."

"I don't write that stuff."

"Then write it now, I want to read it!"

Jiang Siyan narrowed his eyes and glanced at her, "Jiang Jiu, why are you so childish?"

This childish man actually has the nerve to call her childish today!
Jiang Jiu rolled his eyes at him, didn't bother to pay attention to him, got up and went to find beer in the refrigerator, but Jiang Sixan didn't stop her.

After the three bottles were down, the drunkenness rose up little by little, Jiang Siyan grabbed the man's arm and walked inside. After all, it's not very safe for a drunk to stay on the balcony.

"Jiang Sixan, I find that you are sometimes very bad."


"And sometimes it's perfunctory to me."


"Look, you're okay!"

Jiang Sixan lifted Jiang Jiu's chin, curled his thin lips, and with a seductive smirk in his eyes, he leaned slightly and leaned into her ear, "Have you finished talking? Is it my turn?"

(End of this chapter)

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